人教版新目标(Go for it)2020年秋季八年级期终教学质量检测卷A卷.doc

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人教版新目标(Go for it)2020年秋季八年级期终教学质量检测卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 听力题 (共8题;共20分)1. (1分)听对话和问题,根据所听内容,选择最佳答案( ) A . To England.B . To Japan.C . To India.2. (1分)What did Tony do last Saturday afternoon? A . He played chess.B . He played tennis.C . He read in the library.3. (1分)选择恰当的答语( )A . Of course, I can.B . Because its interesting.C . I bought it yesterday.4. (1分)What did the girl do last Sunday? A . She played volleyball.B . She played basketball.C . She stayed at home.5. (1分)选择最佳应答语( )A . Yes,she doesB . Yes,it doesC . No,I havent6. (2分)听第二段对话,回答小题。 (1)What does Tim think of his volunteer work? A . Its difficult but happyB . Its relaxing and interestingC . Its difficult and meaningless(2)How often does Tim go to the animal hospital? A . Once a weekB . Twice a weekC . Three times a week(3)When will Tim and Mary meet this Sunday afternoon? A . At 2:30B . At 3:00C . At 3:307. (3分)听对话,回答小题。 (1)What sports does John like? A . TennisB . BasketballC . Ping-pong(2)What is Alice going to be? A . A scientist.B . A cook.C . A singer.8. (10分)听下面一段独白,回答问题。 (1)What group of students does the speaker teach? A . Adults.B . Teenagers.C . Children.(2)What is the speakers biggest problem of working in the school? A . The classroom is small and theres nobody in it.B . The speaker cant see any of the students.C . The speaker has to read and mark a lot of homework.(3)What does the speaker think of the way of teaching at Lawrence School? A . It really works.B . It helps to save time.C . It makes the students bored.(4)What does the speaker mainly tell us? A . The classroom work.B . The speakers teaching work.C . The speakers trouble.二、 完形填空 (共2题;共15分)9. (5分)Look here, boys and girls! This is a photo1my family. This is my father. His name is2. He is 40 years old. Thats my dear mother.3 names Linda Smith. She is 38. And these4my grandparents. Who is the girl? She is my5. Her name is Mary.The boy is me. My name is Tim Smith. I love my family.(1)A . at B . in C . of (2)A . Smith Mike B . Mike Smith C . Mike Black (3)A . Her B . His C . Your (4)A . are B . is C . am (5)A . daughter B . friend C . sister 10. (10分)完形填空Hello, everyone. I am 1English girl.2name is Alice. I have3 friends. They are Mary and Jenny. They are 4. We are all in Beijing now. Mary and Jenny5 a soccer ball.6ball is very nice. I dont have a soccer ball, 7I have a volleyball. 8ball is nice, too. We often9 volleyball at school. We dont play basketball. Because (因为) we10 have a basketball.(1)A . a B . an C . the D . / (2)A . I B . My C . Her D . Your (3)A . one B . two C . three D . four (4)A . parents B . brothers C . sisters D . my uncles (5)A . see B . meet C . have D . take (6)A . They B . My C . Your D . Their (7)A . and B . but C . so D . or (8)A . My B . Her C . I D . Me (9)A . have B . play C . has D . plays (10)A . isnt B . dont C . doesnt D . arent 三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共30分)11. (10分)Cities WeatherTemperatureFavorite sportsHarbin snowing-4-5 SkatingQindao Sunny 10-18 Beach volleyballHangzhou Windy 13-19 BasketballChengdu Cloudy 7-9 SoccerHaikou Raining 25-30 Swimming(1)Which city is very cold?A . Harbin.B . Qindao.C . Haikou .D . Hangzhou.(2)If you like swimming very much, you can go to?A . Haikou.B . Chengdu.C . Qindao.D . Harbin.(3)Inyou need to take a raincoat when you go out.A . Haikou.B . Chengdu.C . Qindao.D . Hangzhou.(4)People in Qindao like to.A . skate.B . play soccer.C . play volleyball.D . swim.(5)Where can you see the chart ?A . In a story book.B . On a newspaper.C . On the telephone.D . In a map of China.12. (10分)In 1993 an unknown American called Clarence Nash went to see the filmmaker Walt Disney. He had an unusual voice and he wanted to work in Disneys cartoon(动画片) film for children. When Walt Disney heard Nashs voice, he said”Stop! Thats our duck!”The duck was the now-famous Donald Duck, who first appeared in 1934 in the firm The Wise Little Hen. Donald lived in an old houseboat(水上住家) and wore his sailor jacket and hat. Later that year he became a star after an eight minute Mickey Mouse film. The cinema audience liked him because he was lazy and greedy(贪婪的), and because he lost his temper (发脾气) very quickly. And they loved his voice when he became angry with Mickeys eight nephews(侄子). Soon Donald was more popular than Mickey Mouse himself, probably because he wasnt a goody-goody like Mickey.In the 1930S, 40s and 50s Donald and his friends Mickey, Goofy and Pluto made hundreds of Disney cartoons. He also made educational films about the place of the USA in the world, and safety in the home. Then in 1966 Donald Duck and his voice disappeared there were no more new cartoons.Clarence Nash died in February, 1985. But todays children can still see the old cartoons on television and hear that famous voice.