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沪教版2020年中考英语语法专练(七):副词C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共20题;共40分)1. (2分)Lucy _ wants to have a dog, because shes afraid of dogs. A . alwaysB . neverC . oftenD . usually2. (2分)Would you like to introduce yourself? We _ know you. A . alwaysB . alreadyC . hardlyD . all3. (2分)Students should have mobile phones so that they can call their parents easily. I dont agree. they often use them to play games instead.A . MostlyB . ActuallyC . CertainlyD . Especially4. (2分)Confucius Institute (孔子学院) has been set up in many other countries. Yes, Chinese is _ spoken in those countries. I am proud of that as a Chinese.A . hardlyB . widelyC . neverD . seldom5. (2分) Oh, what bad weather today! I think so. It is raining _ outside.A . luckilyB . differentlyC . heavily6. (2分)_ will your mother come back home? In a week.A . How farB . How longC . How soonD . How often7. (2分)_people are there in your family ?Five.A . How muchB . How manyC . How oldD . How tall8. (2分)_ are they?They are my sisters.A . WhatB . WhereC . HowD . Who9. (2分)Mary_ missed the train this afternoon. It started to leave right after she got on it. A . alreadyB . almostC . reallyD . seldom10. (2分)You know there is different weather in different places in China. Its hotter in Hunan Province than In Jiangsu Province all the year around. Yeah, its _ hotter in Hainan Province than in Henan Province.A . muchB . more muchC . even moreD . quite11. (2分)We had to use our money _, because we were not rich at that time. A . wiselyB . easilyC . heavilyD . cheaply12. (2分)Everybody needs to sleep well to keep healthy but I _go to bed before 23:00. I am too busy! A . seldomB . oftenC . usually13. (2分)He _ goes to Taian, so he wants to go there.A . alwaysB . never C . notD . usually14. (2分)Bettey goes to school by bike. She always takes a bus. A . oftenB . sometimesC . seldomD . usually15. (2分)It is raining. Please go as _as you can. A . quicklyB . quickC . quicksD . often16. (2分)_, Chinese people celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival enjoying the full moon and eating mooncakes. A . TraditionallyB . SuddenlyC . PartlyD . Thankfully17. (2分)Where is Mary flying? She is flying to France soon. She will arrive Paris the morning of July 2.A . to; onB . at; onC . in; on18. (2分)Do you think Ann will pass the exam? Of course. Of all the students in our class, she works . A . hardB . harderC . the hardestD . the most badly19. (2分)Daniel, you are speaking too fast. I cant follow you. Sorry, I will speak a little _.A . more slowlyB . less slowlyC . more quicklyD . most quickly20. (2分)选出不同类的单词 A . warmB . snowC . coldD . cool二、 单词拼写(词汇运用) (共10题;共10分)21. (1分)_(也许) the girl is from Class Two. But I am not sure. 22. (1分)He was _ (认真)writing down his name on the postcard. 23. (1分)I am r_ busy this week. I have no time to walk after supper. 24. (1分)He is n_Mike. He is Jack. 25. (1分)Jim _ (总是) asks his teacher some questions. 26. (1分)The mother walked into the bathroom _(安静地) while the baby was sleeping. 27. (1分)I like apples. He likes apples,_(也). 28. (1分)My pen is black. Your pen is black, t_. 29. (1分)She has a very good pronunciation when she reads _ (出声地). 30. (1分)I am _(偶尔) late for school. 三、 语法填空 (共10题;共10分)31. (1分)I think its _ (real) hard for me to finish the work in twenty minutes. 32. (1分)The girl is making a model doll_(care). 33. (1分)It often rains_(heavy) in the season every year. 34. (1分)Children need to eat_ (polite). 35. (1分)I need you to answer my question _(separate). 36. (1分)Lily, remember not to go with _ (strange) even if they give you candies, Mum told Lily. 37. (1分)Of all the kids, Tom did_ (bad)in the math test. 38. (1分)Daniel is very hard-working. Of all the students, he works _(hard) 39. (1分)Lets have lunch_(quick). 40. (1分)He brushes his teeth _ (two) a day. 第 8 页 共 8 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共20题;共40分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、二、 单词拼写(词汇运用) (共10题;共10分)21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、30-1、三、 语法填空 (共10题;共10分)31-1、32-1、33-1、34-1、35-1、36-1、37-1、38-1、39-1、40-1、


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