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外研版2020届九年级英语中考第一次模拟考试试卷A卷一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)Which girl is from Guilin? The girl red.A . inB . aboutC . with2. (2分)I didnt know when he back. He said he would call me when he home.A . will come; getsB . came; gotC . would come; gotD . came; would get3. (2分)The scientist believes there will be_ cars and_ dirty air. A . less; fewerB . fewer; lessC . few; fewer4. (2分)_ name is Mimi. _ a cat. A . Its, ItsB . Its, ItsC . Its, ItsD . Its, Its5. (2分)He fell off the bike and hurt his leg yesterday._, he had to stay at home for two or three months.A . So thatB . As a resultC . Such asD . Because of6. (2分)My friend comes from _. He speaks _. A . France, FranceB . French, FranceC . France, French7. (2分)Peter has changed a lot these years. Yes, he _ be short, but now he is as _ as me.A . is used to; tallB . uses to; tallestC . used to; tall8. (2分)Must I finish my homework this morning?No, you _. You can finish it this afternoon.A . mustntB . couldntC . needntD . cant9. (2分)How much does this bag of potatoes _?About 50 kilos at most.A . liftB . weighC . carry10. (2分)Mum, can I go to watch the movie Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 tomorrow?Sure, if your homework .A . finishB . is finishedC . will finishD . will be finished11. (2分)We want to rent a bus which can _ 40 people for our trip to Beijing.A . loadB . holdC . fillD . support12. (2分)Teenagers like reading the books _ are written by Guo Jingming.A . whoB . whatC . whoseD . that13. (2分)Think carefully before deciding who _. A . invitesB . is invitedC . will be invitedD . will invite14. (2分)- Is carbon (碳) made _ ink ?- Of course, it is.A . ofB . fromC . into 15. (2分) Whats the date today? A . Its November 6B . Its WednesdayC . Its our Open DayD . Its Mid-Autumn Festival二、 完形填空 (共1题;共6分)16. (6分)Choose the best answer and complete the passage. There was once a bad king. All his people hated him very much. One day in a summer he was swimming by himself in a river. The king was a 1swimmer, but when he was in the middle of the river, suddenly he didnt feel well. He cried out Help! Help! At that time two farmers were working in the field near the 2. They ran over, jumped into the water and saved the king. They didnt know that he was the king 3they pulled(拉) him out of the water.The king was very happy, so he said to the farmers, You have saved my life. Now you may ask for anything, and Ill give it to you.One of the farmers said, My son broke his 4last week, and he cant walk. Im very sad, you know. Please send him a good 5. The king agreed. Then he said to the other farmer. And what can I do for you, old man? The old man was very clever. He thought for a few minutes and then he answered, You can do a very important thing for me, Whats that? asked the king. He thought that the old man would ask for some 6or something else.Dont tell anybody that we have saved you, the old farmer answered.(1)A . bad B . nice C . old D . friendly (2)A . lake B . sea C . river D . house (3)A . after B . if C . before D . unless (4)A . hands B . eyes C . head D . legs (5)A . doctor B . driver C . dentist D . policeman (6)A . food B . information C . advice D . money 三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共34分)17. (6分)阅读理解TFBOYS is a new young idol group coming out in the summer of 2013. It has three members: Wang Junkai, Wang Yuan, Easy Yang thousand seal. Now a lot of teenagers love TFBOYS because it is a group with great dreams and hard work. Ready? Lets learn something about every member of the group today.NameWang JunkaiWang YuanEasy Yang thousand sealNickname:Kai Kai Lao WangMilk SourceOne ThousandBirthday:Sept. 21. 1999Nov.082000.Nov.28,2000.Advantages:good grades,polite, good singing, handsomelovely, modest(谦虚的), responsible(责任心强的)good at different kinds of dancingHobbies:Playing the guitar, singingsinging,playing basketballdrawing, singingand dancing(1)Wang Junkai is _now. A . 14 years oldB . 13 years oldC . 15 years oldD . 16 years old(2)Wang Yuan has many advantages except (除了)_. A . lovelyB . good gradesC . responsibleD . modest(3)_ loves / love drawing very much. A . Easy Yang thousand sealB . Wang JunkaiC . Wang YuanD . Both Wang Junkai and Wang Junkai18. (8分)阅读下列材料,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。 The relationship(关系) between teachers and students is an important part of school life. An Indian movie called Hichki tells the story of a teacher who helps some bad students and makes them better people. It is popular with lots of students now. In Hichki, the main character is Naina Mathur. She has an illness(疾病) that makes her hiccup(打嗝) often. With her hard work, she gets her dream job as a teacher. But she has to teach a class of rebellious students. They laugh at Mathur in her first class.However, Mathur doesnt get angry(生气) with them. She tries her best to help every student. When they cause a small explosion (爆炸) and the school asks them to leave, Mathur still help them a lot. Little by little, Mathur wins the students hearts. Under her care, the students start to study harder and become better and better.From the story, we know that a good teacher doesnt simply pass on knowledge(知识), but shows students how to be a good person. It also shows us that anyone can be successful, even if they have some kind of illness.