(1)Who made Donald Duck film? _A . Mickey MouseB . Clarence Nash.C . Walt Disney.D . Pluto.(2)When was the first Donald Duck film made? _A . In 1933.B . In 1934.C . In 1966.D . In 1930.(3)Who was Clarence Nash? _A . A cartoonist.B . Donald Ducks voice.C . A film-maker.D . A film star.(4)Where do todays children see Donald Duck ? _A . In new film.B . At the cinema.C . On television.D . At concerts.(5)The underlined word”audience” in the second paragraph means_A . readsB . formal interviewC . law freedomD . the people who watch a film at a cinema13. (10分)根据短文内容选择正确答案。BTraveling is one of the most important things and people have been interested in it for many years. Modern traffic develops(发展) fast. So traveling to different places has become much easier than before.Staying healthy while traveling can make your trip happier. But do you know how to keep healthy during a trip? The following information may be useful for you.Before traveling:Wear comfortable shoes, a hat and sunglasses.Take some necessary medicine with you. They can be used when you get sick or have other problems.If you do lots of sports like walking or climbing during your trip, you should do some exercise for weeks or months before you leave.While traveling:Be sure not to eat dirty food or bad fruit.Have enough time to take a rest during your trip.Tap water is not safe, so drink bottled water and always clean the cover of the bottle.(1)Traveling has become much easier because of the _.A . modern technology(技术)B . modern traffic developmentC . travel agenciesD . development of peoples lives(2)You should _ before you leave your home for a trip.A . take some medicine with youB . clean the coverC . drink much waterD . wear warm clothes(3)You had better not _ while you are having a trip.A . wear glassesB . wear a hatC . be too tiredD . take a rest(4)The passage mainly talks about _.A . traveling developmentB . how to keep healthy during a tripC . what to do before travelingD . what to do while traveling四、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共10分)14. (10分)根据短文内容,完成下面表格。Now, were getting happier and happier. But in fact, everyone worries. How do you deal with your worries? Whether your worries are big or small, you can take these three steps to do with them:1)Try to find out what youre worried about.Sometimes, you will know what youre worried about. Other times, you might not.Try to find it out first; If you cant, you can ask for help.2)Think of ways to make it better.There is always something you can do to help you feel less worried. Sitting there worrying is no fun and it wont solve your problem.If your worry is about a fight you had with a friend, you might write down all the things you could do: write a note to him or her, invite him or her to a basketball game, say sorry to him or her,etc.Once you have a list of things you could do, you can choose the one that gets your friend back.3)Ask for help.When youre worried, it can help to find someone to talk to.You can ask your parents, friends or teachers for help.Title: How to deal with _Fact(事实)_Ways_Think of ways to make it better. Reason:Worrying is no fun and it wont solve problems. Example:_五、 补全对话 (共1题;共10分)15. (10分)补全对话A: What are you going to do this weekend?B: Nothing much. _?A: Im going to visit HuangDis Native Place. _?B: Id love to. _?A: Lets meet at the school gate.B: By the way. _?A: Its not far from here. We can go there by bike.B: All right. See you!A: _!六、 书面表达 (共1题;共15分)16. (15分)假设你的印度笔友Mary下个月要到你们学校交流学习。请根据下面的内容提示,用英语鸟一篇短文告诉她关于肢体语言的注意事项。词数80左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。 【内容提示】在中国,点头表示同意,摇头表示不同意;眼神交流很重要;与长辈交流时,不要长时间看着对方的眼睛;你的其他建议。Body language in China is quite different from that in your Country.第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、 听力题 (共8题;共20分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、6-2、6-3、7-1、7-2、8-1、8-2、8-3、8-4、二、 完形填空 (共2题;共15分)9-1、10-1、三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共30分)11-1、11-2、11-3、11-4、11-5、12-1、12-2、12-3、12-4、12-5、13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、四、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共10分)14-1、五、 补全对话 (共1题;共10分)15-1、六、 书面表达 (共1题;共15分)16-1、

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