鲁教版七下Unit 10 Id like some noodles. Section B同步测试C卷.doc

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鲁教版七下Unit 10 Id like some noodles. Section B同步测试C卷.doc_第3页
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鲁教版七下Unit 10 Id like some noodles. Section B同步测试C卷一、 根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。 (共8题;共32分)1. (6分)Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words. Now students English handwriting gets worse and worse. That makes their teachers feel w_. Is your English handwriting beautiful? If not, here are for steps that really work!Use paper with linesUsing paper with lines can keep your writing straight i_of up or down when you write English words or sentences. Those lines on the paper can help you to write words in the r_size. Slow downIf your writing is hard to read, try slowing down a little. For some kids going slower makes the handwriting clear. If you write too fast, its hard for you to stop where you should, and even worse, you may make more m_.Hold your pencil rightWhen you hold your pencil in a correct way, writing is much easier. Some kids press down really hard when they write. That makes the handwriting not nice. Try to be relaxed and dont hold the pencil so hard. If you do so, people will guess you are a student with a good h_. Handwriting is very important. Imagine you are a world-famous movie star or a sports player, what do you do when your f_run up to you? Give them your autographs(亲笔签名), of course.2. (4分)根据句意及中文提示填写单词。(1)Its kind of you to offer us such _(有价值的)advice.(2)Theres no _(怀疑)that they will win.(3)If you dont know the word, you can look it up in the _(字典).(4)I called her yesterday, but there was no _(答复).3. (5分)根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。(1)I want to join the music c_.(2)She can s_English very well.(3)Can you play c_.(4)Can he s_this song?(5)Can you d_with me?4. (5分)根据句意及首字母提示补全单词(1)Whose s_is it?Its fulI of books and there is a Spiderman on it(2)He is an a _He is good at drawing horses(3)Do you know who i_paper?(4)He looks u_,but he is very kind(5)This is my p_carDont touch it5. (1分)I cant find the way to the _(电影院). Can you help me? 6. (1分)J. K. Rowlings books are loved by young r_ all over the world. 7. (5分)将下列句子中汉语部分译成英语,注意使用适当的形式,并将答案写在横线上。 (1)Yesterday once more is _(经典歌曲). (2)_(赶快), or youll be late for class. (3)Watching _(茶艺表演)is just as enjoyable as drinking the tea itself. (4)The temperature in Singapore is almost the same _(全年). (5)Now more and more people enjoy _(自然美). 8. (5分)根据句意及汉语提示填空。_We cant _ _ _(习惯)the weather here because the wind is always strong._Ill help you, _ _(即使)I dont sleep for a night._I would like more time to _ this problem _ (仔细考虑)._You can _ us _ (打电话给) when you get to Shanghai. We will meet you._At the age of 5, my father _ _ _ (对感到满意) my good results at school.二、 用括号内所给名词的适当形式填空。 (共10题;共10分)9. (1分)It is said the more_will be set up in this state in a couple of years.(church) 10. (1分)In the zoo you can see many kinds of animals such as tigers and_(bear) 11. (1分)There are many _(kind) of animals in the zoo. 12. (1分)There are different kinds of_(wallet)in the shop 13. (1分)Mrs. Brown was angry with the waiter for his _ answer. (polite) 14. (1分)How many (多少)_(subject) do you have at school? 15. (1分)If you _ me or use any force, I shall inform the police. (threat) 16. (1分) Where is your father? He _ (watch) the World Cup in the living room.17. (1分) What are those in English? They are _ (dictionary).18. (1分)Its an honor_ (to share/ share) my opinion with all of you.三、 单项选择。 (共10题;共20分)19. (2分)Taiwan is the southeast of China.A . atB . inC . toD . on20. (2分)_May 7 local time, Macron won Frances president election. _ the age of 39, he will be the countrys youngest president A . On, InB . On, AtC . In; InD . In; At21. (2分)_ a big party in our school in two weeks.A . It isB . It will beC . There wasD . There is going to be22. (2分)I am usually busy the evening, but Sunday evening Im free. A . in; onB . in; inC . on; inD . on; on23. (2分)Jane and her friends _ a barbecue in the park next Monday. A . haveB . are going to haveC . hadD . is going to have24. (2分)Why dont you get used to the life in Beijing?_ the crowded traffic _ the high living cost. The only reason is the badly polluted air.A . Not only; but alsoB . Either; orC . Both; andD . Neither; nor25. (2分)I remember my cup on the table,but I cant find it now A . to putB . to puttingC . puttingD . put26. (2分)I havent worked the problem out yetWhat am I supposed to do?Try again!Its only_difficultA . a lotB . a bitC . too muchD . too many27. (2分)Thank you for your delicious dinner, Mr.Hand._.A . Youre welcomeB . Im glad you enjoy itC . Not at all28. (2分) Could you please _ the window? It is a little hot. _ , of course.A . opening, YesB . open, YesC . to open, No四、 根据汉语意思完成英语句子。 (共1题;共4分)29. (4分)这房子太贵了,我买不起。 The house is _ _ for me _ _.五、 任务型阅读。 (共1题;共25分)30. (25分)阅读下面的文章并按要求完成小题。Root VegetablesWould you like to eat a root? You probably already have. People and animals eat many kinds of roots. Most roots that people eat are usually called root vegetables. A root vegetable is what we call veggies that grow underground.A carrot is one type of root vegetable. It is the orange, edible root of the carrot plant. to, many, in, like, people, salad, put, it(.) A turnip , is another root vegetable. It is a member of the cabbage family. Turnips are usually eaten boiled, steamed, roasted, fried, pickled, or even raw.Although some people do not consider potatoes to be a veggie, but they are a root vegetable.People like to eat them mashed, boiled, and fried. Sweet potatoes, yams, beets, and leeks are some other root vegetables that people like to eat.(1)将文中处画线句子翻译为汉语。 (2)将文中处画线单词连词成句,标点符号已在括号内给出。 (3)文中处画线句子有一处错误,改正并抄写。 (4)What is this story mostly about? (5)What is a root vegetable? 第 9 页 共 9 页参考答案一、 根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。 (共8题;共32分)1-1、2-1、2-2、2-3、2-4、3-1、3-2、3-3、3-4、3-5、4-1、4-2、4-3、4-4、4-5、5-1、6-1、7-1、7-2、7-3、7-4、7-5、8-1、二、 用括号内所给名词的适当形式填空。 (共10题;共10分)9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、三、 单项选择。 (共10题;共20分)19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、四、 根据汉语意思完成英语句子。 (共1题;共4分)29-1、五、 任务型阅读。 (共1题;共25分)30-1、30-2、30-3、30-4、30-5、


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