鲁教版2020届九年级上学期英语期末考试试卷(II )卷.doc

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鲁教版2020届九年级上学期英语期末考试试卷(II )卷一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)I am thirsty now and I want to drink some _. A . chickenB . hamburgersC . orangeD . bananas2. (2分)Tom has to go to school every day because his parents are too busy to take him to school.A . aloneB . lonelyC . quicklyD . early3. (2分)Why are you lying on the ground? walk me completely tired.A . Two-hour; has madeB . Two-hours; madeC . Two hours; has madeD . Two-hours; made4. (2分) Im afraid that I will miss your party because of my poor memory. Dont worry. You will _ the time one day earlier.A . remindB . be remindedC . remind ofD . be reminded of5. (2分)The sea level may_ because the temperature is increasing. A . raiseB . riseC . raisesD . rises6. (2分)A Wechat (微信) is an invention _ can help people talk to friends, share photos, ideas and feeling freely. A . whichB . whoC . /7. (2分)He found himself in danger when _ in Utah. A . climbedB . to climbC . climbingD . climbs8. (2分)You won the first place in the English oral contest._I made several terrible mistakes.A . I think so.B . Are you kidding?C . Youre welcome.D . Its my pleasure.9. (2分)Fathers Day is coming. Im thinking about _. A . what present I gave himB . where shall we have a big mealC . how I will give him a surpriseD . if I planned a party for him10. (2分)What about going shopping this weekend?Sorry. I prefer _ rather than _.A . to go out, stay at homeB . to stay at home, go outC . staying at home, to go outD . going out, stay at home11. (2分)It will be 2 years _ we see each other again.A . afterB . beforeC . ifD . though12. (2分)My brother usually _ in a townhouse with us. But now he _ for an apartment near the school.A . lives; looksB . living; lookingC . lives; is lookingD . lives; looking13. (2分)(2015西宁) Who has kept the water _? Oh, I forget _.A . running; to turn it off B . running; turning it offC . run; turning it offD . to run; to turn it off14. (2分)People have birthday cakes candies. A . onB . inC . withD . into15. (2分)Where is Tony?He the libraryHe there one hour agoA . has gone to;wentB . has gone to;has goneC . has been to;wentD . has been to;has gone二、 完形填空 (共2题;共25分)16. (15分) These days computer games have bcome more and more popular in many cities and towns. A lot of small shops along busy 1 have changed into computer game houses in order to get more 2 These places are always crowded with peopleIn the computer game houses, people 3 a lot of money matching on the machine. Its4 for one to beat a computer, but one can do well after trying again and again. People want to 5 when they play computer games. The more they 6 the more they want to win, and at last they even cant7without it.The result is that some people dont want to 8 and they play in computer game houses for hours and hours. For school boys, things are 9. They dont want to have 10. When school is over, they rush to the computer houses near their 11. Some of them can get enough money from their 12. Some of them are not13 to get the money. So they have to steal or rob others and become14 . Computer game addiction(上瘾) is a15 problem in our life. Something has to be done to stop it.(1)A . streets B . schools C . towns D . cities (2)A . boys B . money C . computers D . houses (3)A . take B . spend C . cost D . pay (4)A . possible B . easy C . good D . hard (5)A . read B . learn C . win D . download (6)A . lose B . try C . waste D . watch (7)A . come B . eat C . study D . live (8)A . watch TV B . go out C . stay there D . work (9)A . better B . exciting C . even worse D . interesting (10)A . lessons B . games C . families D . sports (11)A . classes B . rooms C . schools D . shops (12)A . classmates B . teachers C . sisters D . parents (13)A . lucky B . unlucky C . careful D . polite (14)A . good B . bad C . rich D . poor (15)A . important B . serious C . unusual D . wonderful 17. (10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。My young daughter and I were flying to Miami for a holiday. The plane was so 1that we couldnt get seats together. I asked two men if they would like to change2with us, so that my daughter and I could be together. They 3.At the same time, a mother4three children also had the same problem as us. The mother5her baby, but her young son and his older brother sat 6from her. She was very worried about the boys sitting with strangers. She was very worried, but 7helped her. Suddenly a man said, “I think we can help you.” Then he and his group tried to make enough space for the 8.My young daughter was 9of not being next to a window or her mom. But I had to tell her I couldnt do anything; we had to sit where we were. Amazingly, the man sitting next to me turned to me and said he really liked changing the seat with my daughter, so we changed seats and went on our trip happily.Would that man give us his seat 10the others hadnt done so for the mom and her children? I dont know. Perhaps kindness is contagious (传染的).