鲁教版2020届九年级下学期英语第一次质量调研试题(II )卷.doc

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鲁教版2020届九年级下学期英语第一次质量调研试题(II )卷一、 单项填空 (共20题;共40分)1. (2分)Do you think Maths _ useful subject? A . is aB . is anC . are aD . are an2. (2分) Have you got any plans for the National Days? I am going to take aan in the Yellow Mountain.A . experimentB . communicationC . vacationD . punishment3. (2分)Frank is an independent boy. His parents are proud _ him. A . onB . toC . inD . of4. (2分)Except for working hard, we should give more attention to proper exercise and enough sleep. , health always comes first. A . For exampleB . After allC . So far5. (2分)- Anna, could you lend me this book, please?- Im sorry. I it for only two days, and I havent finished it yet.A . have boughtB . have hadC . boughtD . had6. (2分)Sonia, is this your dictionary?No, its not _. Ask Alan, Maybe it belongs to _.A . my; himB . my; hisC . mine; himD . mine; his7. (2分)Mr. Li is an interesting man. He often tells jokes to make us _ after class. A . laughB . laughingC . laughedD . to laugh8. (2分)Listen, a small group of children _ in the playground.A . talkB . talksC . is talkingD . are talking9. (2分) Mom, I was the first to reach the top of the mountain. Good job, Charlie. Im_ of you.A . tiredB . proudC . sureD . sick10. (2分)(2015黑龙江龙东)I dont know if Sam _ tomorrow.Dont worry. I will tell you as soon as he _.A . comes; will comeB . will come; comesC . will come; will come11. (2分)My father was preparing for his speech _ my mother was doing some washing last night. A . ifB . unlessC . whileD . until12. (2分)If you want to keep healthy, you should watch _ TV and exercise _. A . more; moreB . less; lessC . more; lessD . less; more13. (2分)- What did the teacher say to you?- He asked me _.A . why I look unhappy thenB . when did I go home last nightC . how could I solve the problemD . if I had got everything ready14. (2分)More than 70,000,000 sharks _ every year. Its really time for us to do something. A . killB . killedC . are killedD . were killed15. (2分)Can you help me _ my English? A . withB . ofC . learningD . about16. (2分)Have you found any information about the famous peopleyou can use for the report?Not yet. Ill search some on the Internet.A . whoB . whomC . whereD . that17. (2分)All the students _ know cheating in the exam is not allowed.A . needB . mayC . mustD . can18. (2分)Could you please tell me _? Well, I always write e-mails to my pen pals.A . how do you learn ChineseB . what is your pen pals hobbyC . what do you do after classD . how you improve your writing19. (2分)- Air pollution was the biggest problem in the _ in this city.- Yes. But now the people here are trying hard to make the air become better and _.A . past; wellB . past; betterC . present; betterD . present; well20. (2分) I want the red skirt. OK. _. A . Here it isB . Here is itC . Here you areD . Here are you二、 完形填空 (共2题;共25分)21. (15分) On a snowy evening, a rich lady was standing by the road. She was very worried. Her1had broken down. Just then a poor man named Robert came. He was on his 2back home from work as usual. The lady wondered, Is the man going to 3me? He looks very cold and hungry. But to her surprise, 4stopped and said with a smile, Can I help you, madam? After forty5, the car was at last fixed by Robert. The lady wanted to pay him. No, thats 6, madam. he said, I was just helping someone in7. If you really want to pay me back, I hope8you see someone in need, you should give him a hand. A few minutes later, the lady 9a shabby (破旧的)house by the road. She remembered Roberts words, so she stopped. The hostess(女主人) warmly asked her 10. The lady could see that was a11family and that they needed help. When the hostess was making tea in the kitchen, the lady12on a table 500 dollars and went away quietly. Robert came home later than before, thinking how 13their life was. His wife was pregnant(怀孕) and the baby was to be born the next month but there was not 14money. His wife went up to him, gave him a kiss and said softly, Dont worry, dear! Everythings going to be all 15.A stranger has helped us out. Lets always be ready to help others because helping others is helping ourselves.