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2020年高考英语专题训练 阅读理解说明文 一 阅读下列短文 从每题所给的A B C 和D 四个选项中 选出最佳选项 Maybe it has been the influence of the current scene the hype 大肆宣传 among urban biking Apparently urban biking requires entirely different bikes than suburban biking does and therefore a Bike Design Project started where five design studios across five cities had to come up with a perfect urban bike The winning bike will be manufactured for a limited run of 100 bikes and will be in stores next year Industry a Portland based studio came up with a very interesting bike one that uses bluetooth and handlebars that tell you when to stop or turn Industry worked together with Ti Cycles to create a bike with a 3D printed titanium frame The bike is called Solid and can connect to a smart phone APP My Bike This APP alarms a user when a light needs replacement and if something gets wrong with one s brakes There is also software called Discover My City which has a series of routes through Portland s most trendy neighborhoods with suggestions about where to eat and shop Nevertheless the idea with cycling is that you need to focus on the road and not on your smart phone This bike therefore uses integrated feedback on handlebars Those handlebars tell a user when to turn as they will buzz 嗡嗡叫 when a turn appears As you are getting closer they will buzz more frequently And then there is the possibility to control your light via built in sensors and change gears 齿轮 by pressing an electronic button Although the bicycle looks highly interesting and can be seen as a piece of art for the designing world we don t know if we would like our bike to have an automatic buzz when we are approaching a turn On the other side it could add some extra safety to traffic in general Whether you like the bike or not you have to admit the Portland based studio brings the concept of urban biking to a whole new level 1 Paragraph 1 mainly talks about A the equipment that a hand made bike requires B the popularity of the winning bike in the urban area C the introduction of a newly bike in the future market D the difference between urban biking and suburban biking 2 The 3D printed bike is special in the way A it tells you where to go B it connects the computers B it limits the riding speed D goes into forest and mountains 3 What is the author s attitude to the newly bicycle A Favorable B Doubtful C Pessimistic D Objective 4 The passage is likely to appear in A A school textbook B A TV advertisement C An exhibition guide D A newspaper report 助读词汇 influence n 影响 urban adj 城市的 suburban adj 郊区的 apparently adv 明显地 manufacture vt 生产 handlebar n 车把 alarm vt 警告 replacement n 更换 route n 路线 concept n 概念 a limited run of 限量 in store 准备上市 titanium frame 钛框架 integrated feedback 综合反馈 via built in sensor 通过内置感应器 二 阅读下列短文 从每题所给的A B C 和D 四个选项中 选出最佳选项 Teens Aren t Getting Enough Sleep And Schools Are Partly to Blame Most kids are severely sleep deprived and early school starting times aren t helping Across the country only 17 7 percent of middle and high schools start classes after 8 30 a m contrary to 2014 recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics Instead the average school start time for middle and high schools around the country is 8 03 a m according to a new analysis from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention The AAP recommends that schools start after 8 30 to help teenagers get 8 5 to 9 5 hours of sleep a night the amount the AAP says is ideal Currently less than a third of high school students sleep 8 hours a night says the CDC analysis The analysis uses 2011 2012 information from the Department of Education to gather the start times of about 39 700 schools Alaska has the latest average school start time at 8 33 a m while Louisiana has the earliest at 7 40 a m Sleep deprived teenagers are more likely to suffer from depression use drugs get low grades and be overweight Even though schools often face obstacles when trying to delay school start times due to traffic and scheduling concerns some have made progress recently After Deerfield Academy in Massachusetts delayed school start times in 2008 from 7 55 a m to 8 30 a m the private school saw a number of benefits As the Huffington Post previously reported the school s 2014 viewbook noted that students earned higher grades ate more breakfasts visited the health center far less frequently and performed better in athletics Teachers reported that first period discussion classes were uncharacteristically lively from the beginning bell Half of parents whose teens attend schools that start before 8 30 would support a later start time according to a 2014 survey from the University of Michigan C S Mott Children s Hospital 1 According to the passage teens aren t getting enough sleep A schools are partly to blame B parents come to realize the problem C the authority should take actions D more health centers are being built 2 The author explains the result of sleep deprived problem by A making a comparison B