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仁爱版2019-2020学年七年级下学期英语期中段考试卷A卷一、 单项选择。 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分)_ your mother happy today?No, she_.A . Is; isntB . Are; arentC . Are; isntD . Does; doesnt2. (2分)Superman is brave. He can fly the sky. A . acrossB . crossC . throughD . against3. (2分)We saw a couple of laptops, but _ of them was really what we wanted. A . neitherB . allC . bothD . either4. (2分)Do you know how old Jane is?She was born in 2008. And now she is 10 years old.A . left her motherB . came out of her mothers bodyC . went to hospital5. (2分)Mr. White with his two kids _ to the beach for vacation every year.A . goB . goesC . wentD . are going6. (2分)A report says that the worlds natural gas deposits (储存) early in the next century. A . will be run outB . will run outC . will use upD . will run out of7. (2分)He will return in two days. A . leaveB . come backC . arriveD . get8. (2分)Drinking hot tea _ honey is good _ a sore throat. A . with;forB . with;atC . and;forD . for;at9. (2分)Today is really a day. I lost all my money. A . rainyB . terribleC . good10. (2分)_ is my room, and my dog is _ the desk. A . These, onB . Those, underC . Here, under二、 完形填空。 (共2题;共20分)11. (10分) Evelyn Glennie was the first lady of solo percussion in Scotland. In an interview, she talked about how she became a percussion soloist(打击乐器独奏演员)in spite of deafness.“Early on I decided not to allow the 1of others to stop me from becoming a musician. I grew up on a farm in northeast Scotland and began 2piano lessons when I was eight. The older I got, the more my passion(酷爱)for music grew. But I also began to lose my 3. Doctors told me that the nerve damage(神经损伤) was the 4and by age twelve, I was completely deaf. But my love for music never left me.”“My 5was to become a percussion soloist, even though there were none at that time. To perform, I learned to hear music differently from others. I play in my stocking feet and can 6the pitch of a note(音调高低)by the vibrations(振动)I feel through my body and through my imagination. My sound world exists by making use of almost every 7 that I have.”“I decided to be a musician even though I was deaf, and applied to the famous Royal Academy of Music in London. No other deaf student had 8this before and some teachers disagreed with me. Because of my performance, I finally entered the academy and went on to9with the academys highest honors a few years later.”“Ive been a soloist for more than ten years. 10the doctor thought I was totally deaf, it didnt mean that my passion couldnt be realized. I would encourage people not to allow themselves to be limited by others. Follow your passion; follow your heart. They will lead you to the place you want to go.”(1)A . conditions B . opinions C . advantages D . recommendations (2)A . enjoying B . choosing C . taking D . giving (3)A . sight B . hearing C . touch D . taste (4)A . evidence B . result C . excuse D . cause (5)A . job B . opinion C . promise D . goal (6)A . tell B . see C . hear D . smell (7)A . feeling B . effort C . sense D . idea (8)A . done B . accepted C . advised D . refused (9)A . study B . offer C . graduate D . educate (10)A . As B . Although C . Because D . Since 12. (10分)根据短文理解,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最佳答案填空。 When I was 13 years old, a boy gave me an important gift. It was a 1. It was the early autumn of my first year at a junior high school and my old school was far away. 2, no one knew who I was. I was very lonely and afraid to make friends with 3.Every time I heard the other students talking and laughing. I 4my heart break. I couldnt talk to anyone about my problems, and I didnt want my parents to 5 me. Then one day, my classmates talked happily with their friends, but I sat at my desk 6as usual. At that moment, a boy entered the classroom. I didnt know who he was. He passed me and then turned back. He 7me and without a word, smiled.Suddenly I felt the touch of something bright and friendly. It 8me feel happily, lively and warm. That smile changed my life. I started to talk with the other students and made friends. Day by day, I became closer to everyone in my class. The boy with the lucky smile 9my best friend now.I believe that the world is what you think it is. If you think you are lonely, you might always be alone. So smile at the world and it will 10.(1)A . smile B . magazine C . box D . camera (2)A . As usual B . As a result C . The same as D . Such as (3)A . someone B . everyone C . anyone D . nobody (4)A . tasted B . smelled C . feared D . felt (5)A . hear about B . talk about C . care for D . worry about (6)A . slowly B . politely C . unhappily D . naturally (7)A . listened to B . looked at C . took pride in D . rushed at (8)A . made B . led C . offered D . threw (9)A . has become B . became C . become D . is becoming (10)A . look back B . come back C . turn back D . smile back 三、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共36分)13. (8分) What would you do if you found a snake in your house? Many people might be afraid or try to kill it. However, if you live in North Carolina in the USA, one thing you can do is to call the Snake Catchers.The Snake Catchers are four men who love snakes, even poisonous ones. Their newspaper advertisement says, “Snake Catchers: free snake removal(除去)一Please do not kill them Call us. ”The Snake Catchers, who started their service in 1998, dont charge anything for helping people. “We do this as a hobby,” explained