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北师大版2019年七年级下学期英语期中考试试卷D卷一、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)1. (10分)根据短文理解,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最佳一项填空。Last week I read a report on a charity show. The aim of the show was to1 money for the poor children who were out of school 2 their families didnt have 3 money for their children.Many famous pop stars 4 the charity show, such as Jackie Chan and Lin Junjie. The stars didnt5 any pay (报酬). They did that for free. There were a lot of performances, including singing and dancing. The audience were6 excited that they clapped their hands (鼓掌) from time to time. Of course, the show was 7.All the people followed the 8 examples. They gave their money to the charity show. Both the ticket money and the donated money would be sent to the poor areas and some of the poor children would get back to school.Now many charity shows9in our country, not only to support education in poor areas but also to help people in trouble. I hope the whole world will become more and more beautiful10 peoples help.(1)A . pay B . raise C . give D . spend (2)A . but B . so C . because D . and (3)A . too many B . enough C . much too D . many (4)A . join B . take part in C . took part in D . joined (5)A . ask for B . hand out C . worry about D . cost (6)A . very B . such C . so D . quite (7)A . important B . successful C . tiring D . boring (8)A . stars B . stars C . stars D . audiences (9)A . are held B . hold C . are holding D . are giving (10)A . under B . with C . without D . by 二、 阅读理解 (共4题;共40分)2. (10分)阅读理解Julias father, Mr Green is 40 years old. He has two brothers and three sisters. Julias mother, Mrs. Green is a farmer. She has two brothers and two sisters. Julia has a brother, his names Ben. Look! Ben is on the sofa. Julia is on the chair. Ben likes sports.He has basketballs and footballs.Julia doesnt like sports, she likes reading books.(1)Julias family name is_. A . BenB . GreenC . Julia(2)Whats her fathers job? A . A workerB . A farmerC . Sorry, I dont know.(3)Julia has_uncles and_aunts. A . 2 , 3B . 2, 2C . 4, 5(4)Who is on the sofa ? A . Ben.B . Julia.C . Mr Green(5)How many people are there in Julias family. A . Two.B . Three.C . Four.3. (10分)阅读理解Dear Xia Yu,Do you know that there are two special days for parents in America? One is Mothers Day on the second Sunday of May, and the other is Fathers Day on the third Sunday of June. On these two days, American children often give gifts to their parents or take them out for lunch or dinner. Common gifts are flowers and cards for mothers and shirts or ties for fathers. I heard that it is becoming more and more popular to celebrate Mothers Day and Fathers Day in China. I wonder if children over there also give similar gifts to their parents. I believe that there are many ways to show our love. Actually, we dont have to spend a lot of money. Its also a good idea to help parents to do something instead.(1)What are two special days for parents in America? A . Mothers and Fathers DayB . the Labor DayC . Halloween(2)When is Mothers Day? A . on 8th, MayB . on 12th, MayC . on the second Sunday of May(3)What gifts do children give their parents on Mothers Day? A . moneyB . flowers and cardsC . beautiful clothes(4)Are there Mothers Day or Fathers Day in China? A . Yes, there are.B . No, there arent.C . Its not mentioned.(5)How do we celebrate Mothers Day or Fathers Day? A . eat outB . give them more moneyC . help them to do something4. (10分) Do you know how to play a game called Musical Chairs? It is easy to play and most people enjoy it. All you need are some chairs, some people and some way of making music. You may use a piano or any other musical instrument, if someone can play it. You may use a tape recorder. You can even use a radio.Put the chairs in a line. The chairs may be put in twos, back to back. A better way is to have the chairs in one row with each chair facing in the opposite direction to the chair next to it.The game is easy. When the music starts, the players walk round the chairs. Everyone goes in the same direction, of course, they should walk in time to the music. If the music is fast they should walk quickly. If the music is slow, they should walk slowly.The person playing music cannot see the people in the game. When the music stops, the players try to sit on the chairs. If a person cannot find a chair to sit on, he drops out. Then, before the music starts again, one chair must be taken away. When the music stops again, one more player will be out.At last, there will be two players and one chair. The one who sits on the chair when the music stops is the winner.