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高二英语基础词汇大比拼星期_星期一_ 星期二_ 星期三_ 星期四_星期五_ 星期六_ 星期天_月份_一月份_ 二月份_ 三月份_ 四月份_五月份_ 六月份_ 七月份_ 八月份_九月份_十月份_十一月份_ 十二月份_季节_春_夏_秋_/_冬_写出以下数词的基数词形式1_ 2 _ 3 _ 4 _ 5 _ 6 _ 7 _ 8 _ 9 _ 10_ 11 _ 12_13_14_15_16_17_18_19_20_30_40_50_60_70_80_90_写出以下数词的序数词形式1st_2nd_3rd_4th_5th_8th_9th_12th_20th_23rd_99th_85th_70th_根据汉语写出描述天气的词天气_ 气候_ 阳光_ 温度_ 晴朗的_恶劣的_ 干燥的_ 潮湿的_暖和的_凉爽的_冷的_ 炎热的_写出下列词的形容词形式sun-_ rain-_ wind-_ cloud-_ snow-_storm-_ ice-_importance-_ difference-_ danger-_humour-_ fame-_ inform-_help-_value-_ 写出下列形容词、副词的比较级与最高级形式good/well-_-_ ill/bad/badly-_-_many/much-_-_ little-_-_far-_ /_ -_ /_写出同音词(1)sea(6)know(2)meat(7)for(3)I(8)buy(4)too(9)wear(5)sun(10)hour写出对应词、(1)brother(9)uncle(2)this(10)morning(3)grandfather(11)tomorrow(4)man(12)waitress(5)daughter(13)red(6)mother(14)wife(7)these(15)girlfriend(8)girl(16)policeman写出反义词(1)quick(7)happy(2)laugh(8)tall(3)fast(9)first(4)close(10)clean(5)small(11)in(6)hard(12)wrong代词人称代词主格I weyouyouhesheitthey宾格物主代词形容词性名词性反身代词翻译下列短语1.在早上/下午/晚上 2.在正午/半夜 3.在星期一上午4.在九月份 5.在2008年8月8日 6.在早上九点钟7.在市中心 8.在图书馆的前面 9.在教室的前部10.在山顶上/在山脚下 11.每逢星期天 12.在国内外Try different ways to remember more English words!Units12单词考查一、写出下列单词的汉语意思1.genius _ 2.undertake _ 3.analysis _4. obvious _ 5.within_ 6.agriculture_ 7.curious _ 8.branch _ 9.debate _ 10.boundary _ 11. promising_ 12. graduate_ 13. research_ 14. wheelchair_ 15. disable _ 16. theory_ 17. unhappiness_ 18. misunderstand_19. scientific _ 20. observe _ 21.match_ 22.predict_ 23. seek_ 24. crime_25. astronomer_ 26. microscope _ 27. telescope_ 28. geographer_ 29. heaven _ 30. intelligent _ 31.patient _ 32. experiment_ 33. attitude_34. disappoint_35. troublemaker_ 36.guard _ 37.responsible _38. caring_ _ 39.citizen_ 40. arm_ 41.polluter _ 42 update_ 43. media _ 44.reliable _ 45.fire _ 46. face _ 47.difficulty _ 48. editor _49.reason _ 50. elect _ 51. bore _ 52.concern _53. neutral _54. locate_ 55. retire _ 56.complete _57.injure _58. rumour _ 59. headline _ 60. inform_ 61informed_62.talented_63.interviewer_64.interviewee_65. switch_ 66. present (动词) _ present(形容词) _ present(名词)_67.reflect _ 68. truthfully _ 69. effort _ 70. passion_71. spiritual_72.seldom _ 73. addict _ 74. social _75. ignore_76. tolerate_ 77. critical_ 78. source _二、补全短语1._ on 继续工作 2. go _ 过去;走过 3. be _ to sb 与某人订婚 4. go _ with 继续某种行为 5. _ of 梦想;梦到 6._ out 结果(是); 证明(是);7._ up 用完;用尽 8. be _with 对表示满意或满足9.take a _at 看 10.what _ 倘使将会怎样; 即使又有什么要紧11. the other way _ 相反地; 12.go _ 上升;增长;攀登 13._ down (使)烧成平地;烧毁14.relate _ 有关;涉及15.for _ 就这(那)一次 16.be _ to 沉溺于17._ if 即使;纵然;虽然18.draw _ to 对表示注意 19. _ all sides 在各方面;到处20._ ones mind 改变主意 21.current _ 时事22.look up _ 尊敬;钦佩 23._ in love with. 爱上 Units1-2练习1.All his money had used up, so he had to turn to his uncle for help.2.The inspired story about the soldier has a deep impression on my mind.3.Tom is lazy, on other hand, he longs for a comfortable life.4.The rope is two hundreds metres long.5.It was 1949 that the Peoples Republic of China was founded.6.No one feels like to work with you, Bob, you are too selfish.7.How do you think of Jenny?8.I would rather stay at home than to go out on this rainy day.9.China Daily is rather than a newspaper; we can also learn English from it.10.Ill come and help you get the garage built if it will rain tomorrow.11. spent the whole month to collect information on the harm of smoking.12.The freshmen must try their best to adapt themselves with the new campus life.13.It is the most moving story that I had ever read. 汉译英1. 如今很多中学生沉溺于玩电脑游戏。2. 在教师节这天,很多学生把鲜花赠送给他们的老师。3. 我学英语已经四年多了。4. 这是我第三次游览西湖了。5. 我们回到家,又累又饿。6. 听到那个令人失望的消息,所有的人都很失望。7. 老师不得不再解释一遍这个问题以使大家都明白。8. 只有用这种办法我们才能精通英语。

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