Fred Johnson, one of the Snake Catchers.Because of their love of snakes, the Snake Catchers try to keep them alive. “One man asked us to kill a python(蟒蛇), so he could make a pair of boots from the skin. We refused, because we like snakes, and we dont want to see them killed, ” said Fred.Some of the snakes that they catch are kept as pets; some are given to the North Carolina State University. Most, including the poisonous snakes, are set free in the wild, usually in a national park.Fred suggests that people should treat snakes with care. “Actually snakes are very shy and gentle creatures. They only attack if they are frightened. However, you have to know how to treat a snake properly!”According to one happy family, the Snake Catchers are good. One day, the Greenwood family found a snake skin in the kitchen. They looked very carefully and saw a snake sleeping behind a cupboard. They thought about what to do. Then Steve Greenwood remembered the advertisement for the Snake Catchers. He called them.“The Snake Catchers arrived within an hour and they finished the job quickly too,” said Steve Greenwood. “One of them went into the kitchen, found the snake and took it out alive. The Snake Catchers did a very good job.”Last year, the Snake Catchers removed more than seventy snakes from houses in North Carolina.(1)The Snake Catchers catch snakes because _.A . they want to kill the snakesB . they like trying to catch snakesC . they dont want people to hurt snakesD . they like eating snakes(2)When a man asked them to kill a python, the Snake Catchers _.A . made some boots from the skinB . were very happyC . gave him some old bootsD . did not agree(3)The Snake Catchers set most of the snakes free _.A . in a national parkB . in a universityC . in a gardenD . in their own houses(4)According to Fred, _.A . snakes are very dangerousB . people should attack snakesC . snakes are not usually dangerousD . people should run away if they see a snake14. (10分)阅读理解 Butterflies are common all over the world, but butterflies in hotter countries are usually bigger and more brightly colored than those in cooler countries, and they are more different kinds.Usually the male(雄性的)butterflies are more brightly colored than the females. The females have bigger and heavier bodies since they carry the eggs. The bright colors of the males help to attract the females, and the duller(较暗淡的)colors of the females make them less likely(可能的)to be caught by enemies before they have laid their eggs.Some butterflies hare bright pattern colors on the upper surface of their wings that show when flying, but when they rest on a tree or leaves, they close their wings. On the undersides of their wings there are green and brown marks which look like the tree or leaves. They are then difficult to be seen. The best example of this is the Dead Leaf Butterfly. When its wings are closed, it looks exactly like a dead leaf. There are even marks that look like the holes in a dead leaf. When the butterfly is run after by a bird, it closes its wings and seems to have disappeared completely.Many butterflies have round marks on their wings that look like eyes. The round marks have a useful function(功能). When the butterflies are resting, their wings are closed, and these marks cant be seen. When a bird sees one, and begins to attack it, the butterfly will open its wings. The bird thinks that it sees two eyes staring at it, frightened, and flies away.(1)The female butterflies have bigger and heavier bodies than the males because _ . A . the females carry the eggsB . the females eat moreC . the males are more activeD . the males have smaller wings(2)The duller colors of the female butterflies _ . A . help to fly easilyB . help to attract the malesC . make them look fearful.D . make them harder to be caught(3)The underlined word that in Paragraph 3 refers to _ . A . their wingsB . pattern colorsC . green leavesD . some butterflies(4)When run after by a bird, the Dead Leaf Butterfly _ . A . is frightened and flies away at onceB . opens its eyes and stares at the birdC . closes its wings and seems to have goneD . opens its wings to frighten the bird away(5)The last paragraph mainly tells us _ . A . why the butterfly cannot be seenB . how the butterfly opens its wingsC . what the round marks look likeD . what the function of the round marks is15. (10分) Mr. Smith lives in Toronto. He is a doctor. His wife teaches English in a middle school. They have two children, one is a son called Mike and the other is a daughter. She is only three months. Mike loves the baby very much. He often shows her to the guests. He is young and doesnt go to school. He stays at home to help his mother look after the baby.One day Mikes aunt comes to see the baby. She works in another city and sees the baby foe the first time. Mike shows the baby to his aunt.“Look at the baby, Aunt”, says Mike, “Shes beautiful. I think she looks like me.”“Does she like playing with you?” asks his aunt.“I dont know,” answers the boy, “She cant speak yet.”