(1)A . bike B . motorbike C . bus D . car (2)A . step B . way C . road D . life (3)A . help B . save C . kill D . find (4)A . she B . he C . I D . they (5)A . days B . hours C . minutes D . years (6)A . nothing B . something C . everything D . anything (7)A . picture B . rain C . need D . danger (8)A . whatever B . whenever C . however D . whichever (9)A . saw B . heard C . smelt D . felt (10)A . out B . away C . in D . along (11)A . terrible B . sad C . rich D . poor (12)A . dropped B . forgot C . lay D . left (13)A . exciting B . hard C . happy D . interesting (14)A . many B . some C . enough D . few (15)A . right B . wrong C . glad D . well 22. (10分)Saving money gives you freedom. If you have enough savings you may be able to give up your job. I know a couple (夫妻) who saved up 1money that they were able to leave their 2for a year, and travel across the country. You could see the wonderful experiences they had 3they were able to enjoy that time together.Saving money is improving your 4life. It is important to realize that5 saving money now you will be able to do so many more things in your later years. You can retire early and spend time 6around the world. By saving money now, you will be able to do as 7things as you like and enjoy a good life.Saving money will bring you peace of mind. Every dollar that you have in the bank is a dollar, which stands between you and disaster. People who have savings are not 8when a car breaks down, or someone becomes sick. They know that they will be okay if they lose a job, and it takes time to find a new 9.Saving money sets an example for your children. By teaching your children to save money and plan for the future, you are in control of where you spend your money, and what you do 10it. It may be one of the most important ideas that you teach your children.(1)A . no B . little C . enough D . a little (2)A . jobs B . job C . country D . garden (3)A . so B . because C . or D . but (4)A . childrens B . whole C . future D . present (5)A . in B . on C . at D . by (6)A . travel B . traveling C . to travel D . travelled (7)A . many B . much C . more D . most (8)A . happy B . nice C . worried D . glad (9)A . ones B . another C . one D . other (10)A . by B . with C . in D . through 三、 阅读理解 (共5题;共44分)23. (10分) Once there was an old farmer, with a horse which was almost as old as himself. He set out one morning with his son to sell the horse before it died. Father and son walked, because the farmer did not want the horse to be too tired. They met two men on the road who said, Why are you walking, farmer? You have a horse, Its a long way to market(市场). The farmer know that this was true, so he rode on the horse, while his son walked. Then they met two old women, What are you doing up there, farmer? Cant you see how tired the boy is? So the farmer got down, and his son rode instead.Next, three old men stopped them, one said, Why are you walking, farmer? Get up, Its too hot for an old man like you to walk today, So the farmer got up behind his son, and they rode on. Some time later, a young woman passed them, Why arent you walking? she asked, It isnt far to the market. Give your poor horse a rest. So the farmer, and his son, got down once again. It is a fact that you cannot please all the people all the time.(1)The farmer wanted to sell the horse _.A . before it was deadB . before it become too tiredC . before it market was overD . before it was as old as he was(2)The two men on the road _.A . asked how far it was to the marketB . said they thought the horse looked very tiredC . asked why the farmer was not riding on his horseD . told the farmers son to get off the horse and walk(3)The two old women said it was wrong for _.A . the farmer to ride such a tired horseB . the farmer to ride while his young son walkedC . the boy to ride instead of his fatherD . only one person to ride such a long way(4)The farmer got up behind his son because _. A . the old man said it was too hot for him to walkB . the three old men stopped them on the roadC . he did not know why he was walkingD . his son could not ride the horse by himself(5)The young woman was most sorry _.A . for the old manB . for the farmers young sonC . that it was not far to the marketD . for the horse24. (10分)阅读理解Jane: Hey, Jill. Whos this big boy in the photo?Jill: Hes my uncle Leo.Jane: Whats that in his hand (手)?Jill: Its a soccer.Jane: Does he like soccer?Jill: Yes, he does. And he plays soccer well.Jane: Is he a soccer player?Jill: No, he isnt. He is a sports host (主持人). And he works in a TV station.Jane: What time is his TV show?Jill: From ten to eleven in the evening.Jane: Oh, its too late. I cant see his show. I usually go to bed at half past nine.