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七年级英语上学期 Unit 4 测试题 试卷满分 120 分 考试时间 100 分钟 第一部分 听力 20 分 一 听力 听句子 选择正确答语 并将其标号填入题前的括号内 每个句子读两遍 5 分 1 A I m fine B Fine thank you C How do you do 2 A She is tall B She is my friend C She likes English 3 A Water B Hamburgers C Rice 4 A That s right B You re welcome C All right 5 A Sure B Oh no C I m just looking thanks 听对话及问题 选择正确答案 并将其标号填入题前的括号内 每组对话和问题读两遍 5 分 6 A In a hospital B At home C At school 7 A 30 B 28 C 58 8 A It s red B It s yellow C It s green 9 A In an office B In a hospital C In a factory 10 A They are students B They are workers C They are doctors 听短文 判断下列句子的正 T 误 F 并将答案填入题前的括号内 短文读两遍 5 分 11 Paul comes from England 12 Paul s mother lives in England 13 He likes eating Chinese food a lot 14 He doesn t like fish at all 15 Paul can not speak Chinese 听对话 完成下面的购物清单 对话读三遍 5 分 Shopping List Things How many Salt 16 bags Eggs 17 kilos Juice 18 bottles Oranges 19 kilos Apples 20 kilos 答案 1 C 2 A 3 A 4 B 5 C 难度系数 2 6 C 7 A 8 A 9 B 10 A 难度系数 3 11 T 12 F 13 T 14 F 15 F 难度系数 3 16 four 17 three 18 five 19 six 20 two 难度系数 4 听 力 材 料 听句子 选择正确答语 并将其标号填入题前的括号内 每个句子读两遍 1 How do you do 2 What does she look like 3 What would you like to drink 4 Thank you very much 5 Hello What can I do for you 听对话及问题 选择正确答案 并将其标号填入题前的括号内 每组对话和问题读两遍 6 M Hello Jane do you see Lily W Yes she s in our teacher s office Q Where s Lily 7 W How many students are in your class M Er 58 students are in our class 28 boys Q How many girls are in the class 8 M Look The red shirt is Li Lei s W That s nice Q What color is Li Lei s shirt 9 M Does your father work in an office W No he doesn t He works in a hospital Q Where does the girl s father work 10 W Excuse me what time is it M It s 7 45 W Oh it s time to go to school M You re right Let s go Q What do they do 听短文 判断下列句子的正 T 误 F 并将答案填入题前的括号内 短文读两遍 Paul is an English boy He is in China now He lives with his parents He studies in a high school He can speak Chinese He says he likes Chinese food very much He likes hamburgers noodles and fish a lot He thinks China is great and Chinese people are very nice 听对话 完成下面的购物清单 对话读三遍 W Jack can you help me M Sure W Go to the shop please We need some things M All right mom W Good Get four bags of salt three kilos of eggs and five bottles of juice Oh and some oranges and apples please M How many oranges and apples W Six kilos of oranges and two kilos of apples M OK Four bags of salt three kilos of eggs five bottles of juice six kilos of oranges and two kilos of apples W That s right 第二部分 笔试 100 分 二 单项选择 15 小题 每小题 1 分 共 15 分 从 A B C D 四个选项中选出一个最佳答案 并将其标号填入题 前括号内 21 I like these shoes Can I A try them on B try on them C try it on D try on it 本题考查 try on 的用法 试穿 用 try on 名词或者 try 名词 on 若出现代词 形式 则用 try 代词宾格 on 结构 shoes 常用复数 所以选 A A 难度系数 3 22 Dad I m sorry I can t find the shop A Not at all B I m not happy C Thank you all the same D You can t come back 本题通过语境考查 Thank you all the same 的用法 这是当别人不能为你提供帮助或 别人虽提供了帮助但并不能满足你的要求时所说的话 同义的表达还有 Thanks all the same Thank you anyway Thanks anyway C 难度系数 2 23 That s too expensive 贵的 thirty yuan A How many B How much C Why not D How