沪教版新课标(Go for it)九年级英语全册_ Unit10测试卷D卷.doc

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沪教版新课标(Go for it)九年级英语全册: Unit10测试卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择 (共20题;共40分)1. (2分)When is Jays concert?Its _ three oclock _ the afternoon of July 18th.A . at, inB . at, onC . on, inD . in,on2. (2分)People _ her because she often speaks foolishly. A . think ofB . come upC . make fun ofD . pick up3. (2分)Each of the club members_ ready to help those who were in trouble. A . wasB . areC . isD . were4. (2分)(2015广西贵港)What are you going to do during the summer vacation?I am going to _a new hobby like swimming or dancing.A . take offB . take upC . take afterD . take in5. (2分)Would you mind the window? Its cold outside.A . openB . closeC . openingD . closing6. (2分)They enjoy _ their friends to see their beautiful flowers. A . inviteB . invitedC . invitingD . to invite7. (2分)Were travelling a speed of thirty miles an hour. A . atB . inC . forD . by8. (2分)Who _ in the morning every day? Nobody. A . wake you upB . wake up youC . wakes you upD . wakes up you9. (2分)I had too much work to do last night. I didnt go to bed _ 11 oclock.A . atB . untilC . forD . In10. (2分)When you have difficulty, do remember to . Two heads are better than one.A . make a decisionB . give upC . ask for helpD . give advice11. (2分)(2017宜宾)The child is crying. Please do something to make him_.A . stop to cryB . stop cryingC . to stop crying12. (2分)To my _, he passed the exam. A . surpriseB . surprisedC . surprisingD . a surprise13. (2分)He saw Li Hua _ football on the playground at that time. A . to playB . playsC . playingD . is playing14. (2分)Tom and I _ good friends. He_ eight. A . am; isB . is; isC . are; isD . are; are15. (2分)More and more children in the countryside are _ school at an early age to look for work in the cities.A . going toB . leavingC . beginning16. (2分)Ill give a talk tomorrow. Im thinking about _.A . what to sayB . how to sayC . what can I sayD . how can I say17. (2分)Keep it. You will succeed in the end.A . tryB . to tryC . tryingD . tried18. (2分)Its hot this summer. _, it was _ hotter last summer.A . However; veryB . Although; veryC . However, evenD . Although; even19. (2分)Our teacher gives us love. We will repay(报答)her when we grow up.A . so manyB . so fewC . so muchD . so little20. (2分)Scrooge _ mean, but now he treats everyone with kindness.A . is used to beB . used to beC . is used to beingD . is used for being二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)21. (10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A new term has begun. Teachers are worried about the fact that new students are not easy to deal with. They like to bring cell phones and MP3 players to school. What is 1, some students even use cell phones 2out-of-class matters in class, or sometimes just for fun. Some 3students listen to MP3 players when they are having a lesson that they are not interest in.Are these new students really that 4? “Yes.” says Delaney Kirk, a professor at Drake University. 5she adds its not their fault. 6, the teachers should be blamed(责备). Mrs Kirk first began thinking about students manners six years ago. “I had my first class in which students were sleeping or talking to each other. It seemed that learning well or had nothing to do with them.” she says. “At first, I got worried about this.” But then I said to myself, “Youre giving lessons, and you need to manage this kind of situation. These students need to know more about manners. Its time to help them develop some good 7. They shouldnt waste time doing nothing when they are young. Sooner or later, they may regret the time they8.”Mrs Kirk also 9a list of suggestions to help teachers better manage their classes. The following are among her suggestions:On the first day of class, tell students how they will benefit(受益) by taking the class and the importance of listening carefully in class.Do not allow them to bring cell phones or MP3 players to the class at all. Tell them how to use cell phones or MP3 players 10.(1)A . bad B . worse C . good D . better (2)A . do B . doing C . to do D . did (3)A . other B . the other C . others D . another (4)A . rude B . polite C . friendly D . boring (5)A . But B . However C . And D . So (6)A . Such as B . For example C . Instead of D . Instead (7)A . ideas B . speeches C . habits D . classes (8)A . had wasted B . waste C . have wasted D . will waste (9)A . makes B . brings C . gets D . takes (10)A . careful B . carefully C . proper D . properly 三、 阅读理解 (共1题;共8分)22. (8分)阅读下面材料,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。BYou may know the English letters A, B and C, but do you know there are people called ABC? You may like eating bananas, but do you know there are people called banana persons? If you dont know, I will tell you about it. They are some Chinese people like you and me, but they arent in China. Why do people call them like that?If we call somebody an ABC person, we mean he or she is a Chinese but was born in America. Sometimes, people also call them banana persons. A banana is yellow outside and white inside. So if somebody is a banana person, he or she is white inside and yellow outside. By saying that, we mean he or she has yellow skin(皮肤) but does things in an American way. Banana persons were born in America and they live in America for a long time, so they think like Americans and do things like Americans. However, these people still have Chinese blood(血统). Their parents, grandparents or even great-grandparents are from China. They all have black eyes and black hair, so they look like us, Chinese people.There are many famous banana persons in America. They do very well in America and they are really great in their own fields.