2019年中考英语一轮复习 第一篇 教材梳理篇 第05课时 Units 9-12(七下)课件 新人教版.ppt

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2019年中考英语一轮复习 第一篇 教材梳理篇 第05课时 Units 9-12(七下)课件 新人教版.ppt_第1页
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2019年中考英语一轮复习 第一篇 教材梳理篇 第05课时 Units 9-12(七下)课件 新人教版.ppt_第2页
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2019年中考英语一轮复习 第一篇 教材梳理篇 第05课时 Units 9-12(七下)课件 新人教版.ppt_第3页
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第5课时Units9 12 七下 PARTONE 第一篇教材梳理篇 基础自主梳理 glasses personal potatoes sheep mice babies Indian natural lovely put blew put blown grew grown heard heard 基础自主梳理 flew flown surprising surprised worried woke woken awake thinner thinnest heavier heaviest differently difference slowly specially height highly 基础自主梳理 alargebowlofbeefnoodles asymbolof sciencemuseum thegiftshop firestation takeone sorder makeawish bringgoodluckto milkacow rideahorse stayuplate runaway flyakite 基础自主梳理 putup wake up cutup blowout shoutat campbythelake gotothebeach makeafire intheend inthecountryside be ofmediumheight beinterestedin upanddown allaroundtheworld allinall eachother 基础自主梳理 isofmediumheight longstraighthair longstraightbrownhair bigeyes handsome straightbrown wearglasses isgettingpopular But verylongnoodles maybedifferent thesame bringgoodluckto 基础自主梳理 thesciencemuseum interesting today s didn tlike atall averyusefullesson 核心考点突破 feedv 饲养 喂养 养活 题1 根据句意 用适当的介词填空Itiscommonsensethatsheepfeedgrass 题2 同义句转换Thelittlegirlisfeedingthecatonfish 归纳拓展 1 feedsb sth onsth feedsth tosb sth 意为 用 喂 Thechildisfeedingthemonkeyonabanana Thechildisfeedingabananatothemonkey 小孩正在喂猴子香蕉 2 feedon与liveon同义 意为 以 为食 但liveon主要用于指人 以人作主语 常以表示食物 工资等的名词作宾语 on Thelittlegirlisfeedingfishtothecat 核心考点突破 putup搭起 举起 题3 从方框中选择恰当的短语并用其适当形式填空 1 Don twhatyoucandotodaytilltomorrow 2 Afterthewintervacation hetenpounds Sohehadtoexercisemoretoloseweight 3 Wemustpulltogetherandthefire ortheforestaroundherewouldbedestroyed 4 Howbeautifulthemountainwas Theyatentandcampedthere 5 Jim pleasethebooksandtoysinyourroom It sinamess putoff puton putout putawayputonputupputoutputoff putup putaway 核心考点突破 归纳拓展 1 putup用法小结 2 put的其他相关短语 putdown记下 写下putoff推迟puton穿上 上演 增加体重putout出版 熄灭putupwith容忍putaway把 收起 存 钱 putforward提出 意见 建议 核心考点突破 anumberof thenumberof 题4 AnumberofvisitorsvisitingtheWestLakeandthenumberofthevisitorsincreasing A are isB is areC are areD is is 题5 根据汉语意思完成句子 1 每年都有一些人来参观我们的学校 Everyyearpeoplecometovisitourschool 2 现在家用汽车的数量比以前多了很多 Nowfamilycarsismuchlargerthanbefore A anumberof thenumberof A 核心考点突破 relax relaxing relaxed 题6 1 AssoonasIheardthenewsthatIpassedthedrivingtest Ifeltatonce A relaxingB relaxedC afraidD nervous 2 Inthefuture robotswilldojobsinplaceofpeopleinordernottogetus A bored boredB boring boringC boring boredD bored boring 题7 用relax的适当形式填空 1 Youjustandenjoythemovie 2 Thisisagreatplaceforaholiday 3 Takeadeepbreath andthenyoumayfeel B C relax relaxing relaxed C 核心考点突破 类似用法的词还有 interest interesting interested surprise surprising surprised bore boring bored等 核心考点突破 Whatdoesshelooklike 她长什么样 Shehaslongstraighthair 她留着长直发 题8 Heisofmediumbuildandhasstraighthair A WhatdoeshisuncledoB WhatdoeshisunclelooklikeC WhatcanhisuncledoD Whatishisuncledoing B 归纳拓展 1 Whatdoessb looklike 用于询问某人的长相 外貌 意为 长得怎么样 like是介词 意为 像 WhatdoesTomlooklike 汤姆长什么样 Helookslikehisfather tallanddark 他长得像他的父亲 又高又黑 2 What ssb like 用于询问人的性格 品质 外貌等 意为 是个什么样的人 What syoursisterlike 你姐姐是怎样一个人 Sheisabeautifulkindgirlwithlonghairandtwobigeyes 她是一个长发大眼漂亮又善良的女孩 核心考点突破 Thentheguidetaughtushowtomakeamodelrobot 然后导游教我们如何制作机器人模型 题9 I llhaveaten dayholiday ButIdon tknow HowaboutParis A whattodoB wheretogoC whentogoD howtogo 题10 