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2004年全国中学生英语能力竞赛初三组样题及参考答案 全国中学生英语能力竞赛组委会办公室提供 听力部分(共四大题,计30分)(略) 笔试部分(共八大题,计120分) I 选择填空(Vocabulary and structure) (共20小题,计20分) (A) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,找出可以填入每题空白处的最佳选项。 1. I need a break. I think Ill go to New York _D_ Christmas. A. in B. on C. at D. from 2. _A_ a difficult exam that was! A. How B. So C. What D. Such 3. Im taking an umbrella. It _B_ rain. A. must B. may C. has to D. should 4. This is the _C_ book Ive ever read. A. more wonderful B. most great C. most brilliant D. lovely 5. Im glad you remembered _ some tea because I havent got any. A. to bring B. brought C. to have bought D. bring 6. That boy, _ father is a footballer, is very good at sports. A. that B. whos C. whose D. which 7. Do you know _ that man standing near Tom is? A. who B. whom C. whose D. whos 8. “Everything in this room is wet.” “I _ have shut the windows!” A. mustnt B. must C. would D. should 9. She was _ tired that she fell asleep. A. so B. such C. enough D. too 10. By the end of the month the estate agent(房地产经济人) _ twenty houses. A. will sell B. will have sold C. will be selling D. is going to sell 11. Sarah _ a bike to work, but now she drives. A. used to ride B. had ridden C. would ride D. used to riding 12. These cakes _ delicious! Can I have one _ ? A. tastes; another B. tasting; other C. taste; more D. taste; again 13. Tasha is a good girl. She _ her mother with the housework. A. is helping B. had always helped C. always helps D. always helped 14. A: Can you please help me to make the cake, Joe? B: Sorry, I am leaving now. A: _ . A. No hurry. B. You are always busy. C. Never mind then. D. Please go. 15. A: I didnt see you in class today. Are you _ ? B: I am feeling a little under the weather. A: Oh, I hope its _ . A. fine; too bad B. ill; gone C. fine; better D. OK; not serious (B) 下面5道小题可以组成一篇小短文(首句已给出),请根据上下文和所给选项选出各题的最佳答案。 A: Hi, David!Whats interesting in todays paper? B: Listen, I will read it to you. 16. The National Bank was _ yesterday. A. stolen B. cleaned C. robbed D. closed 17. The robbery _ at 10 oclock in the morning. A. started B. was C. happened D. ended 18. The robbers _ 10,000 and ran into the street. A. borrowed B. took C. left D. put 19. A passer-by called the _ , but the robbers escaped in Queen Street. A. manager B. president C. police D. 999 20. The police are looking for two men aged 30 _ scars on their faces. A. whose B. with C. have D. without II. 阅读理解 (Reading comprehension) (共30小题,计30分) 阅读下列短文或图表,然后完成文后各题。(2130小题为选择题,每题只有一个最佳答案;3150小题大部分为非选择题,请根据题目要求作答。) (A) Thomas Adams discovered bubble gum(泡泡糖) in the 1870s. He was an American. He wanted to find a use for chicle. Chicle is a Spanish word for sticky water that comes from one kind of Mexican tree. Mr Adam wanted to make rubber(橡胶) from chicle. Mr Adams worked in his home while he tried to find a way to make the chicle stronger. His son, Horatio, also helped him now and then. One day, young Horatio began to chew the chicle while he watched his father work. It did not taste very good, but Horatio enjoyed chewing it. Then the young boy began to blow bubbles with the new chicle which his father had made. Mr Adams had discovered bubble gum by accident. Mr Adams gave up trying to find a way to make rubber from chicle. Instead, he wanted to try and sell the new gum that he had made. He thought other people might like the taste too. He began to see his new kind of chicle as candy. In no time, children everywhere began chewing bubble gum. 21. Where was Thomas Adams from? A. Canada. B. The United States. C. Europe. D. England. 22. Who was Horatio Adams? A. Thomass father. B. Thomass wife. C. Thomass brother. D. Thomass son. 23. What was Thomas Adams trying to make? A. A new kind of rubber. B. A new kind of chicle. C. A new kind of candy. D. Electric light. 24. Why did Thomas Adams want to sell bubble gum? A. His son enjoyed chewing it. B. He thought many people would like it. C. He could not make strong rubber from chicle. D. all of the above 25. Which of these sentences is not true? A. Horatio helped his father. B. Thomas Adams made rubber from chicle by accident. C. Horatio was the first person to chew bubble gum. D. Thomas Adams never made rubber. (B) Aristotle lived in Greece over 2,000 years ago. He was very interested in plants and animals and in how the human body works. The Greeks werent the only people interested in how the body worked. Old drawings and texts from China and the Middle East also showed human organs. Some even showed plant organs. At first, information about organs came from operations and from cutting up dead bodies. Now we can look at X-rays and body scans, too. In the late 1700s, a French doctor called Xavier Bichat did hundreds of post-mortems. Post-mortems are operations carried out on dead bodies, to find out what killed them. Bichat found that each human organ contains more than one kind of material. He listed 21 different kinds. Today, we call these materials tissues(组织). Bichat wasnt able to see the detailed structure of these tissues, because he didnt have a microscope. 