(1)Naina Mathur has an illness and she often _. A . hiccupsB . get angryC . laughes at othersD . sleeps for a longtime(2)The word rebellious means(意思是) _ in the passage.A . 狡猾的B . 搞笑的C . 叛逆的D . 乖巧的(3)We can infer(推断) from the passage that _. A . Naina Mathurs dream job is to be a teacherB . the students doesnt like Naina Mathur at the very beginningC . Under Naina Mathurs care, the students become better and betterD . Naina Mathur is a good teacher who only passes on lots of knowledge to her students(4)If we put the passage into some parts, which of the following is the best? (=Para. 1 = Para. 2 = Para. 3 = Para. 4 ) A . ; B . ; ; C . ; ; D . ; ; ; 19. (10分)阅读理解 Manufacturing(制造业) is an important industry in the United States. However, for many years, Americans have expressed fear that the industry is in danger.Matthew Burnett knows this all too well. The American businessman started a watch company in 2007. At first, he had overseas(海外的) manufacturers make all his products. As a result, Burnett often faced shipping delays(延误), a lack(缺乏) of quality control, and time zone problems. Later, he developed into leather goods. Still, he tried to find factories in the country to make the wallets, belts, and other products of his new brand. And he was not alone. Many American businessmen found it easier to go out of the country for manufacturing. There was no central marketplace for the industry.So, Matthew Burnett, and his business partner Tanya Menendez, created one. They called it Makers Row. Since 2012, the online marketplace has been connecting businessmen with American manufacturers.Matthew Burnett explains. What we try to do at Makers Row is to encourage the brands to start producing in the United States so that you see more made in America products on the shelves. We used to produce 97 percent of the goods that we consume here in the United States, today its less than three percent. So it makes it very challenging to find sometimes made in America products, but thats the situation were trying to change, by bringing these brands back home to produce.Makers Row helps brands and businesses find and organize their supply chains(供应链)in the country. Besides, Makers Row can be especially helpful to new or part-time entrepreneurs(企业家). The site, Makersrow.com, can provide a plan for turning an idea into a business. And co-founder Tanya Menendez says Makers Row offers classes and training. We have an online course. Theyre designed for people with busy lifestyles or those who may start off working 9-to-5. Today, the Makers Row website has 80,000 registered users.The BCG company in Boston advises businesses around the world. It estimates(估计) the average cost to manufacture goods in the U.S. is only five-percent higher than in China. And the company predicts(预计) that by 2018 the cost difference will narrow further, to as little as two percent higher. Makers Row and other similar efforts could play a big part in making that prediction come true.(1)What is true about the situation of manufacturing in the U.S.? A . It plays an unimportant part in the country.B . Its important and the top of the world.C . Its important in the country but not as good as before.D . Few people in the U.S. care about this industry.(2)According to Burnett, what problems did he face when he found overseas manufacturers? A . Time zone problems, shipping delay, and a lack of quality control.B . Shipping delay, high pay, and a lack of quality control.C . A lack of shipping control, high pay and a lack of time.D . Different time zones, shipping delay, a lack of labour.(3)What is the main purpose of Makers Row? A . To help college students learn to start their business.B . To have more products made in America.C . To encourage businessmen to find overseas manufacturers.D . To raise money through online lessons.(4)According to the last paragraph, which of the followings is not true? A . It is predicted that the cost difference between America and China will be smaller.B . Now the average cost in the U.S. is 5% smaller than in China.C . The average cost in the U.S. will probably be 2% higher than in China.D . Makers Row will help to make the cost difference smaller.(5)What is the best title for the article? A . Makers Row:Made in AmericaB . Manufacturing problemsC . Prediction about manufacturingD . A new brand in America20. (10分)阅读短文,下列问题BAre you a big fan of E.T. (Extraterrestrial) or aliens? Then you should read Extraterrestrial Civilizations (地球以外的文明世界) by American writer Isaac Asimov (1920-1992). In his 1979 book, Asimov looked at whether there is life beyond the Earth. He also talked about how we might be able tocommunicate with aliens someday. Asimov even told us that there are possibly about 500,000 civilizations (文明) in the galaxy (银河系). The book may be a little out of fashion since it came out in the 70s. But youll still enjoy the good reasoning (推理) and imagination of it. Asimov was a science fiction (科幻故事) master. His most famous works talk about the relationship between robots and humankind.(1)Which of the following sentences best expresses the main idea?A . Asimovs books are talking about the relationship between robots and humankind .B . Students are big fans of E.T.C . Some students enjoy the good reasoning and imagination.D . Asimov was a love of E.T.