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沪教版2020年初中毕业与升学考试英语试题(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择。从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入句中空白 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)I think playing football is a good way to learn the spirit of teamwork.A . aB . anC . theD . /2. (2分)Have you returned the story book to the library_?Yes, Ive returned it _.A . already; alreadyB . yet; yetC . already; yetD . yet; already3. (2分)Whats this in English? _ a ruler.A . This isB . ItsC . It4. (2分)Helen, whatre those on the table?They are an _ and three _.A . pear; strawberryB . apple; strawberry.C . apple; strawberriesD . pears; strawberries.5. (2分)Do you know Lin Shuhao?Yes. He is one of _ basketball players in the NBA.A . popularB . more popularC . the most popular6. (2分) Mum, can I wear my jeans to school? No, you _ wear your school uniforms. Thats the school rule.A . canB . cantC . have toD . may7. (2分)_ will he be back? In a week.A . How longB . How soonC . How oftenD . How many8. (2分)(2017重庆) Where is your uncle? I havent seen him for a long time. He _ Beijing for about half a year. He moved there in January.A . has gone toB . has been toC . has arrived inD . has been in9. (2分)Wang Tao _ makes large pieces of metal art_ makes smaller pieces for the home.A . neither, norB . not only, but alsoC . either, orD . would rather, than10. (2分)There _ a library and two reading rooms in the school. A . areB . isC . beD . to be11. (2分)There is still a long way the animals in danger. A . go to protectingB . to go to protectC . going to protectD . go to protect12. (2分)Try to buy one before all the tickets _.A . will be sold outB . will be soldC . are soldD . are sold out13. (2分) Could you tell me _? Sure. Its near the bank on the other side of the street.A . how to the post officeB . where is the post officeC . when the post office was builtD . where the post office is14. (2分) Whats the date today? Its _.A . TuesdayB . July 7thC . the second day of the weekD . June15. (2分)My mother always tells me that . So I always do my best while studying. A . many hands make light workB . too many cooks spoil the brothC . no pain, no gainD . the grass is always greener on the other side二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳答案。Once upon a time, there was an owl(猫头鹰) in the middle of a dark forest. All the animals knew that he was the wisest among1 of them. So they often went to him and told him their problems. Then the owl always told them2 to solve their problems.One day, a little bird came to the owl. She was3.“Whats wrong with you?” asked the owl.“Im not happy at all, Mr. Owl. I dont want to be a bird any more.” the bird4.“Why dont you want to be a(n) 5?” asked the owl.“Because I am so small and weak,” she cried. “I want to be as big and strong as the lion. He is important, but I am not. ”Then the owl said6 in her ear. Then the bird dried her tears and 7 away. One week later, the bird came back. “Thank you very much, Mr. Owl. You are so 8,”she said to the owl. “Im very happy now. Every day, I watch out for (监视)lions and tigers.9 they come near, I shout as loudly as I can. Then they all run and hide. They often10 me for that. I am useful and important now. ”The wise owl smiled and said: “Dear, no one in the world is useless.”(1)A . both B . all C . either D . none (2)A . how B . why C . what D . when (3)A . crying B . smiling C . singing D . sleeping (4)A . agreed B . advised C . replied D . asked (5)A . lion B . bird C . tiger D . owl (6)A . nothing B . everything C . anything D . something (7)A . ran B . flew C . drove D . swam (8)A . bright B . silly C . polite D . impolite (9)A . After B . When C . So D . But (10)A . leave B . thank C . laugh at D . worry about 三、 阅读理解。 (共3题;共20分)17. (6分)What will the weather be like? Some people say they can know what the weather will be like from birds. When they see birds fly high out to the sea , they know it is a nice day, because birds dont like to fly out when it will rain. When the weather will be bad, the birds come back to the beach. A big wind may come with a rain. Birds do not like to fly in a big wind. They may sit in a tree when rain is coming. Other animals can also tell the weather. Its a cloudy day. The rain is coming. Chickens arent quiet, and they are running here and there. Frogs(青蛙) are making big noise in the pool. If it is a nice day, the frogs will come out of the water.(1)We can play beach soccer when birds _.A . fly in the skyB . come backC . play on the beachD . B and C(2)Where there is rain, frogs are not _.A . in the poolB . out of the waterC . making a big noiseD . swimming in the water(3)Whats the best title for the passage?A . WeatherB . BirdsC . SeaD . Rain18. (8分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。