鲁教版中学2019-2020学年八年级下学期英语期中考试试卷(II )卷.doc

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鲁教版中学2019-2020学年八年级下学期英语期中考试试卷(II )卷一、 从下面每小题的A,B,C三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳 (共8题;共16分)1. (2分)Im sorry, Mr. Chen, I _ my English book at home.Thats OK. But dont forget _it to school tomorrow.A . forget; to takeB . left; to bringC . forgot; to bringD . left; to take2. (2分)The teacher smiled at me. I knew that he was my grades.A . sorry forB . satisfied withC . angry withD . friendly to3. (2分)A _ is an agreement you make with someone in business. A . meetingB . promiseC . deal4. (2分)Our school sports meeting will be _ because of the heavy rain yesterday. A . put onB . put downC . put offD . put up5. (2分)一 Tony is still in bed. He may miss the school bus.一 Last night he late to write the report of his survey.A . stayed upB . woke upC . got upD . gave up6. (2分)Can you _ me how to _this word in English? A . tell, speakB . talk , speakC . tell, sayD . talk, say7. (2分)Sometimes , they _each other a sport . A . teachB . taughtC . teachesD . teaching8. (2分) How do you usually go to work, Jim? I _ ride a bike, but now I _ walking there to lose weight.A . used to; used toB . used to; am used toC . am used to; used toD . am used to; am used to二、 从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,使句子通顺、 (共7题;共14分)9. (2分) Has Jane done the washing yet? You cannot her to do such a thingA . wantB . hopeC . expectD . wish10. (2分)Nowadays, people can get a lot of on the Internet.A . informationsB . informationC . message11. (2分) If you cannot go, hell go instead of you. Thats OK.A . in place ofB . as well asC . in place12. (2分)How will we sell more products?We need to come up with more _ ideas.A . awfulB . creativeC . meaninglessD . embarrassing13. (2分)Dad, I was the first to reach the top of the hill.Good job, Tom. Im _ of you.A . confidentB . successfulC . creativeD . proud14. (2分)Its an English class. Please dont _ Chinese.A . sayB . talkC . tellD . speak15. (2分)- Have you finished your work _?Yes, Ive _ finished it.A . just; alreadyB . yet; neverC . yet; alreadyD . already; yet三、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分) Hello! My 1is Mammon. I 2a girl. I wear (穿着) a nice jacket. Its 3 is blue. I like it. I have a new classmate(新同学). He is a 4. His name 5Jim Miller. His6name is Jim. He wears a 7, too. It is white. I ask(问) him a 8, “Whats 9telephone number?” His 10is “2953374 ”. Mr. Huang is my English teacher. He is a good teacher.(1)A . number B . family C . card D . name (2)A . am B . is C . are D . be (3)A . number B . color C . card D . name (4)A . girl B . pen C . case D . boy (5)A . am B . is C . are D . be (6)A . last B . family C . first D . English (7)A . ruler B . quilt C . jacket D . watch (8)A . question B . answer C . list D . card (9)A . my B . his C . your D . her (10)A . question B . answer C . list D . card 四、 阅读理解 (共5题;共48分)17. (10分)阅读下面短文,从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。A Concert (演唱会): Music-Man Huo Li Quan Kai (Leehom Wang) Time: 7.30 p.m., April 4th Tickets: 180-2012 yuan Phone number: 400-810-7910 Place: Beijing National Stadium Bus: No. 386, 656, 737, 804 Opera (歌剧): Red River Valley Time: 7.30 p.m., May 4th Tickets: 80-480 yuan; VIP: 580 yuan Phone number: 010-51663755 Place: National Grand Theatre Bus: No. 1, 4, 22, 52 Ballet (芭蕾舞): The White-Haired Girl Time: 7.30 p.m., June 1st Tickets: 150, 200, 280 yuan Phone number: 010-51662663 Place: Peking University Hall Bus: No. 332, 718, 808 Stage play (话剧): Feng Hua Jue Dai (by Liu Xiaoqing) Time: 7.30 p.m., April 15th Tickets: 180, 280, 380, 480, 680 yuan Phone number: 400-610-3721 Place: Poly Theatre Bus: No. 113, 115, 118(1)If you want to go to Leehom Wangs concert, you should go to _. A . Poly TheatreB . Peking University HallC . National Grand TheatreD . Beijing National Stadium(2)According to the posters above, you can call _ to buy a ticket to see an opera. A . 400-810-7910B . 010-51663755C . 400-610-3721D . 010-51662663(3)If you want to buy two tickets to The White-Haired Girl, you should pay at least _. A . 280 yuanB . 300 yuanC . 400 yuanD . 560 yuan(4)If you want to see a stage play, you can take the No. _ bus. A . 52B . 804C . 118D . 