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2019-2020年英语中考英语模拟试卷(二十五)C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 阅读理解 (共5题;共35分)1. (6分)根据短文内容,判断正误。(B)I used to be an active girl. But two years ago, an English speaking competition held in my school changed me a lot.I stood on the stage(讲台) for the first time. I was so nervous that my brain(大脑) suddenly became empty. Not long after I began my speech, the hall turned noisy. It seemed that they were laughing at me. I knew I failed.From then on, I became quiet and always stayed alone. I didnt want to express my ideas in public, even in class. Every time I wanted to say something, I thought people would laugh at me. My friends couldnt understand me, and they left me, one by one.One day, my science teacher asked us why trees in forests were much taller than those in the wild. “Ha, what a silly question!” I thought.“Theres not enough space in the woods for trees to expand their branches. Of course they have to grow taller than others. The trees in the wild neednt do that since theres enough space. ” I said in a low voice.To my surprise, the teacher said, “Yes, youre right. It is a competition. ” My face turned red right now. I hadnt spoken for a long time, especially in public.Then the teacher explained how tree s in forests had to grow taller to receive more sunlight. If not, they would die. This also happened in our society.Whats more, the tree that doesnt live in a crowd is just like a person who has no friends in life.I raised my head slowly and found the teacher was looking at me. His eyes were as warm as sunshine. I realized that I must stand up and face the truth.(1)We can know there was an English speaking competition two years ago from the first paragraph.(2)The hall turned noisy because the weather was too hot.(3)After the competition, the writer lost her confidence.(4)The science teachers question was difficult.(5)From the story, we can guess the writer is likely to stand up from her seat after the science class.2. (8分)阅读理解Do you look like your name? Scientists say theres a good chance you do.This comes from a new study published in a magazine. Researchers from Israel found that our given names may have something to do with our facial appearances.Lead writer Yonat Zwebner of a university, along with her team, did eight different experiments in Israel and France. The different experiments were set up to answer two main questions: whether people can correctly guess a persons name based only on a photo of a face and what is behind this matching effect.During the experiments, researchers asked students to look at photos of peoples faces and guess each persons name from a list of four choices. They correctly guessed the right name 38 percent of the time, which was better than the 25 percent of a random(随机地)guess.Whats more, when the faces the students looked at came from within their own country, they were able to best match the faces to the names. French students were better at matching only French names and faces while Israeli students were better at matching only Hebrew names and Israeli faces.Researchers believe it is possible that people change their appearances without paying attention to it, to match their names. One study especially backed up this idea, showing that a hairstyle, something that can be changed by people easily, was enough to guide others in correctly guessing their names.“Earlier research has shown there are cultural stereotypes(老套观念)carried by names, including how someone should look. For example, people are more likely to imagine a person named Bob to have a rounder face than a person named Tim. We believe these stereotypes can, over time, influence peoples facial appearances,” Zwebner said.The results of the experiments may even make parents think twice when choosing a name for their children.“If a name can influence appearance, it can influence many other things. This research opens an important direction that may suggest how parents should consider better the names for their children,” said Zwebner, who recently had a baby herself.“As parents, it was really difficult for us to name our 12-day-old daughter as we know the meanings of names.”(1)One of the purposes of the experiments is to _. A . give the students a chance to know each otherB . explain what influences our facial appearancesC . find out different characteristics carried by different namesD . see if people can correctly guess a persons name based only on a photo of a face(2)People could match the faces to the names more easily _. A . when they did a random guessB . when the faces are from other countriesC . when the faces are from their own countryD . when they have more knowledge themselves(3)The underlined part backed up in Paragraph 6 most probably means “_”. A . supportedB . changedC . comparedD . cancelled(4)Paragraph 6 and Paragraph 7 are mainly to show _. A . the results of changing namesB . names have something to do with appearancesC . the importance of cultural stereotypes carried by namesD . the importance of a hairstyle in guessing different looks(5)According to Zwebner, we know that _. A . facial appearances may influence namesB . we shouldnt think of others just according to their namesC . a name may influence many things and should be well chosenD . we should pay less attention to the meanings of names and be ourselves3. (6分)阅读理解Punctuation Marks(标点符号)Punctuation MarksWhen to use them?ExampleApostrophes()To show possessionwhen something belongs to someone.Use apostrophes in word contractions.Alans favorite color is blue.Its (It is) a hot and sunny day.Exclamation Marks(!)To express surprise, excitement, anger, admiration or to give orders.Stop! Dont move!Question Marks(?)Placed at the end of a question.How are you?(1)Where can the table above probably be found? A . A newspaperB . A Grammar bookC . A reportD . A guide book(2)Sentence 1: The youth worker has solved Alans problems.Sentence 2: Alans going over what he has learnt in class.Which of the statements is true according to the usages of punctuation marks?A . The“Alans”in sentence 1 has the same meaning as the one in sentence 2.B . The“Alans”in sentence 1 is used as a contraction for “Alan is”.C . The“Alans”in sentence 2 shows that something belongs to Alan.D . The apostrophes in the two sentences have quite different meanings.