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上海版中学实验校初三下期模拟考试英语试卷C卷一、 单项选择 (共12题;共24分)1. (2分)This pair of jeans_ hand, and it_ very comfortable.A . is make with; is feltB . are made from; is feltC . is made by; feelsD . are made of; feels2. (2分)_ look in the mirror before starting to drive. A . DidB . AlwaysC . NeverD . And3. (2分)he is ill, he goes to school. A . Although; butB . /; /C . Although; /D . But; although4. (2分)-Did you go shopping yesterday?-_.A . Yes, I doB . Yes, I didC . Yes, I amD . No, I couldnt5. (2分) Could you tell me _ for the meeting this morning? Because the traffic was bad.A . why did you come lateB . why you came lateC . why do you come lateD . why you come late6. (2分)What about going swimming this afternoon?You _ be joking! Dont you know Im afraid of water?A . mayB . canC . must7. (2分)Why do you go to the park for hiking?Because I want to _ lots of fresh airA . keep offB . give outC . take inD . put up8. (2分)Its _ for my grandma to dance in the square(广场) after dinner. She likes it very much. A . relaxingB . busyC . difficultD . boring9. (2分)My friend has achieved his goal after years of hard work.Great! .A . One tree cant make a forest B . Where there is a will, there is awayC . Many hands make light workD . A friend in need is a friend indeed10. (2分)What do you think of the environment here?Wonderful! _ of the land _ covered with trees and grassA . Two fifths; isB . Two fifth; isC . Two fifths; areD . Two fifth; are11. (2分)How did you_the weekend?A . spendB . takeC . doD . spent12. (2分)_Whats your name, please?I am Anna.A . Thank youB . Excuse meC . OK二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)13. (10分)完形填空 There are many ways for us to learn English. Different people have different ways. But I think the best way to learn English is1it. Do you 2with me?Listening, speaking, reading and writing are all very3in learning English. So we should learn the four English skills. While learning English, we need to4many words, grammar(语法)rules and know about 5cultures. Some people learn English by listening to the 6or watching TV. They try to 7English with their friends every day. You dont need to care how badly you speak. The more you speak, the better your English will become. Some people go to the English corner to 8English. They also read English storybooks very often. When they meet a new word,they will look it up (查阅) in 9You should also practice 10in English every day. Keep trying and working hard to improve your English. (1)A . speaking B . writing C . using D . reading (2)A . start B . agree(同意) C . study D . talk (3)A . interested B . excited C . happy D . important (4)A . make B . know C . repeat D . follow (5)A . Western B . Chinese C . official D . national (6)A . book B . radio C . word D . movie (7)A . speak B . say C . tell D . listen (8)A . practice B . enjoy C . remember D . describe (9)A . an English corner B . a TV program C . a storybook D . a dictionary (10)A . writing B . listening C . making D . speaking 三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共32分)14. (6分)(1)Shawnee Mountain is a wonderful place for_.A . stayingB . skiingC . climbingD . visiting(2)Two parents and a child of 45cm tall will pay _for the lifts on weekendA . $100B . $86C . $50D . $43(3)If a soldier goes to the mountain, _should be shown for a lift ticket.A . the proof of ageB . the college IDC . the phone numberD . the active duty ID15. (10分) A rabbit is running into his hole. You may ask, “What happened?”Well, when a rabbit sees something dangerous, it runs away. Its tail moves up and down as it runs. When other rabbits see this tail moving up and down, they ran, too. They know there is danger. The rabbit has told them something without making a sound. It has given them a signal.Many other animals use this kind of language. When a bee finds some food, it goes back to his home. It cant tell the other bees where the food is by speaking to them, but it does dance in the air. This tells the bees where the food is.But animals say things by making sounds. A dog barks, for examples, when a stranger comes near. A cat purrs(发出呼噜呼噜的声音) when pleased. Some birds make several different sounds, each with its own meaning.But human beings have something that no animals have- a large number of words about things, actions, feelings or ideas. We are able to give each other information to tell or inform other people what is in our mind or how we feel. By writing words down we can remind ourselves of the things that have happened, or send messages to people far away. No animals can do this. No animals has the wonderful power of language.No one knows how man learned to make words. Somehow he learned to make them. As centuries went by, he made more and more new words. This is what we mean by language.People in different countries made different kinds of words. Today there are about fifteen hundred different languages in the world. A very large English dictionary, for examples, contains four or five hundred thousand words. But we dont know all these. The words we know are called vocabulary. We should try to make our vocabulary larger. Read as many books as possible. When we met a new word, look it up in the dictionary. A dictionary is the most useful book.