718(5)Which of the following is NOT true? A . Music-Man Huo Li Quan Kai is on April 4th.B . The price of Red River Valley for VIPs is 580 yuan.C . You can take the No. 332 bus to the Peking University Hall.D . You can see the actress Liu Xiaoqing in The White-Haired Girl.18. (8分)阅读理解BThomas Edison lit up the world with his invention of the electric light. Without him, the world might still be in the dark at night. However, the electric light was not his only invention. Nearly every two weeks, he created something new.Thomas Edison was born in 1847. He attended school for only three months. His mother taught him at home, but he was mostly self-educated. He started trying out his new ideas at a very young age.When he was 12 years old, he got his first job. He became a newsboy on a train. He did experiments on the train in his spare time. Unluckily, his first work experience didnt end well. He was fired when he accidentally set fire to the floor of the train. Then Edison worked as a telegraph operator (电报员) for five years, but he continued to spend much of his time creating things until the vote recorder (投票计数器), his first invention, came in 1868.Thomas Edison was nearly deaf in one ear, but he never minded. Because of this, he could have more time for work. He always worked 16 out of every 24 hours. Sometimes his wife had to remind him to eat and sleep. Thomas Edison died at the age of 84. He left many inventions that greatly improved the quality of life all over the world.(1)Who taught Edison mostly in his life? A . His mother.B . His wife.C . No one but himself.D . A telegraph operator.(2)How old was Edison when he had his first invention? A . 12.B . 17.C . 19.D . 21.(3)Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A . Edison was able to do all his jobs well enough.B . Edison was one of the worlds greatest inventors.C . Edison was creative enough to invent so many things.D . Sometimes Edisons wife had to remind him to eat and sleep.(4)How do you feel about Thomas Edison? A . He was serious.B . He was humorous.C . He was unlucky.D . He was hard-working.19. (10分) I have an American friendHer name is LilyThis is a picture of her new schoolLook! There are six floors(层)in the teaching buildingThere are fifteen classrooms on every floorIn the school,there are 3,200 students and 300 teachersThe teachers offices are behind the classroomsThe dining hall is next to the teaching buildingLily often has lunch thereAfter lunch she often has a talk with her friendsIn front of the dining hall is a libraryIts a good place to read booksLily gets to school at 7:40 a.mThe first class begins at 8:00 a.mShe has four lessons in the morning and two in the afternoonThere is a big gym behind the dining hallAfter school,Lily likes going swimming thereThe school is big and nice,and Lily likes it very much(1)How many classrooms are there in the teaching building?A . SixtyB . SeventyC . EightyD . Ninety(2)What does Lily like doing after school?A . Playing basketballB . Going swimmingC . Talking with her friendsD . Reading books(3)Where is the school library?A . Its behind the classroomsB . Its next to the officesC . Its in front of the dining hallD . Its behind the dining hall(4)What does the word“begin”mean in Chinese?A . 开始B . 结束C . 休息D . 计划(5)Whats the best title(标题)of the passage?A . My American FriendB . Lilys Good FriendsC . My Favorite SchoolD . Lilys New School20. (10分)Dear Jenny,Gary is having a potluck party after Month Exam! He invites all of us to come! Since it is a potluck party, I think I will bring some beef noodles. As I know, Lily will take care of the drinks and Gina will bring a big homemade chocolate cake. Can you ask your mom to buy us some KFC fried chicken? You know it is too far for all of us to ride a bike there, but your mom often drives there. We can pay the bill together. Just think about how surprised our classmates will feel when they see what we prepare! Isnt it great?The party will start at noon on March 25, so be sure to be at Garys place around 11:30 to prepare for the party. By the way, dont forget to invite Amy, who is good at music. If you have any other questions, just call me or write me back.Take care!Leo(1)Who will take fried chicken to the party?A . LeoB . GaryC . LilyD . Jenny(2)There will be at least(至少)_ of them for the party, besides Amy.A . 5B . 6C . 7D . 