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本资料来自于资源最齐全的世纪教育网www.21cnjy.com2012年春学期八年级第二次月考英语试题一单项选择题 30分班别 姓名 座号( ) 1. We all went swimming Bill because he was sick at home last Sunday afternoon. A. besides B. except C. with ( ) 2. They enjoyed _ last night. A. their B. them C. themselves( ) 3. The teacher advised Tom some English programme to improve his oral English. A. watch B. watches C. to watch ( )4. Tony said that he a good time in the park that day. A. has B. hadC. Will have ( )5.He looks very _ because his mother is ill. A. worry B. worries C. worried( )6. He said _. A. that I am a teacher B that he is a teacher C. that he was a teacher ( )7.Do you know?Awhere did he liveBwhere does he live Cwhere he lives( )8. She asked me_.A. what was the matter B. what the matter was C. what is the matter ( )9. Lingling could hardly hear the traffic,_?A. couldnt she B.cant she C. could she ( )10. Walk around the lake and go_the bridge, youll find Bai Ta. A. crossing B. across C. cross( )11. She could _ write a word because she was ill badly. A. hard B. harder C. hardly ( )12. Wulingyuan Scenic Area is famous_ the strange shape of its tall rocks. A. for B. as C. of ( )13. Mr Green told us _some books from the bookshop. A. to buy B. buy C. buys ( )14. “Lucy, what about going camping if it _ tomorrow?” “Sounds great!” A. didnt rain B. doesnt rain C. wont rain ( )15. Why dont you go to the shop on foot? It takes me _ time. A. much too B. too much C. too many ( )16.Were you _ at 11:00 p.m. last night? A. waking B. awake C. woke ( )17. My father is ill. I have to _ him at home.A. look at B. look after C. look like ( )18. Ill phone you as soon as he _.A. gets home B. will get home C. get home( )19. They spent three days _this broken machine.A mend B to mend C mending ( )20. _I was shopping, a thief stole my wallet. A While B Where C. For( )21. My father didnt go to bed _ he finished the work. A. before B. after C. until( )22 Not all countries celebrate the new year in _ same way. A. a B. the C. an ( )23. New Years Day is _ 1st January.A. for B. at C. on ( )24. _ he is tired, _ he goes on with the work.A. Though, but B. Though, / C. /, so ( )25.Our teacher made a _ of books for us to read during the summer holidays. A. noteB. show C. list( )26.The story happened in 1985. A. took place B. fought C. played( )27. She had a great time last Sunday. A. enjoyed herself B. happy C. happened ( )28.There is a lot of rain in spring in the south. A. many B. more C plenty of( )29.They come face to face with some terrible men. A. see B. meet C. find( )30.Please call me as soon as you get there. A. phone me B. give me C. help me二、阅读理解10分The New Year is a very busy time. We have lots of things 1 . We 2 a big party, with lots of food and drink. We like to get_3_ with our friends, because its a _4_ time. The New Year is a wonderful celebration of friendship. We hold hands and sing _5_ songs. We 6 resolutions for the New Year and promise 7 harder to help family and friends. Although it gets _8_ early because its winter, there are bright lights in the sky. When the firworks start, we _9_ “Ten, nine, eight” and then shout “Happy New Year” to everyone as soon as its midnight. This is the most _10_ moment.( ) 1A . do B. to do C .doing( ) 2A. hold B. take C. find( ) 3A. on B. together C. off( ) 4A. famous B. special C. same( ) 5A. popular B. light C. traditional( ) 6A.make B. do C. say( ) 7A. try B. to try C. tries( ) 8A. clear B.bright C. dark( ) 9A.count down B. climb up C. think of( ) 10A. excited B . boring C. exciting三、 阅读理解 每题分 共15分 A Willy Wonka has a chocolate factory. One day, he organizes a competition. A lot of children enter the competition because the prize is a tour of Wonkas chocolate factory. Four rich, naughty children and a poor boy, Charlie Bucket, are the winners. When they enter the factory, they are surprised: it is a wonder place with rivers and waterfalls of chocolate, and the cinema audience all cheer when they see it. The famous actor Johnny Depp plays Willy Wonka, and young Freddie Highmore is Charlie. He acts well in this film. I think he will become a star. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is excellent, and Im sure it will be very popular with people of all ages.读短文,判断下列句子正误,对的写A错的写B,每题1分( )1.Willy Wonka is the manager of a chocolate factory.( )2. Charlie Bucket is a bad student.( )3.Five children enter the factory.( )4.The reporter think Johnny Depp will become a star.( )5. The reporter think the film is very excellent.B. The Lake District national Park is in the north of England , and its the biggest of Englands national parks. Its very big, with hills and lakes and forests. Most visitors enjoy walking around the lakes or climbing up into the mountains. The highest mountain in England is in the Lake District national Park . On a clear day, you can see a long way from the top of the mountain. Walkers have to be careful because the weather can change suddenly, specially in the mountains. The Lake District is also popular with artists who like to paint the beautiful countryside. 根据短文,选择最佳答案。每题2分( )1. The Lake District national Park is in the _ of England. A. north B. south C. east( )2. The Lake District national Park is very big with_.A.hills and lakes and forests. B. many big rivers and hills C. high mountains and lakes and trees( )3. most visitors enjoy walking around the lakes and _. A. flying kites B. climbing up into the mountains. C. swimming in the lakes.( )4. Walkers have to be careful _.A. Because there are many dangerous plants B. because The mountains are too high. C. Because the weather can change suddenly( )5.The Lake District is popular with_ who like to paint the beautiful countryside. A. some scientists B. artists C. students四、根据首字母及句子意思写单词5分1. How do you c_ your National Day ?2.Mum,w_ me up tomorrow morning. I want to catch the early bus.3.L_ Day in China is on May 1st.4. The teacher is sitting a_ the students. They are talking5. Ill write to you as s_ as I get to Beijing.五、用方框里的词的适当形式完成句子5分。 loud season her on out 1. Ill help my parents _ at home in the new year.2. There are four _ in a year and they are spring, summer, autumn and winter.3. They went to the bar last night. They had a drink and talked _. 4. We havent made the plan for the weekend. I think it depends_ the weather5. In _ opinion, he is an honest boy.六、汉译英10分1. 他们昨天晚上去了时代广场并玩得很开心They went to the Times Square and _. 2.你上床睡觉之前别忘了把桌子整理一下。 Dont forget to tidy up the table _.3. 这篇文章除了拼写以外,其他都不错。 The composition is quite good _the spelling 4.我的爷爷总是担心他的健康。.My grandpa is always _ his health.5.我甚至可以听到鸟儿在唱歌!I can even _!A. Did you have fun during the May Day holiday?B. Did you take photos?C. Where did you go?D. did you miss me?E. How did you go there?七、补全对话(10分) A: Hi, Tom! _(1) B: Yes. I missed you! _(2) A: Yes, I had fun. B: _(3) A: We went to Tai Mountain and we saw the sunrise. B: _(4)A: We went by train, B: _(5) A: Of course. The scenery is very beautiful.八、任务型阅读 读短文,完成短文后面的句子,每空一词, 共5分Easter(复活节)is a national public holiday in many parts of the world. It isnt on the same date every year because it depends on the moon. Different countries also celebrate Easter at different times. There are many traditional things to do at Easter Sunday, and children look for chocolate eggs at parties. Groups come to villages and dance. The dancers make a lot of noise, singing, shouting and hitting drums. There are often parades at Easter. If its warm, women and girls wear beautiful dresses and hats.1. Easter _ on the same date every year.2. Different countries celebrate Easter at _ times.3. The dancers t make _ noise, singing, shouting and hitting drums.4. _ and girls wear dresses and hats at Easter.5. _ can look for chocolate eggs at parties.八、写作(10分)读下面表格中的信息,写一篇有关Wulingyuan Scenic and Historic Interest Area的短文,字数在60字左右。Sizeabout 390 square kilometresWhere it isabout 400 kilometres from ChangshaWhat to seeunusual mountains, small rivers, deep canyons, special caves, forests, many kinds of plants and animalsWhats specialshape of tall rocks, rare trees and animals, beautiful fogWhere to stayhotels or tents in the park21世纪教育网 - 中国最大型、最专业的中小学教育资源门户网站。 版权所有21世纪教育网

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