(1)From the passage, we can learn ABC means _. A . English lettersB . Peoples namesC . banana personsD . American bananas(2)What is a banana person like outside? A . An American.B . A Chinese.C . An Australian.D . An Englishman.(3)Why do banana persons do things like Americans? A . Because they have white skins.B . Because they have American blood.C . Because they were born in America and live there for a long time.D . Because their parents are Americans.(4)Which of the following is TRUE about banana persons? A . They live in China.B . They were born in China.C . They grew up in China.D . They think like Americans.四、 单词拼写 (共5题;共23分)23. (1分)Jack came to sit b_ his girlfriend and held her in his arms gently. 24. (10分)根据短文内容和所给中文提示,写出空白处各单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。 More people like living in a city now, especially young people who like new and modern things. Most people think it is much _(容易)to find work in a city. They think there are a lot of _(有乐趣的)things to do and places to see in the city. There are also many _(选择)of public transport. When they feel tired, they can eat in good restaurants, visit museums, go to cinemas and go to_(自然)parks ._(然而), in my opinion, living in the city will cost more. Whats more, The _(人口)of the city is getting bigger and bigger. So its a _(遗憾)that the city is always_(拥挤的), noisy and dirty. And it is very difficult to find a good place where people can enjoy _(和平)and fresh air. So we should try hard _(改善)the serious situation. 25. (1分)My parents dont_(允许)me to hang out with my friends. 26. (1分)December the twenty- fifth is _(圣诞节) Day. 27. (10分)综合填空。There are many sporting heroes, such as hurdling, marathon heroes on sports yearbook.Many of them broke the r_ and were awarded prizes in tough matches.They represent their country to get m_ in match season.Sometimes they are also invited to appear in advertisements.As sportsmen and sportswomen, they all know there is no overnight success.They must train hard.First of all, their coaches always e_ them to train regularly.Their races were recorded and their coaches used the information to change their training m_.Well never forget the scenes: An athlete got hurt in a r_ .He s_ a lot from his leg problem, and went on running and reached the finishing line.The audience all left their seats and c_ for him.An old man began to practice Taekwondo at the age of sixty and got a black belt in less than five years.So, in some degree, all these athlete s_ up a good example for us in spirit.They s_ for courage, fearlessness and strength.We take great p_ in them.五、 语法填空 (共5题;共19分)28. (1分)My friend invited me _(go) to the movies. 29. (1分)The soup is really delicious. It is a _ of different kinds of vegetables. (mix) 30. (1分)My parents like _ ( watch ) TV on Saturday evening. 31. (15分)语法填空The weather of Beijing is so terrible in the winter because of the smog. Everyone doesnt want to go out and chooses _(stay) at home.When one of_(popular) singers goes to the door of the music hall, all the_(report) take out their cameras to take photos.I often take a shower after finishing _(do) some exercise.The students are so _(excite) to hear that they win the game.Look! The cute cat in our school _(eat) her food happily under the tree.We can buy newspapers, pens and writing papers at the_(newsagent)More and more _(electricity) equipment are used in our life to make our life easier.Father is writing a letter to one friend of_(he).They havent seen each other for a long time.Because of his detailed _(describe) of the missing girl, the police found her fast.At last, he became a rich businessman and set up his own company_(success)He feels bad the whole day. After taking some medicine and drinking a lot of hot water, he is getting much _(well) now.The hotel is more expensive than the other hotels, because it has got some _(usual) facilities.We send two _(bunch) of flowers to the teachers to express our best wishes.It is_(possible) for you to get a high score without working hard.32. (1分)Why not think about _(go)on a trip? 六、 句型转换 (共5题;共13分)33. (3分)Ms Jones is going to Canada on holiday this summer(对划线部分提问)_Ms Jones_on holiday this summer?34. (2分)Bobs keys are on the table.(对划线部分提问) _ _ Bobs keys?35. (3分)Lets have a break in the playground(改为同义句)_have a break in the playground?36. (3分)We are going to write some reports about seasons. (改为一般疑问句) _You _to write _reports about seasons?37. (2分)You can pass a teammate the ball. (同义句转换)You can _ the ball _ a teammate.七、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)38. (5分)补全对话 A:Hi, Joe._B: I often watch TV at home.A: Really? _B: I like to watch the news.A: The news? _B: Because I can learn about whats going on around the world._ Do you often watch TV, too?A: Yeah, but I dont like the news._ My favorite TV shows are sports shows and talent shows.A. What kind of TV shows do you like to watch? B. I think its boring. C. What can you learn from them? D. What do you often do in your spare time?E. Why do you like it? F. What about you?八、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)39. (5分)上个星期, 哈尔滨出现了水污染, 政府立刻采取了措施, 人民群众也踊跃帮助哈尔滨人渡过难关。请用自己的语言简述这件事情并发表白己的感想。第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共20题;共40分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)21-1、三、 阅读理解 (共1题;共8分)22-1、22-2、22-3、22-4、四、 单词拼写 (共5题;共23分)23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、五、 语法填空 (共5题;共19分)28-1、29-1、30-1、31-1、32-1、六、 句型转换 (共5题;共13分)33-1、34-1、35-1、36-1、37-1、七、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)38-1、八、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)39-1、

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