沪教版2019-2020学年九年级上学期英语开学考试试卷(II )卷.doc

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沪教版2019-2020学年九年级上学期英语开学考试试卷(II )卷一、 单项选择 (共20题;共40分)1. (2分)How do you like film last night?Fantastic! And I want to see it second time.A . the; anB . a; aC . a; theD . the; a2. (2分)Because the house price is going up _, I dont have enough money to buy it. A . more and more expensiveB . cheaper and cheaperC . higher and higherD . lower and lower3. (2分)I am _ to be a computer programmer in the future. A . go toB . goesC . goD . going4. (2分)The Green Great wall can stop the wind and the sand _to the rich land in the south of China. A . moveB . to moveC . from movingD . moves5. (2分)Would you like to have _coffee? No, thanks. I dont want_ drinks .A . any; anyB . any; someC . some; someD . some; any6. (2分)The noodles are so long. Why dont you ?Oh, they are a symbol of long life.A . cut them offB . cut up themC . cut them outD . cut them up7. (2分)_of the newspaper in the world are written in English.A . Three quarterB . Three-fourthsC . Three-fourthD . Third-four8. (2分) Peter often laughs at me at school. It is impolite. He should learn to respect others.A . makes fun ofB . fights withC . stares at9. (2分) Have you _ been to Harbin? No, I have _ been there before.A . ever; justB . already; justC . ever; never10. (2分)一 How do you like Treasure Island, Lucy?一 Its so exciting that I it twice.A . am readingB . have readC . was readingD . had read11. (2分)The river is too deep. You _ be careful.A . canB . mayC . mightD . must12. (2分) I havent heard _ Peter yet. Dont worry. No news is good news. His letter will arrive soon.A . ofB . fromC . to13. (2分) _ is this pencil case? Its five yuan.A . How manyB . How muchC . How oldD . How14. (2分)Im afraid of the exam._ It is not difficult at all.A . Good luck!B . Thats right.C . Work hard!D . Keep your cool!15. (2分)Please _in class. A . dont talkB . No talkC . Not talkingD . Not talk16. (2分)I her my own little sister.A . regard; withB . regard; asC . consider; withD . consider; for17. (2分)Grandma Li keeps many , but she never eats A . chicken;chickensB . chicken;chickenC . chickens;chickenD . chickens;chickens18. (2分)They were good friends before, but they like each other .A . not; any moreB . dont; no moreC . dont; any moreD . not; no more19. (2分)I had to buy these books because I didnt know which one was the best. A . bothB . allC . neitherD . none20. (2分)Have you decided when _ for London?A . will you leaveB . you will leaveC . are you goingD . you are going二、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)21. (15分)阅读下面短文,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 The passengers on the bus watched with sympathy(同情) as Susan made her way carefully up the steps. She paid the driver and then, using her hands to 1the seats, sat in one of them.She went blind a year ago. A sudden accident threw her into a world of 2. Susans husband Mark tried everything to help her.Finally, Susan felt ready to 3to her job, but how would she get there? She used to take the bus, but she was now 4of getting around by herself. Mark 5to take the bus with Susan 6she could manage it by herself.For two weeks, Mark 7Susan to and from work each day. He taught her how to use her other 8, especially her hearing, to decide where she was.At last, Susan decided that she was ready to try the trip 9. Monday morning arrived. Before she left, she kissed her husband goodbye and, for the first time, they went their lonely ways.Each day went perfectly. She was 10she could do it!On Friday morning, Susan took the bus to work as usual. As she was getting 11the bus, the driver said, Miss, I surely envy(羨慕) you. Surprised, Susan asked the driver 12.You know, every morning for the 13week, a fine-looking gentleman has been standing across the corner watching you until you enter your office building 14,the bus driver said.Her eyes got wet with happiness. She was so lucky. Her husband had given her a gift more powerful than 15. That is the gift of love that can bring light where there is darkness.(1)A . see B . take C . feel D . move (2)A . darkness B . silence C . business D . sadness (3)A . turn B . ride C . return D . come (4)A . free B . shamed C . afraid D . tired (5)A . learned B . continued C . afforded D . offered (6)A . as B . until C . since D . unless (7)A . followed B . drove C . ran after D . went with (8)A . skills B . senses C . abilities D . methods (9)A . in person B . on foot C . of her own D . on her own (10)A . excited B . worried C . nervous D . ready (11)A . off B . on C . away D . in (12)A . who B . how C . why D . where (13)A . first B . past C . next D . same (14)A . alone B . safely C . slowly D . easily (15)A . sight B . praise C . wealth D . Fame 三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共32分)22. (6分)Its located at the western gate, just beside the ticket center. The center provides a series of services, such as guide service, free water supply, guide books, charging mobile phones, baby carriage, first-aid medicine, and simple health care. You can also buy some souvenirs like stamps, postcards and tiger toys.Its located at the eastern and western gates of the Pearl Spring Scenic Area. There are all kinds of tickets, such as tickets for the scenic area and tickets for amusement park.Dingshan Pavilion Dining Hall, a large-scale dining centre, can receive 300 people for dining at the same time. It lies in the Scenic Area. Tourists can enjoy the beautiful scenery while eating. Its open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. every day.Transportation GuideYou can take No. 168 bus from Gulou Bus Stop and get off at Pearl Spring Bus Stop. The bus stop is just outside the Scenic Area. You can also drive here.