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第9课时Unit1 2 八下 PARTONE 第一篇教材梳理篇 swung babysitter gently dirty eastern set rose risen windy sunny height nearly nearby basic northern gardener living tightly careful careless carefully carelessness pleasant neither nor longfor allyearround hundredsof holdon not until bytheway turninto inaword openup atthetopof lookafter closeup inthemiddleof plentyof bescared afraidof makesure fill with onebyone turnaround atthebottomof logonto alongwith keep awayfrom give apush bestofall willbe neither nor Onmywayto saw blossoming Becauseof hundredsof aslowas won t until areimportantto keep awayfrom comestolaughing fulfill basicneeds showyouthebestway neitheradv 也不 点拨 neither的用法 Hecan tswim NeithercanI 他不会游泳 我也不会 NeitherofuslikeswatchingTV 我们两个都不喜欢看电视 Neitheranswerisright 两个答案都不对 典例 1 2018 温州 Doyoulikerockmusicorlightmusic IlikeBeijingOpera A EitherB NoneC BothD Neither 2 英译汉NeithermysisternorIaminterestedinthecarexhibition D 我姐姐和我都对这个汽车展不感兴趣 plentyof充足的 足够的 相当多的 点拨 1 plentyof后接可数名词复数或不可数名词 且只能用于肯定句中 否定句和疑问句中通常用enough Wehaveplentyoffood 我们有许多食物 2 plentyof 名词 作主语时 谓语动词的单复数与of后面的名词保持一致 Plentyofstudentshavecome 许多学生已经来了 considerv 仔细考虑 认为 觉得 点拨 consider的用法 典例 2018 哈尔滨改编 I mconsideringabroadforfurtherstudy butIhaven tdecidedyet You dbetteraskyourEnglishteacherforsomeadvice A goingB togoC goD went A as as 和 一样 点拨 1 as as 意为 和 一样 表示同级的比较 第一个as后接形容词或副词原级 第二个as后接比较对象 Thisfilmisasinterestingasthatone 这部电影和那部电影一样有趣 2 as as 的否定形式为notas so as 意为 不及 不如 Hedoesn tspeakEnglishaswellasLiLei 他英语说得没有李雷好 典例 2018 宿迁 Thelocalguidespokeshecouldtomakethevisitorsunderstandher A asclearasB asclearlyasC soclearasD soclearlyas B instead insteadof 典例 用instead或insteadof填空 1 2018 宜昌改编 You dbetterfacechallengesbravelyrunningawayfromthem 2 Theboydoesn tlikeswimming sohedecidedtoplayfootball insteadof instead bytheway ontheway intheway inthisway Bytheway haseverybodyarrived 顺便问一下 大家都到了吗 Let swaitamoment He sonthewayhere 咱们等一会儿 他正在来这儿的路上 Sorry youareintheway 对不起 你挡路了 Inthisway hehascollectedmanystamps 用这种方法 他已经收集了许多邮票 典例 DoyoumissMr Chen Yes Ido haveyoueverheardofhimsinceheleft A BythewayB OnthewayC InthewayD Attheway A 6Abytheway意为 顺便问 说一下 ontheway意为 在路上 intheway意为 挡路 没有 attheway 这一用法 根据问句句意 你想念陈先生吗 和答语前句句意 是的 可知 此句意为 顺便问一下 自从他离开后 你听说过他的消息吗 故选A raise rise Ifyouwanttoaskaquestion firstraiseyourhand 如果你想要问问题 先举手 Thesunrisesintheeastandsetsinthewest 太阳在东方升起 西方落下 典例 Theboyhishandandaskedifthesunintheeasteveryday A rose risesB raised raisedC raised risesD rises raised C Onmywaytoschoolthismorning Isawsomewinterjasmineblossoming 今天早晨我在上学的路上看到一些迎春花开了 点拨 1 onone swayto 意为 在某人去 的路上 one s要与主语的人称和数保持一致 后接地点副词here there home等时 to要省略 2 seesb sth doingsth 表示 看见某人 物正在做某事 强调动作正在发生 拓展 