(1)Mike is _.A . an AmericanB . an AustralianC . an EnglishmanD . a Canadian(2)Therre _ people in Mr Smiths family.A . twoB . fourC . fiveD . three(3)Mrs Smith is a _.A . doctorB . workerC . teacherD . bookseller(4)The baby is Mikes _.A . younger cousin .B . younger sisterC . younger brotherD . elder brother(5)Little Mike thinks _.A . hes beautiful ,too.B . the baby is nice .C . his aunt is friendly to him .D . he loves the baby best.16. (8分)阅读理解If you have failed in the past to try to make big changes in life, try again now, one tiny step at a time. Every year its the same. As December comes to an end, you think about the new year and all the ways you want to improve your life. But as you start to write down your hopes for the new year, you think about the last year. You excitedly write down all the changes you are going to make, but by the end of January those ideas get lost in your busy life.Heres a suggestion: Forget the too big, hard-to-achieve goals and just think about the small ones. “We often think that we have to do everything in big steps, even though its so hard for us to reach it.” said Robert Maurer, who recently wrote the book One Small Step Can Change Your Life. “What we try to do is to begin with such a small step that we cant find any excuse not to do it.”“Kaizen”, a Japanese word, is used to mean to change behavior and attitudes (态度). During World War II, American factory managers were able toincrease productivityby trying small, continuous improvements instead of sudden changes. After the war, the idea was brought to a rebuilding(重建) Japan. It made Japan develop fast. The Japanese called it “kaizen”, which means “improvement”. Maurer studied the idea and did some experiments with it. “Kaizen” could possibly help people succeed in doing everything.(1)At the end of December, people usually _A . plan for the last.B . fail to make big changes.C . try to lose their ideas.D . think about the new year.(2)Robert Maurer wrote a book to tell us _A . we should do everything in big steps.B . how to find a small step without any excuse.C . we should try a lot of sudden changes.D . how to change ones life with one small step.(3)The writer of the passage suggests we should _A . take a tiny step to achieve big goals.B . make changes at the end of the year.C . do few experiments with “ kaizen”.D . do things with hard-to-achieve goals.(4)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A . You cant find any excuse not to reach a big goal.B . You can achieve your goals if you are not too busy.C . “Kaizen” was brought to Japan during World War ID . Robert Maurer studied “kaizen” and found it helpful.四、 情景交际。 (共1题;共5分)17. (5分)根据下面的对话情景,选择能填入每个空白处的最佳选项,使对话的意思连贯、完整。 A. Where is it?B. Yes, Id love to. C. Is it far from here?D. I learned to do kung fu. E. How far is it from here?F. What did you do last weekend?G. There is a kung fu show every day.A: Hi, Alice. How was your weekend?B: Great, thanksA: _B: I visited Shaolin Temple. A: _B: Its in Dengfeng, the southeast (西南) of Zhengzhou. A: _B: Its about ninety kilometers. A: Is there anything interesting?B: Sure. _Its great!A: Sounds exciting! I want to go there, too. Would you like to go with me again?B: _I can be your guide. A: Cool! I cant wait to go there. 五、 单词分类。 (共1题;共5分)18. (5分)从方框中选用合适的动词,并用其适当形式填空。do like order let be(1)-What would you like _? -Beef, fish and some vegetables. (2)Lily wants to change her lifestyle. What does she plan _at the weekend? (3)There _ two bowls of rice and a glass of milk on the table. (4)Each student _ eating fruits and vegetables to keep fit. (5)The boy, with his father usually _ off fireworks at the Chinese New Year. 六、 补全对话。 (共1题;共5分)19. (5分)补全对话A:Hello,Bob_B:Look!I live in the tall building next to the libraryA:_B:Its three kilometersA:_B:I usually take the bus but sometimes I go to school on footA:_B:Oh,let me seeAbout fifteen minutesA:_B:Mmmat about 7:45A:OKThank youBobIts nice to talk to youAWhats the time?BWhere do you live?CWhy do you walk to school?DHow do you usually go to school?EWhat time do you usually Ket to school?FHow far is it from your home to school?GHow long does it take to get to school by bus?七、 选词填空。 (共1题;共5分)20. (5分)选词填空阅读下面短文,从方框中选择单词,根据实际情况用其适当形式填空,使短文意思完整、通顺。每空一词,每词只能用一次。read big through several nobodyA man was tired of living in his small house in the country. He wanted to sell it and buy a _one than the old one nearby. He tried to sell it for a long time, but_wanted to buy it. So at last, he decided to use a house salesman. The salesman soon put a picture of the mans house on a magazine. _ days later, the owner saw a very beautiful picture of the house, with a wonderful introduction to its gardens, on a magazine. After the house owner had read _the whole introduction, he at once called up the salesman and said,“Im sorry, but Ive decided not to sell this house after all. After _ your introduction, now I know that Its just the kind of house Im going to live in for the rest of my life.八、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)21. (5分)根据中文和英文提示,完成一篇不少于50词的文段写作。所给提示词语仅供选用。请不要写出你的校名和姓名。每学期学校都会组织丰富多彩的出游活动。学校校刊以“A School Trip to ”为题征文,请你根据一次出游活动写一篇短文投稿。请补全题目。谈谈你去了哪里,做了什么以及学到了什么。提示词语:visit, enjoy, memory, culture,meaningful提示问题:1)Where did you go on your school trip?2)What did you do during the trip?3)What do you learn from it?A School Trip to第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、 单项选择。 (共10题;共20分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 完形填空。 (共2题;共20分)11-1、12-1、三、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共36分)13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、14-1、14-2、14-3、14-4、14-5、15-1、15-2、15-3、15-4、15-5、16-1、16-2、16-3、16-4、四、 情景交际。 (共1题;共5分)17-1、五、 单词分类。 (共1题;共5分)18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、六、 补全对话。 (共1题;共5分)19-1、七、 选词填空。 (共1题;共5分)20-1、八、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)21-1、

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