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外研版初中英语七年级上册期末复习(题型专练):任务型阅读B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 任务型阅读 (共10题;共50分)1. (5分)请阅读下面这篇文章,根据所提供的信息,完成信息卡。 On October 28, 2018, a serious traffic accident happened in Chongqing. A bus and a red car collided(碰撞) at the second bridge of the Yangtze River. The bus ran out of control on the bridge and crashed into the river. All 15 passengers and the driver in the bus were killed.At the beginning of the accident, many people doubted that the red car was going the wrong way, causing the bus to fall into the river. Others guessed that the accident was caused by the drivers sudden illness. However, a few days later, based on the black box saved from the scene of the accident, together with the traffic records, the police announced the truth.Before the bus reached the bridge, a female passenger had a quarrel with the bus driver because she missed her station, but the driver refused to stop the bus. So they got into a fight. Because the speed was very high, the bus was out of control.People from all walks of life paid more attention to the accident and expressed their opinions. Some people think the woman passenger made the trouble without reason. She was regarded as the chief culprit(罪魁祸首). She shouldnt argue with the driver. Some people think drivers shouldnt fight with passengers and they should keep calm and put the passengers safety first at any time. As for the other passengers, they failed to dissuade(劝阻) them in time. Maybe they didnt know the result would be so serious.Nowadays, hundreds of people die or get injured(受伤) on the roads every year in China. In my opinion, all of us should follow the rules and put the safety in our heart.Information CardThe date when the traffic accident happened_The number of people who were killed in this accident_The thing that was saved from the scene of the accident_The city where the accident happened_The person who was regarded as the chief culprit in the accident_2. (5分)有五位同学正在看下面的布告栏,请根据他们的不同情况,判断他们对哪个布告感兴趣。 ASchool Trip No.1 Middle School has a great school trip this Friday. Welcome to join us! You can have fun! Date: April 16th Place(地方): Yellow Stone Park Please call Mr Brown at 6809718.B Tonys Birthday Party! Tonys 13th birthday Time: 7: 00 pm, July 13th Place: Tonys home Tel.3924812CLost: My pencil case. Blue and white. Please call Tom at 4608700.DFound: Is this your notebook? Please call John at 4953456.E Sale Computer: 1 year old Good Price: $55 Call Peter. Tel: 8845226.(1)Jack finds a pencil case. Its blue and white. (2)Alice wants to go to Tonys birthday party on July 13th. (3)Eric doesnt have a computer. He needs one. (4)Frank likes school trips very much. He thinks they are relaxing (5)Grace lost her notebook. She is sad. 3. (5分)根据短文内容,从下列选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有一项为多余选项。 A. They exercise.B. Happiness makes you creative.C. We dont have time to look around.D. Instead, they focus on meaningful relationships.E. When you sleep, your brain restarts and cleans itself.No one wakes up feeling happy every day. Very happy people are not different. They never stop trying to be happy. Here are some of the habits of happy people.They slow down.Sometimes we think too much. _ Happy people know how to enjoy the taste of their meal, enjoy the worlds colors, even just step outside to enjoy fresh air._Getting your body moving for as little as 10minutes can make you happy. Happy people exercise regularly and follow through on it because they know it will help them get in good mood (情绪) and stay in good mood.They spend money on other people.Research shows that spending money on others makes you much happier than spending it on yourself. This is especially true of small things that show effort, such as going out of your way to buy your friend a book that you know he or she will like.They get enough sleep._ Your energy, attention and memory all go down when you dont sleep well. Happy people make sleep a first thing of all.They have deep conversations.Happy people know that happiness and depth go hand-in-hand. They avoid saying mean things about people. _ They talk with others on a deeper level, because they know doing it feels good and is an interesting way to learn.4. (5分)从方框中选择最佳选项完成对话,有两项多余。 