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班级_ 姓名_ 号数 _ 成绩_2010年秋初二年英语第二次月考试卷第卷听力部分(30分)温馨提示:选E项涂AB,选F项涂CD。、听句子,选择与其内容相符的图片。句子读两遍。(5分)1、_2、_3、_4、_5、_、听对话,选择正确答案。(5分)( )6What does Jack think of the movie? AWonderful BToo bad CNot very good( )7What music are they listening to? AJazz BRock CCountry music( )8When did Toms mother do some washing? AYesterday morning BYesterday evening CThis morning( )9When did people go to church before 1800? AFriday BSaturday CSunday( )10Is Li Lei sick? AYes,he is BNo,he isnt CI dont know、听短文。选择正确答案。(10分)( )11Life on the weekend is_. Abad Bdifferent Cboring( )12What do most Americans usually do on the weekend? AGet up late BGet up early cGo to work ( )13How do many people spend their Saturday night? AWalking a pet in the street BPlaying on the computer CStaying with friends at home( )14What do the American people think of the weekend? AIts long enough BIts too long CIts too short( )15What does the writer Want to know?ASomething about the Chinese weekendBSomething about the Chinese food CSomething about the English weekend.、听短文选入所缺的单词。(10分)(A、fifty B、thinC、carrying D、moon E、pants)On night,Harry was l60king at the 16 from his window when he saw a man come out of a shopThe man was l7 a big bagHarry saw his face. The next day when the policeman(警察) cameHarry told the police about the man“He is about l8 years oldHe is quite tall and l9 and something is wrong with his leg,Harry said“What was he wearing?”the policeman asked“He was wearing black 20 and sports shoes”He answered A few days later the police(警方)caught the man16_17_18_1 9_20._笔试部分(120分)、单项选择题:(20分)( )21、Well have a _ holiday this week Atwo-days Btwo-day Ctwo day( )22_that day,people didnt go to workThey rested. AOn BIn CFor( )23We have lunch at l2:10We usually _at l2 oclock in the morning Astop to work Bcontinue working Cstop working( )24Sam and Mike are_ Aboth young and handsome Ball young and handsome Cboth young and beautiful( )25I _my homework when you called me last night Awere doing B. was doing Cdid( )26I called you last night,but _the phone Anobody took Byou answered Cnobody answered( )27The book is so_I love to read it A. interesting Binterested Cexcited( )28-Tom is a brave boy -I agree _you AWith Bto C./( )29I _go skating,but now I skate a lot Aused to Bdidnt use to Cwanted to( )30Please _the TVIts too noisyAturn down Bturn up Cturn on( ) 31My brother enjoys _the pianoAplay Bto play Cplaying( )32I_ go skating, but now I dont. Adidnt use to Bused to Cwant to( )33I enjoy drawing pictures. Its great _. Afan Bfun Cpictures( )34I dont like collecting stamps. I know _ about stamps. Alot Bmuch Clittle( )35You may _ this book home to read, but you must _it to me tomorrow. Atake; bring B. bring; take Creturn; carry( )36-Who taught your daughter to paint? -Nobody. _. AI taught her BShe taught her CShe taught herself( )37The cat is my favorite pet. I _ her Mimi. A. make Bgive Ccall( )38They couldnt believe that _ Mozart could write so beautiful music. A3-year-old B3-years-old C.3 year old( )39Lets go and spend _ together at the Guangming Movie Theater. Aan exciting evening Ban exciting music Ca noisy music( )40_lovely girl she is!AHowBWhat CWhat a、完形填空。(10分)Beethoven was born in Germany in l770He was one of the 41 composers(作曲家)in the worldAs a child,Beethoven did not have a 42 lifeHis father was a singer,but he was very lazy and always drank a lotWhen Beethoven was only four,his father decided to make him a 43 So Beethoven had to play the musicHe learned very 44 and he could go around and give 45 when he was only elevenA few years later Beethoven went to Vienna to study under Haydn,a famous Austrian composerSoon he Could write a lot of music himselfBeethoven was often 36 in his lifeAfter one illness,he became deaf(耳聋的)He couldnt 47 any moreThis didnt stop BeethovenHe kept 48 many pieces of beautiful musicTo everyones 49 ,Beethoven wrote his most beautiful pieces such as Destiny(命运交响乐)after he became deafHe died at the age of 50 in 1827( )41.Ahappiest Bgreatest Chealthiest( )42Ahappy Bsad Cdaily( )43Adoctor Bteacher Cmusician( )44Aslowly Bcarefully Cfast( )45A. concerts Btalks C1essons( )46Astrong Bill Cfree( )47Asee Bread Chear( )48Awriting Bplaying Creading( )49Aknowledge Binterest Csurprise( )50A47 B57 C67、口语应用。(10分)从方框中选出最佳选项完成对话。A:Why should we spend so much time studying English?B: 51 If you cant study it well,maybe you cant find a good job.ANo,I dont think soBDont do that againCIsnt it important?DI cant learn itEYou are quite rightFCome on! GIts not so seriousA:I dont agree with youMany famous people,such as Liu Xiang,dont know much EnglishB: 52 But Liu Xiang is learning English A:I want to be a painter of Chinese painting when I grow upSo I, wont need English at allB: 53 If you understand English,you can learn from foreign paintingThat will make your painting better and specialA:But Im not interested in English 54 B: 55 You are clever enough to do well in it、阅读理解:(A)Most people always like to collect things as a hobbyFor example,they like collecting stamps,books,pictures and so onBut my friend MrKing likes collecting clocksHe has five hundred clocks now There are clocks everywhere in his houseYou can see shelves standing in every roomAll the shelves are full of clocks Though(虽然)MrKing is glad to do this,his wife doesnt enjoy it at allShe has a lot of work to do every dayIts not easy for her to clean hundreds of clocks. She is also angry at the noiseEach clock keeps its own time,so she can hear clock strike(报时)almost any time during the day and night“There is something even worseI am never able to know what time it is with so many clocks around.”