using examples C presenting research findings D quoting diagrams 3 What can be inferred from the passage A The earlier schools start the higher grades students can get B All schools should start after 8 30 across the world C Nine hours of sleep a night is the most ideal choice D The lack of sleep may lead to various terrible problems 4 Where does this passage probably come from A A research report B A health guide C A class presentation D An official document 助读词汇 severely adv 严重地 deprived adj 被剥夺的 analysis n 分析 ideal adj 理想的 currently adv 目前 depression n 抑郁症 delay vt 推迟 obstacle n 障碍 previously adv 先前 之前 athletics n 田径运动 recommendation n 推荐 contrary to 与 相反 三 阅读下列短文 从每题所给的A B C 和D 四个选项中 选出最佳选项 Imagine you ve just arrived in a new place and don t know anybody yet Someone smiles at you You smile back Your heart leaps because you realize this person could be a potential new friend Your imagination runs wild dreaming of all the fun times you ll have together chewing the fat over coffee lunch and dinner You become so excited that in the first few minutes of talking you tell him her everything what you had for breakfast how nervous you re to be in this new place and how you felt when your favorite goldfish died But then you suddenly realize you ve gone too far and that there s no going back You ve committed the biggest social crime in the books you over shared Researchers have found over sharing your personal information too quickly is a kiss of death to new friendships A recent article highlights that it s possible to establish a close bond with someone in as little as 45 minutes but this is only possible when the connection is built gradually by each person sharing a little bit more of themselves in turn This theory was tested in an agreement called Fast Friends created by Arthur Anon a professor from New York In it two people were put in a room together with three sets of 12 questions The questions must be taken in order with each person taking turns to answer them Questions in the first set were mild and only slightly personal like Would you like to be famous But questions in the next set were more personal like What s your most terrible memory The final set of questions was deeply personal like When did you last cry in front of another person As Anon told If you disclose too much too fast you put someone off It s important that a relationship is built on mutual benefit and for each person to be talking A key sign you re over sharing is when you re the only one talking To be close to someone it s also necessary that you re both willing to open up but it s important that each person gives the other space and time to do so Giving away mutual information gradually is a good choice 1 To establish a close relationship with someone you should A talk as much as possible B share everything with him her C be the only one talking D give him her space and time 2 The underlined part in Paragraph 2 most probably means A Drinking tea or coffee B Talking happily and relaxedly C Eating the fat meat D Laughing happily 3 According to the passage which of the following questions is deeply personal A What is the weather like in your hometown B What is your dream in the senior high school C What do you think of our national football team D Do you remember the situation you felt stupid before your friends 4 Which can be the best title for the passage A Take Turns to Share Between New Friends B Share Everything With Friends C Be Talkative While Making New Friends D Be Friendly to a Potential New Friend 助读词汇 leap vi 跳 potential adj 可能的 commit vt 犯下 highlight vt 强调 bond n 纽带 联系 establish vt 建立 disclose vt 揭露 透露 in turn 轮流 依次 go too far 走得太远 做得过火 open up 敞开心扉 put sb off 让某人讨厌 mutual benefit 互惠互利 四 阅读下列短文 从每题所给的A B C 和D 四个选项中 选出最佳选项 Good computer skills are desirable in today s digital age and playing computer games can help children get those skills as long as they don t overdo it scientists warn The British study involved 600 teenagers over a period of two years found that those who played computer games less than once a week achieved better grades at school than ones who played them twice a day or more often The study also found that daily use of social media did not affect school performance It was clear that social media didn t have any impact I think that s more because social media is part and parcel of every child s life It s the way they communicate It s the way they keep in touch with their friends Parents increasingly complain of having difficulty getting their children away from computer games Some even seek help for their teenagers who they say are addicted to them The study did not look into addiction but suggested computer games can cause children to stay up late in the evenings making them tired and less able to focus at school the next day A longtime owner of computer game outlet in London said there is also the difference between older games and the new ones The ability to make games a lot more bigger a lot more detailed a lot more complex is here