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人教版2020年中考二模试卷(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分)The “Chinese Dream” is _ dream to improve peoples happiness and _ dream of harmony, peace and development.A . the; aB . a; aC . a; theD . the; the2. (2分)Tom is _ building a new factory in the city. It will pollute the water. A . forB . againstC . disagreeD . agree3. (2分)Excuse me! _ you Mr. Green?Yes. My name _ Jack Green.A . Are; amB . Is; amC . Is; areD . Are; is4. (2分) Who her father? He must by that policeman.A . saved; be savedB . saved; saveC . is saved; be savedD . save; be save5. (2分)Im looking forward _ to London. I want to take lots of photos there. A . to goB . goC . to goingD . going6. (2分)Amazing news! The Shape of Water won four Oscars this March!I just cant wait it in the cinema.A . to watchB . watchC . watchingD . to watching7. (2分) Her uncle _ to New York now, he _ there twice. Hell be back tomorrow. A . has gone, has beenB . has been, has beenC . has gone, has goneD . has been, has gone8. (2分)I used to _. But now I get used to _ doing everything. Im successful at last. A . give up; keepingB . giving up; keepingC . giving up; keepD . give up; keep9. (2分)(2015黑龙江牡丹江)We are making plans _ gifts to sick children in the hospital and raise money for homeless people.A . to hand outB . hand outC . handing out10. (2分) Congratulations! Youve got a chance to be an exchange student! _A . Thank you.B . I agree.C . Of course.D . Good luck.二、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)11. (15分)完形填空。Jennie sat at her window as usual, looking out upon the street, with a look of sadness on her face, “what a long day this is going to be!”Then she saw a little boy running down the street, swinging his schoolbag. Looking up to the window, he took off 1hat and bowed with a bright, pleasant smile.“What a nice 2 , ” said Jennie to herself, as the boy ran out of sight. “It seems like having the sunshine. I wish everybody who goes by would look up 3smile.George, the little boy, told his mother about that 4girl when he got back home, “she looks so helpless. I wish I could do something for her.”“Why not give her some 5?”said his mother. George agreed.The next morning, as Jennie 6at the window again, she saw George with a handful of beautiful flowers carefully picking his way across the street. He stopped in front of her window, smiling pleasantly, and said, “can I come in?” Jennie told him 7to get into the house. Opening the door to Jennies gentle “come in”, George said, “Ive brought you some flowers.”“Are they for me?”said Jennie 8. “How kind you are,” she continued, as George put the flowers on her lap. Ive 9received any flower since we moved to the town.”“Did you live in the countryside?”asked George, 10the old, small and empty room.“Yes,” said Jennie.Jennie used to have a happy family and live in a beautiful house in the countryside. However, she lost her right leg in an accident. She 11walk like other people any longer. Later, her father died, and her mother was sick 12so many years that their money was all gone. They sold the house, and moved here to get work to do.George told his parents 13. They decided to help her. More and more people in the 14gave Jennie friendly smiles when they passed by her house. She was greatly cheered up. A few months later, Jennie and her mother 15a flower shop. People could always see Jennie sitting in the shop, having a lovely smile on face.(1)A . her B . his C . your D . my (2)A . house B . door C . smile D . schoolbag (3)A . and B . but C . as D . or (4)A . rich B . lucky C . bad D . poor (5)A . money B . flowers C . clothes D . food (6)A . danced B . cried C . sat D . laughed (7)A . how B . who C . when D . why (8)A . angrily B . easily C . sadly D . happily (9)A . never B . usually C . always D . sometimes (10)A . looking for B . looking around C . looking like D . looking after (11)A . shouldnt B . neednt C . couldnt D . mustnt (12)A . for B . in C . at D . on (13)A . something B . anything C . everything D . nothing (14)A . countryside B . town C . village D . city (15)A . reached B . left C . closed D . opened 三、 阅读理解 (共2题;共20分)12. (10分)For ChildrenMuseum: Childrens Museum, Sundays, 89 North Street, 67641235Story time: Childrens Library, 106 Green Street, Wednesdays during 9:30 a.m -5:00p.m. 66599624Sports: Football Club, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 16 Yangtze Road, 96725643Basketball Club, Wednesdays and Fridays, 79071632Cinema: New films for children, 99 Brick Road, 69001354Useful Phone NumbersFast Food Restaurant: 66387901Hospital: 68787451Visitor Information Center: 800-120-9847Taxi: 79210583Visitor Hotel(宾馆) Information: 800-739-7302(1)Its Friday afternoon, you can go to_ .A . visit the museumB . play footballC . play basketballD . read childrens stories(2)If children want to watch new films, they should go to_.A . 16 Yangtze RoadB . 89 North Main StreetC . 106 Green StreetD . 99 Brick Road(3)If you dial (拨号)66387901, you can _.A . ask for some hotel informationB . do some shoppingC . have a good story timeD . get fast food in a restaurant(4)Lilys father is ill, She should dial_.A . 800-120-9847B . 79210583C . 68787451D . 96725643(5)You can not get any information about_ from the two noticesA . looking for a hotelB . doing eye exercisesC . eating fast foodD . taking a taxi13. (10分)根据材料内容选择最佳答案。Hi, my name is Li Tong. Im from a big city. My parents are doctors in a hospital. Im in Class 1. Mr Mus class. He is a Chinese teacher. My favourite subject is history. I like reading history books in the library. On Saturday, I play basketball with my friend Su Qi. Fish is my favourite food.Hello, Im Su Qi. Im from the farm near the city. My parents are farmers. Im in Class 3. Miss Bis class. She is a maths teacher. English is my favourite subject. I can see a lot of vegetables on the farm. So I like reading the books about vegetables. Noodles are my favourite food.(1)Whats Li Tongs favourite subject? A . History.B . Chinese.C . Maths.D . English.(2)Su Qis father is a . A . teacherB . managerC . doctorD . farmer(3)Li Tong and Su Qi like . A . vegetablesB . booksC . footballD . fish(4)Whats Su Qis favourite food? A . B . C . D . (5)Which of the following is TRUE? A . Li Tong is from the farm.B . Li Tongs mum is a farmer.C . Su Qi is in Miss Bis class.D . Su Qi is in the library on Saturday四、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)14. (5分)信息归纳Memories about TeachersRecently we made a survey (调查)and asked a large number of people to tell us about their teachers. Here is what they remembered about their teachers:What teachers do I remember? Well, I remember my first teacher. She was so kind and pretty, and she told us many interesting stories.I remember an English teacher . he always had colored socks: red, green, even orange,I remember a math teacher. She was always dressed very well. I couldnt stop looking at her. I wanted to be like her.Our chemistry teacher. He was so strict. We were afraid of him. I dont think he liked us.The physics teacher was so boring. He could make us fall asleep very quickly.One year we had a really good Chinese language teacher. He was very patient and told very funny stories. He was popular with all the class. We always worked hard for him. We are his friends,The P.E. teacher always said I was stupid. I thought teachers should give us encouragement. I am not interested in sports because of him.I had one history teacher who always wore clothes of the same color. In three years I never saw him change.I remember two teachers well. One was my music teacher who was very active, and usually had a loud voice. The other was my computer teacher, who was very serious, but here ally helped me when I had problems at any time.Information CardNumber of all the teachers that are mentioned_Reason why the students were afraid of the chemistry teacher_Personality (性格)of the Chinese language teacher_Expectation (期待)of the student for the P. E. teacher_The teacher who had a loud voice_五、 补全短文 (共1题;共10分)15. (10分)阅读下面的短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。 