上海新世纪版七年级上学期Unit 4 Wheres my schoolbag_ 单元测试 A卷.doc

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上海新世纪版七年级上学期Unit 4 Wheres my schoolbag_ 单元测试 A卷一、 单选题 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分)My brother usually goes to bed half eight in the evening.A . at; pastB . at; toC . in; pastD . in; to2. (2分) _ did you have the party last night? In the park.A . WhereB . WhyC . WhenD . What3. (2分) Which of the two magazines will you buy? I will take _. _ are useless to me.A . both, EitherB . either, BothC . neither, Both4. (2分)For everyones safety, we always remember the law against driving after drinking. A . couldB . shouldC . wouldD . might5. (2分)I _ a 1ot of time reading books.A . costB . spendC . takeD . pay6. (2分)My brother would rather _ at home than do his homework.A . stayedB . stayingC . to stayD . stay7. (2分)A number of tourists _ Yangzhou many times because it is such a beautiful city. A . have been toB . has been toC . has gone toD . have gone to8. (2分)How do you like sunglasses?I dont like the style. Could I look at that_?A . pairB . oneC . themD . ones9. (2分)Is she Mary?Yes. _ name is Mary Green.A . YourB . HerC . HisD . My10. (2分)Can you tell me ?Yesterday morningA . where did you see himB . where you saw himC . when did you see himD . when you saw him二、 完型填空 (共1题;共15分)11. (15分)阅读短文,从每题所给选项中选出可以入空白处的最佳选项。Last week Lu visited England. He stayed with my grandmother. He said it was a strange visit. “I dont understand, but I1your grandmother a lot. When I arrived, I gave her a 2from Suzhou. She looked in it and asked me to take it back. Then I saw a red spider(蜘蛛) on the table so I killed it for her and she seemed very 3. Do English people like spiders?”“Later we went shopping. Someone was painting a shop 4, so there was a ladder. Grandmother5me walking under it and said I must walk around it. I liked the shops and bought a smart 6for my father and some new shoes for myself. When we got back, I put the shoes on the table and opened the umbrella to wonder 7it was all right. Your grandmother came in and 8!”“Then I broke a small 9 in the bathroom. Your grandmothers face went white. I felt very sorry. When I left I gave 10grandmother some flowers. She counted and there were 13. She 11it. I think she was happy I was going.”I 12to Lu, “My grandmother follows the old customs(习俗). You must not give someone an empty purse 13they will have no money. You must not kill a “money spider”or the same will happen. It is very unlucky to walk under a ladder and to put new shoes on the table. A(n)14umbrella in a house means someone will die. Breaking a mirror brings seven years bad luck, and 13 is 15a very unlucky number. You were really making my grandmother very afraid. ”(1)A . affected B . loved C . frightened D . encouraged (2)A . pen B . purse C . dress D . handbag (3)A . honest B . humorous C . happy D . unhappy (4)A . back B . right C . front D . left (5)A . stopped B . kept C . insisted D . suggested (6)A . wallet B . umbrella C . flower D . shirt (7)A . why B . that C . if D . where (8)A . laughed B . screamed C . clapped D . cheered (9)A . bowl B . bottle C . plate D . mirror (10)A . my B . your C . her D . our (11)A . didnt like B . liked C . enjoyed D . smelt (12)A . shouted B . talked C . told D . explained (13)A . but B . for C . or D . so (14)A . open B . closed C . new D . old (15)A . hardly B . never C . seldom D . also 三、 阅读理解 (共2题;共20分)12. (10分)阅读表格,选择正确答案Marys TimetableMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday8:008:45EnglishHistoryEnglishPhysicsChinese8:559:40ChineseArtChineseChineseEnglish9:5010:35Math.EnglishHistoryMath.Music10:451130P.E.GeographyHistoryP.E.Geography11:301:30Noon break(午休)1:302:15MusicP. E.P.E.EnglishSelf-studyHistory (历史) Geography(地理) Physics(物理)(1)Which lesson does Mary have every day? A . EnglishB . ChineseC . HistoryD . Math(2)Mary has a rest at noon for_.A . 2 hoursB . 1 hourC . 1.5 hoursD . 2.5 hours(3)How many music lessons does Mary have in a week?.A . threeB . fourC . twoD . one(4)The third class begins at _in the morning.A . 9:35B . 9:55C . 9: 50D . 9:40(5)When does Mary have history?A . TuesdayB . FridayC . Tuesday and WednesdayD . Monday13. (10分) There are fifty students in our class. There are twenty-four boys and twenty-six girls. Some students live near the school, and some others live far from school. About half of the students usually come to school by bike. They often get to school at a quarter to seven. About fifteen students often come to school by bus. They often get to school very early, too. Another ten students come to school on foot. Their homes are near the school, but they are often late for school, because they get up late. (1)_ live near the school.A . Some of the studentsB . Half of the studentsC . No studentsD . All the students(2)_ students come to school by bike.A . Twenty-fiveB . Twenty-fourC . Twenty-threeD . Fifty(3)Ten of the students _.A . come to school by bikeB . come to school lateC . come to school very earlyD . live in the school(4)Some students get to school by bike at _.A . 7:35B . 7:30C . 6:45D . 6:30(5)_ students come to school on foot.A . ThirtyB . TwentyC . Thirty-eightD . Ten四、 将字母重组成单词 (共1题;共1分)14. (1分)Pandas eat a lot of_(竹子) 五、 将所给单词连成句子 (共1题;共5分)15. (5分)根据所给单词或词语, 完成句子。要求符合语法, 语句通顺, 大小写正确。(单词不得重复使用, 标点已给出) (1)you, do, singing, like_?(2)what, favorite, your, is, song_?(3)singing songs, you, make, will, relaxed_.(4)my, sing, can, friend, very, fast songs, well_.(5)voice, beautiful, how, his, is_!六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)16. (5分)2001年大庆市获得“全国环保模范城市”称号, 2011年1月,大庆市又被评为“全国文明城市” (National Civilized City)。 你学校的English Club 正在举办“文明大庆,持续文明”为主题的征文活动,请你根据以下的内容提示及要求写一篇应征稿。内容提示:1).尊敬师长,懂礼貌,讲诚信2).友善待人,乐于助人3).遵守交规,不闯红灯4).保护环境,(写2-3个例子)要求:1). 80词左右,不包含已给出的句子词数。2). 内容完整,意思连贯,语句通顺,书写规范。参考词汇: respect (v.尊敬),polite, honest, obey, traffic lights, protect the environmentCivilized Daqing going onWe are glad that Daqing has been the national civilized city for nearly three years. As students, what shall we do to keep up the good work? First of all, weIn short, if everyone makes contributions, our city will be better and better.第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共10题;共20分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 完型填空 (共1题;共15分)11-1、三、 阅读理解 (共2题;共20分)12-1、12-2、12-3、12-4、12-5、13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、13-5、四、 将字母重组成单词 (共1题;共1分)14-1、五、 将所给单词连成句子 (共1题;共5分)15-1、15-2、15-3、15-4、15-5、六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)16-1、

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