26. What do we know about Aristotle? A. He is a Greek teacher. B. He loved to find out how human body worked. C. He shows great interest in art. D. He is good at drawing. 27. Who were interested in how the body worked? A. The Greeks and the French. B. The Greeks, the Chinese and people from the Middle East. C. The French and the Chinese. D. The Chinese and the Middle East. 28. In the old times, how could people learn the information about the organs? A. By reading books. B. By going to classes. C. By cutting up dead bodies. D. By using the microscope. 29. What does the word “post-mortems” mean? A. It is a kind of operation in order to save peoples lives. B. It is an examination carried out on the brain. C. It is a kind of examination which shows the reason why people are killed. D. It is a k ind of body scan in order to find out the structure of the tissues. 30. What did the French doctor discover? A. Post-mortems. B. X-rays. C. Tissues. D. Microscope. (C) The diagram shows the different teeth in your mouth. 31. Which teeth rip(撕开) or tear food? 32. Which teeth grind(磨碎) food into small pieces? 33. Which teeth cut food? 34. How many teeth does an adult have? A. 22 B. 32 C. 42 D. 52 35. What can you do to keep your teeth healthy? A. Read more books on food. B. Drink lots of water. C. Eat lots of sweets. D. Brush teeth after meals and visit the dentist regularly. (D) 36. Will flight 711 be on time? 37. What time is flight 74 scheduled to leave for Memphis? 38. Are the passengers boarding flight 71 to Cleveland? If so, what gate are they using? 39. What is the flight number of the 3:20 flight to Boston? 40. You have to meet a friend arriving from Chicago at 2: 20. It is 2:17. Is the plane at the gate? (E) Barky and I talk everyday. When I come home, we discuss what Im having for dinner, but strictly speaking he doesnt talk back. I usually ask him what he has been doing all day, and he tells me he has been swimming around and looking after the house. Hes a good guard fish. He would know if there were intruders(闯入者) in the kitchen and would stare them out. His favourite hobby is watching television. He pushes his face up to the glass to see. We watch Coronation Street and EastEnders together, and he enjoys football. I think he likes the colours, and he definitely prefers northern teams. He must be a Manchester United fan, as he has so much red in his bowl. Alex Ferguson would be proud. If Barky is ever upset, he squirts(使喷出) water out of the top of his bowl, so there is no chance of us forgetting his birthday. He will be two years old in September, but in fish years that is more like 30, so he could be planning a big night out. We will give him extra food and an iced gem as a birthday cake. However, what he really wants is a mate, so we will have to see what we can arrange. I would never swap Barky. He is a good listener. The children like him and he doesnt need walking. When he was in his teens, he used to try to sneak out, but he behaves now. He is for keeps. 请根据短文内容回答下列问题。 41. Who is Barky? 42. Whats Barkys hobby? 43. What will Barky do if he is unhappy? 请根据短文内容判断下列句子的正误,正确的写T,错误的写F。 44. In fish years Barky will be about 30 years old. 45. Barky will get a birthday cake for his birthday. (F) Universal (世界的) Childrens Day was created by the UN in 1954 for all countries to pay special attention to the worlds children. It is an important day to promote(促进) the worldwide fraternity (友爱) and understanding between young people. And yet for almost 50 years in the UK it has passed without the recognition (承认) it deserves. James Michael, 16 and Natasha Reddy, 15 report on an event which very few people in this country would have known about because we are one of the few countries in the world, which does not celebrate it. It seems strange that the UK government refuses to establish the day. Shouldnt we be encouraged, like other young people all around the world, to look upon the day as a time set aside to specifically to celebrate and promote our rights (权利),rather than seeing it as just another date in the calendar (日历)? The introduction of Universal Childrens Day in Britain would go a long way in helping young people take pride in their country. It is we who will finally influence the way our country moves forward, so isnt it time that we were offered all that we can be offered to fully understand what our rights as young people are? 46. How long is the history of Universal Childrens Day? 47. Can you name one country which does not celebrate Universal Childrens Day? 48. What is the authors attitude towards the introduction of Universal Childrens Day in the UK? 49. What is the purpose of this report written by James Michael and Natasha Reddy? 