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课后作业Module2ThenaturalworldUnit4Seasons第1课时Vocabulary 一 根据句意及首字母或中文提示完成单词 1 Itisraining Ifyoudon ttakeanumbrella youwillgetw 2 Whenhewasyoung helivedinasmallt withhisparents 3 Makesuree isreadybeforeyousetout 4 Thestrongwindb somesand 沙子 intomyeyes 5 Wedon tgoouttoday becausetheSunshinestoob et own verything lows rightly 6 Don t 踢 theballinthebusystreet 7 Sheliveswithanother 亲戚 8 Everypersonleavesa 脚印 9 在 期间 hisstayinParis helivedwithhisfriends 10 Let shavea 野餐 kick relative footprint During picnic 二 词汇测试 i 从下面每小题的A B C三个选项中选出可以替换画线部分的最佳选项 1 What stheweatherlikeinShenzheninwinter It swarm A How sB How s likeC What s looklike 2 Whatareyougoingtodoforyoursummerholiday Iwilltravelwithmyrelatives A peopleinotherfamilyB peopleinthesamefamilyC fatherandmother A B 3 Look thegroundiswet Soitmusthaverainedyesterdayevening A notcoldB notrainyC notdry 4 Didyouspendawonderfulweekend Yes wehadfuninthezoo A werefunnyB hadagoodtimeC played C B 5 Haveyougoteverythingready No weneedtwomoredesks A allthethingsB nothingC something 6 Mum canIgooutsidetoplaywithfriendsnow Iamafraidyoucan t It ssnowyoutside A withalotofsnowB withalotofwindC withalotofrain A A 7 WouldyouliketohaveapicnicwithmethisSunday Yes I dloveto A eatamealinschoolB eatamealinarestaurantC eatamealoutdoors 8 Whatisshiningonthebed Oh itmaybemywatch A givingoutheatB givingoutlightC makingasound C B ii 根据句子意思 从下面每小题的A B C三个选项中选出恰当的词语完成句子 9 Themotherdoes forherchild soherchildcandonothing A somethingB everythingC somethings 10 TheSun brightlytodayandwecanenjoythewarmth A shinesB spreadsC lights B A 11 DoyouknowanythingaboutHarbin Yes Harbinisa placeandpeoplecanmakesnowmeneverywinter A rainyB snowyC windy 12 TheSunsends lightandheat Ican timaginethelifewithouttheSun A upB outC in B B 13 Mostkidsliketowatchcartoons Yes ButIthink ismoreinteresting comicbooks A this toreadB that tolookC it toread 14 Wouldyoulike todrink No thanks A anythingB somethingC nothing C B 15 I msosorryaboutlastnight Itwasmyfault A ForgetitB NowayC Goahead A 三 用所给单词的适当形式填空 1 Heworksinan Australia university 2 Wehada snow winterthisyear 3 TheSunshone bright yesterday 4 Wouldyouliketogo swim withus 5 Iusuallyspendtwohours read booksonweekends Australian snowy brightly swimming reading 6 Thesmallcatmakeslotsof footprint onthesnowground 7 She spend onehouronherhomeworkyesterday 8 UncleWangandUncleLiarebothmy relative 9 Ivisitmy grandparent homewithmymumeverysummerholiday 10 Ahurricane 飓风 blow somehousesdownlastnight footprints spent relatives grandparents blew 四 完形填空 Waterisveryimportantinourlife Forexample weneedto 1 enoughwatereveryday We 2 ourteethandwashourfacesandhandswithwater Farmersuseitto 3 plants Infactories workersmakethingsand 4 theirmachineswithwater Ifthereisnowater wecan t 5 foodandcan tputoutthefire Inaword wecan tlive 6 water Sowemusttryourbestto 7 water Herearesomesuggestions 建议 Donotletwater 8 whileyouarebrushingyourteethorwashingyourhairorface Don tforgetto 9 thetapwhenyouleave Ifyouthinkcarefullyabouttheuseofwaterathome atschooloratwork itis 10 foryoutosavewater 1 A eatB drinkC carry 2 A brushB doC make 3 A waterB cutC burn 4 A cleanB makeC protect 5 A buyB cookC eat 6 A withB withoutC having 7 A makeB wasteC save 8 A runB jumpC walk 9 A turnonB turndownC turnoff 10 A easyB difficultC important B A A A B B C A C A 第2课时Reading 一 根据教材P45的课文内容 补全下面短文 每空一词 Therearefourseasonsinayear Differentpeoplelikedifferentseasons Somelikespring Inspring itiswarmand1 Itis2 