Whats your favorite invention?Answers My favorite invention is the Internet. You can always know whats going on in the world. It is amazing! I live in America, but I can talk and write to my friends in England through the Internet! My favorite invention is the TV. It has become part of my life. When I watch TV, I feel relaxed. My favorite program is Modern Family. I like the boy Manny best. I think he is so funny. The mobile phone is my favorite invention. I use it when I wake and usually until I fall asleep. I often use my mobile phone to play games. My mobile phone is also my alarm clock. It really makes my day a lot easier. I like the camera best. It allows us to do many things. My parents took a lot of pictures for me when I was a little girl. I really enjoy looking at these pictures. Now I often take pictures for my friends. We can keep all the special moments.(1)Where does Tim live?A . In America.B . In England.C . In China.D . In India.(2)When Ann watches TV, she feels .A . excitedB . sadC . relaxedD . angry(3)Whats Bens favorite invention?A . The Internet.B . The TV.C . The mobile phone.D . The camera.(4)Betty often takes pictures for her .A . friendsB . teachersC . parentsD . classmates19. (6分)阅读理解。Hi, everyone! My name is Wang Kai. Im twelve. Im in Class 5 Grade 7. Teachers Day is coming. I want to give some presents to my teachers.Miss Zhang is my English teacher. She is twenty-four years old. She likes flowers very much. I want to give her some flowers from my garden. My Chinese teacher has a four-year-old son, Li Xin. He likes playing football a lot. I want to give my Chinese teacher a “special” present: playing football with Li Xin for a day! What about my maths teacher Mr. Zheng? He likes drawing pictures. I would like to draw a picture of him and give it to him.My friends, what presents do you usually give to your teachers? Please tell me!(1)Wang Kai would like to _ to his English teacher. A . buy some flowersB . give some flowers from his gardenC . make a cardD . give a football(2)_ likes playing football a lot. A . Wang Kais English teacherB . Wang Kais Chinese teacherC . Wang Kais maths teacherD . Li Xin(3)Which of the following is NOT right? A . There are three teachers in the passage.B . Wang Kais Chinese teacher has got a son.C . There is a garden at Wang Kais house.D . Wang Kai would like to give his maths teacher a special present.四、 任务型阅读。 (共1题;共25分)20. (25分)阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。 Think about the distance(距离) you traveled in the last six months of your life. About how many miles(kilometers) did you go? Lucid went quite a distance. On March 22, 1996, she started a journey. She traveled 188 days, 4 hours, and 14 seconds in total. This is a little over six months. So what distance did Lucid travel? She went 75.2 million miles(1,203,200,000 kilometers)!How could Lucid go so far? How could she journey so fast? Lucid was an American astronaut and she was in space. She lived on a space station. The space station was the Russian space station Mir. She lived and worked with two Russian astronauts.On Mir, it was hard for Lucid to know what day it was. Why? Mir. did not stay in one place. It orbited the Earth. It went around the Earth. Mirs orbit meant that darkness did not mean the day was over. Darkness fell many times during a 24-hour period. Darkness fell about every 45 minutes. Lucid did something to help her remember what day it was. She wore pink socks on every seventh day. The pink socks reminded Lucid about something else, too. The pink socks helped Lucid remember that Jell-O would be served for dinner. On Mir, Jell-O was a special treat. It was only served on Sunday.Lucid worked hard to deserve the honor of working on Mir. She went to school for a long time. She was one of the first six women to be accepted into the astronaut-training program. She flew on several American missions. When accepted for Mir, she had to learn Russian in less than 18 months. On Mir, Lucid conducted many experiments. One experiment she conducted was with wheat. Lucid grew wheat. Growing plants in space was important, because green plants could provide oxygen and food for space travelers.(1)When did Lucid start the journey? (2)Did Lucid live on a space station? (3)How did Lucid remember what day it was? (4)Why was growing plants in space important? (5)What is the story mainly about? 五、 阅读与回答问题。 (共1题;共10分)21. (10分) Whats a big problem in Shenzhen today, do you think? Besides pollution, traffic is, of course.There are too many people, too many cars but too little space so the roads are always busy. You can almost see traffic jams everywhere. It is even worse when everyone is going to school or to work. Whats more, cars need fuel(燃料) to move, so they let out a lot of dirty smoke and pollute the air.However, the government is trying many ways to solve the problem. We can see more roads and footbridges over the main streets. And the workers are making some roads wider. It is said every car will have a computer. The computer can study the latest traffic news. Then it will look over its own map for the best way to drive and they wont get into traffic jams. (1)Whats a big problem in Shenzhen today?A . Its air pollution.B . Its sound pollutionC . Its dirty smokeD . Its pollution and traffic jams.