now It s going to hold their attention longer It s going to hold it a lot longer because there s always wanting to progress through the story line here s a cliffhanger 悬念 Oh my god I have to see what happens next etc Whereas again the old games they challenge more your hand eye coordination your speed your timing your reactions rather than perhaps your imagination The games industry has long claimed there is no proven link between games and addiction But the new study says additional research is needed to establish the effect of computer game playing on performance at school 1 The first sentence in Paragraph 1 infers that A playing computer games is beneficial to every student B it is definitely harmful for students to play computer games C computer skills should be mastered in the digital age D people shouldn t pay too much attention to computer games 2 According to this British study A students usually play computer games twice a day or more often B the daily use of social media affects students school performance C social media helps students have contact with their friends D computer games make students addicted to them 3 What the owner of computer game outlet said shows that A the present computer games are more addictive B the old computer games are more challenging C the old computer games help students develop imagination D the present computer games make students have quick reaction 4 What is this passage mainly about A How should students make use of computer games B A study about how computer skills affect students C Why students are addicted to computer games D A study links computer games with weaker school performance 助读词汇 desirable adj 值得要的 involve vt 涉及到 impact n 影响 increasingly adv 越来越多地 outlet n 批发店 complex adj 复杂的 reaction n 反应 coordination n 协调 digital age 数字化时代 be addicted to 对 上瘾 look into 调查 stay up late 熬夜 story line 故事情节 be part and parcel of 不可缺少的一部分 五 阅读下列短文 从每题所给的A B C 和D 四个选项中 选出最佳选项 The country of England is where the English language developed This language is now used everywhere in the world It has become the language used most on the Internet and for international trade Buckingham Palace is the home of the royal family It is in London the capital city of England which is also called Britain where a new queen or king is crowned 加冕 This special ceremony takes place at Westminster Abbey a beautiful church When Princess Diana married Prince Charles they had a wedding ceremony at another church called Saint Paul s Cathedral Since London is the capital city the Parliament Building is where government leaders do their business On one end of this building is a clock tower The large clock is called Big Ben There are other famous towers in London One is called the Tower of London and it was used as a prison Many famous people have been sent there such as a wife of King Henry IV in the 16th century Today it is a museum for tourists where you can visit to see instruments of torture There is also a display of the Crown Jewels a very valuable collection of diamonds rubies 红宝石 and other stones of great beauty Many are placed in crowns worn by the kings or queens long ago The Tower Bridge has four towers This bridge is over the Thames River This river goes through the middle of London and passes Windsor Castle another home of the royal family It is a very safe place in time of war Another famous place is the town called Stratford on Avon Stratford is the city name and the river Avon flows through this city so it means Stratford is on the Avon River It is the home of William Shakespeare the best writer of plays He wrote about 50 plays and they are still performed everywhere English is spoken There are two famous universities in England They are called Cambridge and Oxford The school name is the same as the city name so Cambridge University is in Cambridge England Oxford University is in Oxford 1 In time of war the royal family will live at A Westminster Abbey B Windsor Castle C Buckingham Palace D Saint Paul s Cathedral 2 Big Ben can be found in a tower at A the Tower Bridge B the Tower of London C Oxford D the Parliament Building 3 Shakespeare wrote many plays and the river near his home is called A Cambridge B the Thames River C the Avon River D the English Sea 4 Which of the following statements about England is TRUE A England is quite rich in sightseeing resources B Britain English is the most important language in the world C The royal family has lots of homes and travels here and there D The Tower of London was once the most frightening place 助读词汇 display n 展览 展示 perform vt 表演 international trade 国际贸易 the royal family 皇室 instrument of torture 刑具 go through 穿过 in time of 在 的时候 flow through 流经 六 阅读下列短文 从每题所给的A B C 和D 四个选项中 选出最佳选项 China is facing a reading crisis with more than 50 of people surveyed believing they don t spend enough time reading and only 20 satisfied with their reading time China Daily said According to Xu Shengguo head of the Chinese Academy of Press and Publication the country s reading rate last