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鲁教版2020届九年级英语第一次模拟考试试卷(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)(2015.湖北襄阳)Its cold today. I cant stand it. I hope tomorrow wont be so _.I cant, either. But the radio says it will be even _ tomorrow.A . cold, coldB . cold, colderC . colder, colderD . colder, coldest2. (2分)_ you eat, _ you will be. A . The more; the fatterB . more; fatterC . Fatter; moreD . The fattest; the most3. (2分)Listen! .Oh,lets go to the classroom.A . There goes the bellB . Theres the bellC . There the bell goesD . The bell goes there4. (2分) _does Mary get up _school days? At 7: 00.A . What time; onB . What time; inC . What; onD . How; in5. (2分)How do you like the two pairs of shoes? They dont fit me. They are too big too small.A . not onlybut alsoB . neithernorC . eitheror6. (2分)Annie to the party. She had a wonderful time with us.A . invitesB . is invitedC . was invitedD . has invited7. (2分)Can you tell me ? A . how many pandas there are in the worldB . how many pandas are there in the worldC . how many there are pandas in the worldD . how many are there pandas in the world8. (2分)Being a professional singer is very difficult, but Ill never_ my dream. A . put upB . give upC . use upD . think up9. (2分)_ a good time we had at the school party last week! A . HowB . WhatC . WhenD . Where10. (2分)If he on time,we will go without him A . doesnt comeB . dont comeC . didnt comeD . comes11. (2分)(2016黄冈)I really want to relax myself.Could we see City Danger tonight?Sure!The actor _ a hero used to be a schoolteacher.I like him very much.A . who playB . which playsC . who playsD . that play12. (2分) _can you travel around the world on the Internet?In a day.A . How oftenB . How longC . How soonD . How much13. (2分)Dont worry about the new words. You can _in a dictionary. A . look up itB . look up themC . look them upD . look it up14. (2分)(2015江苏镇江)Does your aunt only have a piece of bread for supper? Yes. She eats a little . She looks slimmer than before.A . to save moneyB . to lose weightC . saving moneyD . losing weight15. (2分)Can you come to my party on Saturday afternoon? .Ill have to help my parents.A . Sorry, I cant.B . Yes, Id love to.C . Lets go.D . No, I dont think so.二、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)16. (15分) I sat down to read under an old tree in the park. I felt my life was 1, for my whole world was dark.A young boy ran up to me, out of breath. He stood 2before me with his head down and said 3, “Look what I found!” In his hand was a flower, and what a poor sight! The flower was dry and 4. I gave him a small smile and then turned my eyes away so that he could take his dry flower and go off to play.5, he sat next to my side and placed the flower to his 6and said in surprise, “It smells sweet and its beautiful, too. Thats 7I picked it. Here, its for you. ” The flower before me was dead. But I knew I must 8it, or he might never leave. So I accepted the flower, and replied, “This is just what I 9. ” Just then, for the first time I noticed that the boy could not 10he was blind.Tears (眼泪) came down my face as I 11him for picking the best one. “Youre welcome. ” he smiled, and then ran off to 12. I sat there and wondered how he was able to learn about my pain (痛苦).Through the eyes of a blind child, 13I could see the problem was not with the world; the problem was me. And for all those years I myself had been 14. I decided to see the beauty in life, and 15every second of my life. And then I held that dry flower up to my nose and breathed in the smell of a beautiful rose.(1)A . hopeless B . colourful C . simple(简单的) D . wonderful (2)A . just B . right C . straight D . along (3)A . dead B . fresh C . alive D . heavy (4)A . sadly B . strictly C . angrily D . excitedly (5)A . dead B . fresh C . alive D . heavy (6)A . So B . Or C . However D . And (7)A . head B . nose C . ear D . neck (8)A . how B . when C . where D . why (9)A . buy B . sell C . accept D . break (10)A . admire B . dislike C . want D . have (11)A . cry B . speak C . smile D . see (12)A . forgave B . thanked C . paid D . hated (13)A . at most B . at times C . at first D . at last (14)A . cheerful B . useful C . blind D . deaf (15)A . waste B . enjoy C . lose D . forget 三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共30分)17. (10分)(2015山东聊城)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个能回答所提问题或能完成所给句子的最佳选项。Ice Bucket Challenge(冰桶挑战) Come to Know and help A.L.S. People! People with A. L. S. (渐冻症) cannot move, but they can feel your care and love. To know them, you may join our Ice BucketChallenge activity. It is a very easy way. You can join this activity at Green City Park. What you should do is only to: 1. Fill up A bucket with ice water. 2. Pour(倒) all the ice water over yourself. 