(1)A . comfortable B . full C . noisy (2)A . money B . seats C . ways (3)A . agreed B . refused C . nodded (4)A . with B . except C . besides (5)A . held B . raised C . brought (6)A . wide B . far C . near (7)A . somebody B . everybody C . nobody (8)A . family B . home C . team (9)A . popular B . proud C . afraid (10)A . because B . though C . if 三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共43分)18. (21分)阅读表达,阅读短文,根据要求完成下面各小题。Every year, thousands of students choose to study overseas,that is to say, to study in a foreign country. Studying overseas can be an exciting experience for many people.Why Do It?Firstly, you can learn a second language easily. Secondly, you can know more about another culture. Thirdly, you will see the world in a new way, and learn more about yourself. Whats more, itseasy to get a job in the future, since many companies like those who speak a second language, or have experienced living or working in another country.Making the Right ChoiceOnce you decide to study overseas, you have to make some choices. To choose the right country or school, askyourself : Where do I want to go and why? How much do I want to pay? How long do I want to study overseas? Do I want to live with a host family, with roommates, or alone?Getting Ready to GoGet your passport and visa (签证)early! Before you go, learn some of the language, and read about some common customs in your host country. Learn about the money. Bring some of it, and a credit card(信用卡)with you.Once You Are ThereAfter the first few weeks overseas, many students will feel a little homesick. They may miss their family, friends, and familiar(熟悉的)ways of doing things. Remember that it takes time to get used to a new place, school,and culture. When you feel sad or homesick, try to talk to others, or write about your feelings in a notebook.(1)The underlined word overseas in Paragraph 1 means(2)Why do students choose to study overseas?(3)Onceyou decide to study overseas,you have to _.(4)When you feel sad or homesick, what can you do according to the passage?(5)Givea proper title(题目)to the passage.19. (6分) The clock struck(敲) eleven at night. The whole house was quiet. Everyone was in bed except me. Under the strong light, I looked sadly at a huge pile(堆) of those trouble things books.I was going to have my exam the next day. “When can I go to bed?” I asked myself. I didnt answer. And I could not. The clock struck twelve. “Oh, dear! Ten more books to read before I go to bed!” We students are the most wretched ones in the world. Dad does not agree with me on this. He did not have to work so hard when he was a boy.The clock struck one. I was quite hopeless now. I forgot all I did learn. I was too tired to go on. I did the only thing I could. I prayed(祈祷), “My god, please let me pass the exam tomorrow. I will work hard next time, Amen.” My eyes were so heavy that I could hardly open them. A few minutes later, with my head on the books, I fell asleep.(1)The word “wretched” in Line 6 means _.A . very happyB . forgetfulC . unluckyD . hopeful(2)What do you think happened to the writer?A . He was late for the exam.B . He passed the exam luckily.C . He failed in the exam.D . He fell asleep during the exam.(3)The best title for the passage is _.A . The Night Before The ExamB . Working Far Into NightC . A Slow StudentD . Going Over Lessons20. (10分)阅读理解BHippos(河马) live in Africa(非洲). They are one of the worlds largest land animals. Here are some interesting facts about them.Where are hippos born?Hippos often give birth in the water. The hippo babies get out of water right after birth to take their first breath.How quickly do hippos grow up?Hippo babies nurse both under water and on land for a year. Then they stop taking their mothers milk but they are still with their mothers until they are eight years old. Then they move out.What do hippos love?Hippos love water and they spend most of the day in it to stay cool. The Hippo can breathe, see and hear when its body is under water because its nose, eyes and ears are on the top of its head.Do hippos swim better than people?Yes, they are great swimmers and they can hold(屏住) their breath for five minutes. Hippos can even walk under water along the bottom(水底) of rivers and lakes.(1)The Chinese meaning of the world “nurse” in the passage is “_”. A . 护理B . 洗澡C . 吃奶D . 运动(2)Hippo babies leave their mothers when they are _ years old. A . 6B . 7C . 8D . 9(3)The underlined word “it” refers to “_”. A . the zooB . the treeC . the landD . the water(4)How long can hippos hold their breath under water? A . For five minutes.B . For six minutes.C . For seven minutes.D . For eight minutes.(5)What is NOT mentioned in the passage? A . Where hippos are born.B . How hippos look for food.C . When hippo babies stop taking their mothers milk.D . Why hippos can breathe when their bodies are under water.21. (6分) Walt Disney began to make cartoon movies when he was young. But he didnt have much money and he didnt always have enough to eat. One day a mouse ran near his desk when he worked in his small office.