Mrs. Davis isnt very happy. She is sick and now she cant hear _ (something).She is very worried because she _ (have) a little daughter to look after. The little girl is only seven _ (month) old. When her daughter cries (哭), Mrs. Davis cant hear her. _ can she do? Who can help her? She would like someone _ (help) her._ (luck), Mrs. Davis gets Banjo then. Banjo is _ lovely dog. He is two years old and the white hair makes _ (he) look very clean. He can help people. How does the dog help Mrs. Davis? When the little girl cries, Banjo runs to Mrs. Davis and rises (直立) on its back legs. Banjo also tells Mrs. Davis when the telephone is _ (ring) or when someone is in front of the door. He can help Mrs. Davis _ lots of things.Mrs. Davis is happy now because Banjo can help her. What a smart and helpful dog Banjo is!六、 阅读短文,判断正误 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分)阅读理解Frank is my brother. He is twenty-one years old. He is a waiter. He works in Green Restaurant. He works very hard. And he is kind to people. So his boss Mr. Green likes him very much. Every weekend he always gets some money from his boss. But Frank isnt happy because he doesnt like his job. He thinks its boring. He likes singing. He sings very well and he can sing songs in English. So he wants to be a singer. He likes Jay Chou best and he likes his English song Thousands of Miles Apart.(1)Mr. Green is _. A . a waiterB . a bank clerkC . the boss of Green RestaurantD . a singer(2)Frank always gets some _ from Mr. Green on weekends. A . delicious foodB . clothesC . moneyD . work(3)Frank thinks his job is very _. A . busyB . dangerousC . boringD . exciting(4)Frank doesnt like _. A . his bossB . Jay ChouC . singingD . his job(5)Which of the following is NOT true? A . Frank doesnt work hardB . Jay Chou can sing English songsC . Mr. Green likes FrankD . Frank wants to be a singer七、 阅读短文,回答问题 (共1题;共5分)17. (5分)任务型阅读Question: Im 15 and Ive been having trouble sleeping at night. It usually takes me 2 to 4 hours to get to sleep._I cant focus on my lessons at school. Please help me!Answer: If you are a person who doesnt regularly get a good nights sleep, you are not alone._Here are some tips for helping you get a good nights sleep.Keep regular hoursBy keeping regular hours your body and mind know what is coming up and can start to prepare for you to sleep._If you cant go to bed at a regular time, then make sure you get up at a regular time. So after a late night you wake up tired, and it forces you to go to bed earlier._I know, you hear this about everything from heart health to losing weight, but exercise really does do you a world of good. However, dont do it too close to going to sleep. It is better to do it about an hour after dinner.Relax before going to bed _In fact, when you lie down to go to sleep, your mind is going to be thinking about the programs you have been watching. Instead, take just 20 or 30 minutes before bed to read or sit, anything that gets you to slow down and gives your mind a rest!A. Take some exercise.B. And I usually get about 4 or 5 hours sleep in a day.C. It also means you can get in regular number of hours each night.D. Many people suffer from sleep problems.E. You may think that watching TV before you go to bed is a good way to relax.八、 根据短文,翻译句子 (共1题;共10分)18. (10分)英汉互译。在图书馆对面_在邮局与学校之间_在这附近_on Center Street_在银行前面_next to the hospital_pay phone_ post office_沿着走_ 时光飞逝!_九、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)19. (5分)假如你是韩斌,请你根据以下提示,给你的英国朋友吉尔(Jill)写一封电子邮件,告诉她你们学校在暑假期间对学生在安全方面的要求。提示:小心用火用电;不去河里或湖里游泳;不在马路上玩耍。要求:电子邮件内容须包含所有提示信息;80词左右,可适当发挥。电子邮件的格式 已给出,不计入总词数。参考词汇:安全safety 电electricityDear JillYours,HanBin第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共10题;共20分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)11-1、三、 阅读理解 (共2题;共20分)12-1、12-2、12-3、12-4、12-5、13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、13-5、四、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)14-1、五、 补全短文 (共1题;共10分)15-1、六、 阅读短文,判断正误 (共1题;共10分)16-1、16-2、16-3、16-4、16-5、七、 阅读短文,回答问题 (共1题;共5分)17-1、八、 根据短文,翻译句子 (共1题;共10分)18-1、九、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)19-1、

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