50. Whats the main idea of the last paragraph in this report? III. 完形填空(Cloze) (共15小题,计15分) (A) 阅读下面短文,根据其内容从所给的12个单词中选出最恰当的8个填入空中。 in; serious; spent; working; but; on; keeps; weak; ahead; edge; grows; side After two weeks of worry, a farmer in the north of England was very happy yesterday. James Tuke, a farmer who (51) _sheep, lost his dog, Sally, when they were out working together a fortnight ago. “Sally was running (52) _ of me,”he said, “and disappeared over the top of the hill. I whistled and called (53) _ she didnt come. Shes young, so I thought perhaps shed gone back to the farmhouse (54) _ her own. But she wasnt there. Over the next few days I (55) _ as much time as I could looking for her. I was afraid that I would never see her again. Then a neighbour said shed heard an animal crying while she was out walking near the (56) _ of a cliff. I rushed out and found Sally on a shelf of rock halfway down. She was thin and (57) _ but she had no (58) _ injuries. She was really lucky!” (B) 根据文章内容及首字母提示用最恰当的词完成下文。 A plain (丑的) county woman was visiting the city for the first time. She went into a very tall building. On the first floor, she saw an old lady s_(59) in front of a door. The door was closed, and over the floor, there were l _ (60). Then the door opened. The old lady standing in front of the door went i _ (61). Then it closed. A few minutes l _ (62), the door opened again, and a beautiful young woman w _(63) out! The country woman thought, “This is the door to a magic box! If I go inside the box, I will be b _ (64) when I come out.” She waited for the door to open again. Then she walked in. But inside the door, she saw a lot of buttons on the wall. And she didnt know what buttons to p _ (65)! IV. 句式转换(Sentence pattern transformation) (共10小题,计10分) (A) 按要求转换下列句式,每空一词。 66 It is a beautiful day, isnt it? (改为感叹句) _ _beautiful day it is! 67 Li Ming goes to the Internet Caf once a week. (改为特殊疑问句) _ _does Li Ming go to the Internet Caf? 68 He began to teach in this school 7 years ago. (改为现在完成时) He _ _ in this school for 7 years. 69 Tom broke the vase while his mother was out. (改为被动语态) The vase _ _ by Tom while his mother was out. 70. Someone saw Lily go out with the strange man at around 12 oclock yesterday evening. (改为被动语态) Lily was _ _ go out with the strange man at around 12 oclock yesterday evening. (B) 根据上句完成下句,使两句表达的意思基本相同,每空一词。 71 If you eat less, youll lose more weight. The _ you eat, the _ you will be. 72 Ive never ridden a horse before. It is the _ time for me to a horse. 73. Bingbing stopped crying as soon as he saw his mum. Bingbing _ stop crying _he saw his mum. 74. Jos motorbike is faster than Roys. Jos motorbike is not _ _as Roys. 75. She put on a coat so that she wouldnt get cold. She put on a coat _ _not to get cold. V. 动词填空(Fill in the blanks with verbs in their proper forms) (共5小题,计5分) 阅读短文,并用括号内所给的动词的适当形式填空。 When Sam and Laura moved into their new house last month, everything was in a mess. Now they (76) _ (work) on the house in their free time. They (77) _ (repair) the roof already, and they (78) _ (paint) the rooms, though they (79) _ (not finish) yet. When they have enough money, they (80) _ (buy) some new furniture. VI . 翻译(Translation) (共10小题,计10分) (A) 把短文中的划线部分译成汉语。 (81)Thomas Edison was perhaps the greatest inventor the world has ever known.Without his invention,people may not have lights,films and other things.(82)But this clever man had very little schooling. Edison began to make a talking machine in 1877. (83)At first he used paper with holes to make a sound. He worked for months on this idea.At last he found how to record a persons voice. (84)But the first machine was very simple and the voice was only one type and not clear. Then he spent another long time on it.He changed some parts and he added some new ones to the talking machine.This time the voice could be played and the voice was also very clear. (85)After the Second World War others used his method to record music and songs. Then came the tape recorder. It is much easier to record the voice. How great Edison was. (B) 借助所给出的词语将下列句子译成英语。 86 我每天刷两次牙。(brush) 87. 李月的妈妈不仅是一个好经理,还是一个好妻子。