(2)Asimov was a _.A . science fiction (科幻故事) masterB . writer of funny storyC . actorD . dancer(3)Isaac Asimov comes from_. A . EnglandB . AmericaC . ChinaD . Japan(4)The writer indirectly expresses that there are possibly about 500,000 civilizations _.A . in AmericaB . in AustraliaC . EuropeanD . in the galaxy(5)The readers will enjoy the _.A . good reasoning and imagination of itB . good imaginationC . good expressionD . good understanding四、 单词拼写 (共1题;共10分)21. (10分)根据短文内容及首字母提示,补全空格内单词,使短文完整、通顺。(请在答题卡上写出完整单词)Food is important. Everyone needs to e_well if he or she wants to have a strong body. Our minds(心灵)also need a kind of food. This kind of food is knowledge(知识).We begin to get knowledge even when we are y_. Small children are interested i_everything around them. They learn e_while they are watching and listening. When they are getting older they begin to r_story books, science books and anything else they like. When they find somethingn_,they have to ask questions and t_to find out the answers.What is the best w_to get knowledge? If we learn b_ourselves, we will get the most knowledge. If we are always getting answers f_others and dont ask why, we will never learn more and understand well.五、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)22. (10分)阅读下面短文,在空白处按要求填入适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。每空一词。Thanks to better health care, most people are living _(healthy) and longer lives. Someone who is born today can expect to live about thirty-five years longer than someone who _(be) born in the nineteenth century. Here are five _(rule) for a healthy life.First. Doctors say you should get off the sofa. To keep fit, you have to walk _介词) least 10, 000 steps every day. In the past, peoples jobs required more physical effort. They often_(have) to walk for miles every day. When farmers were _(work) in the fields, they were keeping fit at_(冠词) same time.Second. Rest while you can! When we were babies, we _(sleep) for much of the night. Teenagers do not need as much sleep as babies, but it is important for you to get about eight _(hour) sleep a night. At weekends, you have _(get) more time, so use it not just for your friends, but for rest too.六、 选词填空 (共1题;共5分)23. (5分)根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,使对话完整、通顺 follow, ground,lead,brave,voiceA:Hey, Gretel! What can you see on the_? Can you see any bread?B:No, HanselA:Thats too badWe cant find the pieces of breadWe might be lostB:What should we do, Hansel?A:Take it easy! Be _! Listen! What can you hear?B:I can hear a birds _A:Yeah! The bird ate our bread_it and then we might find our wayB:You mean the bird will _us through the forestA:I think soB:Great! Lets go!七、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共20分)24. (20分)任务型阅读:阅读下列材料,根据文章意思回答以下问题。写出完整的句子。We had a terrible school trip last weekSome students were lateThen we waited half an hour for the school bus,but it didnt arrive. In the end,the teacher took us by subwayIt took over an hourWhen we arrived at the zoo,we were all tired and hungryWe wanted to see elephantsbut there werent anyThere were some really smart seals(海豹),but we didnt see the showWe arrived too lateWe forgot our cameras,so we didnt take any photosThen it started to rain,and nobody had an umbrellaSo we went for lunch and ate some pizzaMy friends had some ice-cream,tooI didnt have any because I dont like itWe didnt see many animals because it rainedFinally we went back to schoolWe were wet and tiredI didnt enjoy my school trip at all!(1)Did the students have fun on their school trip last week?(2)How long did it take the students to get to the zoo by subway?(3)What did the writer have for lunch on the school trip? (4)Why didnt they see the smart seal show? 八、 短文填空 (共1题;共10分)25. (10分)B)根据短文和所给中文提示,写出空白处各单词的正确形式。Hello, everyone! My name is Jenny Green. My first name is Jenny and my last name is Green. I am _(十)years old. I like _(夏天) and I can swim. I often go swimming on_(星期天). There is a swimming pool (游泳池) behind my home. It is_(小的). but I like it. Look at the_( 照片) in my hand. This is my father. He is a_(医生), he works in a_(医院). It is_( 在.附近) my home. He is_( 四十) years old. My father and I are going to see my_叔叔) tomorrow. He is a good policeman.九、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)26. (5分)假设你是李华,是我校一位高二学生。最近你收到来自友好学校朋友Tom的邀请,请你下个周去他们学校参加文化交流活动并介绍中国的传统绘画。但是你和其他高二学生一样在忙于准备期末考试,不得不谢绝他的邀请。请根据下面的要点给Tom用英语写一封回信。要点: 1. 谢绝Tom的邀请;2. 说明你的理由;3. 推荐你的同学Mary参加,并说明原因。注意: 1词数为100左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3. 信的开头已为你写好(不计入你所写词数)。Dear Tom,Thank you very much for your invitation. Best wishes.Yours sincerely,Li Hua第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共6分)16-1、三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共34分)17-1、17-2、17-3、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、20-5、四、 单词拼写 (共1题;共10分)21-1、五、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)22-1、六、 选词填空 (共1题;共5分)23-1、七、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共20分)24-1、24-2、24-3、24-4、八、 短文填空 (共1题;共10分)25-1、九、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)26-1、


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