(3)“What a heavy snow!” They rushed out screaming and playing happily. Here the exclamation mark is used to show they felt when they saw the big snow. A . excitedB . angryC . curiousD . scared4. (10分)阅读理解Steven is six years old. He gets some money from his mother every week. He buys a lot of things from the shops, but he doesnt really need them, and he puts them everywhere. One day his mother gives him a notebook and says, “Now, Steven, when you buy things, write their names down in the notebook, and also write down how much they are. Then you can look at it again when your money is all gone (花光了), and you dont waste (浪费) so much money next time.”After a week, Steven says to his mother, “Do you know, Mum, before I spend any money now, I really stop and think!” His mother is very happy and thinks, “Well, my son knows the value (价值) of money now.” But then she hears him say, “Mum, before I buy something, I always ask myself, Can I spell (拼写) that word and put it down in my notebook? ”(1)Who gives Steven money every week? A . His father.B . His mother.C . His teacher.D . His parents.(2)Why does Stevens mother give him a notebook? A . She wants him to play with it.B . Steven asks her to buy one for him.C . She wants him to write down the name and how much it is after he buys something.D . Steven needs one to do his homework.(3)Why is Stevens mother happy? A . She thinks that her son doesnt waste money now.B . She thinks that her son knows how to buy the notebook.C . Her son stops to think how to write the name of the thing before he buys it.D . She thinks that her son doesnt buy anything.(4)What does Steven stop to think about before he spends any money? A . Which to buy.B . What he really needs.C . Which is nice.D . How to spell the name of the thing.(5)How does Stevens mother feel at last? A . Angry.B . Happy.C . Wonderful.D . Glad.5. (5分)阅读短文,按要求完成所给任务。 I first saw Beijing Opera in London in 1993, and it just shocked me. It was really amazing, says Ghaffar Pounazar.The 32-year-old British gave up his work in London and came to a Beijing Opera school. Since then, Ghaffar Pourazar has worked hard on this art.On stage, the Beijing Opera actors not only act, they also sing and dance while performing some difficult movements(动作). When Pourazar first got to China. He couldnt speak any Chinese, and he knew nothing about Beijing Opera. As the oldest student in the Beijing Opera school, he learned more slowly than his classmates, but he didnt give up. Now, he can perform Beijing Opera like a professional(专业人士).But Beijing Opera is not as popular as it was before. The young Chinese now spend more time on the Internet. This makes Pourazar very sad. I used to get really angry at what was happening to Beijing Opera and at the Chinese people. This is part of your culture. You created this amazing thing. but now you are forgetting it, throwing it away.Pourazar has decided what to do. Now he is performing a Beijing Opera that is about the Monkey King in two languages, Chinese and English. The Monkey King is a hero in a Chinese story. Chinese people love him very much. In the Beijing Opera, Pourazar acts the Monkey King.(1)任务一: 从下面四个选项中选出能填入文中和处的最佳选项。 A . Everything seemed difficult and far from what he had imagined.B . He felt quite excited about Beijing Opera.C . He wants to let more people know Beijing Opera.D . He tries to make friends and get on well with his classmates.(2)任务二:Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese (3)任务三:Why did Pournzar give up his work and come to a Beijing Opera school 二、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)6. (15分)阅读短文,从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个能填入文章中相应空白处的最佳答案。 There were so many lovely lemons in a nice basket, with a sign said: Take some free lemons, please.I took two of the lemons, smiling. The generous1from my kind neighbor lifted my spirits. So I wrote a note of thanks, without referring my name.The following week there was a letter in the local newspaper. It2: This season I had a lot of lemons and, 3see them being wasted, I put them in a basket with a Take some please notice. A few days later I4, a lovably handwritten note thanking me for the lemons no name. The note was completely5I would like to thank this person for making me happy.I knew this message was from my neighbor Grace. It warmed my heart. I never 6simple exchange of kindness could result in such a wonderful experience for both of us. Since that day, every time I walked past the house, it would7failed to cheer me up.Then one day, a woman was outside the house and spoke on her phone, I heard her say,Mom would never want me to sell this house.I asked. Excuse me, but is Grace OK? She said, My mother8.Shocked by this news, I said slowly, Im so sorry for your loss. Then I was9for words. To10the silence, I told Graces daughter the story of the lemons. So that was you! Youd be11at how much it meant to her! She said excitedly.After that I got familiar with Graces daughter, Sarah, and I developed a 12friendship with her. As Sarah had no13to sell her parents house, I decided to rent it.I look after Graces garden carefully. Every year, when the lemon tree produces its fruit, I put out a basket14lemons and put with a sign. I just want to15my neighbors to take some just as that Grace did.(1)A . deal B . trade C . act D . skill (2)A . read B . told C . spoke D . sensed (3)A . since then B . no doubt C . less than D . rather than (4)A . accepted B . received C . afforded D . won (5)A . unbelievable B . unexpected C . uncertain D . unwelcome (6)A . treated B . expressed C . suggested D . imagined (7)A . seldom B . ever C . never D . sometimes (8)A . passed by B . gave in C . passed away D . gave away (9)A . lost B . missed C . inspired D . lively (10)A . stop B . keep C . finish D . break (11)A . surprised B . upset C . patient D . responsible (12)A . ugly B . close C . reusable D . common (13)A . question B . reason C . point D . plan (14)A . parted with B . filled with C . dealt with D . agreed with (15)A . offer B . give C . invite D . join 三、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)7. (10分)The teacher gave everyone a chance to _ (practise) English in class. 四、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)8. (5分)作文。假设你叫王华,收到笔友徐丽的email。她向你请教如何合理安排寒假生活。请你根据下列提示用英语回复徐丽的email。要求:1.不得使用真实的姓名和学校名;2.回信需要包括所有要点,并适当发挥。3.词数不少于90词 (文章开头和结尾,不计入总词数)。Dear Xu Li,How time flies! Im happy to talk about my coming winter vacation.Im looking forward to your e-mail about your winter vacation.All the best!Wang Hua第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、 阅读理解 (共5题;共35分)1-1、1-2、1-3、1-4、1-5、2-1、2-2、2-3、2-4、2-5、3-1、3-2、3-3、4-1、4-2、4-3、4-4、4-5、5-1、5-2、5-3、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)6-1、三、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)7-1、四、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)8-1、

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