3. Tell us l-3 of your friends names for challenging them. After the challenge, you may also give out some money to help the A .L .S. people. This aciivity is from 11l:00 am to 3:00 pm every Sunday. If you want to get more information about this activity. you can: Call Mr. Brown at 3688990. Email to Smith8933660yahoo. com. cn. Visit Mr. Black at No. 3,the 5th Avenue.(1)The writer thinks it is to join the activity.A . impossibleB . easyC . boringD . difficult(2)What do the people with A. L. S. need to prepare for this activity?A . Buckets. B . Their friends names.C . Ice water.D . It isnt mentioned.(3)How often does this activity take place?A . Once a week.B . Three times a month.C . Five times a week.D . Eleven times a month.(4)What can you do to get more information about this activity?A . Call Mr. Brown at 3688990.B . Call Mr. Black at 8933660.C . Send an email to Mr. Black.D . Visit Mr. Smith at his office.(5)What is the purpose of the activity?A . To have fun with others. B . To save drinking water.C . To help the A. L. S. people.D . To sell ice and buckets.18. (6分)阅读理解Mr Stilwell looked out of his window. There was a boy at the other side of the street. The boy sat before a store and took some bread out of a bag and then began eating it.There was a very thin dog in the street too. The boy said to it very kindly. “Come here, good dog. Do you want a piece of bread?”The dog was very hungry and went to the boy, but he didnt give it any of his bread. Instead, he kicked (踢) the dog. It ran away and the boy laughed.Then Mr Stilwell came out of his house and said to the boy, “Do you want a dollar?”The boy was happy and said, “Yes, I do.”“Come here,” Mr Stilwell said. The boy went to Mr. Stilwell, but Mr Stilwell didnt give him a dollar. Instead, he hit him with a stick.The boy cried and said, “Why did you hit me? I didnt ask you for any money.”“No,” Mr. Stilwell said, “and the dog didnt ask you for any bread, but you kicked it.”(1)What did the boy do to the dog? A . He kicked the dog, then gave bread to it.B . He kicked the dog, then laughed at it.C . He gave the dog bread kindly.D . He gave the dog bread, then kicked it away.(2)What did Mr Stilwell do to the boy? A . He asked the boy to give some bread to the dog.B . He took the boy to his house and gave him money.C . He hit the boy with a stick and didnt give him any money.D . He gave the boy a dollar and then hit him with a stick.(3)What can we learn from the passage? A . We should never play tricks (捉弄) on others.B . Mr Stilwell was so bad to hit the boy.C . Mr Stilwell was the boys father.D . People in Western countries like dogs.19. (6分)阅读理解After that, we went on down the river. It was very dark that night and it wasnt easy to see where we were going. Suddenly, a big steamboat came at us very fast, and the next minute it was right over us. Jim and I jumped off the raft (木筏) into the water. The boat hit the raft and went on up the river.When I came up out of the water, I couldnt see Jim anywhere. I called out his name again and again, but there was no answer. “Hes dead!” I thought. Slowly, I swam to the side of the river and got out. I saw that I was near a big old wooden house. Suddenly a lot of very angry dogs jumped out at me. They made a terrible noise and someone called from the house, “Whos there?”“George Jackson,” I answered quickly. “Ive fallen off a river boat.”Well, the people who lived in that house were very kind, and they took me in and gave me some new clothes and a good meal. I told them that my family were all dead, so they said I could stay with them as long as I wanted. It was a beautiful house and the food was good there, so I stayed.A few days later one of the slaves in the house came to me and said, “Come with me!” Together, we went down to some trees by the river. “In there!” he said and went away.On the ground, I found a man, asleep. It was Jim! I was really pleased to see him. When the steamboat hit the raft, Jim told me, the raft didnt break up. Jim swam after it and caught it. Then he began to look for me.We decided to leave at once. Its all right living in a house for a little while, but you feel more free and easy and comfortable on a raft. (1)What happened LAST in the story? A . George saw a big house.B . George got some new clothes.C . George found Jim on the ground.D . George jumped off the raft into the water.(2)Why did George Jackson answer “quickly” when someone called from the house? A . George felt afraid and nervous.B . George felt happy and lucky.C . George really wanted to stay there.D . George didnt want to lie to him.(3)Which of these old sayings best fits this story? A . It never rains but it pours.B . Every dog has its day.C . Burn the candle at both ends.D . Many hands make light work.20. (8分)阅读理解 The GiraffeThe giraffe is the tallest modern land animal. It can be over 5. 