根据汉语意思完成句子知道如何有礼貌地寻求帮助是重要的 It simportanttoknowhelppolitely B 归纳拓展 疑问词 不定式 结构常用在know decide findout tell forget remember see understand等动词 短语 后作宾语 相当于宾语从句 当宾语从句的主语与主句的主语相同时 宾语从句可转换为 疑问词 不定式 结构 Shedidn tknowwhichblousetobuy Shedidn tknowwhichblousesheshouldbuy 她不知道该买哪件衬衫 howtoaskfor 核心考点突破 Thereweputupourtentsandmadeafiretokeepuswarmandcookfoodon 在那里我们架起帐篷 生火取暖并做饭 题11 HowlongmayIthesebooks Foraweek A borrowB toborrowC keepD lend 题12 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空 1 IdranksomuchcoffeethatIkeptallnight wake 2 Theloudnoisekeepshimfromasleep Sohelookstired fall 3 Howcanyoukeepmehereforsolongatime wait C awake falling waiting 核心考点突破 归纳拓展 1 keep 宾语 形容词 意为 使 保持某种状态 Studentsalwayskeeptheirclassroomsclean 学生们总是保持教室干净 2 keep的其他用法 核心考点突破 ButIwassotiredthatIwenttosleepearly 但是我太累了 所以早早就睡觉了 题13 1 TheTVplayJourneytotheWestisinterestingIwouldliketowatchitagain A such thatB too toC so thatD very that 2 LuHanisanexcellentactormanyteenagerslikehim A such thatB so thatC too toD enough that 题14 同义句转换TheboxissoheavythatIcan tliftitup ItisthatIcan tliftitup C A suchaheavybox A C 核心考点突破 归纳拓展 1 so adj adv that从句 意为 如此 以至于 that后跟结果状语从句 Hegotupsolatethathemissedtheearlybus 他起床太晚了 以至于错过了早班公交车 注意 sothat可用来引导目的状语从句和结果状语从句 目的状语从句中常用情态动词can could may might should will would等 结果状语从句中不用情态动词 HecametoLondonsothathecouldseehisparents 为了能见到父母 他来到了伦敦 2 such that 与so that 都可引导结果状语从句 要特别注意其结构 核心考点突破 1 so adj adv that从句 2 so adj a an 单数可数名词 that从句 3 such a an adj 单数可数名词 that从句 4 such adj 复数可数名词 不可数名词 that从句Thegirlissolovelythatwealllikeher Sheissuchalovelygirlthatwealllikeher 这个女孩如此可爱 以至于我们都喜欢她 核心考点突破 Whenwelookedoutofourtent wesawabigsnakesleepingnearthefire 当我们从帐篷往外看时 我们看见一条大蛇正在篝火附近睡觉 题15 1 IsawTomhiskeyinthelock turnitandopenthedoor A putB puttingC putsD toput 2 IheardsomeonethepianointhenextroomwhenIwalkedpastit A playB playingC toplayD toplaying A B 核心考点突破 归纳拓展 1 seesb sth doingsth 意为 看见某人 某物正在做某事 doing表示动作正在进行 有类似用法的词还有hear watch等 Iheardthegirlsingingasongatthistimeyesterday 昨天这个时候我听见这个女孩正在唱歌 2 hear seesb sth dosth 意为 听见 看见某人 某物做了某事 do表示动作已经完成 即动作全过程结束了 Isawhergoacrosstheroad 我看见她穿过了马路 当堂效果检测 句型转换1 Thekidhasaroundfacewithbigeyes 对画线部分提问 thekid 2 PleaseshowmehowIcanusethecomputer 改为同义句 Pleaseshowmethecomputer 3 Thefoodwassodeliciousthatweateitup 改为同义句 Itwasthatweateitup 4 Bettyhadblackhairlastyear 用blonde改为选择疑问句 Bettyblackblondehairlastyear 5 Don tfeedmilktotheanimals 改为同义句 Don tfeedtheanimals What does look like how to use such delicious food Did have or on milk 当堂效果检测 根据句意及汉语提示完成句子6 Whatisthenumberofthe 村民 inyourvillage Aboutfourhundred Anumberofoldpeople 居住 herenow 7 Carolwouldliketo 骑马 alongthequietroadinthecountryside 8 OnweekendswhenIgotothemountains Ioftenhearsomeone 练习 singingthere 9 It soneofthemost 令人兴奋的 messagesthatI veeverheard 10 Asanurse it simportantformetolookafterthese 婴儿 welleveryday villagers areliving live rideahorse practice exciting babies 当堂效果检测 从方框中选择恰当的单词并用其正确形式填空11 Therearelotsofeatinggrassonthefarm 12 Theboyuphishandandansweredtheteacher squestion 13 Joeisinnature sohewantstovisittheNaturalScienceMuseum 14 Myauntisofmedium andshehaslongstraighthair 15 Afterwatchingthecartoon weallfeltreally 16 Don tkeepothersforalongtime It simpolite 17 Shewantstobeanwhenshegrowsup sheep put interested height relaxed waiting actress putsheepinteresthighmousewaitrelaxactgrowlove 当堂效果检测 18 Thechildrenareplayinggameshappily Someareactingascats andothersareactingas 19 Amy sfavoritegiftisthedollthatherfathergaveheronherninthbirthday 20 Lastmonthmyfathertogetherwithmyelderbrotheralotofvegetablesinthefields mice lovely grew

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