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初三英语上册学案Module 7 AustraliaUnit 1 Im looking for the photos that you took in Australia.(课前预习)I预习目标:1. 初步理解对话大意 2. 理解记忆新词和短语 3. 感知理解新语法II. 预习过程:一.阅读对话,在文中划出下列新词汇并写出这些单词的意思:crocodile_ shark _ hand _ have a look at _ alongside_大声朗读以上单词,熟记单词的意思,将不会的圈起来。二. 阅读对话,在文中划出下列短语 ,朗读并默写: 1看一眼_ 6look for _2在某人回来的路上_7the next day _3被称作 _ 8write to sb._4在的中_ 9by the way _5最大的说英语国家_ 10take some photos _三再读对话,回答问题:Why does Tony want to borrow the camera?四主要语言点导学导练:1. what are you up to?= what are you doing?2. look for/find look for 强调的是寻找的过程,find注重寻找的结果,找到,还是没找到。 The police are looking for the lost boy. Yesterday the police found the lost boy.3. Would you like a hand to find them?-Would you like+to do.? -Yes, Id like to.-Would you like sth.? -Yes, please./ No, thanks. give sb. a hand =help sb.4. its called Uluru.be called 是一个被动语态,一般现在时态的被动语态 That boy is called Xiao Ming.5. Its like a huge sailing boat with water on three sides.be like中的like 是介词,还可以作动词“喜欢”讲。 例如:I like reading books. with的用法:“和” I want to go with you.“带有” Do you have a house with a big garden.“用” I eat the cake with a pork and knife. side的用法:There are some trees on each side of the street. There are some trees on both sides of the street.6. I bet you do! 我打赌你一定会赢。五根据句意和所给首字母完成单词。1I would like a h_ to help me finish the work.2There were kangaroos that were jumping a_ the car.3Did you see any kangaroos or c_?4I have to i_ that I have been to Australia, because Im going to write about it.5Were really lucky because sharks are usually s_.Module 7 AustraliaUnit1 Im looking for the photos that you took in Australia.(课堂学习)I学习目标:1. 会用本课所学四会单词和短语 2. 能用所学词汇,句型进行情景口头表达和书面表达。.课堂学习过程:一.交流检查课前预习情况: 二自主学习 :1. Listen , read fast and answer.(Activity2) 2. Listen , read carefully and answer.(Activity4)3. Listen and repeat. 4.Read aloud alone.5.Read and fill in the blanks:Tony was _ _ the photos that his father _ in Australia. He was going to _ about this country. His father helped him find three pictures. One was a huge rock _t was called Uluru _ _ _ _ Australia. One was the Sydney Opera House. The last one was a photo of a Shark _ Tonys dad saw on the Great Barrier Reef. Tonys dad also saw some kangaroos_ were jumping alongside the car _ _ _ _ from Uluru. At last Tony borrowed dads _ because he would take part in a _ _ that he wanted to win6.Retell or recite :三交流展示:Discuss language difficulties in groups to help each other . 方式:1. 组内讨论解决疑难2. 班内交流解决 3. 教师解释四训练巩固:(一),根据中英文提示完成句子。1我正在寻找你在美国照的照片。Im looking for the photos _ in America.2悉尼歌剧院像一个三面环水的大帆船The Sydney Opera House is like a huge _with water on three sides.3有一个我想得冠军的摄影大赛。There is a photo competition that I _.4我爸爸有一个能在水下照相的相机。My father has a camera that _ under water.5在我们回来的路上有跟着汽车跑的袋鼠。There were kangaroos that were jumping _on our way back.(二)、用所给词的适当形式填空。1If it_(not rain) tomorrow, I will climb up the Great Wall.2I think my father is able _(come).3We knew that the earth _ (go) around the sun.4Why dont you_(listen) to the teacher carefully?5I_(work) at the school since I _(come) to Beijing.6This lesson is _(interesting) than that one.7I often listen to our English teacher _(sing) songs.8Mother asked me _(tidy) up my bedroom just now.9Thank you for_(take) me around Beijing.10The doctor advised me _(do) more exercise.11It took me lots of free time_(take) photos.12If you keep _(study), you _(get) a high mark.13Can I _(borrow) your camera again?教学反思Module 7 AustraliaUnit 2 The camel that I rode had a bad temper.