2019春六年级英语下册 Unit 1《I went to Sanya for my holidays》课件2 人教精通版.ppt

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2019春六年级英语下册 Unit 1《I went to Sanya for my holidays》课件2 人教精通版.ppt_第1页
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2019春六年级英语下册 Unit 1《I went to Sanya for my holidays》课件2 人教精通版.ppt_第3页
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Unit1IwenttoSanyaformyholidayslesson1 Lesson3 一般过去时态 什么是一般过去时 动词的一般过去时态表示过去发生的动作 情况或存在的状态 行为动词 即实义动词 的过去式没有人称和数的变化 所有时态都是通过动词变化来表现的 I 12yearsoldthisyear 我去年11岁 I 11yearsoldlastyear He inBeijingnow 他昨天在上海 He inShanghaiyesterday 他现在在北京 Pleaselookatthesentences 我今年12岁 am was is was They inChinatoday 他们今天在中国 They inJapanyesterday 他们昨天在日本 are were am is was are were 每天 早餐我吃鸡蛋和牛奶 I eggsandmilkforbreakfasteverymorning 昨天 早餐我吃面条 I noodlesforbreakfastyesterdaymorning 他每天都吃水果 He fruiteveryday 昨天他吃了3个苹果 He 3applesyesterday have has had have has had had Igetupat6 30everymorning I upat9 00lastSunday Heplaysfootballeveryafternoon He basketballyesterdayafternoon Hedoeshishomeworkeveryevening He somereadinglastnight 动词原形 第三人称单数 动词过去式 got played did Theydon twatchTVintheevening They TVlastnight Shedoesn tplaybasketballafterschool She basketballafterschoolyesterday Doyougotoschoolonfooteveryday you toschoolonfootyesterday Doeshegotoschoolbybuseveryday he toschoolbybusyesterday don t doesn t do does didn t did didn twatch didn tplay Did Did go go 谓语构成 1 动词be2 动词have has3 助动词do does4 行为动词用过去式 was were had did 一般过去时以动词的过去式来表示 没有人称和数的变化 was were除外 Iwenttoschoolyesterday Theywenttoschoolyesterday 一般过去时的谓语构成 由动词的过去式构成 参看书本 规则变化1 一般加ed 2 以e结尾加d 3 末尾只有一个辅音字母的重读闭音节词 先双写这个辅音字母 再加ed work worked change changed prefer preferred stop stopped 4 以辅音字母加y结尾的词 先改y为i 再加ed study studied 5 不规则变化 见不规则动词表P102 规则动词过去式 ed的发音 1 在以清辅音结尾的规则动词后 ed读作 t work w3 k ed t 2 在以浊辅音或原音结尾的规则动词后 ed读作 d play pleI live lIv ed d ed d 3 在以 t 或 d 结尾的规则动词后 ed读作 Id visit vIzIt ed Id finishedenjoyedshoutedmoved helpedwantedcalledneeded t d Id d d t Id Id 1 在过去某一时间内发生的动作 Hegothomeatteno clocklastnight 2 表示过去经常或反复发生的动作 常与often always等表示频度的间状语连用 Ioftengotupveryearlyatthattime 用法 3 表示已故人所做的事情 ComradeLeiFengdidgooddeedsinhislife 雷锋同志做了一生的好事 4 表示过去所发生的一系列的动作 而这一系列的动作是从现在的角度来考虑的 不是从动作相互之间的关系这一角度来考虑的 MissLiugotupatseveno clockthismorning dressed hadbreakfast andwenttowork 1 与ago连用 amomenttwominutesthreehoursfivedaysoneweeksixmonthsfouryears ago 用于一般过去时的时间状语 last timenightweekmonthtermMonday yesterday morningafternoonevening thedaybeforeyesterday 2 与last连用 3 与yesterday连用 4 与one连用 one morningeveningdayMondayafternoon 5 与that连用 that morningwinterdayyear justnowintheolddaysinthosedaysin1980theotherdayatthattimeonceuponatime 6 其他时间状语 行为动词一般过去时的否定式 一般过去时的否定式是在动词原形前加助动词didnot didn t 主语 didn t 动词原形 I themthenews I tell themthenewsyesterday didn ttell told 行为动词一般过去时的疑问式 一般过去时的一般疑问式在句首加助动词did Did 主语 动词原形 They finish theirworkatfour 一般疑问句 they theirworkatfour Yes they No they finished Did finish did didn t 行为动词一般过去时的疑问式 一般过去时的特殊疑问式 疑问词 did 主语 动词原形 Theyfinishedtheirworkatfour A B 对划线部分提问A B Whatdidtheydoatfour Whendidtheyfinishtheirwork T 注意 1 外加助动词did后 动词须返回原形 Didhewenttoschoolyesterday Didhegotoschoolyesterday F 2 简略回答用助动词did didn t代替行为动词 Didhefindtheboyyesterday Yes hedid No hedidnot didn t 1 look2 live3 stop4 go5 hope6 trip7 call8 eat9 want10 are 11 go12 have13 do14 gete16 say17 see18 put19 read20 take looked lived stopped went hoped tripped called ate wanted were went had did got came said saw put read took 写出下列动词的过去式 21 buy22 sing23 hear24 make25 find26 break27 think28 fall29 write30 be bought made found broke thought fell wrote was were