(1)If ten people are playing musical chairs, you must begin with _.A . nine chairsB . ten chairsC . eleven chairsD . one chair(2)Which of the following is not suitable for playing musical chairs? _.A . A pianoB . A radioC . A tape recorderD . A telephone(3)The chairs should be put _.A . with the desksB . before the winnerC . all over the roomD . in a line(4)When the music starts, the players must _.A . run about the roomB . get downC . walk around the chairsD . sit on the chairs(5)Which of the following statements is NOT true?A . The game Musical Chairs is not difficult to learn.B . The game Musical Chairsneeds some chairs, some people and some music.C . The winner sits on the last chair when the music stops.D . If the person plays music, he can see the people in the game.5. (10分) Jessie felt her life so boring one summer day. She was so tired of watching TV, she read all her books, and her friends were on vacation. She wanted something different to do. Suddenly, she saw the lawn mower(割草机) sitting in the yard.“ Mom,” she shouted, “ I think I will mow the lawn.” Her mom ran into the yard and said, “ Oh no, you dont. Youre too young to mow the lawn.”Im fourteen years old and know how to do it,” Jessie said, “ Besides, it would help Dad out, and he wont have to worry about it over the weekend.”Mom thought for a while and then decided to let Jessie give it a try. After all, she was home and would keep an eye on her. Jessie already knew how to start the lawn mower from watching her dad. Jessie checked the gas(汽油) to make sure it was full, and put on her gardening gloves to protect her hands. Mom watched from the kitchen window. Jessie really does know how to mow the lawn. She was very careful around the flowers and trees. When she finished, she felt so good,but she was so hot. Mom brought her some ice tea and said, “You sure did a great job. Dad will be very surprised.”Later that day, Dad came home and said to Jessies mom, “You didnt have to mow the lawn. I was going to do it on Saturday. It looks great. Thanks.”I didnt mow it. Jessie did.”“Wow,our little girl is growing up!” Dad told Jessie what a great job she had done.“It was fun, and I will do it again next week,” said Jessie.The neighbor next door came by and asked Jessie if she wanted to mow his lawn and make some money. “Sure!” said Jessie. Jessie began mowing his lawn. Two other neighbors asked so, then another three. Jessie was now mowing lawns for them all and making some money. She was no longer bored! “I wont have time to spend my money,” she laughed to herself.(1)In order to do something different, Jessie decided to _.A . read the booksB . travelC . mow the lawnD . watch TV(2)What does “keep an eye on” mean?A . 保护B . 注视C . 培养D . 瞄准(3)Bofore Jessie mowed the lawn, she _.A . washed her handsB . bought some gasC . read some instructionsD . put on her gloves(4)How did Jessies father feel when he knew Jessie had mowed the lawn?A . ProudB . AngryC . RelaxedD . Worried(5)What does the text mainly tell us?A . Neighbors should learn to help each otherB . Mowing the lawn is a good way to make money.C . Doing something helpful can make people happyD . Children should help their parents at an early age.三、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)6. (5分)补全对话。A. You are welcome. D. How far is it from here?B. Turn left at the first crossing. E. Where is the bus stop?C. Thank you very much. F. Can I take a bus there?A: Excuse me, sir. Where is the museum?B: Go along this street _The museum is next to the bank.A: _B: Its only about twenty minutes on foot.A: I see. _B: Yes, you can. The No. 8 bus will take you there.A: _B: The bus stop? Oh, its over there. Look! The bus is coming.A: _四、 单词拼写 (共5题;共31分)7. (10分)根据短文内容和括号内所给汉语意思,写出空白处各单词的正确形式(每空一词)。 Most of the traditional arts in China are _(影响) by history and peoples _(每天的) life. Cloth tiger is one of them. The cloth tiger has been popular since the ancient times of China. And people still _(传播) it to each different part of China today. It is a cloth-made toy with strong _(本地的) color. During the Dragon Boat Festival, it is popular to make the cloth tiger for children to bring them health and keep them strong. Most of them are _(制作) by the clever country women. They have created different-shaped cloth tigers with different _(材料). These cloth tigers usually wear yellow or red cloth. They have large bodies and small lambs, and look very _(生气勃勃的).People believe that a cloth tiger in the house can keep the _(整个的) family safe, so it is also _(广泛地) called Tiger for Protecting House. And it is a good present to _(亲戚) and friends.8. (10分)阅读下面短文.