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试卷总分198分 考试时间120分钟一.句子翻译(本题包括198小题,共198分。)1当UFO到来的时候,你在做什么?_.2If you run or shout at the party, you will have to leave. _3当我看到成绩单时,通常很紧张。_ when I see my report card.4你曾经去过太空博物馆吗?_5我从未去过水上乐园。 I _ the water park.6我在数学方面有点弱,我需要你的帮助_7Im so cold. Can I _ ( 借你的夹克 )?81.-你不介意把门关上吧?-当然不。 _.9在加拿大许多人不送大礼物给别人。他们花钱买树或其他东西来纪念一个人。 In Canada, many people dont gibe big gifts to someone else. _10那件衬衣脏了,这里有件干净的。That shirt is dirty, here is _.11琳达接电话时发生了什么事?_?12中国人对外国朋友很友好。 Chinese _ always _ foreign guests.13他四岁时会游泳吗?Could he swim_14While she _(正在通电话), Davy met another dog outside the station.15你曾经到过农场吗?_16你为什么不排队呢? Why dont you _?17你看原文电影多久了?_18汤姆shi公园里第一个放风筝的人。_19清单与包裹一并到达。A bill _ with the package.20除了安迪以外,还有谁迟到?_?21The program_(发起) by the Ministry of Education and Chinese Communist Youth League.22妈妈在我过第八个生日时给我买了一辆自行车。Mom _ me a bicycle _23她的话使我想起了过去。 _24看!有人正走过来了。那肯定是李雷。_.25晓明想在说英语国家待一段时间,提高听力。 _.26Big cities have many amusements. _27他喜欢打高尔夫球。He enjoys _.28她与我们相处融洽。She is _with us.29将来会有一天人们将飞往月球度假。One day people will fly to the moon _.30我收集贝壳是因为贝壳太漂亮了。I _ because they are beautiful.31很多人在排队买书。 _32没有人知道将来会发生什么事。 No one knows what will happen _ _ _.33我们把冰箱里蔬菜都用完了。 We _ the vegetables in the fridge.34那些人们在排队等候做什么? What are those people _?35我们都在工作。请把电视声音调小一些。_.36如果我想要保持健康必须做什么? _?37你介意关低音乐吗? _38周末总是下雨,是吗? _39The temperature was very low this early morning. _40The longest river in Africa is the Nile. _41我很苦恼,不知道怎么办?Im very upset and dont know_.42每年他们会派送一百名大学志愿者去最贫困地区教书。Every year they send 100 college volunteers to teach in_ .43我不知道该怎么办!你能给我些建议吗?(难度:B区分度:中)_44请你到那边踢球你不介意吧?Would you mind _45如果我不打扫我的房间我妈妈不会让我见我的朋友。_.46他们彼此相处的很好。_47许多中国人正在寻找方法来提高英语。 _48你看英语电影有多长时间了?_ seeing English movies?49He told me he would call me the next day. _50My math teacher _.(说我很懒惰 )51他们准备到杭州去度假。 They are going to Hangzhou _ _.52飞机起飞的时候外面正在下雨。 It was raining _.53布朗一家经常在晚饭后出去散步。_.54看上去要下雨了,是不是?_55If you bring friends from other schools, the teachers will ask them to leave. _561.He collected a lot of valuable stamps. _57Linda去年去过动物园三次。 _58插队不好。请排队等候。_.59今天天气对我来说有点热。 _60今天早上我很累。_61布朗一家经常在晚饭后出去散步。_.62-你不介意我坐在你旁边儿吧?- 一点儿也不。_.63我经常和我的朋友争论 _64孩子们对游乐场很感兴趣。Children _amusement parks.65如果他走了,将会发生什么?What _ he _.66我想告诉你我的爱好_67However,_(专业的运动员) can also have many problems68读西行漫记(Red Star Over China)是健忘小姐那天唯一没忘记的事情。_.69抄写别人的作业不是一个好主意。_.70If you bring food to the party, the teachers will take it away. _71他没有呆在家里而是去上学了。 He went to school _ at home.72What will happen_ (如果他们今天不举办晚会)73Jenny told me she was_ (十分恼火 ) your words.74可能在地球上会有可怕的战争。_.75What should I do?_76我收集有雪花的球形玻璃器有十年了。I _ snow globe for ten years.77哈维(Harvey)去剧院了。他是和蒂娜(Tina)一起去的。_. He went there with Tina.78你为什么对什么都不感兴趣?_.79你长大后想要做什么?What will you do _?80晓明想在说英语国家待一段时间,提高听力。 _81抄写别人的作业不是一个好主意。_82我问飞机什么时候起飞。_83安娜的母亲想干什么职业? _841.你见过外星人吗?_ the alien?85I hope you are all in good_(健康 )86明天是玛丽亚的生日,你为什么不做一个生日卡送给她?Tomorrow is Marias birthday. _?87If you wear jeans, we wont let you in. _88你为什么不买几盘CD呢?