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上海新世纪版2019-2020学年七年级下学期英语期中考试试卷(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)1. (10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。My young daughter and I were flying to Miami for a holiday. The plane was so 1that we couldnt get seats together. I asked two men if they would like to change2with us, so that my daughter and I could be together. They 3.At the same time, a mother4three children also had the same problem as us. The mother5her baby, but her young son and his older brother sat 6from her. She was very worried about the boys sitting with strangers. She was very worried, but 7helped her. Suddenly a man said, “I think we can help you.” Then he and his group tried to make enough space for the 8.My young daughter was 9of not being next to a window or her mom. But I had to tell her I couldnt do anything; we had to sit where we were. Amazingly, the man sitting next to me turned to me and said he really liked changing the seat with my daughter, so we changed seats and went on our trip happily.Would that man give us his seat 10the others hadnt done so for the mom and her children? I dont know. Perhaps kindness is contagious (传染的).(1)A . comfortable B . full C . noisy (2)A . money B . seats C . ways (3)A . agreed B . refused C . nodded (4)A . with B . except C . besides (5)A . held B . raised C . brought (6)A . wide B . far C . near (7)A . somebody B . everybody C . nobody (8)A . family B . home C . team (9)A . popular B . proud C . afraid (10)A . because B . though C . if 二、 阅读理解 (共3题;共28分)2. (10分) Mrs. Black was a poor old woman and she lived in a small village. Her husband died ten years ago. But she had a 24-year-old daughter. Her name was Alice. She worked in New York and lived there. It was far away from her mothers village, and she was not happy about this. One day Alice said to her mother, Ive found a good job in Boston, and I can make a lot of money there, so I will go to work in Boston next week. But dont worry, Mum. Ill send you some money every week. A month later, Mrs. Black was very angry. She decided to go to see her daughter in Boston on a train. When she saw her daughter, she said, Alice, why do you never call me?Alice laughed, But mother, she said, you havent got a telephone.No, she answered, I havent, but you have got one. (1)Mrs. Black lived _.A . in CanadaB . in AustraliaC . in EnglandD . in America(2)Mrs. Black lived _.A . aloneB . with her husbandC . with her daughterD . with her mother(3)Alice decided to work in Boston because _.A . New York was too far from her mothers villageB . Boston was near her mothers villageC . she had found a good job thereD . she thought Boston was a quiet and nice place(4)A month later, Mrs. Black went to see her daughter in Boston _.A . by airB . by trainC . by busD . by sea(5)Alice had never telephoned her mother because _.A . she didnt have time to do soB . her mother didnt have a telephoneC . she didnt want to spend money on callingD . her mother didnt know how to make a telephone call3. (8分) Childhood is a time of fun and games. Many people still remember when they were young, they often played games like hide-and-seek and chess. Playing teaches children how to get along with others, and it also helps to exercise the mind and body. However, children today spent most of their playing time in front of the computer, playing video games.A recent survey found that in the US children between 8 and 12 spent at least 13 hours a week playing video games or “gaming”. Boys of this age spend even more time, almost 16 hours a week. Although some people will say that gaming is helpful, it brings many problems as well.One big problem is that kids who spend most of their time on games might have difficulty communicating with real people. They might have trouble sharing and resolving problems because they do not practice these shills when sitting alone at a computer.Another problem is about health. Game players usually sit for hours without doing any exercise. And they might not eat healthily. As a result, they might be out of shape.Next, game players might have trouble with their lessons. Many of them spend more time playing games than working on their homework. In the end, _.Finally, it is always possible that the gamers become addicted(成瘾). Some people play four or five hours a day or even all day. This happened to a 28-year-old Korean man. He spent about 50 hours playing an online game without sleeping or eating well. He died while gaming!This is one example of the dangers of video gaming. It tells us that video gaming, like everything else, should not be done too much. A few hours a week should not hurt, but several hours a day just might be dangerous to your health. (1)Children of 8 to 12 in the US spent at least _ hours a week playing video games.A . 13B . 16C . 28D . 