鲁教版2020年新目标英语中考复习:语法综合检测(一)(II )卷.doc

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鲁教版2020年新目标英语中考复习:语法综合检测(一)(II )卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择 (共35题;共70分)1. (2分) There was one-hour interview with the super football star C. Ronaldo on CCTV 5 yesterday evening. Yes. C. Ronaldo shared a lot of his experience during interview.A . a; theB . the; theC . a; anD . the; an2. (2分)- Whose bag is this?- It is _.A . TonyB . TonysC . TonysD . Tony is3. (2分)(2015.山东东营)We cant make a sandwich without .A . breadB . onionsC . yogurtD . tomatoes4. (2分)_of our classmates are good at basketball.A . Three quartersB . Three fourthC . Third fourD . Third fourth5. (2分) Do you need an apple or a pear? _, I really dont mind. A . BothB . NoneC . EitherD . Neither6. (2分)How do you feel now after the long hiking?Id like nothing but to sleep for _ more hours!A . fewB . a fewC . littleD . a little7. (2分)-_ run in the hallways.-Sorry.A . PleaseB . DoC . DontD . Does8. (2分) _brave Lin Tao is! Yes, he helped his neighbour, Mrs Sun, out of fire.A . How aB . WhatC . What aD . How9. (2分)We were dancing _ they were singing. A . and ifB . withC . whileD . that10. (2分)Its important us learn English well. A . for;toB . of;toC . for;inD . of;in11. (2分)(2015.山东滨州)Your parents love you very much _ they seldom say“I love you”.A . unlessB . orC . soD . although12. (2分)Would you like _ basketball with us?Id love to. I enjoy _ basketball very much.A . playing; to playB . playing; playingC . to play; playingD . to play; to play13. (2分)How was the food in the town? Terrible, we still had a good time there. A . orB . soC . butD . because14. (2分)The baby is always crying. He be hungry.A . cantB . mustC . shouldD . would15. (2分)Tom is eight years old and hes old enough to _ himself.A . wearB . dressC . put onD . be in16. (2分)She cant wait_ her grandmother. A . seeB . to seeC . seeingD . saw17. (2分)Oh, my God! I cant find my key to the office.Dont worry. Perhaps it_ in your home.A . leftB . has leftC . was left18. (2分)My brother was _ playing the piano and dreamed of being a great musician. A . interested inB . bored withC . angry withD . tired of19. (2分)_ the early bus, he often gets up early. A . CatchB . To catchC . CatchingD . Catches20. (2分)Of all the drinks, tea is in the world. It has over 5, 000 years of history in China.A . olderB . the oldestC . oldD . very old21. (2分)Tom is eight years old and hes old enough to _ himself.A . wearB . dressC . put onD . be in22. (2分)- _ will he come back?- In two hours.A . How soonB . How longC . How oftenD . How far23. (2分) The students must hand in their term papers in a week, _? No, they_.A . neednt they; mustntB . mustnt they; mustntC . mustnt they; needntD . shouldnt they; should24. (2分)_ have you lived in Binzhou?For about ten years.A . How soonB . How oftenC . How longD . How much25. (2分)At the party, Lucy _ as a pirate to make us _. A . dressed up; laughB . dressed up; to laughC . dressed on; laughD . dressed on; tot laugh26. (2分)Mum, why is Dad easy to get angry these days?I think he has _ work pressure(压力).A . too muchB . too manyC . much tooD . many too27. (2分)Which is more useful, reading or writing?I think _ of them are useful.A . eitherB . bothC . allD . each28. (2分)I can hardly believe my eyes. Is that you, Lucy?Yes. It has been almost 20 years_ we were together.A . sinceB . beforeC . afterD . until29. (2分) Whats he famous for? His painting.A . well-knownB . popularC . friendly30. (2分)His parents wouldnt let him marry anyone family was poor.A . thatB . whichC . whoseD . of whom31. (2分)Mr. Smith our school next year. A . will visitB . visitsC . was visitingD . visited32. (2分)Could you tell _it is from your home to your school?Its about fifteen minutes ride.A . how longB . how oftenC . how farD . how soon33. (2分)Look! Many people _the buses at the bus stop.A . wait forB . waited forC . will wait forD . are waiting for34. (2分)I do not doubt _ win in the race.A . whether he willB . whether will heC . that he willD . that will he35. (2分)Its reported that Notre-Dame de Paris (巴黎圣母院) _ in April 2019. A . was burntB . is burntC . be burnt二、 填空题 (共2题;共11分)36. (10分)用所给词语正确形式填空The boy _ (take) to hospital at once after he fell off the tree.Its hard to give up _ (smoke), but you have to. Would you mind _ (close)the window? Its raining outside. Tom stopped _ (play) with Bob when Bob came to visit him.I _ (stay) at home and sleep all day if there is no class tomorrow.John _ (chat) with his son while his wife was cooking in the kitchen. I dont think students should _ (allow) to go out on school nights.Yesterday was the _ (hot) day of the year.The policeman said that he _ (see) a Young Pioneer help an old woman cross the road the day before.You _ (keep) the book for two weeks, and yougive丿d better return it to the library now.37. (1分)Cindy _ likes hamburgers. (real)三、 句型转换 (共1题;共3分)38. (3分)There is a place of interest in my hometown.(改为复数句) There_of_in my hometown.第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共35题;共70分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、30-1、31-1、32-1、33-1、34-1、35-1、二、 填空题 (共2题;共11分)36-1、37-1、三、 句型转换 (共1题;共3分)38-1、

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