about 根据语境 这是和别人讨论商品价格的话题 why not 动词原形 how about 名词 代 词 doing sth 所以选 D D 难度系数 2 24 This pair of shoes mine His are over there A will be B is C are D be 本题考查 pair 一词的用法 当出现 this that pair of 时 特指 这个 条 双 把它看作一个整体 当作主语时 谓语动词常用单数形式 B 难度系数 4 25 How the apples They are five yuan a kilo A many are B much is C many is D much are 本题在语境中体现了 how much 用法 how much 常用来询问商品价格 又因问的是 the apples 的价格 所以 be 动词用 are 选 D D 难度系数 3 26 Why not have a picnic this Sunday A in B for C at D 本题考查学生对 this 时间 的掌握情况 在 this Sunday this year this week 这 些词前不加介词 故选 D D 难度系数 2 27 Please ask Jane I ll wait for her A call me B give me a call C to call me back D giving me a call 本题考查两个词组 ask sb to do sth 和 call back 由 I ll wait for her 可知 前一句是 让 Jane 给我回电话 因为此空的动词前要加 to 故选 C C 难度系数 3 28 Can I tell him about it A Sure thanks B Yes you can C Not at all D That s OK Can Could you do 的肯定答语是 Yes 肯定答语 否定答语是 No 否定答语 因此 选 B B 难度系数 2 29 Would you like to go out for a picnic tomorrow Yes I d love to Don t forget some drinks A bringing B to bring C taking D to take 本题通过语境考查 forget 的用法以及 bring 与 take 的区别 forget to do sth 忘记做 某事 未做 forget doing sth 忘记做过某事 已做 bring 为 取来 拿来 之意 take 为 拿走 之意 根据语境 记得带些饮料去野餐 因此选 B B 难度系数 3 30 Could you help me please Sure What would you like me A do B to do C doing D does 本题考查 would like sb to do sth 的用法 它的意思是 想让某人做某事 因此选 B B 难度系数 4 31 It s eight o clock now It s time to the zoo A going B go C to go D for go 考查结构 It s time to do sth 该某人做某事的时间了 去某地用 go to 地点 C 难度系数 2 32 Could you buy a pair of pants me Sure A to B for C at D with 本题考查 为某人买某物 的表达 buy sth for sb B 难度系数 1 33 some bread Good idea A Why don t B Why not to eat C Why not eat D Why eat 考查语法点 why not 动词原形 why don t you 动词原形 C 难度系数 3 34 Hello May I speak to Mr Li Sorry he isn t in now A Who are you B Who s this C Who are that D Who s he 该题是电话用语 问对方是谁 Who s this B 难度系数 3 35 It s very kind him to cook food for his mother A for B to C of D with 本题考查句式 It s very kind of sb to do sth C 难度系数 3 三 完形填空 10 小题 每小题 1 分 共 10 分 先通读短文 掌握其大意 然后从 A B C D 四个选项中选出一个可以填入相 应空白处的最佳答案 并将其标号填入题前括号内 Julia and Lisa have a picnic on Sunday They get up at 7 00 o clock After they have 36 they take some picnic food 37 them to a park 公园 In the park they 38 many flowers 花 Lisa wants to pick 采摘 some 39 Julia tells her not to do that At 12 00 they 40 their lunch Their picnic food is very 41 Eggs and hamburgers are their favorite 42 43 lunch they fly kites in the park At 4 00 in the afternoon they 44 Their mother 45 them Do you have a good time Yes they both say 36 A breakfast B lunch C supper D dinner 37 A on B with C in D for 38 A see B look at C have D to see 39 A So B Then C But D And 40 A drink B have C eats D cook 41 A heavy B good C nice D well 42 A drink B foods C thing D food 43 A After B On C At D For 44 A go to the park B go to the hill C go to the shop D go home 45 A speaks B says C tells D asks 难度系数 3 36 A 根据上文 They get up at 7 00 o clock 可知此题是指吃完早饭后 37 B with 与前面 take 构成短语 take sth with sb 表示 某人随身携带 38 A 此处指 看到了许多花 强调结果 所以用 see 看到 看见 而 look at 仅指 看的动作 此处只能用动词原形 故选 A 39 C 根据上下文语境 此处表达转折的意思 因此用 But 40 B 由 at 12 00 及 lunch 可知 此处用 have 表示 吃 的意思 41 C 因 为 