A. I will live in space. B. What will you do there? C. Oh, I think life will be better. D. I will take a spaceship(宇宙飞船)to get there. E. Will you have a good time there? F. Maybe everyone will enjoy this life there. G. Will there be banks, schools and shops?A: What do you think your life will be like in ten years? B: _A: Where will you live? B: _A: How will you get there? B: _A: Will life be interesting there? B: Yes, I think it will be more interesting. A:_B: Of course there will be. I think the supermarket will have all kinds of things and we can take anything for free. A: _B: I agree. People will have a happy life there. 5. (5分)用方框中所给的选项补全对话(有两个多余选项)。 A. I do my homework.B. I like playing table tennis in the park.C. I get up at 6:00 in the morning.D. I dont do my homework in the morning.E. What about you?F. Lets start now!G. What a busy day!A: Hi, Wang Li. What time do you get up on Sunday?B: _A: So early?B: Yes. _A: I get up at 9:00.B: Oh! Then what do you do?A: _B: _ I do it in the evening.A: What do you like doing on Sunday?B: _6. (5分)补全对话 A. Well take it. B. What can I do for you?C. How do you like itD. How much is it?E. What do you like?F. Im looking for a coatG. Here you are. Forty poundsAAssistant BMother CAliceA:_.B:_for my daughter. A:Here, madam. Here are clothes for young people. B:That coat looks nice. Do you like it, Alice?C:No, I like green better. A:Green? Heres a green one. C:_, Mom?B:It fits you well. B:(To the assistant) _.A:Its cheap. Only thirtyeight pounds. B:OK, well take it. _.A:Thank you. Here is your change. Bye. B:Bye. 7. (5分)根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有两个为多余选项。 A: Hi, Dave. _B: Hey, Helen. I just arrived home. A: You were staying at the Lake Side Hotel, werent you?B: Thats right. A: _B: Yeah. I was very pleased with it. A: What about the service there?B: _A: Then what was your room like?B: _A: Thats nice. _B: Thats good. You, U feel comfortable there. A. The service was excellent. B. It was nice and quiet. C. Youve come back from the lake area! D. Was it expensive to live there?E. Im thinking of staying there for my holiday too. F. Was that a good place to stay?G. There are nearly 200 rooms. 8. (5分)补全对话(方框中有两项是多余的) A. Welcome to my home!B. What does your mother do?C. Nice to meet you too.D. He is a manager in a hotel.E. No, I cant.F. Can you teach me to do it?G. Yes, I can.(M=Mary;Z=Zhang Li)M:Hello. Nice to meet you. Z:_My name is Zhang Li. Im from Shanghai. Im twelve years old. Can you speak Chinese, Mary?M:_But I can speak English well. Z:I can speak Chinese and English well. Can you swim?M:No, I cant. My mother can swim. Z:_M:She works at a hospital. She is a doctor. Z:My mother is a doctor too. M:Really? Is your father a doctor?Z:No, he isnt. _And he can play the piano very well. M:Your parents are very great! I hope to visit them some day. Z:_9. (5分)补全对话 A. I like his films very much. B. Can I see his film with you next time?C. Wu Jing stars(主演) in the film. D. When did he marry?E. You know a lot about him. F. I went to the cinema to see an action film. G. He played in many action movies. A:Good morning, Bill. You look tired. What did you do last night?B:_A:Whats the name of it?B:Wolf War. A:Oh, I know it. _B:Yes. Wu Jing is very famous in China now. A:Youre right. _ He knew a lot about kung fu. B:Wow! _A:Of course! Im his fan. He is my favourite film star, and I collect a lot of films about him. B:Great! I also like his films. _A:No problem. 10. (5分)选用方框里的句子补全对话,其中有两项为多余选项。A. Many customs are different from ours.B. I lived with an English family.C. But I dont like living there.D. I stayed there for about half a year.E. I had a good time there.F. I couldnt understand much at first.G. Ive just come back from London.A: Hello, Lucy! I havent seen you for a long time.B: Hello, Mike! _A: How long did you stay there?B:_A: How do you feel about staying in London?B: Everything was strange at first. _A: Oh, I think your English must have improved a lot.B: Of course. _A: Who did you live with there?B: _A: Thats great! Oh, my mom is calling me. Id better go.B: See you later.第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、 任务型阅读 (共10题;共50分)1-1、2-1、2-2、2-3、2-4、2-5、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、

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