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冀教版2019-2020学年八年级(五四学制)上学期英语期中考试试卷C卷一、 选择最恰当的答案 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)选出下列单词中划线部分与其它三个发音不同的选项 A . OKB . photoC . clockD . those2. (2分)Is this elephant or lion? A . an; aB . a; anC . a; aD . an; an3. (2分)Why do you want to see lions? Because _ cute.A . hesB . shesC . itsD . theyre4. (2分)Tom _ stand the boring lessons. I cant stand them _.A . can, tooB . cant, eitherC . doesnt; eitherD . doesnt; too5. (2分)Whats two and six? _ .A . SixB . SevenC . EightD . Nine6. (2分)Which of the two T-shirts do you prefer?_is OK. I dont like their styles.A . EitherB . NeitherC . BothD . All7. (2分)We were all at the news.A . surprising; surprisedB . surprised; surprisedC . surprising; surprisingD . surprised; surprising8. (2分)If I eat _ food, Ill be very fat. A . much tooB . many tooC . too much9. (2分)What do you think of the robots in the future?I think they wont _ do all the work like humans.A . canB . likeC . able toD . be able to10. (2分)- Mr. Huang, its late. Why are you still here? - My daughter hasnt come back from school yet. I for her.A . waitedB . am waitingC . was waitingD . have waited11. (2分)I have been to Central Park many timesLets go to Green ParkIts the second park here A . largeB . largerC . largestD . the largest12. (2分)Do you know when we will leave for Hong Kong?Im not sureI will tell you about it when the time .A . is fixedB . fixedC . will be fixedD . will fixed13. (2分) beautiful shoes they are! A . What aB . HowC . How aD . What14. (2分) _ is your phone number? Its 267-5831.A . WhatB . HowC . WhoD . Where15. (2分) Would you like to come with us to the show? _A . Thanks. Id love to.B . Sorry, Id love to.C . No, dont say that.D . My friend is waiting for me.二、 将下列单词或词组的编号填入空格完成短文,每词只能填一次 (共2题;共2分)16. (1分)选词填空organizing hobbies interested inviting been teaching ran(1)My_ are collecting old coins and flying the kites(2)I am_in the writer job(3)Thanks for_me to your house(4)How long has your mother_math at this school(5)Our class is _ a talent show to raise money for education.17. (1分)选词填空Plant bring interest mix call famer meanThere are 24 solar terms (节气) in China, and the Grain Rain(谷雨) is one of them. It falls on April 19 this year.This solar term is _the Grain Rain because it is known for “rain” that helps the grain grow. From its name, we can guess it_a time of more rain. So if you go out in the next two weeks, you may need to bring an umbrella with you.But this is a great time for_crops. If you miss the time for planting during the Grain Rain, you will feel sorry later. So maybe you can try to plant some flowers or vegetables in your garden. When the spring rain falls,_begin to grow crops (庄稼). Farmers often say, “Spring rain is as precious (珍贵的) as oil.” It_farmers hope for a good year ahead.There are also many interesting_during the Grain Rain. In the northern part of China, people like to eatChinese toon_with eggs. The food made during the Grain Rain tastes wonderful and is good for your stomach. In the southern part of China, the tea leaves are picked during the time. They are called Grain Rain tea, which is famous for its freshness and sweet smell.三、 用括号中所给单词的适当形式,完成下列句子。 (共6题;共6分)18. (1分)Different people have different _ (think). 19. (1分)The_(win) of the talent show is my brother and he got a big prize. 20. (1分)The young should speak to the old _( polite). 21. (1分)The palaces all over the country used to be those _ (rule). 22. (1分)The little girl was very shy. She just stood there _ (quiet). 23. (1分)Zheng he was a famous Chinese _(explor). 四、 Rewrite the sentences as requi (共5题;共9分)24. (1分)We will take a holiday in Dalian. (改为否定句)We_a holiday in Dalian.25. (1分)It is a wonderful cinema (改为感叹句)_it is !26. (1分)Their new flat is much bigger than ours.(保持句意基本不变) Our flat isnt _ _ as their new flat.27. (1分)We arrived at the park in early morning (对划线部分提问)_you_at the park?28. (5分)连词成句。 将所给单词连成完整、正确的句子。(单词不得重复使用,标点已给出,注意(5)题有一处变化)(1)coin, two, has, every, sides (.)(2)of, sister, dogs, is, afraid, your(?)(3)online, Jenny, does, shopping, like(?)(4)shopping, doesnt, we, if, go, rain, will, it(.)(5)computer, it, to, is, pleasure, play, games(.)五、 阅读理解 (共1题;共12分)29. (12分)阅读理解I am new to New YorkI do not know anyone in the cityAn old woman lives next doorShe gives me a big box of fruit and vegetablesThe kind neighbour(邻居)is ValThe fruit and vegetables are from Vals garden(园子)There are carrots,tomatoes,strawberries and so on in the gardenVal doesnt have sons or daughtersBut she is happyShe likes working in her gardenShe loves those plantsSometimes,she talks to themOne day,I dont see Val in the gardenSome days later,I see people take many boxes from her homeGrass grows in the gardenThe plants look sadThen I know Val passed away(去世)So I begin to take care of(照顾)her gardenThen a family comes to live next doorThey are new to the cityThey do not know anyoneAnd I give them a big box of fruit and vegetables from Vals garden根据材料内容选择最佳答案。