(not only.but also) 88. 新闻报道说,台风今晚不会影响香港。(typhoon, affect) 89. 汤姆的妈妈问起了那些男孩子,他们偷走了汤姆的运动鞋(trainers)。(定语从句) 90. 今天我们可以通过很多方式来联系彼此。(communicate) VII . 智力测试(IQ) (共5小题,计5分) 91 What number can replace (代替) the question mark? 92 Trousers on sale for 1/2 off have a green tag (标签). Trousers on sale for 1/4 off have a yellow tag. Stephen bought two green-tagged trousers originally priced at 10 each, and one yellow-tagged trousers originally priced at 16. How much did he pay for his trousers? 93. Here is a cube(立方体). How many nearest ways from A to B can you find? Answer: _ . 94. Mark loved pink pencils more than he loved red ones. He didnt like orange pencils at all, and while he liked yellow pencils, he couldnt say that he really loved them. Which of these is true? A. He liked red pencils less than orange pencils. B. He liked yellow pencils more than red pencils. C. He liked pink pencils more than yellow pencils. D. He liked orange pencils more than pink pencils. 95 Why is a room full of married people empty? VIII. 写作(Writing) (共2小题,计25分) 要求:1. 根据提供的内容,适当拓展想象空间,灵活地将提供的信息体现在文章中;2. 条理清楚, 语句通顺,标点正确,书写清晰、规范;3. 不得少于规定的词数。 (A) 请根据以下的生活场景,再结合你自己的感受,以“Should we help our parents do some housework?”为题,写一篇小议论文。该文须表明你的个人观点,并围绕此观点展开论述。词数60100。(计15分) Mum: David!Can you help me do the washing, please? David: Oh, no! I need to do my homework. Dad: But it is Sunday. You have the whole afternoon to do it. David: No, Daddy, I also need to prepare for my math test for tomorrow. Mum: David. Doing the washing wont take you a minute. You should share the housework. David: Oh, no, please . (B) 假设你有幸参加今年在南京举行的2004 年全国中学生英语夏令营,在夏令营的第一天的分组讨论会上,你要向来自全国各地的学生介绍你自己。请根据你的实际情况写一篇自我介绍。词数5080。(计10分)2004年全国中学生英语能力竞赛初三组样题参考答案 听力部分 (共四大题,计30分)(略) 笔试部分 (共八大题,计120分) I 选择填空(Vocabulary and structure) (共20小题,计20分) (A)15 CCBCA 610 CADAB 1115 ACCCD (B)1620 CCBCB II. 阅读理解(Reading comprehension) (共30小题,计30分) (A) 2125 BDADB (B) 2630 BBCCC (C) 31. canines 32. molars 33. incisors 34. B 35. D (D) 36. No. 37. 4:15. 38.Yes. They are using gate 33. 39. 412. 40. No. The plane is landing. (E) 41. It is a guard fish. 42. His favourite hobby is watching TV. 43. He will squirt water out of the top of his bowl. 44. T 45. F (F) 46. 50 years. 47. The UK. 48. It would help young people to take pride in their country. 49. They wanted the UK government to pay more attention to childrens rights. 50. Children should be encouraged to understand their rights. III. 完形填空(Cloze) (共15小题,计15分) (A) 51. keeps 52. ahead 53. but 54. on 55. spent 56. edge 57. weak 58. serious (B) 59. standing 60. lifts 61. inside 62. later 63. went/walked 64. beautiful 65. push/press IV. 句式转换(Sentence pattern transformation) (共10小题,计10分) (A) 66. What a 67. How often 68. has taught 69. was broken 70. seen to (B) 71. less, thinner 72. first, ride 73. didnt, until 74. as slow 75. in order/ so as V. 动词填空(Fill in the blanks with verbs in their proper forms) (共5小题,计5分) 76. are working 77. have repaired 78. are painting 79. havent finished 80.will buy VI. 翻译(Translation) (共10小题,计10分) (A) 81 托马斯爱迪生也许是世界范围内最伟大的科学家。 82 但是这个聪明的人几乎没有上过学。 83 起初他用带孔的纸弄出声音。 84 但是最早的机器很简单,只有一种类型的声音并且不清楚。 85 二战后,别人用了他的方法来录制音乐和歌曲。 (B) 86. I brush my teeth twice every day. 87. Li Yues mother is not only a good manager, but also a good wife. 88. The news reported that the typhoon would not affect Hong Kong tonight. 89. Toms mother asked about the boys who have stolen Toms trainers. 90. Today we can communicate with each other in lots of different ways. VII. 智力测试(IQ) (共5小题,计5分) 91. 88 92. 22. 93. 6 94. C 95. Because theres not a single person in it. VIII. 写作(Writing) (共2小题,计25分) Possible versions: (A) To be honest, I seldom help my parents with the housework. I am usually busy with my studies and I dont seem to have time to help my parents, even though I really want to do that. I think doing the housework not only can improve our ability to live independently, but also give us a sense of responsibility. We could get lots of experience from it so that we can do well in the future. From my experience, I enjoyed doing housework. It made me feel good and confident. If I have time, I would love to share doing the housework. (B) Hi, everybody! I am Li Ming from Jilin. It is great to see you all. And I am very happy to be here to take part in this summer camp. I was born in the year of the sheep and I am the only child in my family. I like sports and I want to be a great footballer when I grow up. I also like pop music and I am a great fan of Michael Learns to Rock. I hope I can make lots of friends and improve my spoken English in this wonderful summer camp. Thank you!


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