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Unit 2 Parents and ChildrenAgree/Disagree(同意/不同意)【日常用语】Agree同意I totally agree with you.我完全同意你的观点。Thats right.那是对的。I couldnt agree more.我完全同意。Yes, I think so.是的,我认为是这样。I agree to your plan.我同意你的计划。Thats a good idea!那真是个好主意!Certainly /Sure/ Of course/All right/OK.当然可以;行;可以。Absolutely! 当然 /对极了! What a good idea! 这个主意太好了!It is an excellent idea! 多好的主意!Fantastic! 棒极了!Smashing! 好极了!Well done! 好样的!OK.好的。All right.行。I agree with you.我同意你的观点。Youre right.你是对的。I am very much approve of doing it like that.我很赞同那种做法。That seems very sensible to me.在我听起来很有道理。This is what I thought.这正是我想的。Thats what I meant.那正是我的意思。I entirely approve of that.我完全赞成。I would certainly give the decision my backing.我完全赞成这个决定。I couldnt agree with you more.我非常同意你的意见。I think youre absolutely right.我认为你是完全正确的。Disagree不同意I dont agree with you.我不同意你的看法。Im not sure I agree with that.我不肯定我赞同那一点。Im not sure about that.对于那一点,我不太确信。You cant be serious.你别太认真了。/你不是认真的吧。I completely disagree.我完全反对。I dont think so.我不这么想。No way.没门儿。Im afraid I cant agree with you.我恐怕不能同意你的观点。I cant say I agree.我不会同意的。Its impossible for me to say yes.我不可能同意。I dont think youve got the point.我想你们没有说到点子上去。I dont think youre right.我认为你错了。Youre quite wrong.你完全错了。I disagree. 我不赞成。I disagree with you. 我不赞成你的看法。I cant give my approval to that. 我不能赞同那一点。Im certainly not in favor of the proposal. 我当然不赞成这个提议了。I cant approve of what you said. 我不赞成你说的话。Youre clueless. 你真是无知。In my opinion, this suggestion is not feasible.在我看来,这个建议是不可行的。I oppose this plan. 我反对这项计划。I dont agree.我不同意。It couldnt be worse.这糟透了。Its absolutely hopeless.这完全没有希望。【情景会话】AGirl: The government is thinking about banning smoking on public transport. I think its a good idea. 政府正在考虑在公共交通场合禁止吸烟。我认为这是个不错的主意。Boy: I agree with you. I think its a very good idea. 我同意你的观点。我认为这是一个很好的主意。Girl: Buses and trains will be much nicer places as a result, I think. 我认为结果是公共汽车和火车将会是更美好的地方。Boy: I couldnt agree with more. Travelling by bus will be a more pleasant experience. 我完全同意。乘公共汽车旅行将会是更愉快的经历。Girl: I think it would be good if they banned smoking in restaurants and cinemas as well. 我认为如果他们也禁止在饭店和影院吸烟会很好。Boy: Absolutely! That would be an excellent idea. 对极了!那就将是个非常棒的注意。Girl: It isnt very nice if someone is smoking at the next table. 如果有人在邻桌吸烟会很不好。Boy: I totally agree with you. Its horrible! 我完全同意你的观点。那太糟糕了!Girl: In fact , I think it would be a good idea to ban smoking in parks as well. 事实上,我认为在公园里也禁止吸烟会是一个很不错的注意。Boy: Well. Im not sure about that. It isnt so bad when people smoke in parks. 哦。对于那一点我不太确信。当人们在公园里吸烟时并不坏。Girl: No, you are wrong. On a bus or in a parkits all the same. 不,你错了。在公汽车上或在公园里都一样。Boy: Im not sure I agree with that. Smoking in a park doesnt affect other people in the same way. 我不肯定我赞同那一点。在公园里吸烟并不同样地影响别人。Girl: Im sorry, I think it does. In fact, I think smoking should be banned in peoples homes as well. 对不起,我认为影响。事实上,我认为在人们的家里也应该禁止吸烟。Boy: You cant be serious!你不是认真的吧!BA: Im sorry, Im afraid you havent got the point.很抱歉,我认为你没有说到点子上去。B: Really? I cant agree with you.是吗?我不同意你。C A: How excellent the idea is!