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2015英语中考备课专题复习考点分析训练(三) 动词III.第一讲考点分析【考点1】 point to,point at与point out【考点精析】单选、完形中考查词义辨析。point at,point to和point out的意思都与“指”有关,但有一定区别。point at习惯上表示指向离说话人较近的事物,意为“指着”,at是介词,着重于指的对象。point to多用来表示指向离说话人较远的事物,意为“指向”,to也是介词,着重于指的方向。point out表示的是给某人指示方向、要点或错误等,意为“指出”,out是副词。Dont point at the words while you are reading.He pointed to the house on the other side of the river and said,“Thats my home.” The teacher pointed out many mistakes in my homework.【考点2】 prefer 【考点精析】常见结构与搭配,交际句型及词语释义。prefer vt.& vi.,表示“更喜欢”,“宁愿”等,相当于 likebetter。常见结构:prefer to do/doing sth.更喜欢做prefer (doing) sth.to (doing) sth.比起更喜欢=prefer to do sth.rather than do sth.宁愿做而不愿I prefer groups that play quiet and gentle songs.She preferred to stay at home rather than go out.= She preferred staying at home to going out.【拓展】prefer的过去式,过去分词及现在分词都要双写r。【精讲精练】1.【2013湖北孝感】What a heavy rain! So it is.I prefer rather than on such a rainy day. A.to go out;stay at home B.to stay at home;go out C.going out;stay at home D.staying at home;go out2.【2014浙江丽水】Do you often watch Man and Nature on TV? Sometimes.Its an interesting program,but I Sports News. A.prefer B.want C.know D.review【答案】1.B 2.A【考点3】 provide与offer【考点精析】单选、完形中考查词义辨析与搭配。provide提供,供应,供给(有用的或必需的物品)。常用于provide sb.with sth.或provide sth.for sb.的固定搭配。offer表示主动提供服务、工作等。常用于offer sb.sth.或offer sth.to sb.的固定搭配。offer help to sb.主动提出帮助某人;offer sb.a good salary给某人高工资。【精讲精练】1.【2014甘肃兰州】Parents often their children some good advice.A.offer;with B.offer; C.provide;with D.both B and C2.【2014湖北武汉】Hows Bob now?I heard the company him a very good job,but he turned it down.A.donated B.served C.offered D.introduced【答案】1.D 2.C【考点4】 put on,wear,dress与in【考点精析】词义辨析及英汉互译。(1)辨析:wearv.穿着,戴着(衣服,鞋,帽,围巾,眼镜),表示穿的状态。如:We wear sunglasses in summer.put onv.穿上,戴上(衣服,鞋,帽,围巾),表示穿的动作。如:He put on the coat and ran out.dressv.表穿的动作,也表示打扮,后面常接人。如:The child can dress himself.inprep.人作主语,后接衣服或颜色。如:Do you know the boy in red?(2) 其他用法与搭配:put on其反义词组是take off“脱下”。 put on 还表示增加体重,发胖;take off也可表示飞机起飞。get dressed 穿/戴好;dress up(as)装扮(成)be dressed in = be in = be wearing【精讲精练】【2013广西贵港】Although Lucy is only three years old,she is able to herself. A.put B.make C.wear D.dress 【答案】D【考点5】 raise,rise, increase【考点精析1】1 词义和用法辨析,单选、完形及词形转换中考查。(1) 作不及物动词,当rise 作“(数量)上升,增长,上涨”时,与increase同义,两者可 以互换。Tourist trips of all kinds in Britain rose/increased by 10.5% between 1977 and 1987.(2)rise还可以指位置的升高等。The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.He rises (=raise himself) from the seat.(站起来)(3) 作及物动词,raise与increase作 “增加;提高”讲时,两者同义,可以互换。 increase 着重点在表达数据、数值的增大,而raise此外还可表示质量、标准的提高。The workers want to increase/raise their incomes.The living standard of the people in Shanghai has been raised in the last 10 years.(4) raise只作及物动词,除上述含义外,还有“培养,饲养,举起,筹集”等含义。 raise your hand举起你的手;raise a pet cat饲养一只宠物猫;raise money 筹款;筹募。【拓展】其他同、近义词还有improve提高,改进,改善;add增加;补充。improve ones health增进健康;add a 10 percent service charge加收10的服务费。