(1)Whats the meaning of the underlined word?A . 标语B . 信号C . 唱片D . 图像(2)A dog can tell something_.A . by giving signalsB . by making different soundsC . by purringD . by barking(3)It has been proved that no animals are able to_.A . give the others informationB . express their actions and feelings with wordsC . tell others how they feelD . make different sounds, each with its own meaning.(4)Generally speaking, what we mean by “vocabulary” is_.A . all the words that we knowB . more and more words we useC . all the words we needD . the dictionary which contains thousands of words(5)What must we do in order to make our vocabulary larger?A . Make more and more new wordsB . look up some new words in a dictionaryC . learn more languageD . Try to read as many books as possible16. (8分) A habit is any action that we have performed so often that it becomes something we do almost without thinking. Some of them are thought to be bad habits. People spend countless hours and dollars each year trying to drop these bad habits but often fail. Why? Change is hard work and there is no shortcut to achieve it. However, there is still some advice for you to follow.First, look at why you do it. In other words, whats the result of doing this thing? If your bad habit is shouting at people when you are unhappy or under pressure, what do you get from it? It may make you feel a little better for the moment. Or maybe you have a bad habit of leaving your homework undone. The result could be that you get more time to spend on the Internet!Next, take a look on the other hand. What are you losing because of your habit? Shouting at other people is a bad habit because it makes people around you feel bad and unhappy. Leaving your homework undone is a bad habit because you may be punished by your teacher. Having more Internet time means that you are losing the chance to learn the things that you need to learn. When you think that way, youll find that its not wise to keep your bad habit! Now it is time to make a decision. What will you choose? Im sure you will choose to do what you think is more important.(1)From the first paragraph we know that .A . people always fail to break bad habitsB . we must change all the habits we haveC . a habit is a terrible thing we can never changeD . its difficult, but we should do something about bad habits(2)The underlined sentence “there is no shortcut to achieve it” means that .A . it is not easy to give up bad habitsB . there is a long way and a short wayC . something dangerous may happenD . we must cut bad habits in a short time(3)According to the passage, if you want to drop your habits, you have to .A . talk to others when you are in low spiritsB . know why you do what you doC . finish your homework firstD . spend less time on the Internet(4)The main purpose of this passage is to ask us .A . not to shout at people when we are sadB . not to spend much time on the InternetC . to give up our bad habitsD . to decide what to choose17. (8分)阅读理解 Do you believe that only boys do well in science? Does it seem to you that girls have better language skills than boys? In your opinion are boys better at building things? If your answer to each of those questions is Yes, you are right according to an article in Current Science. There are exceptions but here are the facts.Usually boys score higher on tests about math while girls do better in tests about words spelling and memory. But these differences may not always be true. In the future, a persons abilities may not be decided by sex. As one scientist says Nothing is impossible for a person to be or do.A recent study by Jerome Kagan, a scientist at Harward University, is studying the watching ability of children 10 months old. Baby boys and baby girls are watching a show while seated on their mothers laps. In Act One of the show an orange-coloured hall is lifted from a blue box and moved slowly. Then it is returned to the box. This is repeated six times. Act Six is almost the same except that the orange ball is smaller.Baby boys do not seem to notice the difference in the size of the ball but girls immediately become excited and begin to make noises that sound like language.Its also known that baby girls usually talk at an earlier age than baby boys do. Scientists believe that the left side of the brain develops faster in girls than in boys. As a result by the time they start to school little girls have an advantage that boys dont have but what have the boys been doing in the year before starting school? They have been developing something called aggression.An aggressive person feels strong and independent (独立的). He is often the first one to start a fight. It is said that aggression is caused by hormones(荷尔蒙). Scientists believe that hormones are not the only cause. They say aggression in boys is also caused by mothers.