totakea3 Somelikesummer Insummer itis4 andsunny Itisnicetogotothe5 and6 inthesea Somelikeautumn Inautumn itiscooland7 Peopleliketogoona8 Andsomelikewinter Inwinter itisoftencoldand9 Childrenlovetoplayinthesnow Itisinterestingtomake10 rainy exciting trip hot beach swim dry picnic snowy snowmen 二 根据教材P45的课文内容 回答下列问题 1 Whatarethefourseasonsinayear 2 Howdoeseverythinglooklikeinspring 3 Whatdopeopleliketodoinsummer 4 Whyisitnicetogoonapicnicinautumn 5 Whatfestivaldowehaveinwinter Spring summer autumnandwinter Everythingturnsgreen Peopleliketogotothebeachandswiminthesea Becausetheweatheriscoolanddryinautumn WehavetheSpringFestival 三 阅读理解 Thefollowingisaninstructionofmakingasnowman Tobesurethesnowisn ttoowet Shapeahandfulofsnowintoaball Continueaddingmoresnowuntilit stoolargetohold Placetheballonthesnowinfrontofyouandpackthesnowbypressingonit Rollandpacktheballoverandoveruntilitisthesizeyouwantforthebottomofthesnowman sbody Thebottomshouldbethebiggestball andthetopshouldbethesmallest Putmoresnowbetweenthelayerstomakethemtogether Givethesnowmanaface Userocks buttonsoranythingdarkandroundfortheeyes Astickwillmakeagoodmouth andacarrotisfineforanose Coverthetopofhisheadwithanoldplantforhair orgivehimahattowear Addarms legs Thenplacebootsatthebottomforlegs Alsoconsideraddingsomeotherthingssuchasashirt ascarf 围巾 orapairofsunglasses 1 Howmanystepsshallwedotomakeasnowman A 10 B 9 C 8 D 7 2 Whichpartisthebiggestpartofthesnowman A Thetop B Themiddle C Everypartisthesame D Thebottom B D 3 Whichistherightorderofthefollowingsentencesaccordingtothepassage a Covertheheadwithanoldplantforhair b Shapeahandfulofsnowintoaball c Addarms legs thenashirtorsunglasses d Givethesnowmanaface e Addmoresnowtotheballandpressituntilitisthesizeyouwant A b a d c eB e b d a cC b e d a cD e d b a c C 4 Whatisthepurposeofthepassage A Tellpeoplehowtoplaywithsnow B Tellpeoplehowtospendthewintertime C Tellpeoplehowtomakeasnowman D Tellpeoplehowtowalkinthicksnow C 第3课时Grammar 一 选择填空 1 It s Youshouldbecarefulontheroad oryoumayslip 滑倒 A sunnyB cloudyC rainy 2 Itissnowingoutside Whata day Remembertowearyour coat A hot coolB cold warmC hot warm C B 3 Thefootballmatchwasvery yesterday andwewere A exciting excitedB excited excitingC exciting exciting 4 Itwas andJackfeltverycold A sunnyB cloudyC snowy A C 5 It s Wecangoswimming A sunB sunnyC cold 6 Itis towalkonsuchamuddyroad A hardB hardlyC difficultly 7 How stheweatherinShenzhen A It sveryhotB It sabeautifulcityC It sagoodplacetolivein B A A 8 Thefoodsells becauseittastes A good goodB good wellC well good 9 DidyouwatchRunningManyesterday Yes itwasquite A wonderB wonderfulC wonderfully 10 Therearemany inthesky Ithinkso Itis anditisgoingtorainsoon A clouds cloudB cloudy cloudyC clouds cloudy C B C 二 选择括号里适当的单词补全句子 1 Thesepicturesareallabout love lovely children 2 Mygrandmotheroftentellsme fun funny stories 3 Youshouldtakeanumbrellawithyou It sgoingtobe rain rainy 4 Ireadsome interested interesting booksduringthesummerholiday 5 LittleTomcan tmovethat heavy heavily box lovely funny rainy interesting heavy 6 Thisboyisvery kind kindly Heoftenhelpsothers 7 It s easy easily forhertodothejob 8 Heisa friend friendly teacher 9 Itis fog foggy today Youshoulddrivecarefully 10 Allofuswereveryhappywhenweheardthe excited exciting news kind easy friendly foggy exciting 三 语法填空 Therearefour1 season inayear Theyarespring summer autumnandwinter 2 spring itoftenrains Everything3 begin togrow Treesaregreenandflowerscome4 Thefieldsandhills5 be beautiful Itis6 goodtimeforpeople7 