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冀教版第六中学初中部2019-2020学年七年级上学期英语期中考试试卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分)英语中共有 个字母, 其中 个元音字母。 A . 26;20B . 26;5C . 48;5D . 44;202. (2分)The pay phone is _Green Street and its across _ the library. A . in, toB . on, fromC . at, throughD . by, of3. (2分)Would you like to go for a picnic with us ? ._ . But I am too busy .A . No , I can t.B . Id like.C . Yes , Id love to .D . Why not4. (2分)Im a boy. My name is _. A . AmyB . EricC . CindyD . Grace5. (2分) is this new clock? Fifteen dollars.A . What colorB . How oldC . How muchD . What number6. (2分)I have _ aunt. Her name is Linda. A . aB . anC . theD . /7. (2分)Is your dream job to be_ animal doctor? Yes. I want to do what I love to do and help animals at _ same time. A . an; /B . the; aC . an; theD . by; in8. (2分)一Were going to have a basketball match with Class 3 next week.一 !A . Let me seeB . Wish you good luckC . Thank youD . Have a good time9. (2分)- There is an MP5 on the desk, whose is this?- It can be my _, she bought one yesterday.A . sisterB . sistersC . sistersD . sisters10. (2分)Where are pens? Are in the pencil box? A . my; theyB . I; theyC . yours; you二、 完形填空 (共1题;共1分)11. (1分)阅读下面短文,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 Some students from China spent an unforgettable summer holiday in different countries. Here is what they said about their1.Liu Na, a middle school student, spent her holiday in Thailand. She worked as an elephant helper. She2two weeks in the Elephant Natural Park in Chiang Mai. She said the founder(创始人) of the park had saved 28 elephants3the last ten years. The elephants are now able to live4in the Natural Park. Some foreign students like me come to feed them, take them for a bath in the river and play with them. With our5, the elephants dont do hard work every day. Were so proud of that.Wang Jiao,6college student from China, stayed in America for a year. I taught Chinese in a Confucius Institute(孔子学院) in New York. Nowadays, people all over the world are becoming more and more7in Chinese language and Chinese culture. So are the Americans.8a Chinese, I am happy to tell students what I know about China and Chinese culture. We made dumplings,9songs of Zhou Jielun and did Taiji together. That was a great way to learn more both for me and my10students. Zhang Liang, a postgraduate(研究生) studying in a famous Medical University,11in Africa for several months. When he first got there, he was12to see many people lose their lives just because they had no money to see a doctor. Then he13to help them out. When you see children with happy and healthy 14,you will forget all your problems!If you want to have a meaningful life in other15, if you want to help the rest of the world, why not give yourself a chance and have a try?(1)A . programs B . differences C . holidays D . discussions (2)A . cost B . paid C . spent D . took (3)A . in B . at C . on D . to (4)A . lonely B . freely C . politely D . quickly (5)A . way B . luck C . help D . age (6)A . other B . the other C . another D . others (7)A . important B . interested C . popular D . beautiful (8)A . As B . Unless C . If D . Though (9)A . wrote B . watched C . put D . sang (10)A . Chinese B . Japanese C . Australian D . American (11)A . moved B . played C . grew D . worked (12)A . bored B . sad C . excited D . angry (13)A . asked B . disliked C . happened D . decided (14)A . legs B . hands C . eyes D . faces (15)A . houses B . countries C . rooms D . cities 三、 阅读理解 (共5题;共48分)12. (10分)阅读理解ADo you worry about(担心) too much sugar in your ice cream? You should try (尝试)Halo Top ice cream from the US. There is not much sugar in Halo Top. It uses natural(天然的) sweets like sugar cane(甘蔗). So it is still sweet and tasty. But it is healthier than other ice cream. Most ice cream has around 1,000 calories(卡路里) for every 500g. But Halo Top has just 360 calories for every 500g, according to Time.(1)The Halo Top ice cream is _. A . sweetB . tastyC . healthyD . all the above(2)How many calories does the Halo Top ice cream have for every 500g? A . 500 calories.B . 1,000 calories.C . 630 calories.D . 360 calories.(3)Where is the passage(文章) from? A . An email.B . A story.C . A magazine.D . A notice(通知).13. (2分)根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。Many students in China are learning English. Some of these students are small children. Others are teenagers(十几岁的青少年). Many are adults. Some learn at school, others study by themselves. A few learn English language (语言)over the radio, on television, or in films. One must work hard to learn another language. Why do all these people want to learn English? It is difficult to answer that question. Many boys and girls learn English at school because it is one of their subjects. They study their own language and maths and English . Some people learn English because it is useful for their work. Many people often learn English for their higher studies, because at college or university(大学) some of their books are in English. Other people learn English because they want to read newspaper and magazines in English.