5 meters tall. Its neck bone may be 1. 9 meters long. Yet the giraffe has only seven bones in its neck, the same number as in the human. Even a small bird has many more bones in its neck than in a tall giraffe. Each bone in a giraffes neck is very long, while the bones in a humans neck are small. That makes the difference. A female giraffe gives birth to one baby at a time. The baby, called a calf, is about 1. 9 meters tall at birth. By the age of eight it is full-grown. The giraffe can live for 30 years; the giraffe is good at running; it can run 30 kilometers per hour. The giraffe likes to live together, usually 710 a group. The giraffe eats mostly leaves. Because it has a long neck, it can reach the leaves high up on the trees. (1)How long can a giraffe live? A . 10 years.B . 30 years.C . 8 years.D . 7 years.(2)The number of the bones in a birds neck is_. A . as big as in a humans neckB . not so big as in a giraffes neckC . much larger than in a humans neckD . much smaller than in a giraffes neck(3)The baby giraffe is about_ at birth. A . 5.5 meters longB . 5.5 meters tallC . 1.9 meters longD . 1.9 meters tall(4)When a giraffe sees a tiger we can guess_. A . it will run away as fast as possibleB . it will run to eat the tigerC . it will make the tiger bring it something to eatD . it will bring some small animals for the tiger to eat四、 翻译 (共3题;共16分)21. (10分)补全短文Ben is my friend, he is popular in his class. He can_(弹奏)the piano very well and is ready to teach others to learn it . He likes playing basketball very much and sometimes cheers the _(运动员) of his favorite team on weekends with other fans.He thinks the _(交通)is very heavy and the air is not_(新鲜)any more, Its very dirty. So he usually_(骑) his bike to school, it takes him an _(小时) . When it rains, he has to take the underground to school. He says if _(每人)starts to do something right, the earth will be better in the_(将来).However, he is not _(小心的)with his school things when he is in a hurry. He always leaves homework at home on weekdays, that makes his teacher very angry . He _(承诺)that he will take his homework to school next week.22. (1分)The_(develop)of the Internet is changing the way to get information 23. (5分)我妈妈的话使我鼓起了勇气。(raise ones spirits) 五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)24. (5分)任务型阅读The lifestyle of families has changed because of science and industry(工业).More Americans used to live on farms, nearly each family had many children. In a farm family, parents and their children often lived with grandparents. Uncles and aunties often lived nearby, too. But when industry became more important than agriculture(农业)in American life, families became smaller, industry needs lots of workers. They must be ready and able to move off the land and move again whenever necessary. It isnt easier for large families to move from place to place as small families can. Today, more and more small families have appeared, smaller families may have no children and they may have only a man and a woman because keeping children is really hard work. It takes parents not only money and time, but also much more energy and makes young couples(夫妇)busy working, studying and enjoying their lives all day. They are probably not important in keeping children.Thats why the increasing of population in most developed countries are becoming more and more slowly, In China today, each family has only one healthy child because of one-child policy.In this way, the country can develop farther than before and young children can have more opportunities to get education and to find suitable jobs.(1)Did each family only have one child in the past?_(2)Why have the families become smaller and smaller?_(3)What may a smaller family have?_(4)Who did parents and their children use to live with?_(5)which countries population increases faster, developed countries or developing countries?_六、 短文填空 (共1题;共1分)25. (1分)The Yellow River is the second l_ river in China. 七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)26. (5分)根据表格所给信息,以Tina s Living Habits为题,写一篇70词左右的短文介绍一下Tina的生活。要求:把所给信息都用上,可适当发挥。 ActivitiesHow oftenGet up at 6:00AlwaysExerciseEvery morningRunThirty minutesEat vegetables and fruitEvery dayWatch TVOnce a weekEat junk foodNever第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)16-1、三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共30分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、18-2、18-3、19-1、19-2、19-3、20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、四、 翻译 (共3题;共16分)21-1、22-1、23-1、五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)24-1、24-2、24-3、24-4、24-5、六、 短文填空 (共1题;共1分)25-1、七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)26-1、


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