(1)Leo is Jills _. A . friendB . brotherC . cousinD . uncle(2)Leo can play _ well. A . tennisB . soccerC . basketballD . ping-pong(3)Leo works in a _. A . sports clubB . middle schoolC . TV stationD . clothes store(4)Jane usually goes to bed at _ p.m. A . 8:30B . 9:00C . 9:30D . 10:00(5)Which of the following is TRUE? A . Leo works in the evening.B . Leo doesnt like his work.C . Leo is always late for work.D . Leos work finishes at twelve oclock.25. (10分)阅读理解You may know the English letters A, B and C, but do you know there are people called “ABC”? You may like eating bananas, but do you know there are people called “banana persons”? If you dont know, I will tell you about it. They are some Chinese people like you and me, but they arent in China. Why do people call them like that?If we call somebody an ABC person, we mean he or she is a Chinese but was born (出生) in America. Sometimes, people also call them “banana persons”. A banana is yellow outside and white inside. So if somebody is a “banana person”, he or she is “white” inside and “yellow” outside. By saying that, we mean he or she has yellow skin(皮肤) but does things in an American way. “Banana persons” were born in America and they live in America for a long time, so they think like Americans and do things like Americans. However, these people still have Chinese blood(血统). Their parents, grandparents or even great-grandparents are from China. They all have black eyes and black hair, so they look like us, Chinese people.There are many famous “banana persons” in America. They do very well in America and they are really great in their own fields.(1)From the passage, we can learn “ABC” means _. A . English lettersB . Peoples namesC . “banana persons”D . American bananas(2)What is a “banana person” like outside? A . An American.B . A Chinese.C . An Australian.D . An Englishman.(3)Why do “banana persons” do things like Americans? A . Because they have white skins.B . Because they have American blood.C . Because they were born in America and live there for a long time.D . Because their parents are Americans.(4)Which of the following is TRUE about “banana persons”? A . They live in China.B . They were born in China.C . They grew up in China.D . They think like Americans.(5)The best title(标题) for the passage is _. A . What Is a “Banana Person”B . A Great Persons Name Is ABCC . Great “Banana Persons”D . Great Chinese People in America26. (8分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项。BBelow are several posters about community matters for people:QIGONG Improve your health Relax your body and mind Exercise gentlyClasses open to Beginners The art of Qigong started inChina, thousands of years ago. 10 per classSaturday & Sunday afternoonsTel: 7564349Watercolorat Harbor HouseA fun place to learnhow to use watercolors!For adults only 8 per classIf you are 50 or over,its FREE!Mondays: 6:30pm-8:00pmThursdays:8:00am-10:00amTel: 8743236WEAWomen-only English classesWe hold weekly-Englishclasses for newcomersfrom other countries! Mondays 10:30am-12:30am Wednesdays 6:30pm-8:30pmFriendly and relaxed,all our classes are free!(Tel:9203346)Drop-In Social Clubat Cornerstone Community CenterTuesdays 7:00pm-9:15pm in the cafe (top floor)Fridays 3:00pm-5:00pm in the Green RoomProvides a warm welcome and safe place to meet new people practise and get help with speaking English do drawing and sports activitiesTel: 9652313Children are welcome to come with parents!Its free!The Community Sings!Tuesdays 7:30am-9:00amWeekly drop-in singing classstarts here Tues, 23rd Jan-Weds, 27th March 6 per classLearn about breading and vocal skills.Enjoy singing folk music and traditionalsongs in a friendly environment.Beginners are also welcome!Tel: 8908809(1)Which of the following says that parents could take their children along? A . Qigong.B . Watercolor.C . Drop- In Social Club. D . The Community Sings.(2)If an officer worker needs to improve his health at weekends, he should call _. A . 7564349B . 8743236C . 9652313D . 