“Would you like to be my pet? ”Disney asked the mouse. He caught the mouse and kept it as a pet. A few years later, Disney decided to make a cartoon about it. “I am making a cartoon about a mouse named Mortimer,” he told his wife. “Mortimer Mouse? I think Mickey Mouse would be a better name.” She said. “You are right!” Disney agreed and made many Mickey Mouse cartoons.People all over the world saw Mickey and loved it. Mickey Mouse made Disney famous. Then come Donald Duck, and Goofy Dog and others. Disney began to make full length (长) cartoons. Then he made cartoon movies for television. Millions of children watched the shows every week.In California, real boats, castles (城堡), trains, mountains, rivers, all in one beautiful park. Millions of people came to Disneyland. He died in 1966, but the world will not forget him quickly. Mickey Mouse and all his cartoons will help us to remember him.(1)When Disney began making cartoon movies, .A . he was very poorB . the mouse helped himC . his wife knew nothing about itD . People didnt like Cartoons at all(2)This passage mainly tells us.A . how Disney make Cartoon moviesB . how Disney built DisneylandC . something about Disneys childhoodD . something about Disneys life(3)Which of the flowing sentences is true?A . Disneys wife asked him to make a cartoon about the mouse.B . Mickey Mouse was the name suggested by Disneys wifeC . Disney caught a mouse and made a cartoon about it at once.D . People will remember Disney because of the Disneyland.四、 根据首字母及汉语提示,完成下列单词的拼写,使句意明确,语言通 (共5题;共5分)22. (1分)Dont _ (坚持) to only one kind of TV program,. 23. (1分)Its reported that a lion e_from the zoo this morning. The workers are looking for it 24. (1分)Im writing a_(信) to my dad. 25. (1分)Who was the light bulb i _by?Edison.26. (1分)A new b_ will be built over the river. 五、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)27. (5分)请根据对话内容,在下面的空白处填入适当的词,使对话完整与正确。每空一词。A: Hi, Mary. Do you want to _to the shop?B: Yes. I want to buy some meat and vegetables.A: What do you want to do with them?B: I want to make some dumplings.A: Really? _teaches you to make dumplings?B: My aunt. She can cook many kinds of delicious _.A: What does your aunt do?B: She _a hotel manager.A: Does she often make delicious food for you?B: No, she doesnt. She is usually very busy _she only cooks at weekends.六、 阅读短文,回答问题 (共1题;共5分)28. (5分)下面文章中有五处需要添加小标题。 以下选项(A、B、C、D、E和F)中选出符合各段意思的小标题。选项中有一项是多余选项。A.The cost of a Uber taxiB.What is UberC.Uber taxis are always thereD. Uber app makes you feel goodE.Uber is popular among peopleF.The advantages(优点) of UberFor over 100 years, it is convenient for people to go from one place to another by taxi. But sometimes there are no taxis coming to the place you are waiting. However, this has become a thing of past since Uber app appears._Uber is an American company that provides a taxi service through an app on the smart phone. It was set up in March, 2009 and has grown quickly. An app, in fact, is a computer program working on smart phones, computers and other communication devices. By using your smart phone, you can easily and quickly order a taxi and takes you to the place you want to go._The nicest thing about Uber app is that you can see where your taxi is or how long it will take to reach you on your smart phone screen. And you can also find the telephone number of the driver in Uber app, so you can call or send messages to the driver when you are waiting._Uber is always available 24 hours a day. 365 days a year. If you want to go somewhere, you can easily open Uber app at home or anywhere in the open air, then it connects you to the nearest driver. Usually it takes only between 15 minutes to get a Uber taxi by using Uber app._Uber is popular because it is simple and very user-friendly. You have nothing to do with a taxi company. If you are not pleased with the ride and the driver, you can give the driver a low score through Uber app, so Uber is simple, time-saving, and above all very easy._At Uber, the payment is easy through your bank card. How much you need to pay depends on the country and the city you are in. It is sure that Uber taxis are much cheaper than taxis you used to take.七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)29. (5分)每个人的生命只有一次,你平安、快乐、健康地成长是父母最大的心愿,你保护好生命是对父母最好的报答。请你以“How to protect our lives”为题,从安全和健康的角度入手,写一篇如何保护我们生命的短文。要求:1). 根捂提示词从安全和健康两方面来写,可适当发挥。2).词数80 左右,标题已给出,不计入总词数。提 示 词:traffic accident,fight,food,exercise,sleep, Internet, smoking, happinessHow to protect our lives第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共2题;共25分)16-1、17-1、三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共43分)18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、19-1、19-2、19-3、20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、20-5、21-1、21-2、21-3、四、 根据首字母及汉语提示,完成下列单词的拼写,使句意明确,语言通 (共5题;共5分)22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、五、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)27-1、六、 阅读短文,回答问题 (共1题;共5分)28-1、七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)29-1、


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