(1)According to the leaflet, visitors can _ at Tourist Service Centre.A . take a busB . buy a ticketC . get guide booksD . have snacks(2)Dingshan Pavilion Dinning Hall _.A . is a large-scale dining centreB . is located next to the Ticket CentreC . is open to the public 16 hours a dayD . can receive 300 people for dinner in a day(3)Visitors to the Scenic Area can _.A . only take a bus thereB . get water for free if they are thirstyC . have one choice if they want to buy ticketsD . sell souvenirs, such as stamps and postcards23. (10分)阅读理解Audrey Hepburn won an Academy Award as Best Actress for her first major American movie, Roman Holiday, which was showed in 1953. But she is remembered as much for her help as for her acting.Born in Belgium in 1929, Audreys father was British and her mother was Dutch. Audrey was sent to live at a British school for part of her childhood. During World war , she lived and studied in the Netherlands. Her mother thought it would be safe from German attacks. Audrey studied dance as a teenager and during college. But when she returned to London after the war she realized she wasnt going to be a ballet dancer. So she began taking acting parts in stage shows. Later she began to get small parts in movies.But it was Audrey Hepburns move to America that made her truly famous. In 1951 she played the character Gigi in the Broadway play Gigi and won popular praise. Two years later, Roman Holiday made her a star at the age of 24.Audrey made more than 25 movies. Among her most popular roles was Hoolly Golinghtlyin Breakfast at Tiffanys in 1961. Three years later she played Eliza Doolittle in My Fair Lady. She was married twice. In 1989, the UN Childrens Fund named Audrey a goodwill ambassador. She travelled all over the world in support of UNICEF(联合国儿童基金会) projects. The UN agency said she was a tireless worker. She often gave 15 interviews a day to raise money and get support for UNICEF projects.Audrey Hepburn often said her love to UNICEF was the result of her experiences as a child during World War II. Shesaid she knew what it was like to be hungry and to be saved by international help. She was a goodwill ambassador until her death in 1993 from cancer.(1)Why did Audrey live and study in Netherlands?A . She was born there.B . The schools were better there.C . She could stay away from war.D . Her parents wanted her to study ballet there.(2)How old was Audrey when she acted in Breakfast at Tiffanys?A . 32.B . 25.C . 24.D . 15.(3)What made Audrey work so hard to support UNICEF?A . Her parents wish.B . Her love to children.C . Her wish to be famous.D . Her own early experiences.(4)What can we learn from the passage?A . Audrey lived in America in the 1950s.B . Audreys parents were both British.C . The character Gigi was her most popular role.D . Audrey gave up dancing when she went to college.(5)In what order did Audrey do the following?She began to appear in movies.She returned to London from the Netherlands.She played Eliza Doolittlein My Fair Lady.She won an Academy Award as Best Actress.She travelled all over the world in support of UNICEF projects.A . B . C . D . 24. (6分) Birthdays are celebrated(庆祝)all over the world. Some ways to celebrate birthdays are rather similar from county to country: candles, cakes, and birthday wishes. But there are also different ways to celebrate birthdays. Here are a few:(1)In _ flowers are put on the chair of the birthday child.A . JapanB . DenmarkC . IndiaD . Holland(2)In Japan, the birthday is more important for boys when they are _.A . 15B . 7C . 5D . 3(3)The passage is mainly about _.A . similar ways of celebrating birthdays in some countriesB . different ways of celebrating birthdays in some countriesC . childrens birthdays in western countriesD . the importance of childrens birthdays25. (10分)Do you know Marc Yu (余俊承). He is very famous . He is only nine years old. He is a Chinese American. His mother is from Macao. He likes music very much and he has great musical talent(天赋). He can play forty pieces of classical music now.After hearing Mary Had a little Lamb one time at the age of three, he began playing it on the piano. Before that, he didnt learn the piano at all. He started to take the piano lessons at the age of three. His first public performance(表演) was at the age of three , too.Now he can play great music for people on the stage. He wants to be a famous musician like Lang Lang in the future. He likes LangLang very much. Lang Lang is his idol.(1)How old is Marc Yu?A . 9B . 3C . 7D . 8(2)Where is his mother from?A . His mother is from AmericaB . His mother is from MacaoC . His mother is from Tai WangD . His mother is from Hong Kong(3)When did he begin to learn the piano?A . At the age of 9B . At the age of 5C . At the age of 3D . At the age of 10(4)How many pieces of classical music can he play now?A . 