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1、Whats the matter?到底怎么样;有什么事吗;出什么事了?I cant find my ball.我找不到我的球了。What colour is your ball?你的球是什么颜色的?Its red and white.它是红白相间的。Look! Is this your ball?看!这是你的球?Yes,it is ! Thank you.是的,它是!谢谢你。(P2)2、Using my five senses.用我的五种感官(嗅觉触觉味觉听觉视觉)Look and learn.看看学学 阅读和学习 Black blue green red white yellow黑色 蓝色 绿色 红色 白色 黄色3、Sing and song唱歌和歌曲The rainbow彩虹Look at the rainbow. 你看彩虹。The rainbow. 彩虹。The rainbow. 彩虹。Look at the rainbow. 你看彩虹。In the sky. 在天空。Red, orange, yellow, 红色,橙色,黄色,Green and blue, 绿色和蓝色,Purple and violet too. 紫色和紫色。Look at the rainbow. 你看彩虹。The rainbow 彩虹The rainbow 彩虹Look at the rainbow. 你看彩虹。In the sky. 在天空。(p3)4、 Say and act 说和做What colour is it,Joe? 是什么颜色的,Joe?Its yellow. 是黄色的。What colour is it,Joe? 是什么颜色的,Joe?Its blue. 是蓝色的。Lets mix blue and yellow. 让我们把蓝色和黄色混合起来。Look! What colour is it now? 瞧!现在是什么颜色?Its green. 是绿色的。Colour and write 颜色和书写Yellow+blue=green red+yellow=orangewhite+black=gray white+red=pink(p4)5、 Review the letters 复习 字母Start Aa(apple)-Bb(bag)-Cc(cat)-Dd(dog)-Ee(egg)-Ff(fan)-Gg(gril)-Hh(hand)-Ii(ice cream)-Jj(juice)-Kk(kite)-Ll(lion)-Mm(mouth)-Nn(nose)-Oo(orange)-Pp(pig)-Qq(queen)-Vv(van)-Uu(uncle)-Tt(table)-Ss(six)-Rr(rabbit)-Ww(window)-Xx(X-ray)-Yy(yellow)-Zz(zoo)(p5)6、 Tastes品味Listen and say听和说Taste it,Joe.尝尝,Joe。How is it?怎么样?Its sweet.很甜蜜。What is it ?它是什么?Its candy.是糖果。Taste it, Kitty.尝尝,Kitty。How is it?怎么样?Its sour.太酸了。What is it ?它是什么?Its a lemon.是个柠檬。(p6)7、 Look and learn看和学Candy ice cream lemon糖果 冰淇淋 柠檬Play a game玩游戏S1:Taste it. How is it?尝尝。怎么样?S2:Its sweet.(sour)很甜(酸)S1:What is it ?是什么?S2:Its 是(p7)8、 Look and read 仔细阅读It is red and round.又红又圆。It is sweet.很甜蜜。What is it ?它是什么?It is yellow and long.又黄又长。It is sweet.很甜蜜。What is it ?它是什么?It is orange and round.它是橙色和圆形的。It is sweet and sour.又甜又酸。What is it?它是什么?It is yellow.它是黄色的。It is sour.它是酸的。What is it ?它是什么?(p8)9、 Sing and song唱歌唱歌Apple tree苹果树Apple red苹果红Apple round苹果圆Apple juicy.苹果多汁。Apple sweet.苹果甜。Apple apple I love you.苹果苹果我爱你。Apple sweet I love to eat.苹果甜我喜欢吃苹果。Learn the sounds学习声音Pp pig 猪 Bb bag 包Betty has a new bag.Betty有个新包。But its not very big.但不是很大。On the front of her bag.在她包的前面。Is a picture of a pig.是一只猪的照片(p9)Sounds声音Listen and say听和说Listen!What can you hear?听着!你听到什么了?I can hear a dog.我能听到狗的声音。I can hear a bus.我能听到公共汽车的声音。What can you hear?你能听到什么?I can hear a plane.我能听到飞机的声音。I can hear cars。我能听到汽车的声音(p10)Look and learn好好学习Bike bus plane ship car train自行车、公共汽车、飞机、 轮船、 汽车、火车Tick and say打勾和说S1:What can you hear?你能听到什么?S2:I can hear我能听到(p11)Enjoy a story喜欢听故事Gu Dong is coming!Gu Dong来了!Listen! What can you hear?