用法类似的感官动词 典例 1 2018 铜仁 Listen Whoissinginginthenextroom ItmustbeSally Ioftenhearherthere A singingB singsC tosingD sing 2 IsTominthenextroom Well it shardtosay ButIheardhimloudlywhenIpassedbyjustnow A speakB tospeakC spokenD speaking D 2 D根据 whenIpassedbyjustnow 可知是强调动作正在发生 故答案选D项 hearsb doingsth 听见某人正在做某事 现在分词作宾语补足语 D It stimetostopswinging Debbie 黛比 该停止荡秋千了 点拨 1 It stimetodosth 意为 到做某事的时间了 可以与 It stimeforsth 相互转换 It stimetohaveclass It stimeforclass 上课时间到了 2 stopdoingsth 与stoptodosth It stimeforclass Pleasestoptalking 该上课了 请停止讲话 Theywalkedforawhileandstoppedtohavearest 他们走了一会儿 便停下来休息 典例 1 2018 贵州 Pleasestopandgooutforawalk Rememberwarmclothes A tostudy wearingB studying towearC tostudy towearD studying wearing 2 连词成句is time her to it gotobed for B Itistimeforhertogotobed Weprobablywon tseeanyflowersuntilMayorJune 我们很可能直到五月或六月才能看到花儿 点拨 not until 意为 直到 才 主句中常用瞬间动词 拓展 until用于肯定句 只能与延续性动词连用 意为 到 为止 用于否定句 常与非延续性动词连用 意为 直到 才 其还可与其他表示否定的词连用 如never nothing等 Sheworkeduntil11 30lastnight 她昨晚一直工作到十一点半 Shedidn tgotobeduntil11 30lastnight 她昨晚直到十一点半才去睡觉 典例 2018 随州 Somepeoplewon trealizetheimportanceoftheirhealththeyloseit A becauseB afterC whenD until D Therewillbeashowerthisafternoon 今天下午将有阵雨 点拨 1 Therewillbe 相当于Thereis aregoingtobe 意为 将要有 是therebe结构的一般将来时 2 在therebe句型结构中 will或begoingto不可以用have代替 注意 therebe句型的一个重要用法是 就近一致原则 即谓语动词be和最靠近的名词在数上保持一致 Thereisabookandtworulersonthedesk 桌子上有一本书和两把尺子 Therearetworulersandabookonthedesk 桌子上有两把尺子和一本书 典例 2018 临沂 TheTVnewsreportsthatthereastormthedayaftertomorrow A isB wasC willbeD hasbe C 根据句意及首字母提示填空1 Wedidn tgetoffthebusuitstopped 2 Themotherftheglasswithmilkandpassedittoherdaughter 3 NyounorJohnknowshowtospelltheword 4 Ifwegoonline wecanfindpofusefulinformation 5 Doyoustilltakethebustoschool No NowIcancometoschoolbyundergroundiofbybus 6 Becareful Thereisabighontheroad 7 ShanghailiesintheeastofChina SoitisanecityinChina 8 YourT shirtlooksd You dbetterwashit 9 Thegirlisverys Shedoesn tspeakmuchinfrontofstrangers 10 Thesunrintheeasteveryday until filled Neither plenty instead hole eastern dirty shy rises 用所给词的适当形式填空1 Zhangjiakouisinthe north partofHebeiProvince 2 Goingtothebeachwithfamilyforfunona sun dayispopularinAmerica 3 Ithinkit sp please togoforawalkafterdinner 4 Whynotconsider travel aroundthecountry 5 IheardJim sing anEnglishsongwhenIpassedbyhisroom northern sunny pleasant travelling singing 连词成句1 scared I m themonkeybars climbing of 2 on let s the instead play swings 3 pushes me can more you give 4 gently the blows wind 5 playing time stop it s to games I mscaredofclimbingthemonkeybars Let splayontheswingsinstead Canyougivememorepushes Thewindblowsgently It stimetostopplayinggames


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