_ buy some CDs?89都认为你应该参加篮球比赛。 You _ to take part in the basketball match.90我没有足够的钱I _ have _ money.91.如果明天下雪,我们就去堆雪人。_,we will make a snowmen.92如果我想要保持健康必须做什么? _?93我不喜欢写信。_94你知道的一些电视连续剧是什么?What are _ you know?95红太阳在东方升起。 The sun _96做班里拔尖学生不容易。 It isnt _ the top students in the class.97他起码一星期出去一次。Hes going away for _.98我没有足够的钱。_99请和我讲讲你自己的情况。_.100我不同意你所说的。I _ what you said.101我乘坐的飞往纽约的航班从北京国际机场起飞了。 _102我姑姑和我妈妈穿的衣服一样 _103将会有更多的污染。There will _.104我打开收音机你介意吗? _105你都去过中国南方的哪些城市?_?106你收集贝壳有多长时间了?_107Who has moved my book? _108不要大声呼喊,他们会跑掉的。_.1091.我认为你应该向你的朋友借些钱。I think _from your friend.110-这本书你借了多久?-大约两星期。 _111人们会活到200岁吗? Will people _200_?112Rose looked at her mother in surprise. _113我们记录了他的口供。 114上周日,他有一段有趣的经历。 _ 115你的头型不是你的风格。 _116你曾经到别的省旅游过吗? _117作为一名学生,你不应该把你的头发染成棕色。 _118Last week we_(大吵了一架 )119雨下多久了_120我的电脑从卡车上掉下来了,恰好落在马路中间。 My computer fell off the truck and landed _the road.121人类第一次在月球上行走。 _122昨天晚上9点钟我正在看电视。 _123你为什么要看狮子呢?因为它们很可爱。 _124真正的友谊比金钱更有价值。True friendship _ more than money.125你怎么拼读你的姓?_126They rode in the back seat of the bus. _127当我到这儿时,他们已经卖完了所有的报纸。 _128I ask you to go now. _129贝克说他昨天在火边坐下来暖了暖脚。_.130你不应该和你的父母争吵。You shouldnt _.131你帮助我学习真是太好了。 Its very _ _ you to _ me _ my lessons.132你的梦想会实现的. Your dream _.133莉萨和蒂姆在和谁谈话? _134他曾有过机会出国。_135(1)Shopping hours in Britain are changing. Until a few years ago, shops opened at nine oclock in the morning and closed at half past five or six oclock in the evening.(2)Some also closed for an hour for lunch. In many towns, shops were closed on Wednesday afternoons. On Sundays, nothing was open. But now some shops are open longer hours. Some big shops and many supermarkets never close! If you need a litre of milk or some bread at midnight, you can easily buy it. (3)But not everyone thinks the new shopping hours are a good thing. Some people say that Sunday is a holiday-who wants to work in a supermarket on a Sunday. (4) But shops are very busy at the weekend and longer shopping hours are here to stay. (1) _ . (2) _ .(3) _ .(4)_ .136阅读短文并简单回答文后的问题。I Want to Be a Dustman Tom was ten years old, and he was a very lazy boy, He didnt like doing any work. He had to go to school of course, but he didnt study hard there and tried to do as little work as possible. His father and mother were both doctors and they hoped that their son would become one, too, when he grew up. But one day Tom said to his mother, When I finish school, I want to be a dustman. A dustman? his mother asked, she was very surprised. Thats not a very pleasant job, why do you want to become a dustman? Because then I would only have to work one day a week. Tom answered at once. Only one day a week? his mother said, What do you mean? And how do you know? Well, Tom replied, I know that the dustmen who come to our house on work on Thursday, because I only see them on that day. 1. What kind of boy was Tom? _ 2. What were his father and mother? _ 3. What did his parents want him to be when he grew up? _ 4. What did Tom say he wanted to be? _ 5. Why did Tom think that dustmen only worked one day a week? _1371.