(课前预习)I预习目标: 1. 初步理解短话大意 2. 理解记忆新词和短语 3. 感知理解新语法II. 预习过程:一.阅读对话,在文中划出下列新词汇并写出这些单词的意思:grape_ ham_ lamb_ outback_ relative_sheep_ spirit_ surfing_ wine_ helicopter_purple_ similar_ similar to_ ours_ cricket_rugby_ sunshine_ expression_ mate_ temper_大声朗读以上单词,熟记单词的意思,将不会的圈起来。二. 阅读短文,在文中划出下列短语,朗读并默写: 1装满的_ 6be surprised at _2从变成_ 7in the south of _3同相似 _ 8on the hills _4在那时 _ 9such as _5许多羊 _ 10keep lying down _三再读短文,回答问题: (1)Where is Tony? (2)Whats the weather like in Australia?四主要语言点导学导练:1. similar【精析】similar用作形容词,意为 “相似的”,常与to连用构成similar to,如:My teaching style is similar to that of most other teachers.【辨析】same/similar1) same可作形容词,意为 “相同的,同样的”,它表示食物毫无改变或者完全相同,常与the连用,如:The two boys look the same. same还可以用作代词,意为 “同样的人,同样的事”,如:This sentence means the same as that one.当表示 “与相同”时,用固定搭配the same as,其中as不可以用like代替,如:My coat is the same as yours.2) similar用作形容词,意思是“类似的,相似的”,它表示食物在大多数方面相同,但并非在每一个细节上都相同。如:All big cities are similar.当表示“与类似”时,应用“be similar to”。 如:What you said is similar to what I said.2. expression【精析】expression是名词,意为“语句,表达方式,表现 ”,如:You should remember these useful expression. 你们应该记住这些有用的短语。There was an expression of surprise on his face在他的脸上有一种惊讶的表情。【拓展】express是expression的动词形式,意思是“表示,表达”。如:H e wants to express his ideas clearly.他想清除地表达个人意见。3. keep【精析】keep doing sth.一直做某事,同一件事情;He kept reading the novel.keep to do sth. 坚持作另外一件事情 After finishing the job,he kept to read the novel.【拓展】keep sb. doing sth. I am so sorry to keep you waiting for so long time.keep sth. Adj. We must keep the food cool.Module 7 AustraliaUnit 2 The camel that I rode had a bad temper.(课堂学习)I学习目标:1. 会用本课所学四会单词和短语 2. 阅读理解短文,能用所学词汇,句型进行情景口头表达和书面表达。课堂学习过程:一.交流检查课前预习情况: 二.自主学习 :1. Read fast and answer(A2) 2.Read carefully and answer(A4,5).3. Listen and repeat in a low voice with the tape. 4.Read aloud alone. 5.Read and fill in the blanks:(1)Tony is w_ a letter to his parents.(2.) We took a h_ tour over the rock.(3.) The colours of the rock are f_ , they change from purple to red. (4.)These stories d_ the spirits that created the world.(5.) The Australians have many British r_.(6.) Their family life is s_ to ours, and they enjoy the same food and hobbies.(7.) The outback is more like a desert, f_ of rocks and sand.(8.) The next day we a_ at Uluru, we went on a camel r_.(9.) The camel that I rode had a bad t_.(10.) Its been a f_ trip.6.Retell or recite the text.三交流展示:Discuss language difficulties in groups to help each other . 四训练巩固:(一)根据中英文提示完成句子。1这石头的颜色很奇异,在一天的不同时候,它们从紫色变成红色。The colours of the rock are fantastic, and _of the day, they change from purple to red.2澳大利亚人在很多方面都很像我们。Australians are like us in _.3大部分澳大利亚人喜欢去海滩游泳和冲浪。Most Australians love going to the beach, _.4第二天我们到达了北京站。The next day, we _Beijing Station.5每个都认为我的骆驼老是不停躺下很有趣。Everyone thought _that my camel kept _.(二)用所给词的适当形式填空。1If you _(tell) your father the truth, he _ (be) angry with you.2She said that she _ (miss) her parents.3The actors are very _(popular), and I like them very much.4He didnt tell me _(come) to the party.5Youd better _(put) on your raincoat, its raining out side.6The machine _(make) in China.7Dont make any noise. The children _(read) the books.8Lily and Sally _(study) English since they _(come) to Beijing.9One day he was ill, his mother _(send) for a doctor at once.10Its cool. Wed better keep the windows _(close).11Many children are good at _(fly) kites.12_ you _(have) breakfast yet? Its ten oclock.13We_(not leave) until he comes back.教学反思

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