【考点精析2】2 rise的词形变化,increase的介词搭配。(5)词形变化:rise 过去式rose 过去分词risen。(6)increase to 表示“增加到”;increase by表示“增加了”,注意区分。例如:The population of this town has increased by 5 percent.(增长了)The population of our country has increased to 1.3 billion.(增长到)【精讲精练】【2013贵州黔西南】How can we raise money(筹钱) for the poor children?【考点6】 receive,accept【考点精析】单选、完形中考查词义辨析。这两个词都是及物动词,表示“接到、收到”的意思,但有区别:receive强调“收到、接到”这一动作;accept强调立场上的结果,表“领受、接受”意义。I received a letter yesterday.昨天我收到了一封信。I received his gift but I didnt accept it.我收到了他的礼物,但我没有接受。【精讲精练】【2013江苏连云港】Would you please see the film Iron Man 3 with me tonight,Kate? Id love to,but Ive Lindas invitation to dinner. A.suffered B.earned C.received D.accepted【答案】D【考点7】 remind【考点精析】常见结构和用法。常见单选、完形及英汉互译中考查。remind vt.使(人)想起,使记起,提醒。常见结构:remind sb.of sb./ sth.使想到某人或某物remind sb.that clause 使人回忆起,想起remind sb.to do sth.提醒某人做某事It reminds me of my best friend.The clock reminded me that I was late.Please remind me to finish my work.【精讲精练】【2014湖北十堰】The song Where has the time gone the old days and the love of family. Sure.Its my favorite song. A.helps us out B.reminds us of C.lets us down D.regards us as【答案】 B【考点8】 show 【考点精析】固定结构。show, 及物动词,意为“展示;显示;给人看”。show sb.sth.= show sth.to sb.Can you show me your new dress?= Can you show your new dress to me?【拓展】具有类似用法的还有:give sb.sth.= give sth.to sb.pass sb.sth.= pass sth.to sb.post sb.sth.= post sth.to sb.lend give sb.sth.= lend sth.to sb.offer sb.sth.= offer sth.to sb.buy sb.sth.= buy sth.for sb.【精讲精练】【2014江苏徐州】We all know how wonderful you are.There is no need to . A.show off B.give up C.take care D.carry on【答案】A 【考点9】 speak,say,talk与tell【考点精析】词义辨析及搭配,用于单选、完形、英汉互译中考查。(1) speak强调单方的“说”或“讲”。作不及物动词时,指说话的能力和方式;作及物 词时,其后的宾语为某种语言。Jim speaks Chinese pretty well.May I speak to Jack? (2) talk的意思是“谈话,谈论”,强调双方“交谈”,一般用作不及物动词,与介词to或 with连用,表示“与交谈”。当谈及关于某人或某事时,后接介词about。Peter and Ken are talking on the phone.(3)say意为“说出”,“说过”,强调说话的内容,也可与to连用。Mr.Lee often says “hello” to us with a smile.Can you say the word in English?(4) tell意为“讲述”,“告诉”,作及物动词时,指把一件事或一个故事讲出来,有连续诉 说之意。常用于tell sb.about sth.“告诉某人关于某事”及tell sb.(not)to do sth.“告 诉某人(不要)去做某事”结构。Can you tell me something about your pen friend? 【拓展】与“tell sb.(not)to do sth.告诉某人(不要)去做某事”有相似的用法的结构还有:ask sb.(not)to do sth.要求某人(不要)去做某事order sb.(not)to do sth.命令某人(不要)去做某事【精讲精练】【2013海南三亚】Mom,I am afraid that I cant get through the hard time Were having now. My boy,be brave and tell yourself . A.dont give up B.not to give up C.not give up D.to give up【答案】B【考点10】 spend,cost,take与pay【考点精析】词义和用法辨析,用于单选、完形及词语释义中考查。spend,cost,take和pay都可以表示“花费”,其区别如下:主语搭配spend主语是人(1)spend time/money on sth.在上花费时间(金钱)(2)spend time/money (in) doing sth.花费时间(金钱)做某事cost主语是物或事sth.costs (sb.) money 某物花了(某人)多少钱take主语 itit takes sb.sometime to do sth.做某事花了某人多少时间pay主语是人(1)pay (sb.) money for sth.付钱(给某人)买(2)pay for sth.为某物付款(1)I spent an hour finishing my homework yesterday.= I spent an hour on my homework yesterday.= It took them an hour to finish my homework yesterday.