sang heard Exercises 1 I thenumberdownonapieceofpaperamomentago A writeB writedC wroteD writing2 Everything readybeforeFathercame A wereB wasC isD are C B 3 Healways melastterm A helpedB helpsC helpingD help A you remember tobuytheoranges 2 Who invent thecomputer 3 We go tothecinemalastnight Thefilm be verygood 4 Whattime you get toschoolthismorning 5 Jim do alotyesterday He go shoppingand cook supper Did remember invented went was did get 用动词的适当时态填空 did went cooked 6 Heusually get upat6inthemorning Look He get upnow Butyesterdayhe get upverylate sohe go toschoollate He be lateforschool gets isgetting got went was 1 Lucydidherhomeworkathome 改否定句 Lucy herhomeworkathome 2 Hefoundsomemeatinthefridge 变一般疑问句 he meatinthefridge 3 Shestayedthereforaweek 对划线部分提问 she there 4 Therewassomeorangeinthecup 变一般疑问句 there orangeinthecup didn tdo Did findany Howlongdid stay Was any Lesson1 GaoWeiandKatearetalkingabouttheirholidays KatewenttoSanyawithherparents Theyhadagoodtime GaoWeistayedathomeandenjoyedSpringFestivalwithhisfamily IwenttoSanyawithmyparents Hi Kate Whatdidyoudoduringyourholidays Wewenttherebyplane Howdidyougetthere Sure Westayedinahotelbythesea Weenjoyedsunbathingduringthedayandweenjoyedthemoonandstarsatnight Didyouhaveagoodtime Whatdidyoudoduringyourholidays GaoWei That ssoundswonderful That sgreat IstayedathomeandenjoyedSpringFestivalwithYangMing Peter LiYanandLisa 1 haveagoodtime enjoyoneself玩的愉快2 byplane乘飞机by 交通工具 坐 bybus乘公车 bytrain乘火车3 atnight在晚上4 during在 期间 duringtheholiday在假期期间 Languagepoints 5 stayathome待在家里6 alotof lotsof许多 很多 后面即可修饰可数名词 又可以修饰不可数名词 拓展many修饰可数名词复数 如 applesmuch修饰不可数名词 如 milk Languagepoints 7 with和 一起eg IwenttoQingdaowithmyparents 8 enjoy 喜欢 后 Ving like Vingeg Didyouenjoyreadingthebooks Languagepoints Lesson2 Whatdidyoudoduringyourholidays 你假期期间做了什么 IwenttoSanya 我去了三亚 gotothebeach 去沙滩 enjoysunbathing 享受日光浴 enjoythemoonandthestars 看月亮和星星 stayathome 呆在家里 haveaparty 聚会 enjoySpringFestival 过春节 1 bring和take的区别bring 带来 从别的地方带到说话的地方take 带走 从说话的地方带到别的地方 eg Pleasebringyourhomeworktoschool Itakethebooktomyhome Languagepoints 2 wanttodosth 想要做某事eg Iwanttogoswimming 3 do的单三形式 does 过去式 did Languagepoints 4 gotothebeach 去沙滩过去式wenttothebeacheg Lilywenttothebeachduringthesummervacation Languagepoints 5 如何询问对方去过某个时间段做什么了 Whatdidyoudo Whatdidyoudoduringyourholidays 句型 问句 Whatdidyoudo 过去时间答句 I We 动词过去式 其它eg Whatdidyoudoduringyourholidays IwenttoSanyaduringmyholidays Languagepoints Lesson3 GaoWeiistellingabouttheirEnglishlearningattheEnglishclub Hello everyone I mGaoWei I dliketotellyouaboutourEnglishlearning WebegantolearnEnglishthreeyearsago Wehavelearnedalotofwordsandsentences andwecanusetheminandoutofclass Weareveryinterestedintopicslikeschoollife dailylife family sports holidaysandanimals GaoWeiistellingabouttheirEnglishlearningattheEnglishclub OurEnglishteacheroftenaskedustopractiselistening speaking readingandwriting NowwecanplaygamesanddotasksinEnglish Ourteacheroftentellsus Youareallgoodstudents ENGLISHCLUB ENGLISHEVENING 1 beinterestedin 对 感兴趣eg ThestudentsofGradeSixareveryinterestedinEnglish 2 asksb todosth 要求某人做某事eg Ourartteacheroftenaskedustopractisedrawing Languagepoints 3 tellsb aboutsth 告诉某人关于某事eg I dliketotellyouaboutourChineselearning 4 begin 开始began 过去式 begintodosth 开始做某事eg Mr BlackbegantoteachEnglishinChinatwoyearsago Languagepoints 5 can 能 会 后 V原eg Thechildrencanreadthebooks 6 learn 学 学习 学到过去式learned learntlearner学习者 Languagepoints 7 alotof lotsof许多 很多后 可数名词复数后 不可数名词8 use 使用 用现在分词 using过去式 used Languagepoints Thankyouforyourlistening Goodbye

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