本 空 前 有 food 一 词 再 结 合 语 境 分 析 考 虑 此 处 指 食 物 很 可 口 因 此 用 nice 42 B 此处指食物的种类 因此 food 作可数名词 即 foods 43 A 根据上下文语意 可知是午饭后在公园放风筝 因此用 after 44 D 通过对整篇文章分析 此处是野餐活动后回家的意思 因此选 D 45 D Do you have a good time 是她们的妈妈问到的话 因此用 asks 一词能确切地表 达题意 ask 意为 问 请求 speak 指 讲语言 给 打电话 say 表示 说 tell 为 讲述 告诉 的意思 四 阅读理解 20 小题 每小题 2 分 共 40 分 阅读下面四篇语言材料 然后按要求做题 A 根据材料内容选择最佳答案 并将其标号填入题前括号内 Alice is from England She is thirteen She studies in a high school in Linzhou Henan Alice often gets up at about 6 30 on weekdays 工作日 She often has a glass of milk an egg and some bread for breakfast She goes to school at 7 30 and gets there before 8 00 Alice has breakfast with her parents at 7 25 this morning Have a cake Alice It s very nice her mother says No thank you Mom I have to go now School starts 开始 at 8 00 根据短文内容 判断正 T 误 F 46 Alice is in England now 47 The class starts at 8 30 48 Alice often has some bread for breakfast 49 Alice has some milk for breakfast 50 Alice can speak English 难度系数 2 46 F 本句由 She studies in a high school in Linzhou Henan 可知 Alice 现在所在的地方 不是英国 47 F 由最后一句 School starts at 8 00 可知上课时间为 8 00 而不是 8 30 48 T 由第五句 She often has a glass of milk for breakfast 可知早餐时 Alice 所吃的食 物是什么 49 T 同 38 由第五句 She often has a glass of milk for breakfast 可得知她早上喝一 杯牛奶 50 T 由第一句 Alice is from England 可知 Alice 是英国人 因此她会讲英语 B 根据材料内容选择最佳答案 并将其标号填入题前括号内 Meimei is a student She likes shopping very much She wants to buy a yellow dress for herself After class she goes into 走 进 a shop She buys many things She buys a white shirt for her father It s only 100 yuan And she buys a nice coat for her mother She takes a pair of shoes for her sister for 50 yuan Then 接 着 she goes home She forgets 忘 记 to buy a dress for herself 根据短文内容 判断正 T 误 F 51 Meimei doesn t like shopping 52 She buys a T shirt for her father for 80 yuan 53 She buys a pair of shoes for her sister 54 She goes home with many things 55 She buys a dress for herself 难度系数 2 51 F 由 She likes shopping very much 可知 52 F 由 She buys a white shirt for her father It s only 100 yuan 可知 53 T 由 She takes a pair of shoes for her sister for 50 yuan 可知 54 T 结合上下文分析 她给家人买了许多东西 所以回家时带了许多物品 55 F 由文章中最后一句 She forgets to buy a dress for herself 可知 C 根据材料内容选择最佳答案 并将其标号填入题前括号内 Shopping List 购物单 salt 2 bags cakes 3 kilos rice 5 bags orange juice 2 bottles Price 价格 pants 101 shoes 128 dress 59 coat 137 请根据购物单和价目表 选择正确答案 56 Ben wants to buy of cakes for Mr King A 2 bags B 2 bottles C 3 kilos D 5 bags 57 How many bottles of juice does Ben want A 3 B 5 C 2 D 4 58 Jane has only 60 yuan she can buy A pants B a dress C a coat D shoes 59 Jane wants to buy a pair of pants and a coat How much are they A 238 B 229 C 187 D 196 60 How much is a pair of shoes A 59 B 114 C 137 D 128 难度系数 2 56 C 根据表格中所提到的 cakes 3 kilos 可知 57 C 由 Shopping List 最下一栏 orange juice 2 bottles 可知 58 B 在价格一栏中 只有 dress 是低于 60 元的 所以只能买一件连衣裙 59 A 从价格一栏中可知 pants 为 101 元 coat 为 137 元 所以买这两样东西共需 238 元 60 D 在价目表中 shoes 是 128 元 D 根据材料内容选择最佳答案 并将其标号填入题前括号内 Come and see the Indian elephants and new tigers from the U S A The lions are waiting to meet you the monkeys from China are waiting for you the cute dogs from England are