(2)Jack spent 30 yuan on this book.= Jack spent 30 yuan ( in ) buying this book.= This book cost Jack 30 yuan.=Jack paid 30 yuan for this book.【精讲精练】【2014四川南充】How much is your coat? Oh,it me 100 yuan. A.cost B.spend C.paid D.took【答案】A【考点11】 take after,look like与be like【考点精析】词义理解与辨析,常见单选、完形及英汉互译中考查。look like与take after和be like都带有“像”的意思。区别如下:(1)look like可以用于所有场合,既可指人也可指物的外表“看上去像”,也能抽象表达事件或现象。例如:That bicycle looks just like the one I used to have.(2)take after指长得像,行为、性格、脾气等像。除了人之外,也有时会用在其他动物上,相当于be similar to。 be similar to 一般用在相近似的物品和情境的对比上。例如:Jim takes after his father.(3)be like 多指性格,内在品格等像。例如:His behavior is like his mother.【精讲精练】【2014云南】Jack takes after his father.Theyreboth tall and strong. A.looks like B.waits for C.takes care of D.feels excited about【答案】A【考点12】 turn on,turn off,turn up与turn down【考点精析】词义辨析,用于单选、完形及英汉互译中考查。turn on 打开(电器等);turn off 关闭(电器等);turn up 调高(音量等);turn down 调低(音量等)。on,off,up,down均为副词,后接代词时,应放在两词中间;如果接名词,可放两词中间,也可以两词后面。【拓展】类似词组:get on 上车; get off下车; put on穿衣;take off脱下。【精讲精练】【2014云南】Im trying to sleep.Would you mind the music.(调低)【答案】turning down【考点13】 used 相关词组与搭配【考点精析】词义辨析,用于单选、完形和英汉互译中考查。used to do 过去常常做某事,过去曾做某事;be used to do 被用来做某事;be/get used to doing 习惯于做某事; be used for用来做;be used as被用作;be used by为所使用。例如:He used to be a teacher in our school.(曾经是)Is she used to walking after supper? (习惯)Wind can be used to produce electricity.(用来)A pen is used for writing.(用来)。English is used as a useful tool in our country.(被用来作为)English is used by travelers and business people all over the world.(被所使用)【精讲精练】1. 【2014云南】Chinas hot words,like tuhao,dama and lianghui, in the western media(媒体). A.used widely B.is widely used C.uses widely D.are widely used2.【2014云南曲靖】I to school by bike,but now I . A.used to go;used to walking B.used to go;am used to walk C.used to going;am used to walk D.used to go;am used to walking【答案】1.D 2.D【考点14】 would rather 【考点精析】动词搭配,常见单选、完形及英汉互译中考查。would rather do sth.宁可,宁愿,最好would rather do sth.than do sth.=would do sth.rather than do sth.宁可/宁愿而不要/不愿,与其不如例如:Hed rather work in the countryside.I would rather watch TV at home than go to the cinema.= I would watch TV at home rather than go to the cinema.【拓展】同义结构:prefer to do sth.rather than do sth.宁可/宁愿而不要/不愿【精讲精练】【2013江苏宿迁】At present,lots of people would rather in the country because there is pollution in the city. A.live;more B.to live;less C.live;less D.to live;more【答案】A 第二讲 考点检测一、词语释义( )1.My brother wants me to be in the art club.A.take part in B.join in C.join D.attend( )2.Are you coming to see us off at the train station?Yes,Im coming.A.say thanks to us B.say goodbye to usC.say sorry to us D.say hello to us( )3.Linda often chats with her friends on weekends.A.deals B.shops C.talks D.plays( )4.She put on a lot of weight last winter.A.increased B.wore C.reduced D.had( )5.Johns plan paid off at last.A beautiful large building was built in the city.A.was successful B.was interestingC.was impossible D.was boring( )6.Peter was poor at