14B . 4C . 40D . 400(5)What does Lang Lang do?A . A pop singerB . A rock singerC . A musicianD . A writer四、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)26. (5分)根据对话内容,填入适当的句子Mother:Why dont you get up,Kate?Its time for school.Kate:Sorry,Mum!_.Mother:Oh dear!_.Kate:Ive got a headache and a cough.Mother:_.Father:Whats wrong with Kate?Mother:_I told her to stay in bed till tomorrow.Father:Nothing serious I hope!Mother:_.五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共10分)27. (10分)阅读下面语言材料,然后按文后要求做题。根据材料内容选择最佳答案。BIn todays world, sleep experts say that for a better nights rest, Americans should turn off their smartphones or iPad before sleeping. Such electronic products make the brain more active, and then influence their sleep. But according to a latest survey, more than 90% of Americans regularly use a computer or some other kinds of electronic products in the hour before bed.Researchers are finding that man-made light from some electronic products at night may reduce the brain chemicals(化学物质) that help sleep. The researchers showed that sitting in the light from computer tablets clearly lowered levels of the chemical which manages our body clocks and plays a role in the sleep cycle.In the study, the researchers let volunteers read, play games and watch movies on a tablet for different time while measuring(测量) how much light their eyes received. They found that two hours of sitting before a bright tablet screen at night reduced the sleep chemical levels by about 22%.Studies of students using computers at night have got the similar results. And researchers say that may not only cause sleeplessness, but also raise the risk of obesity(肥胖症), diabetes(糖尿病) and other diseases.To be on the safe side, the researchers advise us to use computers less before bed, or at the very least turning down your screen as much as possible.(1)What can we learn from the first paragraph?A . Americans dont get enough sleep.B . Electronic products are very popular.C . The brain becomes more active at night.D . Sleep experts never use smartphones.(2)The volunteers in the study did the following things EXCEPT _.A . listening to musicB . playing computer gamesC . watching moviesD . reading electronic books(3)How may electronic products influence peoples sleep? A . Make our brains more active.B . Make our body weak.C . Lower our brains chemicals that help sleep.D . Change our body clocks.(4)The underlined word that probably means _ in the passage.A . making a survey about sleepB . using smartphones in the daytimeC . sitting in a bright roomD . surfing the Internet at night(5)What does the passage tell us to do to have a good sleep?A . Learn to use smartphones or iPad.B . Watch some relaxing TV programs.C . Turn down the screen to the lowest.D . Try to sleep earlier than before.六、 句型转换 (共1题;共9分)28. (9分)按要求改写句子。(1)We need to buy two bags of salt for it.(对画线部分提问)_ _ salt do you need to buy for it?(2)You can put three spoons of sugar into the bowl.(对画线部分提问)_ _ spoons of sugar can I put into the bowl?(3)Peel the bananas first.(改为否定句)_ _ the bananas first.(4)Shall we make fruit salad? (改为同义句)_ _ fruit salad.(5)Dont pour the hot water into the bottle.(改为肯定句)_ the hot water into the bottle.七、 单词拼写 (共1题;共10分)29. (10分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式(每空不多于3个单词)。We are living in a time when the world is becoming a “village”. People travel around the world _ sightseeing, studying, working or volunteering. Perhaps in the near future, you will also become one of those people.Spending time in a foreign country is an_ (excite) and life-changing experience. You see different sceneries, taste nice food and meet people with all kinds of backgrounds. And _ (important) thing of all, you explore and even become a part of the local culture.Your stereotypes(成见) are broken down. You may find French people are not always “romantic”. _ (America) dont eat McDonalds all the time. And you wont get malaria(疟疾) from a mosquito bite(蚊子叮咬) in Africa._, culture shock may hit you. Things you take for granted(认为理所当然) at home may no longer be that way in a foreign country. Not everyone thinks like you or does things the way youve always_ (do). Their tea tastes different. They dont talk_ (loud) in restaurants. Some might not care much about your life, _ you may even feel they are a bit cold. It is not better or worse. It is just different. _ you can do is to take in the differences, while trying to be respectful and humble(谦虚的). Each time you open up_ (you) mind a little more, you become a better person.八、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)30. (5分)请以I Want to Invent 为题,写一篇90词左右的短文,谈谈你想发明什么东西。提示:(1)这项发明可以用来(2)我希望I Want to Invent第 19 页 共 19 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共20题;共40分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)21-1、三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共32分)22-1、22-2、22-3、23-1、23-2、23-3、23-4、23-5、24-1、24-2、24-3、25-1、25-2、25-3、25-4、25-5、四、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)26-1、五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共10分)27-1、27-2、27-3、27-4、27-5、六、 句型转换 (共1题;共9分)28-1、28-2、28-3、28-4、28-5、七、 单词拼写 (共1题;共10分)29-1、八、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)30-1、

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