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音乐起,旁白:Wow, what a nice forest! There must be a lot of animals in it. Lets have a look!Wow, look! What a nice house!Um whats this in it? Oh, the rabbits family.嘘!(xu)the mother rabbit is coming!兔妈妈:look! Mushrooms for my baby!Its already 7 oclock. But my baby still sleeps. Ill call her again. Get up, honey! Honey, get up!小兔子从屋子里出来。伸伸懒腰。兔妈妈:mum is going to work.小兔子:mum, its Saturday today. Why are you going to work? I want you to stay with me.兔妈妈:I must make money for our family, ok?很不情愿地小兔子:look! Mum! Its snowing!兔妈妈:oh, yes, its snowing. 歌曲:雪绒花 雪花天使上场(舞蹈)兔妈妈:my dear, lets make a snow-baby and you can play with it. Its cold outside. Take it, my dear!小兔子: thank you, mum.音乐,舞蹈,堆雪人,雪孩子上场兔妈妈:wow, how beautiful she is! 小兔子:Let me give her scarf and shell be more beautiful.兔妈妈:oh my god, she looks just like you. You have a big round head, and she has a big round head too. You have a bright round body and she has a bright round body too.雪孩子:I have a lonely round face, you have a lonely round face too.雪孩子和小兔子:we are twins now, we are friends now.兔妈妈:my dear, please play with the snow-baby for a while. Be careful, dont catch the cold!小兔子: go to work, mum. Bye-bye!兔妈妈:bye, baby.小兔子对雪人打量了一番,Snow-baby cant move. What a pity!雪孩子:who says I cant?! I can! I can even dance! Look!小兔子:snow-baby, you are so beautiful. But whos your mum and dad? wheres your home?雪孩子:winter is my dad, snow is my mum. Im the crystal of my mum and dad. Im the angel from the heaven. Forest is my home. Baby-rabbit, welcome to my home. Lets sing and dance together.小兔子:ok!音乐起,歌曲,舞蹈。缺4小兔子打了个喷嚏,雪孩子很关心,Baby-rabbit, the weather is cold. Go home and stay by yourself.小兔子:snow-baby, come to my house and play with me.雪孩子:no, thank you.小兔子:theres fire. Im cold. Lets go!雪孩子: baby-rabbit, its cold outside. Im not afraid. But Im afraid of hotness. You go, Ill protect you!小兔子:ok, bye-bye, snow-baby.走到家门前,Make a good style and have a dream. 进屋。雪孩子:嘘!Be quiet! Look! Shes sleeping in the room. Maybe she has a nice dream. Now Im guarding for her. When she wakes up, maybe shell be hungry. Let me find a big carrot for her, and shell enjoy it.音乐起,找萝卜5Where is it? Where is it? Where can I find a big carrot? Theres no carrot! What a pity! Thats it. I got it. A big carrot.突然看见房子着火了6火:we are fire, we are hot! We are fire! We are hot!雪孩子:wake up! Wake up, baby-rabbit! Its on fire! Its on fire! What should I do? She doesnt hear. Shell be hurt. Ill save her, Ill save her. Ill go!小雪花们:no, you cant. You cant! You will die.雪孩子:if not . She will die. Ill go! Shes my friend! Ill go!雪孩子:come out, baby-rabbit! Baby rabbit, come out. Come out, baby rabbit. Come out. Wake up, wake up, wake up, baby-rabbit!雪孩子渐渐融化,舞蹈离开舞台。音乐7兔妈妈:my house is on fire. Wheres my house? Wheres my baby? Baby, where are you? Where are you? Oh, baby! Wake up, honey! Wake up! Oh, my god! Whats wrong with you? Wake up, my poor baby! Dont scare me, wake up! You scared me!小兔子:whats up, mum?兔妈妈:(指着房子) its on fire. 小兔子:on fire? Wheres our door? Wheres my snow-baby? Snow-baby, where are you?(发现红围巾,捡起) mum, wheres the snow-baby? Wheres she? Mummy, I need her.兔妈妈:the scarf? The snow baby! Oh, my dear, snow baby cant close to the fire, but she saved you from the fire, and she turned to the white cloud. Shes gone! 音乐天空之城 8小雪花们:shell come back this time next year.小兔子,妈妈等:snow baby, we love you!

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