take atripandseeallkindsofbeautifulflowers Peopleliketogo8 hike in seasons In begins out are a totake hiking spring Insummer itishotbutit sthebesttimetogoswimming Autumnisaharvestseason Itiscoolandleaves9 thetreesturnyellowandbegintofall Theweatherinwinteriscold Somepeopledon tlikeit sotheydon twanttogooutinwinter Butwinteristhe10 good timetogoskatingorskiing Ithasalotoffun on best 第4课时Listeningandspeaking 一 情景问答 1 你希望向Amy了解她喜欢的季节 请根据以下提示向她提两个问题 1 你想知道她最喜爱哪个季节 你应问 2 你想知道她是否喜欢冬天 你应问 Whichisyourfavouriteseason Doyoulikewinter 2 你希望向Amy了解她的家乡的天气状况 请根据以下提示向她提两个问题 1 你想知道那儿的春天会不会经常下雨 你应问 2 你想知道那儿的冬天下不下雪 你应问 Doesitoftenraininspringthere Doesitsnowinwinterthere 3 你希望向Amy了解不同季节人们从事的户外活动 请根据以下提示向她提两个问题 1 你想知道秋天什么户外活动是最受欢迎的 你应问 2 你想知道最佳的旅游季节是什么时候 你应问 Whatoutdooractivityisthemostpopularinautumn Whichseasonisthebesttimetotakeatrip 二 思维导图复述 Inayeartherearefourseasons Inspring theSunshinesbrightlyintheblueskyandthewarmwindsblowgently Everythingseemsveryattractiveandlovely Insummer theSunshinesblazingly 炽热地 andtheheatisunbearable 难以忍受的 butthedaysareverylongandwecandomuchwork Inautumn thedaysgetshorter andthenightsgetlonger Inwinter theweatherisverycold Alltheinsects 昆虫 sleepunderthegroundwithouteating Nothinglooksasfineasinthespringtime 根据上述短文内容完成下面的思维导图 再根据思维导图 复述该篇短文的内容 TheSunshinesbrightlyintheblueskyandthewarmwindsblowgently TheSunshinesblazinglyandtheheatisunbearable Thedaysgetshorter andthenightsgetlonger Theweatherisverycold sleepunderthegroundwithouteating Therearefourseasonsinayear Inspring theSunshinesbrightlyintheblueskyandthewarmwindsblowgently Everythingseemsveryattractiveandlovely Insummer theSunshinesblazinglyandtheheatisunbearable butthedaysareverylongandwecandomuchwork Inautumn thedaysgetshorter andthenightsgetlonger Inwinter theweatherisverycold Alltheinsectssleepunderthegroundwithouteating 短文复述 第5课时Writing 一 翻译下列句子 1 明天将要下雨 rainy 2 人们冬天喜欢待在家 stayathome 3 在北京旅行是令人兴奋的 takeatrip 4 现在去游泳如何 whatabout 5 每个周末 他的家人喜欢在森林里野餐 goonapicnic Itwillberainytomorrow Peopleliketostayathomeinwinter ItisexcitingtotakeatripinBeijing Whataboutgoingswimmingnow Everyweekend hisfamilyliketogoonapicnicintheforest 6 有一些外国游客正躺在沙滩上 therebe 7 如果冬天来临 这儿的一切都将变成白色 turn 8 暑假我都和爷爷奶奶待在一起 spend with 9 秋天是我最喜欢的季节 favourite 10 北京的天气与广州的天气是不一样的 bedifferentfrom Therearesomeforeignvisitorslyingonthebeach Ifwintercomes everythingherewillturnwhite Ispendmysummerholidayswithmygrandparents Autumnismyfavouriteseason TheweatherinBeijingisdifferentfromthatinGuangzhou 二 书面表达 你热爱深圳吗 你了解深圳的天气吗 请根据下面的内容要点 以 TheWeatherinShenzhen 为题写一篇60词左右的短文 介绍一下深圳的天气情况 内容包括 1 深圳是一个海滨城市 位于中国南部 全年气候温和 比较舒适 2 夏天炎热而且时间长 气温有点高 人们穿得很单薄 喜欢到海边散步或海里游泳 3 冬天不会很冷 所以不需要穿太多厚衣服 这里看不到雪 因为从来没有下过雪 4 五月至九月下雨比较多 天气很潮湿 5 最后说说你最喜欢深圳哪个季节的天气及原因 参考词汇 海滨城市seasidecity 全年allyearround 舒适的comfortable 气温temperature 穿得单薄wearlightclothes TheWeatherinShenzhen Iliveinthebeautifulseasidecity Shenzhen ItliesinthesouthofChina Theweatherhereiswarmandcomfortableallyearround Thesummerishotandlong andthetemperatureisalittlehigh butitisnotashighasmanyothercitiesinChina Peopleusuallywearlightclothes Andtheyliketogoforawalkonthebeachorswiminthesea Thewinterisnottoocold soyoudon tneedtowearalotofthickclothes Youcan tseeany snowherebecauseitneversnowsinShenzhen FromMaytoSeptemberitrainsalotandtheweatherhereisverywet Amongallseasons Ilikespringbest Becauseitisnottoohotortoocoldinthisseason Andwecanseealotofbeautifulflowersandotherplantsatthistimeofyear IloveShenzhenandIloveitsweather Thankyou

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