8908809(3)Who fits WEA best? A . One who enjoys working with others and making new friends.B . One who has a strong wish to be an English teacher in the future.C . One who has recently arrived and hopes to improve her English.D . One who is good at his spoken English and tries to help others.(4)What can a beginner learn in The Community Sings? A . How to take a deep breath.B . How to protect the environment.C . How to write a song.D . How to improve singing skills.27. (6分) In 1620, about half the USA was covered by forests. Today the forests have almost gone. A lot of good land has gone with them, leaving only sand. China doesnt want to copy the USAs example. Were planting more and more trees. Weve built the Great Green Wall of trees across northern part of our country. The Great Green Wall is 7,000 kilometres long, and between 400 and 1,700 kilometres wide. It will stop the wind from blowing the earth away. It will stop the sand from moving towards the rich farmland in the south. More Great Green Walls are needed. Trees must be grown all over the world. Great Green Walls will make the world better.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。(1)The Great Green Wall in China is _.A . 7,000 kilometers longB . 1,700 kilometers longC . 7,000 meters longD . 400 kilometers long(2)Trees must be grown in _.A . ChinaB . the USAC . some countriesD . every part of the world(3)Which of the following statements is not true?A . The Great Green Wall will stop wind from blowing the earth away.B . The Great Green Wall will make our life better.C . We dont need to plant more trees.D . The Great Green Wall will stop the sand moving towards the rich farmland.四、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)28. (5分)根据对语内容从方框中选择能填入空白处的最佳选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。A: I bought a new camera yesterday._B: Sure, of course!A: _B: Read some books on basic photography skills.A: What else?B: _Try to get more ideas from great photographers and their works.A: By the way, there are many articles about how to get great photos online. _B: I think so. _They can help you.A: Thanks a lot.B: Youre welcome.A. What should I do first?B. Do you think they are helpful?C. Where were these photos taken?D. When do you go out to take photos?E. You can also join a photography clubF. They are often written by photography lovers,G. Can you give me some advice about taking good photos?五、 阅读填空 (共1题;共5分)29. (5分)从方框中选择合适的句子补全短文(其中有一项为多余项)。 A. When you get angry, walk away from the problem and go somewhere else. B. It tells the students how to study well. C. Keep a record. Every time you get angry, write down why you are angry. D. It tells teenagers how to stay cool when bad things happen to them. E. It is just a bad habit, like smoking. F. Or when your best friend does not wait for you after school?Do you get angry when your friends sing loudly while you are trying to work? _If you do, you need to control your feelings and stop getting angry so easily. Getting angry with others can cause you to lose friends. Gary Egeberg, an American high school teacher, has written My Feelings Are Just Like Wild Animals to help you control your feelings. _. Getting angry is not a good way to act, the book says. _. The book says you can control your anger easilyall you have to do is to tell yourself not to be angry. The book gives many tips to help you if you get angry easily. Here are the top three:_ Look at it later, and you will realize you get angry too easily. Ask your friends to stop talking to you when you get angry. This will teach you not to be angry. Do something different. _六、 选词填空 (共1题;共5分)30. (5分)用所给词的适当形式填空 ( 5分 )begin listen be relax not likeTonnys work is interesting but kind of dangerous. Thieves_him and he _ six hours every day. He wants _an actor. He enjoys_ to the music. At the_ of this month,she is in France.七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)31. (5分)同学们,现在我们英语学科快进入复习阶段了,请你写出五个英语句子,根据自己的实际情况,制定一个英语学习计划。_第 22 页 共 22 页参考答案一、 单项填空 (共20题;共40分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、二、 完形填空 (共2题;共25分)21-1、22-1、三、 阅读理解 (共5题;共44分)23-1、23-2、23-3、23-4、23-5、24-1、24-2、24-3、24-4、24-5、25-1、25-2、25-3、25-4、25-5、26-1、26-2、26-3、26-4、27-1、27-2、27-3、四、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)28-1、五、 阅读填空 (共1题;共5分)29-1、六、 选词填空 (共1题;共5分)30-1、七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)31-1、

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