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冀教版2019-2020学年八年级上学期英语期中考考试试卷B卷一、 完形填空 (共1题;共1分)1. (1分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并把其标号填写在括号内。 Long long ago, there was a herd(群) of forest deer. In this herd was a wise and respected 1, tricky in the ways of deer. He taught the tricks and strategies of 2to the young fawns(小鹿).One day, his younger sister brought her son to him, to be taught 3is so important for deer. She said, Oh brother teacher, this is my son. Please 4him the tricks and strategies of deer. The teacher said to the fawn, 5, you can come at this time tomorrow for your first lesson.6, the young deer came to the lessons as he was 7to. But soon, he became more interested in playing with the other young bucks 8does. He didnt realize how dangerous it 9be for a deer who learned nothing but deer games. So he 10cutting classes. Soon he was playing hooky(逃学) all the time.11, one day the fawn who played hooky 12in a snare(陷阱) and was trapped. Since he was missing, his mother 13. She went to her brother the teacher, and asked him, My dear brother, how is my son? Have you 14your nephew(侄子) the tricks and strategies of deer?The teacher replied, My dear sister, your son was 15and unteachable. Out of respect for you, I tried my best to teach him. But he did not want to learn the tricks and strategies of deer. He played hooky! How could I 16teach him? You are obedient(顺从的) and faithful, but he is not. It is useless to try to teach him.Later they heard the 17news. The naughty fawn who played hooky had been 18and killed by an experienced 19. He skinned him and took the meat home to his family.Remember: 20can be learned from a teacher by one who misses the class.(1)A . leader B . student C . pupil D . teacher (2)A . survival B . running C . arrival D . travel (3)A . that B . what C . how D . it (4)A . learn B . study C . teach D . bring (5)A . How simple B . Very well C . Quite easy D . What a pity (6)A . At first B . For the first C . The first time D . Firstly (7)A . preserved B . thought C . supposed D . suspected (8)A . nor B . or C . but D . and (9)A . should B . could C . would D . must (10)A . started B . organized C . stopped D . liked (11)A . Generally B . Luckily C . However D . Unfortunately (12)A . flew B . caught C . stepped D . broke (13)A . fainted B . delighted C . shocked D . worried (14)A . returned B . brought C . taught D . sold (15)A . dishonest B . disobedient C . inconvenient D . unbelievable (16)A . possibly B . likely C . necessarily D . logically (17)A . unusual B . good C . sad D . popular (18)A . bought B . taught C . transported D . trapped (19)A . hunter B . researcher C . student D . settler (20)A . Anything B . Nothing C . Something D . Everything 二、 阅读理解 (共4题;共30分)2. (6分)阅读理解 I was born in Mississippi, America in the 1960s. When I was a five year old boy, I was badly ill and became disabled. I grew up knowing I was different. The first time I felt hurt and left out was in Grade Five. The other fourth and fifth graders played together in gym class, while I was put in the second grade gym class. Mom called the school to say it was unfair, but the school scolded me for complaining too much.In the 1980s, when my mom was giving birth to my sister, she died. My dad became even more distant. I was very sad and began drinking wine to ease the pain.Dad got remarried in 1985. Everyone went to his wedding except me. He told me to stay at home and watch the house. When my high school bail came around, I wanted to go out but wasnt allowed. When I graduated, my dad and step-mom werent willing to hold a party for me. They put me into a group home after graduation.However, my life changed when I became a local leader of the National Self-advocacy(自我辩护) Group. At first, I thought the group wasnt for me until I found out it was all about empowerment(授权) ! My goal is to be the voice for people who havent been heard and to help them. Many families, like mine, dont believe their disabled family members have a voice of their own.Looking back over my 16 years of leadership experience, Im proud that Ive helped so many disabled people. They should be encouraged to never give up and to follow their own way.