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鲁教版2020年自主招生英语模拟考试试卷D卷一、 单项选择 (共20题;共40分)1. (2分)It me one hour and a half my homework last night A . took;doingB . takes;doingC . took;to doD . takes;to do2. (2分) Why didnt you answer my telephone yesterday?Sorry. I a bath at that time.A . tookB . takeC . am takingD . was taking3. (2分)Excuse me,could you please tell me if the meeting _ on time?If it _ tomorrow,well have to put it off.A . will hold; snowsB . will be held; snowsC . will be held; snowD . holds; will snow4. (2分)I did my in the race, but I was not first.A . bestB . hardestC . highestD . worst5. (2分)Everyone should learn to say I love you to their parents oftenI think so. in life is more important than family.A . SomethingB . EverythingC . AnythingD . Nothing6. (2分)They _do well in the exam. A . can be able toB . be able toC . am able toD . are able to7. (2分)The window all night yesterday A . is openB . was openC . was openedD . is opened8. (2分) Would you like to come with us? Sorry. I have much homework_.A . doB . to doC . doingD . does9. (2分)Is the boy _ is _ food and clothes over there a volunteer?Yes. He is very kind.A . which; set upB . that; put outC . whom; handing outD . who; giving away10. (2分)Dont put off todays work for tomorrow. I mean, todays work_ today.A . may doB . must doC . may be doneD . must be done11. (2分) you Chicago?A . Are; visitB . Are; visitedC . Did; visit12. (2分)It took the man less time to fly to Xian than it _ there.A . did to driveB . was drivingC . does to driveD . did driving13. (2分)Mr Smith is popular with the students _ he always makes his class interesting. A . untilB . whileC . because14. (2分)We should do something the animals in danger being killed. A . to protect, fromB . protect, fromC . to protect, forD . protect, for15. (2分)一 May I go now?一 No, you . You stay here.A . neednt; have toB . neednt; mustC . mustnt; have to16. (2分)We cant afford to make any mistakes. To us, _.A . a miss is as good as a mileB . the grass is greener on the other sideC . it never rains but it poursD . when in Rome, do as the Romans do17. (2分)We want to _ friends with you.A . teachB . playC . doD . make18. (2分) Its too hot. Would you mind _ the door?_, please do it now.A . to open; OKB . opening; Certainly notC . opening; Of courseD . to open; Good idea19. (2分) May I this pair of blue jeans? Yes, you .A . try on; shouldB . try on; canC . have a look; canD . look at; must20. (2分)I have only two tickets(票) for TF Boys concert. _ you _ he can go with me. A . Either, orB . Either, norC . Both, andD . Not only, but also二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)21. (10分)根据短文理解,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最佳答案填空。At about 1: 00 oclock in the morning, I was hanging out with three friends. After walking for a long time, we all felt very 1. We wanted to find a 2to have something on the street, but I knew that most restaurants were 3by this time. At last, at the end of Business Street, I found a restaurant that was still open. It was a Chinese restaurant for 4. I was told that Chinese people are hardworking. Thats 5true. This restaurant wasnt too big, but it was clean and beautiful. The kitchens door and 6were made of glass. You could 7the cooks working on your food.We 8four bowls of noodles with some mutton and eggs. The noodles were delicious. I thought that the noodles were the nicest ones I had ever eaten. There were five Chinese 9working there. They served us happily. They talked a lot, smiled a lot and invited us to come back. We told them we would tell our friends about their noodles. They were very 10.(1)A . excited B . pleased C . hungry D . tired (2)A . barbers shop B . restaurant C . church D . store (3)A . closed B . large C . small D . busy (4)A . noodles B . water C . fruit D . dumplings (5)A . not B . really C . never D . seldom (6)A . windows B . model ships C . desks D . tables (7)A . hit B . kill C . see D . make (8)A . brought B . took C . ordered D . cooked (9)A . waiters B . salesgirls C . shop assistants D . cooks (10)A . tired B . sad C . happy D . disappointed 三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共34分)22. (10分) Mrs. Black wants to visit her son. Her son works in a post office in the city ,but she doesnt know where it is , She begins to look for it , but she cant find it. She asks an old man, “Excuse me , how can I get to the post office?”“We have about forty post offices in the city,” says the old man. “Which one do you want to go to ?” She gives her sons letter to him and the old man says , Walk along this street to the first crossroads and then turn left. You will see it on your left,” She thanks the old man and soon finds her son . They are very happy.(1)Mrs Blacks son works in a A . libraryB . bankC . post officeD . supermarket(2)There are aboutpost offices in the cityA . thirtyB . fortyC . fiftyD . twenty.(3) tells her the way to the post office.A . A girlB . A boyC . A man.D . An old man.(4)She can get to the post office by A . walking along the street, and turning left at the first crossroadsB . going straight along the streetC . walking left at the cornerD . walking along the street ,and turning right at the first crossroads(5)How does she feel after meeting her son?A . ShyB . AngryC . HappyD . Sad23. (6分)阅读理解Do you know what the hump(驼峰) of a camel is used for? If you answered to store water, guess again. In fact, a camels hump is a place for storing fat.Most animals, including humans, store fat throughout their bodies, under their skin. But camels store their fat in one place, their hump. A hump can weigh as much as 80 pounds. Why do camels keep their fat this way? The answer is most likely because of their environment. Camels can go up to two weeks without eating because they have this fat to live off.Also camels are great at handling(处理,应付) changes in body temperature. Their humps can help the camels keep cooler. Their coats also help them adapt(适应) to the heat. While the coat is thick, it reflects(反射)the sunlight and protects the camel from the heat that rises off the desert sand.There are two kinds of camels, those with one hump and those with two humps. Camels with one hump are called Dromedary or Arabian camels. They live in the dry deserts in West Asia. Camels with two humps are called Bactrian camels. They live in Central and East Asia.Besides their humps, camels have a lot of interesting facts. They can live between 4050 years. They can carry about 400 pounds and run up to 40 miles per hour. Its true that camels can go long time without drinking water, and they can drink about 26 gallons of water at a time. Camels can also close their nostrils(鼻孔). So whether a camel has one hump or two, it is one amazing animal that is very well adapted to its environment.