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第3课时分层训练 Unit3Howdoyougettoschool 课内基础自测 课后巩固提升 课内基础自测 第3课时分层训练 用恰当的介词填空1 Bobgets school bikeeveryday 2 Sheridesherbike herfather sfarm 3 Theytaketheplane Beijing vacation 4 Whatdoyouthink thetaxishere 5 Marylivesfar herschool on to by to to of about from 第3课时分层训练 用所给单词的适当形式填空1 Ittakesmefortyminutes walk toschooleveryday 2 Janegetstothebus stop at7 00a m 3 Therearefive hundred studentsinourschool 4 Howfardoyoulivefromyour grandparent home 5 Iwanttoknowwhathe think oftheschoolshow grandparents stop towalk hundred thinks 课后巩固提升 第3课时分层训练 1 areyougoingtothebeach Byair A HowB WhereC WhatD When A 解析 对交通方式提问用how 2 I tothebusstop bybikeB bymybikeC ridebikeD ridemybike 3 2018 铜仁 Howdoyou theyellowcar It sverycute 可爱的 A thinkB likeC thinkofD liketo 解析 ridemybike 位于句中充当谓语 bybike 位于句尾充当状语 第3课时分层训练 D B 第3课时分层训练 4 doesittakeyoutogethomefromschool About20minutes A HowoftenB HowfarC HowlongD Howsoon C 第3课时分层训练 5 doeshelivefromhisgrandparents home Twentyminutesbybike A HowlongB HowfarC HowmuchD Howmany B 解析 根据答语 Twentyminutesbybike 可知是对距离提问 因此判断选B 第3课时分层训练 任务型阅读Peoplegotoworkindifferentways Somepeoplegotoworkonfootbecausetheyliveneartheirworkplaces Somepeoplegotoworkbybikebecausetheylivefarawayfromtheirworkplaces ortheylikeridingbikes Theythinkit sgoodfortheirhealth 健康 Todaymorepeoplehaveprivate 私人的 cars sotheycangoto 第3课时分层训练 workintheircars InthesouthofChina manypeopleevengotoworkbyboatbecausewaterisaroundtheirhouses Willpeoplegotoworkbyplane Ithinkso ifnecessary 如果必要的话 第3课时分层训练 根据短文内容 判断正 T 误 T 1 Allpeopleliketogotoworkbybike 2 Somepeoplethinkit sgoodfortheirhealthtogotoworkbybike 3 Todaymorepeopledrivetowork 4 InthenorthofChina manypeoplegotoworkbyboat 5 Thewriterthinkssomepeoplewillgotoworkbyplaneifnecessary F T T F T 第3课时分层训练 补全对话A Excuseme CouldyoutellmethewaytotheNo 1People sHospital B Letmesee 1 A 2 B Abouttwentymiles 3 A WhichbusshouldItake B TheNo 1buswilltakeyouthere 第3课时分层训练 A 4 B Ittakesabout30minutes A 5 B Notatall 不客气 第3课时分层训练 A Thanksforyourhelp B Youcantakeabustogetthere C Oh it sfarfromhere D Howlongdoesittaketogetthere E Howfarisitfromhere 答案 1 5CEBDA

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