year was 78 6 which means that percentage of people read books periodicals or newspapers or were involved in online reading while 21 4 read nothing at all The academy launched an annual survey on the reading quantity of Chinese people in 2005 and found that each read 4 5 to 4 7 books on average per year between 2005 and 2014 Last year Chinese people read only 4 56 books compared with 12 in France 11 in South Korea 9 in Japan and about 7 in the United States In addition more than 40 of Chinese people read less than one book throughout the year outside of textbooks A training meeting on reading supported by Beijing Municipal Bureau of Press Publication Radio Film and Television was held in Beijing last week It was the first meeting for the Leading Reader project a training series for teachers officials college students and bookstore owners to promote nationwide reading It will be held on weekends during September and October In addition to factors such as the large population base in China and imbalance of regional economic development the shortage of public libraries is widespread Reading parties in the community are in need of greater promotion If we want to promote the nationwide reading rate we have to encourage more grassroots reading programs 1 What is the reading rate of China last year A 20 B 21 4 C 40 D 78 6 2 What s the training meeting held on weekends for A For promoting nationwide reading B For supporting the Beijing Municipal Bureau C For training teachers and middle school students D For advertising related books films and Televisions 3 Which is NOT the factor of the reading crisis A China has a large population base B Most Chinese people no longer like reading C Some regions have no enough public libraries D There is an imbalance in regional development 4 What does the author want to tell us A More Chinese like reading now B China faces a reading crisis at present C China has to promote the reading rate D More grassroots should be encouraged to read 助读词汇 crisis n 危机 periodical n 期刊 academy n 研究院 launch vt 发起 启动 promote vt 提升 factor n 因素 imbalance n 不平衡 grassroots n 基础 基层 be involved in 包括 on average 平均 in addition 此外 in addition to 除了 之外 regional economic development 区域经济发展 七 阅读下列短文 从每题所给的A B C 和D 四个选项中 选出最佳选项 Tips for Selecting a Summer Camp Summer camp is a time for your child to make many friends and even more memories It s a time for them to learn new things and revisit things that they already knew By following the summer camp tips you should be able to get your child into a camp that they will love and that you can be comfortable sending them too Lengths of Camp Summer camps come in different lengths For children that have never been to camp day camps will probably be better Many children are not used to being away from their parents overnight and camp can be scary Residential 住宿型的 camps can last from a week to the entire summer depending on your choice This will give your child the chance to develop their independence Type of Camp There are two different kinds of camps traditional and specialized The traditional has a little bit of everything from sports to drama If your child has a variety of interests then this may be the best way The specialized version is a little different it concentrates on one interest such as cheerleading football or arts and entertainment This kind is great for kids who love one certain activity Camp Security Every parent worries about the security of their children You should make sure that the camp that you choose has good security for their campers You must also make sure that they have plenty of camp instructors to handle the children that they are responsible for This may be one of the most important things that you need to look for when searching for your child s summer camp You are sending them there to have fun not be ignored Put their safety first The Cost When you are looking into your many options for the perfect summer experience for your child make sure that you get the total cost for their time there You need to find out if everything is included in the price of the stay or if meals some activities and transportation are extra 1 Who should choose the residential camps A Children who are young but not timid B Children who have never been to camp C Children who enjoy summer camp every year D Children who haven t been away from parents overnight 2 What can the children do in the specialized camps A Various dramas B All kinds of sports C Cheerleading or arts D Different outdoor activities 3 Which of the following is a safe summer camp A It lasts only two days B It just concentrates on football C It costs much but everything included D It has camp instructors to handle the kids 4 Why did the author write this article A To advertise some wonderful summer camps B To help the children who will attend summer camps C To encourage the parents to book summer camps for kids D To give some tips on how to choose a suitable summer camp 助读词汇

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