math,so I raised my eyebrows when I knew he had passed the math test.A.was disappointed B.was surprisedC.was mad D.was calm( )7.What did you think of our English teacher?She is very kind.She regards us as her friends.A.sees B.believes C.chooses D.watches( )8.These old photos make me think of the interesting things at my early age.A.tell me of B.remind me of C.interest me D.impress me二、单项填空( )1. How about your son,Mr.Green?His temperature continues to ,and I am going to take him to the hospital.A.rise B.raise C.add D.improve( )2.His family are worried about him because they havent letters from him for a long time.A.accepted B.received C.written D.collected( )3.When I was walking past his room yesterday evening,I heard him piano.A.playing B.to play the C.playing the D.to play( )4.You shouldnt it like that.Its impolite.A.tell B.say C.talk D.tell( )5.Even Tonys granddaughter,a five-year-old girl,asked him smoking.A.give up B.gave up C.to give up D.giving up( )6.John often asks his teacher help.A.to B.with C.for D.on( )7.How much is the ticket to Central Park?A one-way ticket $40,and you can another $20 for a round-trip.A.costs;pay B.cost;spend C.pay;spend D.spends;pay( )8.The girl curly hair is yellow.A.in;in B.with;with C.in;with D.with;in( )9.The charity provides homeless people food and clothes.A.with B.for C.as D.in ( )10.How is your grandma? Shes fine.She used to TV at home after supper.But now she is used to out for a walk.A.watch;go B.watching;go C.watching;going D.watch;going( )11.Lets at the next stop,Jack.The shopping center is just there.No,problem.A.get on B.get off C.take off D.put off( )12.Do you prefer classical music pop music?Pop music,I think.A.to B.or C.the D.for( )13.Dont todays work for tomorrow.Todays work must be done today.A.put up B.put out C.put off D.give up( )14.How does Jack usually go to work?He drive a car,but now he there to lose weight.A.used to;is used to walk B.was used to;is used to walkingC.was used to;is used to walk D.used to;is used to walking三、用所给词的适当形式填空1. you (习惯于)to the weather here,Mrs.White?2.We often get (dress)at 6:00 in the morning.3.It takes me half an hour the piano every day.4. (speak)English well,I practice it every day.5.Daisy is such a good daughter that she (spend)most of her spare time with her parents.6.Nowadays students are always made (do)a lot of homework every day.Theyrereally tired.7.I used to (take) the bus,but now I am used to (walk).【 答案】1.Are;used 2.dressed 3. to play 4.To speak 5.spends 6.to do 7. Take 8.walking四、将下列句子中的汉语部分译成英语1. (使我们惊讶的是)he has changed a lot.2. (穿上)your coat,please.Its cold today.3 What about (休息一下)?Lets go for a walk.4.Dont (撒谎)to your friends,or they wont believe you any more.5.Please dont your fingers at(指着)others.Its impolite.6.Tom (长得像)his father and they both have small eyes and curly hair.【 答案】1.To our surprise 2.Put on 3.taking a rest 4.tell a lie/lies 5.point 6.takes after

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