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上海新世纪版2020年中考英语真题试卷D卷一、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)1. (10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。One day Eric was traveling on horseback. At noon, he tied his horse to a 1. Afew minutes later, Paul came along and tied his horse to the same tree.“My horse is wild,” said Eric. “Please tie your horse to another tree, 2 my horse will kill yours.”“No way!” Paul said, “I shall tie my horse as I like!”He tied up his horse and had his 3 nearby. After a moment they heard a terrible noise. The two horses were 4. They ran up to them, but it was too 5. Pauls horse was killed. “See what your horse has done! Youll have to 6 it,”shouted Paul. And he brought Eric before Mr. Know.Mr. Know asked Eric some questions. But Eric said 7. At last Mr. Know said, “This man cannot speak.”“He can!” Paul said 8. “He talked to me when I met him.”“Are you 9?”asked Mr. Know. “What did he say?”“He told me not to tie my horse to the same tree because his horse was wild and would kill my horse.”“Oh,” said Mr. Know. “So he 10 you. Then can you expect to get money from him?” Paul had to leave silently.(1)A . tree B . stone C . window (2)A . so B . and C . or (3)A . breakfast B . lunch C . supper (4)A . fighting B . eating C . sleeping (5)A . strange B . late C . heavy (6)A . wait for B . look for C . pay for (7)A . something B . nothing C . everything (8)A . happily B . shyly C . angrily (9)A . sure B . afraid C . sorry (10)A . thanked B . warned C . followed 二、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共32分)2. (6分)阅读理解 (1)Paul and Rose talk on the WeChat . A . in the morningB . in the lunch timeC . in the afternoon.D . in the evening(2)Rose is when they are talking. A . in the libraryB . at schoolC . on the playgroundD . at home(3)The underlined word it means .A . tennisB . volleyballC . the Chinese testD . the book3. (10分)阅读理解 Dereck and Beverly are wildlife animal filmmakers(电影制片人). They have made lots of films about animals and plants. Their job is to keep and protect the big cats of Africa from damage(伤害). Beverly also takes photos of the lions and her pictures have appeared in National Geographic magazines.When they were kids, Dereck was quiet and healthy, he was good at math and science. Beverly had a twin brother. At that time, her brother and she often got their mother into trouble! Beverly was a dancer, an athlete, played the piano (not very well), and was a class leader. Her favourite subject was science and she always got excellent grades in her science exams.When in the field, their work starts at around 4 am. After drinking a cup of tea, they drive out into a bush(灌木丛)to find their subjects. Sometimes that is a lion pride(群). Lions are family animals, they usually live in groups of 15 or more. Sometimes that is a single leopard(花豹). They follow the animals for the day, filming, researching, and collecting facts, information or pictures. They dont stop working even when they have lunch. They are often back in camp by 8 pm.When talking about the favourite places to explore, Dereck says, “We live in it!” Beverly thinks being in nature is her favourite. Dereck thinks running or taking a swim in the Okavango swamp(沼泽)especially swimming close to crocodile(鳄鱼)is great fun, but Beverly says, Swimming is fun but crazy in these waters.(1)From the second paragraph, we can know when they were kids,_. A . Dereck was outgoingB . Beverly was quiet and healthyC . Beverly could play the piano very wellD . Dereck and Beverly were both good at science(2)When Dereck and Beverly are in the field, the right time order(时间顺序)is that they_. drink a cup of tea follow the animals drive out find their subjectsA . B . C . D . (3)How many hours do they usually work every day? A . Eight.B . Ten.C . Twelve.D . Sixteen.(4)What does the passage mainly talk about? A . Animals and plants.B . The story of Dereck and Beverly.C . National Geographic magazines.D . Dereck and Beverlys childhood.(5)From the passage, we can infer(推断)that _. A . Dereck and Beverly dont love at allB . Dereck and Beverly are famous film starsC . its safe to take a swim in the Okavango swampD . their work is dangerous sometimes, but they like it4. (8分)阅读理解 A British company has made a new product to help us save money. The product is a wristband that gives us an electric shock if we spend too much money. The wristband is called Pavlok. It is linked to our bank account. It knows how much money we have in the bank. If we go shopping and there is not enough money in our bank account, the wristband makes an electric shock on our wrists. This warns us not to overspend. The company is called Intelligent Environments. It wants to work with banks to help customers with their money. So far, no banks in Britain have said they would ask their customers to wear Pavlok. They could start doing this in the future.The Pavlok wristband is part of the Internet of Things. This is the idea that everything in our life will be connected to the Internet. The CEO of Intelligent Environments, David Webber, said people liked the idea of the Pavlok. Shoppers would rather get a small electric shock in the store from the wristband than get a big shock later when they see their bank account. Mr. Webber said the Pavlok would be great for people who cannot stop spending because they have no power or their power is weak. He added that many young people have the ostrich effect. This is when people put their heads in the sand and buy things rather than look at how much money they have in their bank accounts.