50(2)How many problems about playing video games are mentioned in the passage?A . TwoB . ThreeC . FourD . Five(3)Which of the following is the right sentence for the blank(空白处) in Paragraph 5?A . they might become illB . they might lose their friendsC . they might stop playing gamesD . they might get lower grades at school(4)What does the writer want to tell us by writing this passage?A . Video gaming has quite a lot of advantages.B . Video gaming might be a dangerous thingC . Childhood is a time of fun and gamesD . Children should learn how to get along with others4. (10分)阅读理解There are several ways you can find out about the countries and places you wish to visit. You can talk to friends who have traveled to the places, you can go and see a colour film about them, or you can read travel books.It seems that there are three kinds of travel books. The first are those that give a personal, subjective(主观的) idea of travels which the writer has got himself. These books can be useful if the writers share their traveling experiences with others. The second kind are those books which give objective( 客观的) information of things to be done and seen. If a cultured person has written such a book about the facts of a place, then it is more useful. The third kind are those books which are called a guide to some place or other. If they are good, they will describe and explain the place in detail. Like the first kind, they can be interesting and exciting, but their main purpose is to help the reader plan his travel in the most practical way.Whatever kind of travel book you choose, you must make sure that the book does not describe everything as interesting, exciting or fantastic. You must also keep an open eye on its date of publication(出版)because travel is a very practical matter and many things change quickly in the 21st century. Finally, you should make sure that its easy to find the useful information for your travel.(1)This passage was written to introduce_. A . travel mapsB . travel booksC . travel filmsD . travel places(2)The writer of the first kind of travel books gave his ideas after he_. A . traveledB . read booksC . watched filmsD . surfed the Internet(3)The underlined phrase a cultured person means a person with _. A . a good appearanceB . a good educationC . a lot of experienceD . a lot of money(4)The date of publication must be noticed because A . the prices of travel books may be differentB . the writers of travel books may be differentC . the information in travel books is always the sameD . the information in travel books is always changing(5)According to the passage, it is best to read _before traveling to a place of interest. A . the first kind of travel booksB . the second kind of travel booksC . the third kind of travel booksD . some travel articles in newspapers三、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)5. (5分)补全对话A:Mom, _?B:What for?A:I need to buy some yogurt to make a milk shake.B:OK, heres the money.A:_?B:The best yogurt? Maybe you can go to Sunshine Supermarket. _?A:With Tom. Im going to call him.B:Good.A:_?B:No, it isnt. So you can walk there. Oh, _.A:A cloth(布)bag? OK, I wont forget. We shouldnt use plastic bags any more. Theyre bad for the environment(环境).四、 短文填空 (共1题;共1分)6. (1分)Lilys parents have been to London _ (two times). 五、 单词拼写 (共1题;共5分)7. (5分)根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。(1)After a long j_, he looks tired. (2)I dont like going there by bus because sometimes its so c_. (3)I want to lend you some money. H_, I dont have enough money. (4)There was a bad a_ on my way to Beijing. Many people lost their lives. (5)Youd better b_ a ticket a long time before your journey, especially during the Spring Festival. 六、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共21分)8. (21分)根据短文内容,回答问题。How much do you know about Albert Einstein?Albert Einstein, born on March 14, 1879 in Germany, was a great scientist in the world. He was strange because he hated haircuts and new clothes. He believed in peace. All his life, he hated war. However, his most famous idea, E = mc, helped create the worlds most dangerous weapon (武器). Many people think he was the smartest person in the world. But Einstein said that he thought like a child with many questions and unusual ideas.What did he like?Einstein liked learning sailing (帆船运动). He sailed in small boats all his life. He once joked, “Sailing is the sport that takes the least energy!” When Einstein was a child, his mother made him take violin lessons. At first, he didnt like the violin. But then he learned to love music and became a good violinist.Later, he said, “热爱是最好的老师。”Why is the sky blue?In 1910, Einstein asked a question which many children often ask, “Why is the sky blue?” After his careful research, he answered the question like this: “Its because light is made up of many colors including blue. When light travels to Earth, gas particles (气体微粒) spread the blue light all over the sky.” His answer is true in physics.(1)请将文中处句子译为汉语。 (2)请将文中处句子译为英语。 (3)请在下面的加横线上填上一个三个词的短语。Einstein _ learning sailing and playing the violin.(4)请在文章中找出和所给句子意义相同的一句话。Einsteins parent made him take violin lessons when he was young.(5)How was the answer to the question why the sky is blue? 七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)9. (5分)根据提示写一篇5060个词的短文。提示:今天你参加了Lucy 的生日聚会,大家给她带去了很多礼物,Lucy 很喜欢。生日聚会上有一块大蛋糕,上面有十三支点燃的蜡烛。Lucy 许了愿之后,把蜡烛吹灭了。大家在聚会上进行了表演,你表演了中国功夫,Ellen 跳了舞,Susan 唱了英文歌,大家玩得很开心。第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)1-1、二、 阅读理解 (共3题;共28分)2-1、2-2、2-3、2-4、2-5、3-1、3-2、3-3、3-4、4-1、4-2、4-3、4-4、4-5、三、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)5-1、四、 短文填空 (共1题;共1分)6-1、五、 单词拼写 (共1题;共5分)7-1、7-2、7-3、7-4、7-5、六、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共21分)8-1、8-2、8-3、8-4、8-5、七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)9-1、

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