上个星期天的早晨9点你正在做什么?_ at 9:00 last Sunday morning?138你给我提一些建议好吗?Could you please give me _ ?139Do you mind my smoking here?_140这个老人以拾废纸为生。 _141我们把钱捐给了慈善机构。_142他告诉我下个星期他要来参观我们的城市。 _143我正在为Lana 举办一个令人兴奋的晚会。_144你为什么不和我一起去电影院呢? _145Many Americans enjoy saving time. One way theyve found to do this is shopping from home-by phone or by email.146你能为班会组织游戏吗?_147Mr Green is at a meeting in Beijing. _148Why dont you buy that red car ?_149当他们离家时,他们不知道自己该做什么? _1502. He made the suggestion that we go by train. _151How long have you been running this morning?_152我想听到大家对未来的预测。 _153自从我来到这里,我就住在大连I have lived in Dalian _.154我写完所有作业之后才开始看电视。 _155咱们给Joe打电话邀请他打网球。 _156我的堂兄与我同龄。My cousin is _ me.1571.当你给我打电话时,我正在图书馆里看书。_when you called me up.158周五晚上我们将为Lisa 举办一次令她惊喜的聚会。 _159我昨天早上起床时,爸爸还在睡觉。_.160男女应该同工同酬。 Women should get _ pay and jobs _ men.161我中学毕业后想上大学。 _162你能预测未来机器人能做什么吗? _163正在他吃饭时,电话响了。_164我想知道怎样进行网上冲浪。I wonder _.165你为什么要抄别人的作业呢? _166或许你该打电话给他,在电话里谈论这件事_167我以前从未去过水族馆。I _ the aquarium before.168你曾经去过美国吗?_ the United States? 169Did you see the posters?_170因为时间用完了,我没做完今天的作业。 I didnt finish _ my _ because I _ the time.171当那个女孩正在买东西的时候,外星人出来了。 _172If you go to the party, you will have a great time!_(173Who was the first one to start?_174When the teacher came into the classroom, we all stopped talking and laughing. 175城市的街道上满是行人车辆。The city streets _.176你曾经收到过的最好的礼物是什么? _177晚饭后散步对你的健康有益。 Taking a walk after supper _ you _.178He is not tall enough to reach the light. _179如果你没有足够的锻炼,你就会发胖。 If you dont get _, youll get weight.180Sometimes I dont have enough time to spend with my grandma.181我们两人都没去过水上公园。 _ of us _ _ _ the water park.182His clothes are the same as mine. _183对于他来说做出这道数学题很困难。 _184你能为班级晚会组织游戏吗? _185这些老照片让我想起了我们曾一起度过的校园时光。 These old photos _ the school days we spent together.186比尔.盖茨赚了好多钱,但他把很多都献给了慈善机构。 _187如果你每天吃汉堡你会发胖的。 _188We have been talking for three hours._189你认为五年后雪莱将会是什么样子?What do you think Sally _in five years?190我不知道他们什么时候回来。 _191足球在中国很受欢迎。Football _.192Please come here right away. _193看起来好像要下雨。_194请你给我一些有关学习方面的建议好吗? Could you _ me some _ English study?195如果我不打扫房间,妈妈就不会让我见朋友。_196你能赚很多钱_197老师拿走了我的手机,因为我在课堂上用了。_198我打赌这不是机器人能做的事。 _试卷答案一.句子翻译(本题包括198小题,共198分。)1What were you doing when the UFO arrived?2如果你在聚会期间跑跳、叫喊,你就得离开 3I usually get nervous4Have you ever been to the space museum?5have never been to 6Im a little weak at math. I need your help.7.borrow your watch 8- Would you mind closing the window ?-Certainly not.9They will pay for a tree or something else to help remember a person10a clean one. 11What happened while Linda was on the phone12are; friendly to 13when he was four/at the age of four14was talking on the phone 15


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