(1)According to the article in Current Science, what are girls better at? A . Finding facts.B . Using language.C . Learning science.D . Building things.(2)Which is RIGHT about Jerome Kagans study? A . Girls dont like the show.B . Boys are strong enough to lift a blue box-C . Boys and girls have the same watching abilities.D . Girls quickly notice the difference in the size of the ball.(3)Why do girls have an advantage when they start to school? A . Girls become independent earlier.B . Mothers teach girls more patiently.C . Girls hormones develop more completely.D . The left side of the brain develops faster in girls.(4)What is the passage mainly about? A . The research on girls advantages.B . The result of school education.C . The differences between boys and girls.D . The childrens abilities to memorize.四、 单词拼写 (共1题;共5分)18. (5分)根据下列句子的意思及所给汉语注释写出单词,每空一词。_Children must wash their clothes _ (他们)._We can find the kind-hearted person _ (到处)._There were two traffic _ (事故) in the street last month._His parents dont _ (允许)him to go out alone at night._Anna is a_ (当心的) girl , she makes few mistakes in her homework.五、 词语运用 (共1题;共15分)19. (15分)_If you answer the questions _(correct), you will get the present._The fans could not hide their _(excite) when they saw their favourite singer._The _(wife) of the policemen usually do most of the housework because their husbands are too busy._People _(clap) their hands and shouting in the TV room now._The Changjiang Bridge _(build) in the 1950s._Some birds fly to the (south) part of China in autumn._The goal of Project Hope is _(help) students and schools in poor areas._ _ your father _(fly) abroad recently?Yes, he has been in Singapore for a week._ The vegetables _(grow) in the backyard by my mother every spring._“Can I win the English speech contest?” I kept asking _(I)._My aunt (buy) the car two days ago._English is _ (wide) used in many kinds of fields._There (be) much rain in my hometown since the beginning of this month._What our life will be like if we have no computers in our_(day) life?_They are celebrating their daughters _(twenty-one) birthday in the Garden Hotel.六、 翻译 (共1题;共13分)20. (13分)根据所给的汉语完成下列句子。根据中文提示,完成下列句子,每空一词。(1)为什么不出去散步呢?_ go out for a walk?(2)经过一段时间的锻炼,她比以前瘦多了。After exercising for some time, shes much _ _ before.(3)他尽了最大的努力终于赶上了其他人。He _ _ and caught up with others finally.(4)现在我们正在为考试做准备。We _ _ exams now.(5)老师告诉这个男孩不要花费太多时间玩游戏。The teacher told the boy not _ _ too much time _ games.七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)21. (5分)假设你是Tina,你的笔友Tom给你发了一封电子邮件,信中他诉说了他的烦恼:他最好的朋友要过生日,他的朋友们准备的礼物都很贵,可是他却没有足够的钱给最好的朋友买很昂贵的礼物。请根据提示给他写一封回信,给他一些合理的建议。提示:1)买礼物并不一定必须买贵的。2) 没有必要因为不买贵的就感到难过。3)同学应该会理解。4)花钱太多还得向父母要。5)可以买花或者自制贺卡等。八、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)22. (5分)配对阅读:阅读左栏的五段文字,然后在右栏A-G中找出与他们匹配的信息。(有两个多余)_Wang wei is a big boy.He wants to have a part-time job and make some money for his family._Sam is a careless boy.He left his Jacket outside the classroom yesterday._Liu Hua is a schoolgirl.She usually goes shopping and buys some tiny things._Wei Ling likes reading very much. She is going to borrow some story books this weekend._Job likes playingBasketball very much. He does well in it and he wants to do more practice.A. Xin Ling library:You can borrow and read all kinds of books here. There is a big and quiet reading room for readers.B. Found:A jacket was found. There is some money and some other things in its pockets. Please come to teachers office and take it back.C. Family cooking:It is a popular and useful program. It is on FTV at 10:00in the morning.D. Worker wanted:We need some strong boys to work in our garden or do housework. Please call Mr. Lee at 22448838.E. Sunny Basketball Club:DO you like NBA? Are you a fan of Yao Ming or Yi Jianlian? Then welcome to join us and have fun.F.WWW. English. Funnyzone.com:A site teaches students English grammar, reading and writing. Students can take part in many interesting activities.G. Andy-Kittys Sale:Boys and girls can buy cool things like sunglasses, sock, hats, bags and etc. Everything is at a very good price!第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共12题;共24分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)13-1、三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共32分)14-1、14-2、14-3、15-1、15-2、15-3、15-4、15-5、16-1、16-2、16-3、16-4、17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、四、 单词拼写 (共1题;共5分)18-1、五、 词语运用 (共1题;共15分)19-1、六、 翻译 (共1题;共13分)20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、20-5、七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)21-1、八、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)22-1、

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