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沪教版2020届初中英语学业水平考试模拟试卷(一模)D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 阅读理解 (共4题;共23分)1. (6分)阅读下面材料,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 A PHOTO A DAY KEEPS THE DOCTOR AWAYTaking a photograph each day and posting it online is a popular hobby. To study how this habit influences health, British researchers interviewed the creators of online photo magazines and discovered that daily photography improved their lives in several ways: it made them mindful of the present, it pushed them to go for walks to get their photos, and it gave them chances to communicate with people who share their interests.THE 16:8 DIET WORKSIn a small study, researchers at the University of Illinois asked 23 fat participants(参与者) to spend 12 weeks following a type of diet called the 16:8 diet. In the eight hours between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m., they could eat as much as they wanted of any food. However, for the remaining 16 hours of the day, they were allowed to have only water and other calorie-free drinks. Compared with control group, the 16:8 dieters took in about 300 fewer calories a day, lost 3 percent of their weight, and saw a great drop in their blood pressure.10 MINUTES OF EXERCISE CAN IMPROVE MEMORYCant find your keys? Go for a quick walk or do a few yoga(瑜伽) poses. In a recent study, 36 healthy young adults who had just exercised for ten minutes showed improved connectivity(连通性) between the parts of the brain for new memories and the parts for detailed memory processing. The participants also improved their performance on a memory test. The researchers now plan studies in older adults to find out whether regular light exercise improves their memory as well.(1)Which may help lower blood pressure according to the passage? A . The 16:8 diet.B . Taking a photo every day.C . 10 minutes of exercise.D . Having a memory test.(2)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A . A photo a day improves peoples lives.B . The 16:8 dieters took in 300 calories each day.C . 36 healthy young adults followed a type of diet called 16:8 diet.D . Studies on old adults showed regular light exercise could improve memory.(3)Which column (栏目) of the magazine is the passage probably from? A . Technology TimeB . Sports ClubC . Photo NewsD . Health World2. (8分)阅读理解 Would you eat a ready meal from the fridge rather than cook by yourself? Have you been doing Internet shopping rather than going to the store?A study into how lazy British people are has found more than half of the adults are so lazy that theyd catch the lift rather than climb two flights of stairs.Just over 2,000 people were quizzed by independent researchers in the Britains largest health center. The results were very surprising.About one in six people who were asked said if their control was broken, they would continue watching the same channel rather than get up.More than one third of those asked said they would not run to catch a bus. Worryingly, of 654 respondents(被调查对象) with children, 64% said they were often too tired to play with them.We know that its no wonder that one in six children in the UK are very fat before they start school.Dr Sarah, Dauncey, medical director of the centre, said, People need to get fitter, not just for their own health, but for their families, friends and pets, tooIf we dont start to take control of this problem, a whole generation will become too unfit to perform even the most basic tasks.And Scotlands largest city, Glasgow, was shamed as the laziest city in the UK, with 75% asked thinking they do not get enough exercise, followed by Birmingham and Southampton, both with 67%.So there are some problems for the National Health Service, where fatness-related(相关的) illnesses such as heart disease and cancer have been on an increase for the past 40 years and are costing billions of pounds every year.(1)The underlined word quizzed in Paragraph 3 means _. A . heardB . answeredC . listenedD . questioned(2)Of 654 respondents with children, 64% said _. A . they were often too busy to play with their children.B . They were often so tired that they couldnt play with their children.C . They were often so sad that they didnt want to play with their children.D . They were often ill and they couldnt play with their children.(3)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A . All the adults in the UK are very lazy.B . Half of the children are very fat before they go to school.C . Pets will be in trouble if their owners dont keep healthy.D . All people in Glasgow feel ashamed because they dont get enough exercise.(4)From the last paragraph, we can learn _ if they keep lazy. A . people may have heart diseaseB . people can work at home all the time.C . people like shopping onlineD . people dont like climbing the stair(5)What does the passage mainly talk about? A . The health service in the UKB . A study of British peoples lifestylesC . A study of British peoples lazinessD . The fatness problem in the UK.3. (8分)阅读理解 Simon lived in a big house with his family in the southeast of Australia. Their house was 20 kilometers from the town, at a beautiful beach. There were five people in his family. Theyre his parents, his two younger sisters and him. The house had four bedrooms, a living room, a dining room, a kitchen and two bathrooms. In front of the house, there were many trees and flowers. They had a very big farm around the house, and thousands of sheep were there. In the morning, Simon took a school bus to his school in the town. And after school, he helped his parents do some farm work. At weekends his school friends often came to visit. They usually travelled there by bus. On the farm they played games, went swimming and