(1)The company made the product to help itself _. A . make moneyB . save moneyC . spend moneyD . rob money(2)The wristband has to work with _. A . shopsB . doctorsC . banksD . Intelligent Environments(3)Mr. Webber thinks the wristband is _. A . helplessB . greatC . a big surpriseD . cheap(4)You can read this passage in a _. A . health magazineB . science magazineC . sports magazineD . weather report5. (8分)阅读理解 Most kids in Britain have pet bears. This animal is both furry (毛茸茸的) and friendly. But it cannot move or make any noise. Thats because it is a teddy bear. Most teddies are in the shape of a small bear. They are usually brown and stuffed (填充) with cotton. Kids love them very much.Paddington bear is one of the most famous teddy bears in the world. Yet there are many types. Do you know Winnie the Pooh? Hes another popular bear!Cute, soft teddy bears were born in the 20th century. However, they dont have just one place of birth. Both American and German toymakers made the teddy bear at the same time!Teddy bears have long been a popular kids toy. They are in songs, stories and films. There are even teddy bear museums around the world. And its not even just kids who hold teddy bears. Its a popular present for lovers, usually on Valentines Day.In the UK it is popular for a newborn baby to get a teddy bear as their first gift. The day I was born, my grandmother handed me a teddy bear. She made it herself. That makes him the same age as me! I took him everywhere I went, holding his arm at nighttime and falling asleep with him. And I still have that bear with me today. It is the best gift I have ever gotten.(1)What do we know about teddy bears from the story? A . They are small and black.B . They are filled with wool.C . They can move or make noise.D . They are very popular in Britain.(2)Whats the correct Chinese translation of the underlined word present in Paragraph 4 ? A . 物品B . 玩具C . 礼物D . 现在(3)Which fact is NOT mentioned about the writers teddy bear? A . He got his teddy bear at birth.B . His grandma made a teddy bear for him.C . His teddy is as old as he is.D . His teddy bear looked like a big bear.(4)The story mainly talks about _. A . how to make a teddy bearB . the history of the teddy bearC . the popularity of the teddy bearD . the introduction of teddy bears三、 任务型阅读. (共1题;共5分)6. (5分)阅读下面的短文,在思维导图中填入恰当的内容完成阅读摘记。Tape-Measure Murder is a short story by AgathaChristie. In the story, Miss Politt, the dressmaker, finds that Mrs. Spenlow isdead in her house in a small village called St Mary Mead.Everybody, including the police, thinks that Mr. Spenlow is the murderer (凶手) because he isso calm and quiet after discovering his wifes death. But after the police talkto Miss Marple, she finds out the real murderer.The best part of the story is when Miss Marple explains how she solvesthe mystery (疑案) by noticing a tiny pin (别针) on a policemans uniform.Her explanation is very clear and clever. Miss Marple is my favorite characterin the story. I think she is very special because she is just an old lady butshe is even smarter than the policemen. I never thought that an old lady could bethe main character of a detective story!Can you guess who the murderer is? Read the book to find out! You willenjoy the story very much because the ending is so surprising._;_;_;_;_四、 词汇运用。 (共2题;共15分)7. (10分)根据材料内容,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,使材料意思完整,通顺,有的需要变换形式,每词限用一次live, they, same, like, worry, love, friendly, also, life, bookWhen I told my friends my family was going to move from the city to the countryside,they couldnt believe itI was _because Id never been out of the city beforeWould_be very different?Well,see for your self.Many things are different about the city and the countrysideIn the city,we _in a tall buildingOur building was filled with(装满)people,but I only knew a few of _Now we live in all old farmhouseOur nearest neighbours(邻居)are bout one kilometre awayBut all the neighbours are_They often come to visit us with lots of foodHowever,some things in the city and the countryside are the _In the city,my mum and I_to go shopping at the weekendWe went to different shopping centresHere in the countryside we_shop in farmers markets at the weekendThe greatest thing that is the some is friendsI made some good friends in both the city and the countryside.We do homework and read_together every dayWhen I think about the most important things_family and Mends,maybe there arent so many differences between the city and the countrysidePersonally,I think theyre both great8. (5分)同学们,你们有良好的饮食习惯吗?你们做到了营养配餐吗?Bob同学介绍了自己一天的食谱,包括早,中,晚三餐。但有个别词不会写,请大家帮忙。每空词数不得超过三个 I am healthy. I have a good _.I like fruit and vegetables for _. They are _. For lunch, I like hamburgers, carrots and oranges. And I like rice, chicken and salad for dinner. I like ice- cream, too. _ I dont eat it. I dont _fat.五、 语法填空。 (共1题;共5分)9. (5分)短文填空 My mother told me a good friend is like a mirror. Im quieter and more serious。 _most kids. Thats why I like _books and study harder in class. My best friend Yuan Li is quiet too, so we are enjoy studying _. Im shy so its _for me to make friends. But I think friends are like books-you dont need a lot of them as _as they are good.Jeff Green六、 书面表达.。 (共1题;共5分)10. (5分)随着科技的发展,我们可以预见,在未来生活中机器人也很有可能进入普通人家庭。请根据以下问题的提示,写一篇短文,描述你对家用机器人的想象。 问题提示:1)what will a home robot look like in the future?2)What can a home robot do for your family?3)How will your life change if you have a honte robot?注意:1)所写的短文中,应包含以上三个提问的答案,可适当增加内容;2)词数:80词左右。开头已给出,只需接着写。开头部分不计人总词数。My Home Robot in the FutureWith the development of science, its possible to have a home robot in the future. 第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)1-1、二、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共32分)2-1、2-2、2-3、3-1、3-2、3-3、3-4、3-5、4-1、4-2、4-3、4-4、5-1、5-2、5-3、5-4、三、 任务型阅读. (共1题;共5分)6-1、四、 词汇运用。 (共2题;共15分)7-1、8-1、五、 语法填空。 (共1题;共5分)9-1、六、 书面表达.。 (共1题;共5分)10-1、

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