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第二部分专项语法高效突破 专项15情景交际 情景交际是一种综合性测试题 它以日常话题为主要内容 考查学生在具体的语言环境中实际运用所学语言知识交流思想 表达观点的能力 命题将突出真实情景交际下语言的实际运用 力求贴近学生 贴近生活 贴近社会 贴近时代 高频考点精讲 1 感谢某人Thankyou Thanksalot Thankyouverymuch Thankyouforyourhelp Thankyouanyway allthesame 2 回答感谢时的答语It sapleasure That sOK That sallright You rewelcome Noproblem 考点1感谢和应答 1 当要麻烦别人时Excuseme Ibegyourpardon Pardon 2 当做错某事时Sorry I msorryfor I msorrythat 3 回答道歉时的答语That sallright That sOK Nevermind It snothing Itdoesn tmatter 考点2道歉和应答 1 表示邀请的用语Willyoucometo Wouldyouliketo MayIinviteyouto How Whatabout 2 接受邀请时的答语Yes I dlike loveto Yes It sverykindofyou Thatwouldbenice 3 拒绝邀请时的答语No thankyou Sorry Ican t I dlove liketo but 考点3邀请和应答 1 表请求用语MayI Can CouldI Wouldyoumindif 2 表肯定的答语Sure Certainly Yes doplease That sallright 3 表否定的答语I mafraidnot I msorry butyoumustn t can t You dbetternot 考点4请求和应答 1 祝愿 祝贺用语Haveagoodday time Haveagoodjourney trip Goodluck Enjoyyourself Bestwishestoyou HappyNewYear MerryChristmas Happybirthday 2 应答用语Thankyou You too Thesametoyou 考点5祝愿 祝贺和应答 1 提供帮助CanIhelpyou Wouldyoulikemetohelpyou WhatcanIdoforyou Letmehelpyou 2 肯定答语Yes please Yes thanks Thankyouforyourhelp 3 否定答语No thanks thankyou 考点6提供帮助和应答 Let s Whynot Whydon tyou How Whatabout Shallwe Youshould shouldn t 考点7劝告和建议 1 拨电话方的交际用语Could May CanIspeakto please Who sthat speaking Thisis speaking Couldyouaskhim hertocallmeback 2 接电话方的交际用语Holdon foramoment please I msorry afraidhe s she soutatthemoment rightnow CanItakeamessage foryou 考点8打电话 1 营业员常用的交际用语CanIhelpyou WhatcanIdoforyou Howmany much doyouwant Whataboutthisone Whatcolour size kinddoyoulike want Hereyouare 2 顾客常用的交际用语Iwant wouldliketobuysome for I mlookingfor Iwouldlike wanttwokilosof Ilikethecolor butit s they retoo It sgreat butit snot enough Iprefer butthis istoo Haveyougotanyotherkind colour size Thatlooksnice great 考点9购物 1 医生常用交际用语What swrongwithyou What sthematter What sup Howlonghaveyoubeenlikethis Haveyoutakenyourtemperature Haveyouhadanythingtoeatthismorning There snothingserious Takethismedicineandstayinbedforafewdays Youwillgetbettersoon Youwillbeallright wellsoon 2 病人常用的交际用语Ihavegotaheadache cough I mnotfeelingwell Idon tfeelverywell Ifeelterrible There ssomethingwrongwith 考点10看病 1 高兴Howwonderful nice That slovely great wonderful I mpleasedtoknowthat 2 惊奇Really Ohdear Isthatso Whatasurprise Hownicetoseeyou Howsurprising I msurprised 3 满意Good Welldone Perfect That sfine That sgoodenough 4 忧虑What swrong What sthematter Anythingwrong Whatshouldwedo 5 遗憾与同情I msosorry It sagreatpity Whatashame pity That stoobad 考点11情感 十年真题全练 临沂中考单项填空几乎每年都有1道题考查情景交际 涉及的话题以邀请 提醒 应答 鼓励为主 在2018年临沂英语中考单项填空中仍然会有对情景交际的考查 题量为1道题 1 2017 临沂 30 Couldyoupleasetakeouttherubbish ButIwanttodrinkacupofwaterfirst A ThankyouB Sure noproblemC You rewelcomeD No Ican t2 2016 临沂 30 Couldyoupleasetellmehowtogettotherestroom I mnotsurehowtogetthere A SorryB OKC OfcourseD Noproblem3 2015 临沂 30 Shallwegototheamusementparkrightawayornextweekend Anytimewilldo A Excuseme B Haveagoodtime C I mafraidIcan t D It suptoyou B A D 4 2014 临沂 29 Yourpencilcaselooksreallybeautiful Butinfact Gina slooksbetterthanmine A OfcourseB NotatallC I mafraidD Thankyou5 2013 临沂 35 Wearegoingtoplayintomorrow sfootballmatch Ifeelverynervous Dad I msureyoucanwinthematch A SorryB TakeiteasyC GoodideaD Havefun D B 6 2012 临沂 35 Wearegoingonaschooltriptomorrow A ExcusemeB I msorrytohearthatC You rewelcomeD Haveagoodtime7 2011 临沂 35 Excuseme CouldyoupleasetellmewhereIcangetthedictionary There sabookstoreonYimengRoad A SorryB SureC GoodideaD Thankyou D B 8 2010 临沂 34 Yourfatherissleeping WouldyoumindturningdowntheTV I lldoitrightaway A NotatallB OfcourseC NowayD Soundsgood9 2009 临沂 34 Thissweateristoosmall Wouldyoumindgivingmeabiggerone Hereyouare A IdisagreeB GoodideaC ThanksalotD Notatall A D 猜押预测 单项填空1 Howwasyourlastweekend Itrainedalltheweekend Ihadtostayathome A PrettygoodB TerribleC NotbadD Great2 Wouldyouliketogoforawalkwithme ButIhavetocleanthelivingroomfirst A Yes IwouldB No Iwouldn tC SorryD Yes I dloveto3 Don teatjunkfood It sbadforyou A Sorry Iwon tB Sure IwillC TakeiteasyD Nevermind B D A 4 I msorryIamlate Mr Jackson Comein please A I mnotsure B It sapleasure C I mafraidnot D That sOK 5 Jeff couldyoutellmehowtoorderataxithrough Didi A You rewelcomeB SureC TakeiteasyD Itdoesn tmatter6 MyparentswillbringmetoShanghaiDisneylandthedayaftertomorrow A I msorrytohearthatB It smypleasureC BestwishestoyouD Haveagoodtrip D B D 7 CouldIborrowyourdictionary please Hereyouare A No thankyouB Sorry youcan tC Yes I dlovetoD Ofcourse8 Hello IsthatLynnspeaking A Yes Iam B No I mnot C Yes speaking D Whoareyou 9 Itriedtopassthedrivingtest butIfailed Goodlucktoyounexttime A That sgreatB It sinterestingC That sapityD Gladtohearthat10 Yougavemealotofhelp Thankyou A You rewelcome B Don tthankme C Don tsayso D ThisiswhatIshoulddo D C C A


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