多妙的主意!B : No, I cant say I agree. 不,我不敢苟同。【典例剖析】1. You look well. The air and the sea foods in Sanya must _ you, I suppose.A. agree withB. agree toC. agree onD. agree about剖析: 句意:你看起来气色很好。我想三亚的空气和海鲜一定适合你。agree with同意(sb./what sb. says等),适合;agree to同意(计划、建议、安排等);agree on就达成协议,就取得一致意见;agree about不是固定搭配。根据语境,这里表示“适合”,故选A。答案:A2. When did you last hear _ Jay?He phoned me this morning, and we agreed_ a time and place to meet.A. of; toB. about; withC. from; withD. from; on剖析: hear of/about“听说”,从后面的答语中判断,这里并非“听说”之意;hear from“收到的信”,在这里意思更广一些,有“得到消息,接到电话”的意思。agree to/with“同意”,agree on“就取得一致意见”,由 句意判断,第二空应选择on。答案:D3. Lets go for a walk in the garden. _ , but I need to do the washing up.A. No, thank youB. Thats rightC. Good ideaD. Not at all剖析:句意:“我们去花园散步吧。”“好主意,但我需要洗餐具。”由上句“Lets.”可知某人提出建议做某事,那么下句应为关于建议的答语,如:Thats a good idea. / Good idea./OK./All right./Why not?等。A项 属 “谢意”表达;B项“Thats right”在交际表达中用于回答“对别人观点的认同”,相当于“Yes”。Not at all用于回答感谢。答案:C4. Do you enjoy your present job? _ .I just do it for a living. A. Of course B. Not reallyC. Not likelyD. Not a little剖析: 句意:“你喜欢你目前的工作吗?”“事实上不喜欢,我只是为了谋生才做的。”of course当然可以;not really不全是,事实上不是;not likely不可能;not a little非常,相当。根据句意可知,答案应为B项。答案:B5. Shall we go out for dinner tonight? _.A.You are rightB. It must be funnyC.That sounds greatD. Have a nice time剖析:问句为“提出建议”,答语为“同意”,用“That sounds great.”或“Its a good idea.”。答案:C6. May I ask a question after class, sir? _ , but not during my lunch break.A. Im sorryB. AnytimeC. CertainlyD. Go ahead剖析:应先对May I ask.?进行回答,然后加限制条件,因此应用certainly。答案:C7.So you gave her your phone?_,she said shed return it to me when she could afford her own.A. My pleasureB. Not exactlyC. No doubtD. All right剖析:句意:“如此看来,你把你的手机给了她?”“也不完全是这样,她说她能买上自己的手机时就把它还给我。”my pleasure(对别人表示感谢的一种礼貌回答)不客气,很乐意效劳;not exactly(纠正对方刚说过的话)不完全是这样;no doubt毫无疑问;all right好吧。答案: B8.You could always put the decision off a little bit longer._ If I leave it much longer I might miss my chance.A . Thats reasonable advice.B. Isnt it a good idea?C. Do you think so?D.I cant agree more.剖析:句意:“你把决定向后推迟一点点,总是可以的。”“你认为是这样吗?如果我迟迟不做决定,我可能会失去机会的。”Thats reasonable advice.那是个合理的建议。Isnt it a good idea?难道这不是个好主意吗?Do you think so?你认为是这样吗?I cant agree more.我再同意不过了。由句意和语境可知C项正确。本题第一句较复杂,准确理解句意是解此题的关键,本句中含有一个比较重要的表达法:can/could always do sth.意为“总还能做某事”,在口语中用于礼貌地建议。如:You could always try ringing again.你再打个电话试试总是可以的。答案:C9.Putting on a happy face not only helps us make friends but also makes us feel better._.A .Id love toB. Im with you on thatC. Its up to youD. Its my pleasure剖析:be with sb. on sth.就某事支持某人;同意某人说的话。答语句意:在那一点上我同意你的看法。答案:B10.Are you all right?_. A. Thats OKB. I think soC. Take it easyD. Its very kind of you剖析:该题考查交际用语。对方询问自己身体或精神状况是否良好,肯定回答:I think so.(我很好)而Thats OK.是用来回答对方的道歉或道谢;Take it easy.意为“别着急,沉住气”,常用来安抚对方;Its very kind of you.用来对对方提供的帮助表示感谢。答案:B11.Would you like to join us in the game?_,for I have something important to attend to.A. I willB. Id love toC.I wontD. Im afraid not剖析:考查交际用语。问句提出的邀请,若给予肯定答复,则用Id like/love to;而委婉拒绝则使用Im afraid not。由for后给出的原因可知此处是拒绝,故答案为D。答案:D

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