8(3)What does the underlined word “potluck” mean?A . A meal cooked at home for some celebrationsB . A free meal served by a church(教堂) for childrenC . A meal served in a restaurant at special timeD . A meal where guests bring food to share(4)Why does Leo ask Jennys mom to buy fried chicken?A . Jenny lives close to the restaurantB . He is afraid of spending much moneyC . It is far away for them to ride to buy itD . He is busy preparing for the exam(5)According to the e-mail, which is TRUE?A . Gina is having a potluck party.B . The party will start at 11:30C . Jenny has to pay for the fried chicken alone.D . Amy was invited to go to the party.21. (10分) Having Fun “Growing” and “Stealing”?Recently, an Internet game has become a new fashion among young office workers and students. People can “farm” on a piece of “land” and “grow”, “sell” or even “steal” “vegetables”,”flowers”, and “fruits” on the Net. They can earn some e-money and buy more “seeds” , “pets”, and even “houses”.Joyce interviewed some young people. Here are their opinions.Harold: I dont quite understand why they are mad about the childish game. Maybe they are just not confident enough to face the real world.Allan: I enjoy putting some “bugs” in my friends gardens and weve become closer because of the game. Having fun together is the most exciting thing about it.Laura: You know, people in the city are longing for (渴望) the life in the countryside. It reduces my work pressure (压力) ; besides, it gives me the exciting experience of being a “thief ”.Ivy: Well, its just a waste of time. Teenagers playing the game spend so many hours on it that they can not focus on (专注于) their study.(1)According to the passage, people cant things in this game.A . growB . borrowC . steal(2)Among the people Joyce interviewed, likes the game while dislikes the game. A . Laura; AllanB . Allan; HaroldC . Ivy; Allan(3)From Lauras words, we can guess that she is most probably .A . a studentB . a thiefC . an office worker(4)Which is NOT the reason why people like the game?A . They can have fun with friends.B . The game can relax people and give them a new experience.C . They are confident enough to face the real world(5)Where can you find this passage?A . In a newspaper.B . In an advertisement.C . In a science book.五、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)22. (10分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词或括号内的单词的正确形式)。Speaker1: As for me, I have made up my mind to be a teacher. I choose to do so mainly_three reasons. Firstly, I want to teach because I like the pace of academic calendar. Two long vacations offer me _opportunity for relaxing, research and writing_, I want to teach because I like the freedom to make my own mistakes, to learn my own lessons, to encourage myself and my students. And I can have the opportunity to keep on learning. Finally, I want to teach because being around the students who are beginning to grow and change in front of me, I will grow and change with them too. But teaching is not easy at all. I must study harder_(get)more knowledge. And, at the same time, I will make every effort to purify my soul so that I can become an engineer of _(man)soul.Speaker2: My dream is to be a doctor. As a doctor, I am supposed to help anyone who needs help. though they are poor. I will do them a favor as possible as I can .I know that people with disease need to _(take)good care of .they feel more lonely than us .Therefore, I would like to give them a warm hug and cheer them up to overcome the_(ill) . I believe that if we all treat them as our friends .the world will be_(good) .Lets try our best to change the world to achieve our dreams.Speaker3: I like playing the piano and Im good at it. so I want to become a piano player. Playing the piano is very interesting. and you can learn something of music. Piano can make you like music. I _(begin) to play the piano when I was ten years old. I used to practice it for hours every day. I hope when I grow up , I can hold a concert _(success). Becoming a piano player is a hard job. but I believe I can make it. 六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)23. (5分)“保护环境, 人人有责”, 你想成为一名绿色使者吗? 请行动起来吧! 其实, 环保就在我们身边。请以“How to be a greener person”为题, 写一篇短文。内容包括: 1.骑自行车或坐公交车上学; 2.节约用水、用电、用纸; 3.回收玻璃、塑料和废纸; 4.自拟2点。注意: 1.词数90左右。短文的题目和开头已写好, 不计入总词数。2.短文须包括所有要点, 不要逐词翻译, 可适当发挥, 使短文连贯、通顺。3.短文中不得出现真实的人名、校名等相关信息。How to be a greener personIts our duty to protect the environment around us.第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、 从下面每小题的A,B,C三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳 (共8题;共16分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、二、 从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,使句子通顺、 (共7题;共14分)9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、三、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16-1、四、 阅读理解 (共5题;共48分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、20-5、21-1、21-2、21-3、21-4、21-5、五、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)22-1、六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)23-1、

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