waiting to laugh at 嘲笑 you and the pandas are waiting to look at you Tickets 门票 Opening time Grown ups 成人 2 9 00 a m 4 00 p m Children Over12 1 On Friday Under12 Free 10 00 a m 5 00 p m Keep the zoo clean 保持干净 Do not touch give food or go next to the animals 根据上面广告内容 回答下列问题 61 How many kinds of animals are in the passage A Five B Six C Seven 62 A child under 以下 12 can go to the zoo A with a ticket of 1 B with a ticket of 2 C freely 63 Mr Smith is in the zoo with his two sons one aged 14 and the other 10 on Sunday How much are the tickets A 2 B 3 C 4 64 Which of the following is the visiting time A 8 00 a m Monday 周一 B 9 30 a m Friday 周五 C 3 00 p m Sunday 65 Which of the following can we do in the zoo A To give some food to the fish B To take some nice photos C To put things everywhere 难度系数 4 61 B 文中提到了 6 种动物 62 C 文中提到 Under 12 Free 意思是 十二岁以下 参观时 免费 63 B 成 人 应 收 2 美 元 超 过 12 岁 的 儿 童 应 收 1 美 元 12 岁 以 下 的 儿 童 是 免 费 的 由 此 可 知 答 案 是 B 64 C 根据广告内容可知参观时间 只有 C 项是正确的 65 B 由广告内容可知参观时保持清洁卫生 不能用手触摸动物 不能靠近动物 也不 能给动物喂东西吃 由此可知只有 B 项 照相 是允许的 五 词语运用 10 小题 每小题 1 分 共 10 分 阅读短文 从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空 使短文通顺 意思完 整 每空限填一词 每词限用一次 方框中有两个词使多余的 different live elephant strong kind clever zoo monkey time all are like I m Jiang Shan These are my good friends They are Steve Jack and Mary Now we are in the 66 We like animals very much but we like 67 animals The panda is my favorite animal The panda 68 only in China It s cute Mary likes the 69 very much She thinks it s very 70 Steve s favorite animal is an 71 It s so 72 What about Jack He likes the tiger a lot He thinks it s very 73 We 74 think animals are our friends Oh it s half past ten It s 75 to the Lion Show 难度系数 4 66 zoo 67 different 68 lives 69 monkey 70 clever 71 elephant 72 kind 73 strong 74 all 75 time 六 补全对话 共 5 小题 每小题 2 分 共 10 分 根据下面的对话情景 在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子 使对话 的意思连贯完整 A May I help you B Yes 76 A The dresses are over there 77 B I like pink A What about this one B It looks nice 78 A Sure The changing room 更衣室 is over there After a moment B 79 A You look very nice B 80 A One hundred yuan B One hundred yuan Are you kidding What about 80 yuan A All right 80 yuan 难度系数 3 76 I m looking for 寻找 a dress 77 What color do you like 78 Can I try it on 79 How do I look in this dress 80 How much is it 七 书面表达 15 分 下面图表里是 Lily 和 Jack 两个人的资料 请根据图表所列的信息 写一篇 小短文 介绍两人的情况 要求 60 70 词 开头已给出 Name Country Favorite color food animals Get up Go to bed 上床睡觉 Lily England pink jiaozi pandas 6 30 9 30 Jack Canada blue hamburgers lions 6 40 9 50 Lily is an English girl She likes pink very much 难度系数 3 参考答案 Lily is an English girl She likes pink very much Jiaozi is her favorite food Her favorite animals are pandas In the morning she gets up at 6 30 and in the evening she often goes to bed at 9 30 Jack is from Canada His favorite color is blue He says hamburgers are his favorite food He likes lions very much He often gets up at 6 40 in the morning and goes to bed at 9 50 in the evening Lily and Jack are both in Class One They are good friends

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