(1)When the writer was in the fifth grade, he .A . was badly illB . felt left outC . studied with the second gradersD . complained too much(2)The underlined word scolded in Paragraph 1 probably means .A . punishedB . agreedC . celebratedD . suggested(3)According to the passage, the writer .A . was born disabled.B . didnt study well at schoolC . suffered a lot at his young ageD . was happy in his early life(4)The underlined sentence in Paragraph 3 means my parents .A . wanted me to enjoy life in a group homeB . were too poor to look after me by themselvesC . thought I was old enough to leave themD . didnt want to look after me any longer(5)We know that the National Self-advocacy Group is a(an) from the passage. A . organization that gives disabled people helpB . club that is organized by disabled peopleC . hospital which only treats disabled peopleD . school that helps to deal with the disabled kids(6)According to the passage, we can infer the writer will . A . change his life againB . feel always left outC . become a local leaderD . still go on his way3. (8分)阅读理解James William comes from America. People call him “Big Cat” because hes two meters tall. He is famous because he plays for the Chicago Bears, an American football team . American football is different from European football . American football players need to be big and strong , so James needs to eat a lot .Every day James has three big meals . For breakfast ,he has orange juice , fruit , bread , milk , eggs and cakes. For lunch , he has fish , meat ,vegetables and ice cream. He loves ice cream best.In the evening he has his big meal, tomato soup, pork and beef, potatoes, chicken, rice and his favorite chocolate cakes.But that isnt everything , James also eats between meals, bread, hamburgers, sweets and two or three bars of chocolates.(1)James come from _. A . USAB . UKC . FranceD . Canada(2)He eats_ between meals. A . Bread, eggs, milk, fruits and orange juiceB . Rice , potatoes, chicken and tomato soupC . Bread, milk, eggs, cakes and vegetablesD . Bread , sweets, hamburgers and chocolates(3)According to the passage, which of the following is true ? A . He only eats three meals.B . He is good at playing basketball.C . He eats different kinds of food.D . He likes bread and chocolate cakes best.(4)James eats a lot because _. A . hes two meters tall and he is very strongB . he likes eating and playing football every dayC . he wants to be a famous player two years laterD . American football players should be big and strong.4. (8分)阅读理解CPliny the Elder (老普林尼) wrote the first encyclopaedia with the help of his nephew. This work was made up of 37 books and had many subjects such as anthropology(人类学) and painting. Through the following few centuries, encyclopaedias were connected to religion (宗教). The first Christian edition appeared in 560 AD, and the first Muslim volume came to light soon after.One of the longest encyclopaedias ever was produced in 1403 when The Yongle Encyclopaedia永乐大典appeared in China. It had 11,095 volumes. Most of the original work has been lost .through the centuries, and people can see less than 400 volumes today. The word encyclopaedia coming from Greek means a general knowledge. It has been .in use for at least 500 years.In the 20th century, the Encyclopaedia Britannica became the most well known western work of this type. At the same time, topical encyclopaedias became the most popular, covering different topics. At the end of the century, many publishers began to publish them in digital formats such as Compact Discs (CDs) and Digital Versatile Discs (DVDs).(1)How many books did the first encyclopaedia have? A . Thirty-seven.B . Twenty-seven.C . Thirty-eight.D . Seventeen.(2)When did The first Christian edition appear? A . In 37 AD B . In 560 ADC . Before 37 ADD . Before 560 AD(3)Where was the word encyclopaedia from? A . Chinese.B . English.C . German.D . Greek.(4)Which of the encyclopaedias began to be the most popular in the 20th century? A . The Yongle Encyclopaedia.B . Topical encyclopaedias.C . The Encyclopaedia Britannica.D . The first Christian edition.(5)The passage is about_. A . the history of encyclopaediasB . the kinds of encyclopaediasC . one of the longest encyclopaediasD . the most popular encyclopaedia5. (8分)阅读下面短文:客观题请从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。