然后根据括号内所给汉语意思写出单词的正确形式(每空一词)。Curt Von Badinski is an engineer of a company in San Francisco. _ (然而),his home is in Los Angeles, which is 770 _ (英里)away from his workplace, so he has to take a plane work and back.Every workday morning, von Badinski gets up at 5 a.m. for the 15-minute drive to the airport. After_(停放)his car, he goes straight to take the plane. After a 90-minute flight, he _(着陆)at Oakland Airport and drives to his company. The _ (整个的)trip takes him about 3 hours.Von Badinski pays the airline 2,300 dollars monthly so that he can fly_ (自由地)at any time to and from San Francisco.Flying to work every day is not _ (容易的)for von Badinski because he can only sleep five hours every night, but he believes_ (没有什么)could be more important to him than his family. He had thought about several ways to solve the problem,_ (包括)moving his family to San Francisco, but none of them worked.The six-hour round trip shows that I have the_ (能力)to have all the things I want. he explains. I am always excited to start a new day9. (1分)For us students, we must be strict with _(我们自己) in study. 10. (5分)A)根据语境及所给汉语提示语写出所缺单词。 (1)Lots of_(扇子)are on sale in that shop(2)Toby is a friendly_(人)He has many friends(3)My brother is good at making planes_(用)paper(4)Mary likes talking part in all kinds of_(活动)at school.(5)Please help e put these books on those_(架子).11. (5分)根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。Mrs. Hands kid is only eight m_old.Today is my sisters birthday, so I want to have a p_for herWhen is our English speech c_?Ms King is Peters m _teacher. She sings very well.Whats the d_today? Its February 25th.五、 语法填空 (共5题;共5分)12. (1分)He plays computer games three _(time) a week. 13. (1分)_(lucky), his second mother was very kind to him.14. (1分)The books on the shelf are that _. (visit) 15. (1分)Mr. and Mrs Brown has got three daughters._one is 14 years old. (old) 16. (1分)She is a well-know _ and social activist .(poem) 六、 选词填空 (共1题;共9分)17. (9分)选择方框内的短语并用其适当的形式填空power station, washing machine, at least, come back, be important to, take the medicine, on time, switch on, make sure(1)Mr. Green is attending a meeting in Paris now. He will _ in 5 days. (2)David caught a cold and _ three times a day. (3)I prefer washing clothes by hand to washing clothes with a _. (4)We wont go to the park because of the rain. _ everyone knows it. (5)The electricity is off because the storm damaged the _. (6)Its too dark in the room. Please _ the light. (7)I want to go on holiday next Monday, for _ a week. (8)Eating more vegetables _ your health. (9)It is snowing heavily. I am afraid I cant get to the train station _. 七、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)18. (5分)CountryCapitalLanguage(s)IndiaNew DelhiHindi and EnglishCanadaOttawaEnglish and FrenchRussiaMoscowRussianEgyptCairoArabicSingaporeSingapore CityMalay, Chinese, Tamil and English根据上面的表格用一个或两个词完成下面句子:_f you go to , maybe some people can understand you._Egyptians speak ._If you go to , you must learn Russian well._The capital of Singapore is ._From the form(表格), we can see that is the most important language.八、 翻译题 (共6题;共22分)19. (5分)昨天我们未能踢足球,因为西蒙忘了带足球。We _ play football yesterday _ Simon _ _ _ a football.20. (1分)这本英语书属于汤姆。The English book_ Tom.21. (4分)现在该吃午饭了。_have lunch _.22. (5分)她对打篮球没有兴趣。(have no interest in)23. (2分)我们必须找个合适的地方停放我们的小车。We must look for a _ place _ our cars.24. (5分)接近一半的学生参加了活动。(close to) 九、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)25. (5分)假如你是王刚, 你的美国笔友迈克给你发来电子邮件询问你们学校在暑假期间对学生的要求。请你根据以下要点给他回一封电子邮件。50词左右, 可适当发挥。电子邮件的格式和开头已给出, 不计入总词数。要点: 按时完成作业; 不打架; 不去河里游泳; 不在马路上玩耍。提示词: 危险的dangerous 马路roadDear Mike, You ask me about the rules we have to follow during the summer vacation. Now let me tell you some of them.Yours, Wang Gang第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)1-1、二、 阅读理解 (共4题;共40分)2-1、2-2、2-3、2-4、2-5、3-1、3-2、3-3、3-4、3-5、4-1、4-2、4-3、4-4、4-5、5-1、5-2、5-3、5-4、5-5、三、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)6-1、四、 单词拼写 (共5题;共31分)7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、10-2、10-3、10-4、10-5、11-1、五、 语法填空 (共5题;共5分)12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、六、 选词填空 (共1题;共9分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、17-6、17-7、17-8、17-9、七、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)18-1、八、 翻译题 (共6题;共22分)19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、九、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)25-1、

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