( )56MrKing is_. A. a clock maker Ba clock seller Ca clock collector( )57Which one of the following is right? AMrKing keeps the clock only in his bedroom BAll the shelves are full of clocks CThere is nothing on some shelves( )58MrsKing_ Ahates cleaning the clocks every day B. ikes collecting clocks,too C1ikes cleaning the clocks( )59MrsKing doesnt know_ Aher husbands favorite thing Bwhich clock tells the right time Chow to clean the clocks( )60From the passage we know_Afew of the clocks keep the right timeBmost of the clocks keep the right timeCits always quiet in their house(B) Mozart was born on January 27th,1756,and died on December 5th,1791When he was three,he often had music lessons with his elder sisterHis father once took him through many different countries,where he played music for lots of people But some people didnt believe that the little boy could write such beautiful musicThey asked him to stay in a room by himself for a week and sent somebody to watch the room all the timeIn a week,he finished a piece of wonderful musicAfter that,people believed that he could write beautiful music Mozart died when he was still youngDuring his short life,he studied music,taught music,played music and wrote musicEven by working so hard,he couldnt make much moneyOften he had to borrow money from his friends,but his music made him happy,and for more than two hundred years his music has made other people happy,too ( )61Mozart took music lessons with his sister when he was_ Ayoung Bborn Cthree( )62Some people asked him to write a piece of music in a week because_ Athey believed he could write such beautiful music Bthey didnt believe he could write such beautiful music. Cthey enjoyed listening to his music( )63Mozart was_ Afamous but poor Bfamous and rich C. rich and happy( )64Many people to listen to his music Ahate Blove Cused( )65Mozart was happy because of his_Amusic Bfriends Csister(C)阅读短文,判断句子正(A)误(B)。 A Frenchman was sitting by the window of a restaurant in London when he heard a voice “Look out!” He put his head out of the window to find out what was happeningJust then a basin of dirty water poured(倒)over his head, then another“Damn you(该死的)!See what you have done,”he shouted angrily Another man laughed and the Frenchman got even more angryOne of the men said to him“You must be a foreignerLook out!in English means Be careful!”( )66The Frenchman put his head out of the window to see Who was calling him( )67The Frenchman was angry because someone poured dirty water over him( )68The Frenchman did not know the meaning of the idiom“look out”( )69The story happened in a hospital( )70The writer wants to tell us that its important to know some English idioms(D)Two men were sitting together in a planeThey were on a long journey(旅行) One of them was a businessman(商人)The other was a farmer They sat for a while,then the farmer said,“Lets do something to pass the time” “What do you want to do?” the businessman asked “We can ask each other riddles,”the farmer said“You start first” “Let,s make rules(规则)first,”the businessman said“And lets make the game more interestingLets play it for moneyIf we dont know the answer to a riddle,we have to pay a dollar(美元)” The farmer thought about this for a while,then he said“Thats not fairYou are a businessman with much knowledgeYou know more things than I do,I am just a farmer” “Thats true”the businessman said“What do you think we should do?” “If you dont know the answer to a riddle,you pay me 100If I dont know the answer to a riddle,Ill pay you 50,”the farmer said The businessman thought about this for a whilemen he said,“0K,thats fairWholl go first?” “I will”the farmer said“Here is my riddleWhat has three legs when it walks,but only two legs when it flies?” The businessman repeated(重复)the riddle“What has three legs when it walks,but only two legs when it flies? Mm,thats a good oneIm afraid I dont know the answer” He gave the farmer 100,then said,“Tell me the answerWhat has three legs when it walksbut only two legs when it flies?”“I dont know”the farmer said,and gave him 50根据短文内容,选择正确答案。( )71The story happened_ Aon a farm Bin a shop Cbefore a long plane journey Dbetween a farmer and a businessman( )72What does the undedined word“fair” mean in this story? A乐趣 B公平的 C困难的 D容易的( )73Why did the businessman agree to give more money if he lost(输)? ABecause he made much more money than the farmer BBecause he thought he knew more than the farmer CBecause he was interested in making riddles DBecause he was better at playing riddle games.( )74The farmer_ Aenjoyed himself on his long journey Bdidnt want to pay even one dollar Cspent all his money on the plane ticket Dwon fifty dollars by playing their riddle game( )75.Which of the following is NOT TRUE? AThe two men made rules for their riddle game BThe farmer was more clever than the businessmanCThe two men made their riddle game more interesting by playing it for money.D、The businessman knew the answer to this riddle.、词汇应用。(10分) 用方框中所给单词的适当形式完成句子high,train,simple,fun,lend,continue,begin,face,give,call76To become a great player,you need hard_.77Look! The old monkey is making_ to us78Yao Ming is very tallHis _is 226cm79I didnt buy the tapeLin Tao _it to me80The book is interesting,but I dont think the _is good enough81When Tom went into the classroom,the teacher was _a maths lesson82How do you_ this kind of food in China?83The boy is too young to solve even this_ problem84His_ performance at the party made everybody laugh85They didnt stopThey _working in the factory、书面表达。(10分)不同的人有不同的爱好,你的爱好是什么?请以“My hobby”为题,写一篇不少于60个词的短文。My hobby_初二英语月考9

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