(2)The roads are always busy because _.A . there are too many people and cars but there is too little spaceB . there are too many buses, subways and too many taxisC . they are very narrow and dirtyD . there are too many buildings and there is too little space(3)With _ cars on the roads, there will be fewer traffic jams.A . moreB . manyC . lessD . fewer(4)How is the government trying to solve the problem?A . People are making old roads wider and building more roads and footbridgesB . People are driving fewer cars and walking to school.C . People are riding bikes to work and walking to school.D . People are making old roads wider and building more bridges across the rivers.(5)People wont get into traffic jams in a car with _ because it can study the latest traffic news.A . a policemanB . an inspectorC . a computerD . a TV set六、 词汇。 (共1题;共10分)22. (10分)拼写单词,完成短文。Many people in the USA love sports. Some people like playing sports and some people like w_ sports.At school, students play many different sports. Such as(例如)f_ , basketball and volleyball. In summer, students go swimming and play basketball.Mike e_ playing volleyball but he doesnt like swimming.Andy and Simon love playing football but t_ dont like swimming. They are members of the school Football C_.Millie and Sandy like playing table tennis. They are g _ players and win(赢得)many table tennis m_, but they dont like volleyball.Milles b_ friend, Lily, is a good badminton player. She thinks badminton is an easy game. She w_ to teach her friends to play badminton in h_ free time.七、 根据句意用所给的单词的适当形式填空。 (共5题;共21分)23. (5分) (2011贺州)你家离莆田车站有多远?_is it from your home to Putian Railway Station?为了与她保持联系,我记下了她的电子邮件地址。I wrote down her _ address in orderr to keep in touch with her.功夫熊猫2如此精彩以至于许多孩子都喜欢看。The movie Kung fu Panda 2 is _ wonderful _ many children enjoy watching it._如今越来越多的人关注食品安全。Nowadays_people pay attention to food safety.在日本当你去拜访朋友时,进门之前要脱掉鞋子。When you visit a friend in Japan, you should _ your shoes before entering his home.24. (5分)(2015.福建莆田)根据中文意思,用单词或短语的适当形式完成句子。(10分)第25届世界技巧锦标赛将于2016年在莆田举行。The 25th World Skills Championship _in Putian, China in 2016.热带雨林对调节气候起到了重要作用。Rainforests play an important part in_the climate.总而言之,青少年应该学会如何照顾自己。_teenagers should learn how to take care of themselves.早起有益身体健康。Getting up early_your health.目前,莆田电子商务发展迅猛。At present, _ is developing rapidly in Putian.25. (1分)The _(人口)of China may increase fast because of the secondchild policy(政策).26. (5分)根据句意及汉语提示完成单词Which season do you like best?W_. Because I like making snowmen. What s_ of sweater do you want?The same as yours.The girl likes BiBi Chou(周笔畅)very much, so she wants to be a s_ like Chou. (2011日照中考)Since last year, the 9 Square Dairy has become _ (流行的)online, especially among young people.I cant get really _ (放松)until the long vacation comes.27. (5分)用适当的介词填空(1)一Is the music_Mozart?一Sorry,I dont know(2)The ten-year-old girl is a fan_Beijing Opera(3)I like light musicWhat _you?(4)一Listen _the music!Its wonderful!一Oh,I dont think so(5)一The workers will build a new road next year.YesIt will go_our town八、 短文填空。 (共1题;共10分)28. (10分)根据短文理解及首字母提示,完成短文填空。A car stopped outside the Cherry Hotel and a young man got out. Mrs. Smith said to the young man. “What can I do for you, sir?”“Excuse me,” the young man said, “I am l_ for my uncle. Mr. White. He has been away from home s_ two days ago. I think he is staying here.” “Yes, he is.” Mrs. Smith said, “But Im afraid that he went back to London yesterday.”“Oh, dear,” said the young man, looking sad, “I went to his house, but I was told by his children that he was going to stay here u_ the end of the week.”“Yes,” said Mrs. Smith. “He wanted to stay here the whole week, but yesterday someone called him saying that one of his friends w_ ill. So he caught the train back to London to see the friend a_ once.”“He should let me k_.” the young man said. “I wrote him a l_, saying that I was coming. Well, he isnt here. I wont wait any longer.”The young man thanked Mrs. Smith and went out. Mrs. Smith watched h_ leave. When his car couldnt be seen, she called out,“You can come out now. Mr. White. Hes gone.”Mr. White came out of the bedroom.“Many thanks, Mrs. Smith.” he said laughing. “You did very w_. The young man is my stepbow(侄子). When he n_ money, he will look for me everywhere . Next time he wont tell me by writing me a letter. ”九、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)29. (5分)书面表达三年的初中生活即将结束,你的父母亲一路艰辛,在学习和生活上给予你关怀、鼓励、支持与帮助,你心存感激。假如你叫谢恩,请你给你的父母亲写一封感谢信,谈谈你对他们的印象,回忆他们是怎么帮助你的,并表达你对他们的祝福。注意:格式要完整、正确;可以根据情节需要适当发挥;文中不得出现真实人名和地名等相关信息;词数:80100,短文首句不计入总词数。Dear father and mother,Im glad to write to you.第 19 页 共 19 页参考答案一、 单项选择。从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入句中空白 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)16-1、三、 阅读理解。 (共3题;共20分)17-1、17-2、17-3、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、19-1、19-2、19-3、四、 任务型阅读。 (共1题;共25分)20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、20-5、五、 阅读与回答问题。 (共1题;共10分)21-1、21-2、21-3、21-4、21-5、六、 词汇。 (共1题;共10分)22-1、七、 根据句意用所给的单词的适当形式填空。 (共5题;共21分)23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、27-2、27-3、27-4、27-5、八、 短文填空。 (共1题;共10分)28-1、九、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)29-1、

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