had a picnic together. They thought it was a nice place to live in. It was so relaxing, and never dull. (1)Simon and his family lived . A . near the seaB . in the townC . behind the forestD . on the mountain(2)There were rooms in their big house. A . sixB . sevenC . eightD . nine(3)Simon went to school by school bus because . A . there was no railroadB . they didnt have a carC . he couldnt ride a bikeD . his house was far from the school(4)Which of the following is TRUE from the passage? A . Simons family had a small farm.B . Simons friends liked staying on the farm.C . Simons friends came to the farm every Monday.D . Simons friends had many kinds of animals on the farm.4. (1分)请从AE选项中选出与各个情景相符合的选项, _Tommy: I like to have this class best because I like playing basketball and soccer very much._Cindy: In the class, I can learn to play many kinds of instruments(乐器). I can also learn to sing many new songs._Wendy: I love this class best because the language is becoming more and more important (越来越重要) in the world._Ted: Many girls think it is hard to learn it well,but I like it best. Its is difficult sometimes, but it is interesting._Lin Xi: I like it best because it is my mother tongue(母语).It is one of the oldest(最古老的) languages in the world.二、 完形填空 (共1题;共1分)5. (1分)完形填空 What is Chinatown? Is it a town in China? Of course not! It is in foreign countries. It is a 1where many overseas (海外的) Chinese live together.There are lots of Chinatowns in America2the biggest one is in New York. There are about 150,000 people in it. It is also a 3place to visit. It is attractive in the following ways. 4in Chinatown is fun. You can find5things there. Most of them are made in6Mott Street is the best place to shop because the things there are very cheap.Chinatown has more than 200 7. You can enjoy traditional Chinese food there. New Silver Palace Restaurant is one of the best restaurants. You can also eat some Shanghai food in Evergreen Restaurant.Living in Chinatown is 8. You can find hospitals, schools, banks, libraries and supermarkets in it. In some schools, students must learn Chinese. Many overseas Chinese 9their children to these schools. They want their 10to learn more about China and its culture.(1)A . time B . country C . place (2)A . and B . so C . or (3)A . favourite B . good C . bad (4)A . Playing B . Working C . Shopping (5)A . a little of B . lots of C . many of (6)A . America B . France C . China (7)A . restaurants B . schools C . banks (8)A . boring B . interesting C . comfortable (9)A . send B . come C . bring (10)A . workers B . children C . students 三、 语法填空 (共1题;共1分)6. (1分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。Two men, Jim and John, were walking their dogs when they_(walk) by a restaurant. Lets go in and get something_(eat), Jim suggested.We cant, John responded(回答). Dont you see_sign? It says No pets allowed,_(luck), I dont think they will let us enter the restaurant. Ah yes, that sign, Jim said. Dont worry_it. I have a plan. Just follow me. Jim took out a par of dark_(sunglass) and put them on. He then walked up to the door. As tried_(go) into the restaurant, a doorman stopped him and said, Im sorry sir, _we do not allow pets in this restaurant.Cant you see Jim said. I am not able_(see)! These are seeing-eye dogs. I cant go anywhere without_(they). Can I go in now?四、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共21分)7. (21分)阅读下面材料,归纳主旨大意并完成表格。每空限填一词。 Traveling can teach us a lot in our life. It gives us valuable lessons that schools may not teach. Experiences, skills or challenges we learn through journeys make us wiser and stronger. So lets see some lessons that traveling can bring to us.Throw ourselves into the surroundings (周围的事物).The world is a wide classroom of life and traveling teaches us how to throw ourselves in a situation and enjoy the surroundings fully. This lesson is especially good for those searching for freedom ( 自由) in heart.Dont allow unpleasant things to influence us.A journey is not always full of happy moments. Sometimes it is an unpleasant memory: Being a traveler has its own difficulties such as missing planes, losing money, getting sick, and so on. However, dont let these things make our days unhappy. Everything will be OK, so enjoy the journey no matter what happens.Just do it.We need to give some things that we may not experience a try. In other words, whether we have done it or not, just do it.Traveling - A_of LifeTravelling can give us _.We should throw ourselves in a _and enjoy the surroundings fully when traveling.No matter what happens during the journey, just enjoy it and nothing should _us.Whether we have done anything or not, just have a _.五、 翻译句子 (共5题;共25分)8. (5分)我们把他描述成英雄。 We _ him _ a hero.9. (5分)我们的老师对我们很友好。 Our teachers _ _ _ us.10. (5分)学生们在操场上踢足球前要报请批准。 The students need to _ _ before playing football in the playground.11. (5分)我擅长游泳和打篮球。 Im good at _ and _ _.12. (5分)在冬季经常下大雪。 It often _ _ _ _.六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)13. (5分)智能手机(smart phone)已经成为人们生活中不可或缺的一部分,它使人们的生活更加舒适。但是如果使用不当,智能手机也会影响我们的身体健康。请你根据以下提示内容写一篇英语短文,简要说明智能手机对身体的不利影响,并提倡人们合理使用它。 提示内容:长时间用智能手机看书、玩游戏或看电影,对眼睛不好;睡觉前玩手机会影响睡眠。要求:包含提示内容中的所有要点,可适当发挥。词数:80左右(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)。Smart phones play an important role in our life.I think the most important thing is how to use the smart phone in the right way.第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、 阅读理解 (共4题;共23分)1-1、1-2、1-3、2-1、2-2、2-3、2-4、2-5、3-1、3-2、3-3、3-4、4-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共1分)5-1、三、 语法填空 (共1题;共1分)6-1、四、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共21分)7-1、五、 翻译句子 (共5题;共25分)8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)13-1、


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