Bath, 97 miles west of London, is the largest city in Somerset, England. It became a World Heritage Site in 1987.The city got its name from the Roman Baths, which was a place for public bathing in Roman Britain. The water there is naturally heated under the ground. Today visitors are no longer allowed to enter the water. However, the exhibitions there will tell you the history of the Roman Baths. You can see many ancient Roman objects, including the coins that were thrown into the water to show respect to the goddess.Looking over the city, you will see many old buildings in the color of honey. Among them, the Royal Crescent and the Circus are the most famous. The Royal Crescent is a row of 30 houses in the shape of crescent. The Circus is about 200 meters to the east of the Royal Crescent. It is a huge circle formed with large townhouses. It is divided into three parts of the same length by three entrances with a lawn in the center. When visiting Bath, you cant miss these two sites.The museums in the city are also popular. You can go and appreciate western paintings. If you are interested in the English writer Jane Austen, you can go to Jane Austen Center to know more about her life with her father in Bath. If you come in October, you can even take part in the bath film Festival.(1)The passage is mainly about the _ in Bath. A . writersB . paintingsC . festivalsD . buildings(2)According to the passage, what can visitors do in the Roman Baths? A . Take a bath.B . Play in the water.C . Enjoy ancient coins.D . Buy ancient Roman objects.(3)Which of the following is correct about the Royal Crescent and the Circus? A . B . C . D . (4)Bath is a city _. A . where Jane Austen once livedB . that got its name from the heated waterC . where a film festival is held all year roundD . that has been a World Heritage Site for 21years三、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共3分)6. (3分)阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容回答问题。Its a rainy Saturday. Mary and her family are spending the afternoon at home. Her uncle and aunt are visiting them.Marys father, Mr Harris, and her uncle and aunt are in the living room. Her father is drawing a picture and her uncle and aunt are watching the news on TV. They are also talking.Marys elder brother, Peter, is in his bedroom playing computer games. He is a computer fan and he spends much time playing on the computer. His younger brother, Jim, is also in the living room. He is playing with his model cars.Marys mother, Mrs Harris, is in the kitchen preparing food for all of them. She is making some hamburgers and orange juice.Mary is talking to her friends, Lucy and Tom. They are from another town and want to draw pictures and play with Mary.Fluffy, the family cat, is sleeping on the kitchens sofa. He is a lazy cat. Fluffy eats a lot, and he is a really fat cat.回答下面5个问题,每题答案不超过8个词。(1)What is the weather like?_(2)How many people are there in Marys house?_(3)Where is Marys mother?_(4)Who is Mary talking to?_(5)Why is Fluffy fat?_四、 根据下列句子及所给汉语注释, 写出空缺处各单词的正确形式 ( (共10题;共10分)7. (1分)Guo Jingming is f_as a writer. Lots of people like him. 8. (1分)My _ (年纪较长的) brother lives in France and younger one lives in London. 9. (1分)He _ (睡过头) this morning because he stayed up last night. 10. (1分)Deserts are the _ (最干燥) places in the world. 11. (1分)Can you open the bag a_?Yes12. (1分)He is my English_(老师). 13. (1分) Is _ (大家)here now? Yes, Miss Yang. 14. (1分)Did she sing some English s_at the party last night? 15. (1分)Our special _(客人) tonight are our teachers and parents. 16. (1分)Hes awful. I cant s_him.五、 选词填空 (共1题;共1分)17. (1分)There is nothing in the big box, so you can l_ it easily. 六、 短文填空 (共1题;共1分)18. (1分)I dont like dogs because they may_(引起)a lot of trouble 七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)19. (5分)根据下列提示,介绍一下你在学校的情况。一个人的成长离不开亲人的陪伴,朋友的支持。他们都给了我们许多的关怀与帮助。让我们怀着一颗感恩的心,以“My( )”为题,讲述一位令你难忘的人。要求:1用一般现在时简要描述人物的外貌和性格特点;2.用一般过去时简要描述对你的关怀与帮助。第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、 完形填空 (共1题;共1分)1-1、二、 阅读理解 (共4题;共30分)2-1、2-2、2-3、2-4、2-5、2-6、3-1、3-2、3-3、3-4、4-1、4-2、4-3、4-4、4-5、5-1、5-2、5-3、5-4、三、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共3分)6-1、6-2、6-3、6-4、6-5、四、 根据下列句子及所给汉语注释, 写出空缺处各单词的正确形式 ( (共10题;共10分)7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、五、 选词填空 (共1题;共1分)17-1、六、 短文填空 (共1题;共1分)18-1、七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)19-1、

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