(1)Val is the writers A . grandmotherB . friendC . teacherD . neighbour(2)What can we know about Val from the first two paragraphs(段落)? A . She has a big familyB . She is new to New YorkC . She loves the plants in her gardenD . She has many visitors in the garden(3)Why does the writer take care of Vals garden? A . Because Val is too oldB . Because Val passed awayC . Because Val is on holidayD . Because Val gave it to the writer(4)What does the writer give the new family?fruit flowerscakes vegetablesA . B . C . D . (5)Whats the best title of the passage? A . Health is importantB . Interesting neighboursC . Love from the gardenD . Working makes us happy六、 选择最恰当的单词或词组完成短文 (共1题;共1分)30. (1分)根据短文理解,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最佳一项填空。Learning how to play the piano is not the only way for children to have a bright future. Children can choose what they like in many ways. Many children are good at sports. Maybe they will be great players when they grow up.Here is another example: the 1in Shanghai have paid much attention to story-telling. Story-telling can also make them2excellent students. They 3 many story-telling contests every year. And children have4 great interest and taken an active part in them. Some students who were too shy to speak in public have been now very good 5.Now many parents 6their children to learn how to play the piano or the violin. 7the money and energy they spend cannot make sure that their children will 8much in a short period of time. However, training children to tell a story is quite9.Although it costs little, its a good and an easy way 10children to develop.(1)A . schools B . libraries C . children D . parents (2)A . like B . become C . learn D . help (3)A . have B . read C . listen D . look (4)A . become B . no C . been D . shown (5)A . speakers B . listeners C . students D . teachers (6)A . keep B . help C . send D . let (7)A . And B . So C . But D . Even (8)A . play B . learn C . rest D . use (9)A . different B . new C . difficult D . expensive (10)A . with B . of C . to D . for 七、 首字母填空,每格一词 (共1题;共1分)31. (1分)Sometimes,they_(迟到)class 八、 根据文章内容回答 (共1题;共30分)32. (30分)任务型阅读“Give it back to me!” Zhu Han shouted at his mum angrily. She had just grabbed(抓取) his cell phone, saying that he should stop playing and go to sleep.“I told her it was 9 oclock and Id finished my homework, but she didnt listen,” said the 15-year-old boy. “I really couldnt understand her!”Do you sometimes feel the same way? A China Youth Daily report said that, according to a survey on 1,500 students, 61% of the students said they felt they werent able to communicate(交流) with their parents. Besides, 37% of them said they never shared their worries with their parents.One of the most important reasons is that students and parents dont have much common ground(共同点). The different ages always lead to different interests.Peng Yu, a psychological professor(心理学教授) pointed out another reason. He said when entering puberty(青春期), teenagers begin to have their own thoughts(思想) and want their parents to treat them like adults(成人). But parents dont follow the change.He suggested that children should first understand that their parents do everything out of love. “With this in mind, students should try to talk with their parents calmly and often enough,” he said.Huang Xinlin, 14, agreed with the advice. She talks with her mum during supper every day and she also helps do the housework. “We talk about everything and even make jokes while sharing housework,” Huang said happily. “We are like friends.”A quarrel(争吵) between a son and his motherZhu Han quarreled with his mother on whether he should play _his cell phone.The common problem between teens and parentsA survey showed that 61% of students felt themselves unable to communicate with _.37% of students said they never shared _with parents._for the problemStudents and parents have_common ground. The different ages lead to different _.When teenagers enter puberty, they have their _thoughts and want to be treated like adults. But parents dont follow the changes.Advice from a professor and a studentChildren should keep understanding in _And they should talk to parents in a _way often enough.A 14-year-old student agrees and says she also _housework with parents.九、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)33. (5分)假如你是Betty,请你根据表格中的信息用英语向大家介绍你在 Quincy的生活。我12年前出生在昆西,美国东海岸的一个城镇,在昆西有很多可以做的事情,由于有很多商店,两家电影院,足球俱乐部,也有篮球队,我在昆西一点都不感觉无聊,我在那里非常开心。在昆西也有很多孩子们,他们中很多是我的朋友,这是我在美国最后定居的房子,在上次2010年我还在那里,一天,我将会回去,我期待着再次见到我的朋友们。要求:1)文中须包括所有写作要点,但不要逐字翻译,可适当加入过渡语句,使文章通顺;2)词数80左右。第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、 选择最恰当的答案 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 将下列单词或词组的编号填入空格完成短文,每词只能填一次 (共2题;共2分)16-1、17-1、三、 用括号中所给单词的适当形式,完成下列句子。 (共6题;共6分)18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、四、 Rewrite the sentences as requi (共5题;共9分)24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、28-2、28-3、28-4、28-5、五、 阅读理解 (共1题;共12分)29-1、29-2、29-3、29-4、29-5、六、 选择最恰当的单词或词组完成短文 (共1题;共1分)30-1、七、 首字母填空,每格一词 (共1题;共1分)31-1、八、 根据文章内容回答 (共1题;共30分)32-1、九、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)33-1、

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