听着!你能听到什么?I can hear”Gu Dong”!我能听到“Gu Dong”!Help!Help!Gu Dong is coming!救命!救命!Gu Dong来了!Whats Gu Dong?Gu Dong是什么?Its a monster!是个怪物Its mouth is big.它的嘴巴很大。Its eyes are green.它的眼睛是绿色的。Dont worry别担心Look!瞧!Gu Dong!(p12)Think and write思考和写作I can hear a 我能听到I can hear bikes and 我能听到自行车和I can hear a (_)and a(_)我能听到Learn the sounds学习声音Tt rabbit兔子 Dd red红色Tina has a toy rabbit.Tina有一只玩具兔子。Its ears are white and red.它的耳朵白而红。Tinas toy rabbit is under her bed.Tina的玩具兔子在她床底下(p13)Revision 1 订正1Lets revise我们修改一下What colour is it ?(the candy/ice cream?)这是什么颜色的?冰淇淋?Its green white red and yellow.它是绿色,白色,红色和黄色。How is it?怎么样?Its sweet sour.是甜酸的。Write and say 写和说What colour is it?这是什么颜色的?Its blue.是蓝色的。How is it? Is it sweet?怎么样?很甜吗?No.Its sour.不,是酸的。S1:What colour is it ?这是什么颜色?S2:Its white and brown.白色和棕色。S1:How is it?怎么样?S2:Its sweet.很甜(p14)Lets revise我们修改一下What can you hear?你能听到什么?I can hear a bike/a car.我能听到车子的声音。Think and write思考和写作What can you hear ,Kitty?你听到什么了,Kitty?I can hear a car,a dog,a cat,a bus, a plane, a ship.我能听到汽车、狗、猫、公共汽车、飞机、船的声音。Think and circle思考和循环My work in Module 我在模块里的工作(p15)Project1项目1A sense test感官测试Read the words,Stick or draw picture with the correct colours 用正确的颜色读单词、贴或画图片Black things blue things green things red things white things yellow things蓝色的东西绿色的东西红色的东西白色的东西黄色的东西Look at the pictures Circle the correct words or phrase 看看图片,圈出正确的单词或短语Sour/sweet sweet and sour甜和酸Tick the boxes在盒子上划勾I know我知道Animals in the zoo 动物园里的动物Listen and say 听和说Look at the monkeys.看看猴子。Theyre cute.I like monkeys.他们很可爱。我喜欢猴子。Do you like monkeys.Ben?你喜欢猴子吗。本?No, I dont. I like elephants.不,我没有。我喜欢大象。Theyre big and strong. 它们又大又壮。Do you like elephants.Kitty?你喜欢大象吗凯蒂?Yes, I do.是的,我知道。(p18)My favourite things我最喜欢的东西Look and learn看和学Bear elephant lion monkey panda tiger熊象 大象 狮子 猴子 熊猫 老虎Tick and say 打勾和说Bears elephants lions monkeys pandas rabbits tigers熊 大象 狮子 猴子 熊猫 兔子 老虎S1: I like Do you like?我喜欢你喜欢S2: Yes, I do.是的,我知道No, I dont. I like不,我没有。我喜欢(p20)Enjoy a story喜欢听故事The old man and the monkey老人和猴子Oh. Its hot.哦。好热啊。Its cool here.这里很凉快。Look! Whats this?瞧!这是什么?Its a hat.是顶帽子。I like this hat.我喜欢这顶帽子。Theyre my hats!它们是我的帽子!Theyre our hats!他们是我们的帽子!I dont like this hat!我不喜欢这顶帽子!I dont like this hat!我不喜欢这顶帽子!(p20)Draw and write 画和写I like monkeys .我喜欢猴子。Look at this monkey.看看这只猴子。Its tail is long.它的尾巴很长。Its ears are small.它的耳朵很小。Learn the sounds 学习声音KkKite GgGirl女孩The girl is in the park.女孩在公园里。The kites are in the sky.风筝在天上。The girl files her red kite.那个女孩放她的红色风筝。It goes up very high.它飞得很高。(p21)


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