七年级英语上册 Starter Unit 3 What color is it导学课件 新人教版.ppt

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七年级英语上册 Starter Unit 3 What color is it导学课件 新人教版.ppt_第1页
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StarterUnit3Whatcolorisit 单项填空 1 Whatcoloristhiskey It s A blackB agreenC anredcolorD colorred 2 UFO的汉语意思是 A 香港B 人民币C 不明飞行物D 中央电视台 A C 3 Purple A What sthisB WhatcolorisitC HowareyouD What sthisinEnglish B 4 Ican myABCs A lookB sayC seeD speak 5 What sthat anorange A ThisisB ThatisC It sD Its B C 用a an或the填空1 What sthis It s orange 2 Thisis quilt It swhite an a 3 That sajacket jacketisblack 4 Whatcoloris ruler It sred 5 maponthewallisyellowandgreen The the The 用适当的句子补全对话A Goodmorning Bob B 1 Lily A 2 B It sanorange Goodmorning What sthis thatinEnglish A 3 B O R A N G E orange A 4 B It sred A OK 5 Spellit please Pleasespellit Whatcolorisit Thankyou Thanks 按要求完成下列各题 每空一词1 Thequiltispurple 对画线部分提问 thequilt 2 ThatisamapinEnglish 对画线部分提问 English Whatcoloris What sthatin 3 那是一只黑白相间的猫 翻译句子 That sa cat 4 那个用英语说是橘子吗 翻译句子 Isthat orange 5 我的妈妈身体好 翻译句子 Mymom blackandwhite and inEnglish inEnglish 完形填空 1 morning everyone 2 Grace Look 看 Thisisa 3 It sanicepen What 4 isit 5 yellowandwhite And 6 thisinEnglish It s 7 It s 8 jacket That saruler 9 ruleris 10 1 A GoodB GoodC Hello 2 A It sB I mC Hi 3 A mapB PenC quilt A B B 4 A colorB ThisC quilt 5 A ItsB IsC It s 6 A howB what sC what 7 A ajacketB JacketC anjacket 8 A orangeB aorangeC anorange 9 A AnB TheC A 10 A theblueB BlueC ablue A C B A C B B


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