(1)Many students in China are learning English, arent they? _. A . No, they arentB . No, they areC . Yes, they areD . Yes, they arent(2)If one wants to learn another language well, he must _. A . learn at schoolB . study by himselfC . work hardD . study harder(3)The sentence It is difficult to answer that question means _. A . that question is not difficult to answerB . that question is difficult to answer itC . it is difficultly to answer that questionD . it is hard to answer that question(4)Whats the Chinese of study by themselves? A . 和他们一起学习B . 自学C . 向他们学习D . 通过学习14. (10分)根据短文内容,选择正确答案。BDo you know how to play a game called “Musical Chairs”? It is easy to play and most people enjoy it. All you need are some chairs, some people and some ways of making music. You may use a piano or any other musical instrument, if someone can play it. You may use a tape recorder. You can even use a radio.Put the chaffs in a row. The chairs may be put in twos, back to back. A better way is to have the chairs in one row with each chaff facing in the opposite direction to the chair next to it. The game is easy. When the music starts, the players walk round the chairs. Everyone goes in the same direction, of course, they should walk in time to the music. If the music is fast they should walk quickly. If the music is slow, they should walk slowly. The person playing music cannot see the people in the game. When the music stops, the players try to sit on the chairs. If a person cannot find a chair to sit on, he drops out: Then, before the music starts again, one chair must be taken away. When the music stops again, one more player will be out.At last, there will be two players and one chaff. The one who sits on the chair when the music stops is the winner.(1)If ten people are playing musical chairs, you must begin with _.A . nine chairsB . ten chaffsC . eleven chairsD . one chair(2)Which of the following is NOT suitable for playing musical chaffs?A . A piano.B . A radio.C . A tape recorder.D . A telephone.(3)The chairs should be put _.A . with the desksB . before the winnerC . all over the roomD . in a line(4)When the music starts, the players must _.A . run about the roomB . get downC . walk around the chairsD . sit on the chaffs15. (1分)任务型阅读We always look forward to World Book Dayits a chance to share our love of books and reading with even more people! Here are some of the activities in different countries and places to celebrate the World Book Day, April 23rd every year.School Childrens BooksSchool Childrens Books are happy that best-selling writer Holly Webb is their World Book Day writer for 2012. Holly has written a large number of books for children and she has written a special Magic Molly story just for this years World Book Day!Reading PackageOn the World Book Day, every primary school student in Britain will receive a package from their school. Inside, there is a story book, a beautiful card and a reading list. Besides these three things, they will also receive a special note, which is worth one pound. Children can use it to buy their favorite books. And they can also enjoy a special price-20% cheaper.Share of ReadingIt is an interesting on-line activity which is for one week. People can share their opinions of a book on line. There are also many reading-aloud activities in libraries. For example, in 2010s World book Day the former US first lady Michelle Obama read aloud a book called The Cat in The Hat for more than 200 children in a library.Information CardThe date of World Day_The name of the writer who wrote a special Magic Molly story_The thing that every primary school student in Britain receives on the World Book Day_The year when Michelle Obama read about a book for children on the World Book Day_The number of activities mentioned to celebrate the World Book Day_16. (25分)阅读邀请函,回答问题。 It is Lindas birthday.Linda Smith hopes(希望)you can come to her party.Time: 6:00pmDate: March 16th, SaturdayPlace: Tianyuan Hotel, Xinhua StreetTelephone: 699-8789(1)Whose birthday is it? (2)When is Lindas birthday? (3)Where does Linda have her birthday party? (4)What time does the party start? (5)What is Lindas telephone number? 四、 补全对话 (共1题;共1分)17. (1分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。A:Hi ! Lucy ! _B:Well . I live near my school , so I get up at a quarter to seven. I never go to school late.A:Do you have breakfast at home?B:Yes. _A:When do you go to school?B: _So I go to school at seven forty-five .A: _B:I leave school at five past five and _AI have lunch at school.BI usually have some cakes and a cup of milk.CWhat time do you usually get up on weekdays?DWhen do you play games?EI get home at five thirty.FClass begins at eight oclock.GWhen do you get home?五、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)18. (5分)假如你是七年级一班的学生李明,请根据下面表格信息用不少于60词的短文向别人介绍你自己。要求:1.语句通顺,意思连贯,语法正确,书写规范;2.必须包含表格中所有内容,可做适当发挥;注意:必须把给出的短文开头转抄到答题卡相应的位置。英文名字Jack年龄12籍贯海南爸爸姓名李刚职业警察妈妈姓名刘梅职业英语老师最好的朋友姓名Mike籍贯美国最好的朋友食物名称鸡蛋理由对眼睛好经常吃的早餐食物名称牛奶和面包理由健康食物Hello!Im Li Ming.第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共10题;共20分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共1分)11-1、三、 阅读理解 (共5题;共48分)12-1、12-2、12-3、13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、14-1、14-2、14-3、14-4、15-1、16-1、16-2、16-3、16-4、16-5、四、 补全对话 (共1题;共1分)17-1、五、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)18-1、

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