(1)What is a camels hump used for? A . Storing water.B . Storing fat.C . Carrying food.D . Carrying riders.(2)From the passage we can learn that _. A . camels humps are very interestingB . camels humps can make them amazingC . a camels hump can weigh as much as 80 poundsD . camels with two humps are called Dromedary camels(3)Which is the best title of the passage? A . Interesting humpsB . One hump or Two?C . Great animalsD . Two kinds of camels24. (8分)阅读下列内容,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。DNow we have comfortable buses in New York. I would like to describe to you how comfortable they are. The number of the seats on a bus has been reduced(减少) from 44 to 19.In the beginning, they just changed the normal(正常的) seats to airplane seats and took off 10 seats on the bus. However, every passenger (乘客)wanted to have a more comfortable seat on the bus when he took long distance trips by bus. Also, the bus manager wanted to get more profits (利润),so they changed the airplane seats to sofas, and the number of the seats becomes 19.The new buses are coming out, but the prices are going up too. The owners have many ideas which you have probably never thought about before. Now they have bus attendants (服务员)who serve water, snacks, newspapers and towels.Also, you can change the direction of the sofas so that you can feel more comfortable, and they have a service bell on each sofa. Whats more, some companies play some videos on the bus. In addition, when you take a long distance trip, they provide luxurious buses that have an LCD (液晶彩色显示器)on each seat. That is not the only surprising thing on the bus一一they also have three different video channels, and seventy TV games for killing time when you are on the bus.In a word, we want to be more comfortable when we are on a trip. That is the reason why we have sofas on the buses. Maybe we will have beds on the buses in the future.(1)How many seats did they take off in the beginning? A . 44B . 19C . 10D . 34(2)What does the word luxurious mean in the passage? A . 豪华的B . 坚固的C . 明亮的D . 宽敞的(3)They provide TV programs and games on the bus to . A . cut the price of the busB . make the trip not boringC . get people interested in drivingD . let the passengers know the latest news(4)What would be the best title for this passage? A . Fewer seats, more bus faresB . A comfortable long distance tripC . Buses, a usable (可用的) form of travelingD . Comfortable bus seats make travel life good25. (10分) Plants are very important. This is because plants can make food from air, water and sunlight. Animals and man cannot make food from air, water and sunlight. Animals can get their food by eating plants and other animals. Man gets his food by eating plants and animals, too. So animals and man need plants to live. This is why there are so many plants around us.There are two kinds of plants: flowering plants and non-flowering(无花) plants. Almost all the trees around us are flowers and fruit. Non-flowering plants dont grow flowers. You cant see many non-flowering plants around you.If you look carefully at the plants around you, youll find that there are many kinds of plants. Some plants are very big and some very small. Most of them are green. We can live on the earth because of the plants around us.(1)Which of the following is the most important according to the passage?A . Man.B . Plants.C . Animals.D . Air, water, and sunlight.(2)We need many plants around us because _.A . plants can grow easilyB . plants are greenC . we can get what we need from plantsD . we like all kinds of plants(3)There are _ non-flowering plants than flowering plants around us.A . much fewerB . much moreC . much largerD . much better(4)Which of the following doesnt come from a plant?A . Basket.B . Bread.C . Cabbage.D . Stone Forest(5)The best title(标题)for this passage may be _.A . Food from PlantsB . Plants Make FoodC . Man and AnimalsD . Plants around us四、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共4分)26. (4分)任务型阅读Mr. King is from America. He and his wife are teachers. They teach English in a middle school in Beijing. They have two daughters. They are twins. Their names are Lucy and Lily. Theyre twelve. They look the same. They are students, but they are in different schools. Their family has two bikes and a car. One bike is for Lily, the other is for Lucy. Mr. and Mrs. King go to work in their car. They have many friends in China. They sometimes go to the friends home for supper(晚餐).(1)Where is Mr. King from?_(2)How do Mr. and Mrs. King go to work?_(3)Do Mr. and Mrs. King have many friends in China?_(4)Are Lucy and Lily in the same school?_五、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)27. (5分)假如你是你校校报英语专栏的小记者,上周日你参加了你校组织的保护环境的主题活动。请你根据以下表格提示,给校报写一篇报道。活动地点迎泽公园参与人员八年级全体师生活动内容上午:保护环境的演讲比赛下午:打扫公园活动感想.参考词汇:演讲比赛speech competition参加take part(in)要求:不少于90词,可适当发挥。第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共20题;共40分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)21-1、三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共34分)22-1、22-2、22-3、22-4、22-5、23-1、23-2、23-3、24-1、24-2、24-3、24-4、25-1、25-2、25-3、25-4、25-5、四、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共4分)26-1、26-2、26-3、26-4、五、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)27-1、

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