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第20课时Units11 12 九全 PARTONE 第一篇教材梳理篇 faulty wealthy powerful friendship friendly comfortable uncomfortable officer banker driver drove driven examination weight agreement disagree relief overslept overslept burning burnt discovery believable unbelievable belief disbelief embarrassed embarrassing appearance disappear missing nodded nodded expected unexpected unexpectedly announcement drivesb crazy mad kicksb off pulltogether callin sellout waitinline turninto rushout loseweight takeone sposition stareat let down cleanup showup playatrick trickson makeup becloseto befulloftheunexpected inagreement fornoreason inlinewith indisbelief atleast tostartwith I drather because while Themore themore have incommon howtocommunicatewith learningfromyourmistakes Bythetimepeoplerealized hadbeensoldout ratheradv 相当 宁愿 题1 1 Herhusbandwouldrathertheoldbikethananewone A repair tobuyB torepair buyC repair buyD torepair tobuy 2 HeratherthanyougoingtoAmericaasanexchangestudent A isB amC areD be 题2 英译汉Somebackpackerswouldratherliveintentsthanliveinhotels C A 有些背包客宁可住帐篷也不住宾馆 归纳拓展 1 1 rather常用在ratherthan结构中 意为 而不是 通常连接两个并列成分 Peterwenttosoccerpracticewithcourageratherthanfearinhisheart 彼得并没有害怕 而是勇敢地去参加足球训练 2 ratherthan连接两个名词或代词作主语时 谓语动词应与ratherthan前面的名词或代词在人称和数上保持一致 2 与rather相关的固定搭配 1 prefertodo ratherthando 宁愿做 而不愿做 Iprefertogooutratherthanstayathome 我宁愿出去也不愿待在家里 2 wouldratherdo thando 宁愿做 而不愿做 Hewasahero Hewouldratherdiethangivein 他是一位英雄 宁死不屈 makev 使成为 制造 题3 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空 1 Carlcan tsleepwellbecausehisnewbedmakeshim comfort 2 Thesuggestionthatyougavememakesme success 题4 1 Englishisdifficultforme Iwanttogiveitup Don tloseyourconfidence Ibelieveyou llitifyoukeeptrying A takeB workC pickD make 2 Thoughheoftenmadehislittlesister todayhewasmadebyher A cry tocryB cried cryingC tocry cryD cried tocry uncomfortable succeed D A 归纳拓展 注意 makesb dosth 这个句型变被动语态时要变为sb bemadetodosth alive living lively live 题5 用alive living lively或live填空 1 Apersonisalwaysfullofenergy 2 Thefishwecaughtyesterdayisstill 3 Wehumansstilldon tknowiftherearethingsonMars 4 The2018FIFAWorldCupwascoveredonTVfrom14thJuneto15thJuly 5 Hisunclemakesaasadriver lively alive living live living beabouttodosth 将要做某事 题6 1 Theteacherwasaboutwhenastudentcamein A leaveB toleaveC leavingD left 2 Wewereabouttohangoutwhenthetelephone A ringB rangC wasringingD ringing B 归纳拓展 beabouttodo用于 眼前的 眼下的 将来 不可与具体的表示将来的时间副词或副词短语连用 但可以与as或when引导的时间状语从句连用 Theyareabouttoleave 他们即将离开 B Neithermedicinenorrestcanhelphim 药物和休息都帮不了他 题7 1 MyparentsarecrazyaboutKeepRunning Howaboutyourparents mydadmymomlikesit TheypreferReaders A Neither norB Both andC Either orD Notonly butalso 2 Neithertheheadmasternortheteacherstakeavacationnextweek A weregoingtoB isgoingtoC wasgoingtoD aregoingto 题8 英译汉NeithermysisternorIaminterestedinthecarexhibition A D 我和我姐姐都不喜欢这个汽车展 归纳拓展 neither nor意为 既不 也不 常连接两个相同的成分 连接并列主语时 谓语动词遵循 就近一致 原则 类似用法的连词还有either or 或者 或者 notonly butalso 不但 而且 BythetimeIgotup mybrotherhadalreadygottenintheshower 到我起床的时候 我哥哥已经在洗淋浴了 题9 1 BythetimeIgottothecinema themoviefortenminutes A hasbeenonB hadbeenonC hadstoppedD hadbegun 2 Bythetimethecourseends wealotaboutBritain A willlearnB arelearningC havelearntD willhavelearnt B D 归纳拓展 bythetime作连词 表示 到 为止 当 的时候 通常引导一个时间状语从句 主要有以下两种用法 1 表示过去状态 bythetime 一般过去时 主句使用过去完成时 haddone BythetimeNickcalled wehadalreadygoneout 当尼克打电话时 我们已经出去了 2 表示现在状态 bythetime 一般现在时 主句使用将来完成时 willhavedone BythetimeIgraduatenextyear Iwillhavelivedherefor5years 到明年毕业时 我就在这里待了五年了 用所给单词的适当形式填空1 Helen nod withasmilewhenshemetme 2 BythetimeIgotthere themeeting begin 3 Thebadfoodmadeus feel terrible 4 NeitheryounorI be adoctor 5 Theywere disappoint attheresults 6 The weigh ofthestoneisabout500kg 7 Idislikethecinemabecausetheseatsarevery comfortable 8 Myunclehadbeenagreat office for10yearsbeforeheretiredfromthearmy 9 Thegirlexpectedallherclassmates come toherparty 10 Doyouthinkstudentsmustbekeptawayfromthemobilephone No I agree Themobilephonecanhelpcommunicatewithothers nodded hadbegun feel am disappointed weight uncomfortable officer tocome disagree 根据句意及首字母提示填空11 Betty sfatherusedtobeab butnowhedoesn tworkinthebank 12 NyounorJohnknowshowtospelltheword 13 Mrs Brownwouldbuysomefreshfishfromthembeforegoinghome 14 Ihavetomeetmyfriendatthea Hisplaneislanding 15 Thebosswantedtoktheyoungmanoff 16 IliketheweatherinKunming It swarmallyearlong Yes Andthetemperaturestaysazeroallthetime 17 It snoteasyforparentstoraiseus andweshouldn tletthemd 18 Ifweallptogether ourChinaDreamissuretocometrue 19 Idon tliketheloudmusicwhichdmemad 20 You dbettersetagbeforeyoustarttostudyEnglish banker Neither market airport kick above down pull drives goal 连词成句21 full your surprises is of life 22 minutes class I for was late five 23 as can fast they them as run 24 you on what AprilFool sDay happened to 25 lucky alive I be felt to Isyourlifefullofsurprises Iwasfiveminuteslateforclass Theycanrunasfastasthem WhathappenedtoyouonAprilFool sDay Ifeltluckytobealive

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