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沪教版2019-2020学年八年级上学期英语期中试卷D卷一、 单项选择 (共23题;共46分)1. (2分)Were your parents at home last night?No, we _ went to Grandpas birthday party.A . bothB . allC . neitherD . none2. (2分) Were you at home _? No, I was at school.A . two days beforeB . two days agoC . before two daysD . ago two days3. (2分)_does it take you to get to school?About one hour. A . How farB . How manyC . How long4. (2分)(2015四川自贡)-Tom, dont throw the rubbish on the floor. We should keep the classroom .-Oh, sorry, Miss Wang.A . cleanB . quietC . dirty5. (2分)Over 20 countries joined to search _ Flight MH370 in the southern Indian Ocean.A . ofB . forC . inD . from6. (2分)The English guest could speak _ Chinese, so she managed to talk with us. A . a fewB . a littleC . fewD . little7. (2分)Millie is _clever a girl that she has worked out_ difficult math problems. A . so; soB . such; suchC . so; suchD . such; so8. (2分)I dont think I can finish the work in a short time A . soB . suchC . veryD . too9. (2分) Remember this, children. _ careful you are, _ mistakes you will make. We know, Miss Gao.A . The more, the lessB . The more, the fewC . The more, the fewer10. (2分)The mother with her son _ at home _ that snowy night.A . were; atB . was; atC . were; onD . was; on11. (2分)Mary wanted to have a word with Tom. She had _ to tell him.A . important somethingB . nothing importantC . something important12. (2分)_ animals are in danger and there will be _ space for them if we dont take any actions. A . More and more; fewer and fewerB . Fewer and fewer; more and moreC . Less and less; more and moreD . More and more; less and less13. (2分)Look! Tom is getting the first place. _ fast runner he is! A . WhatB . What aC . HowD . How a14. (2分)Hangzhou is famous its beautiful sights A . asB . forC . ofD . to15. (2分)(2016黑龙江) Look! Whats on the ground? Oh, its my sweater. Please _ for me.A . pick up itB . pick it upC . pick it out16. (2分)Steven asked the taxi driver to driver a little _ because he had to catch the last train. A . quicklyB . the most quicklyC . more quicklyD . less quickly17. (2分)All of the jackets here are on sale. But the red one is Do you like it? A . cheapB . cheaperC . cheapestD . the cheapest18. (2分)Tom is than his brother A . tallB . tallerC . the tallerD . the tallest19. (2分)(2016恩施)Why didnt you write down what the teacher said?He spoke _ fast _ I didnt follow him.A . so; thatB . too; toC . very; that20. (2分)Our teachers allow us table tennis after class. A . to playB . playsC . playingD . play21. (2分)Johns phone number is 219-3750 A . cardB . roomC . telephone22. (2分)I failed in the exam. But my mother_ me to try again. A . keeps movingB . kept encouragingC . kept stoppingD . keeps making23. (2分)May we leave the classroom now?No, you _. You _ to leave until the bell rings .A . mustnt; are allowedB . neednt; arent allowedC . dont have to; are supposedD . cant; arent supposed二、 完形填空 (共1题;共12分)24. (12分)(2011宁波)完形填空Do you have the ability to live cheaply? Now heres a true story of an American girl, Sarah. After Sarah left university, 1began to live in New York City on her own. She 2a job in a publishing house, but the salary was less than $30,000 a year. Her parents thought her life would be hard, but Sarah could live on her 3and still saved $5,000 in a year. How was that 4in one of the most expensive cities in the world?Cheap living always starts with keeping the big cost smallFor most people, that means housing. So Sarah chose to 5 a flat with three other friends. Her next biggest cost was 6. When she ate out, she went to cheap restaurants.7she bought a $9.99 whole chicken at a local restaurant. She then 8the chicken bones(骨头)home and made soup out of them. Nowadays young people often 9a lot of money on entertainment(娱乐). But Sarah said, I enjoy walking 10 in New York City. I love going to museums and parks. Did Sarah feel poor by cheap living? Not really. She 11managed to take two trips, one to the Netherlands, the other to Portland.“Dont think of saving money as something12. Its a kind of game,” said Sarah.(1)A . he B . she C . we D . they (2)A . found B . tried C . asked for D . looked for (3)A . salary B . time C . dream D . idea (4)A . difficult B . possible C . useful D . different (5)A . buy B . sell C . stay D . share (6)A . food B . rest C . studying D . playing (7)A . Soon B . Finally C . Once D . Again (8)A . prepared B . took C . caught D . picked (9)A . pay B . lend C . spend D . save (10)A . along B . up C . down D . around (11)A . even B . seldom C . always D . never (12)A . hard B . interesting C . nice D . great 三、 阅读理解 (共2题;共16分)25. (10分)阅读理解A Menu for a Fast Food RestaurantHere is a menu for a fast food restaurant. The prices are in American money, called dollars and cents. There are 100 cents in a dollar.Main mealsSmallLargeDrinksSmallLargeHamburger2.12.6Coca cola0.60.8Hamburger with cheese2.63.1Apple juice0.81.0Chicken burger1.82.5Tea0.81.2Vegetable burger2.22.8Coffee0.71.1 Slide dishesSmallLargeSweetsSmallLargeFries0.81.2Ice cream1.31.8Salad0.91.3Apple pie(hot)1.2/Chicken wings1.51.8Jam(果酱)0.6/(1)How much does a small hamburger cost according to the menu?A . two hundred and ten dollarsB . twenty-one dollarsC . two dollars and ten cents(2)What can you buy if you have only 3 dollars?A . A large vegetable burger and a cup of coffee.B . An apple pie and a small hamburger with cheese.C . A small chicken burger and a small cup of tea.(3)What you cant find in the menu is _.A . CoffeeB . FriesC . Wine(酒)(4)A thirsty girl may ask for _.A . Coca cola.B . PancakeC . A chicken burger(5)If you order three large vegetable burgers, a small glass of apple juice, and two small cups of tea. You should pay _ for them.A . ten dollars and eighty centsB . ten dollarsC . ten dollars and forty cents26. (6分)根据短文内容,选择正确答案。Open todays newspaper. What do you see? Ads! Look through a magazine. More Ads! Turn on TV, still more ads! Everywhere you look, someone has something to tell. Here are some ways ads get us to buy.Some ads use famous people. Stars are paid to sell a product. Think about it. Do they really know about medicine? Do they know about soft drink? These people may be famous. But they may not know about what they are selling.Some ads make you think youre getting the word of an expert. They say, Doctor said. A man in a white coat comes on TV. He looks nice. I use bright and white, He says. This man looks like a doctor. But he is an actor. He has been paid to sell this product.Does soap have anything to do with a pretty child? Not much. But ads may show their product with something nice such as the sun, the flowers and so on. Such an ad is about feelings rather than facts.Ads are full of strong words, and words like new and improved have power. They can help a produce sell. The soap may be called Spring Rain. A car may be called Tiger. Strong words work on our feelings.Some ads make promise. But can they keep them? No.Some ads use our fear of being too late. Buy now! They say, Selling ends soon. Check to see if this is true. Dont hurry. Take time to think.All ads hope we will buy something, do something, or think in a certain way. Know what ads are doing. Ask questions to yourself. Dont let their words and pictures fool you.(1)Some stars appear in the ads because _. A . they know every product wellB . they are famousC . they are all expertsD . they all like white coats(2)According to the passage, we know that Spring Rain is the name of _. A . a kind of soapB . a kind of carC . a kind of medicineD . a kind flower(3)The writer thinks the words and the pictures in the ads _. A . tell us a storyB . always make us strongC . sometimes fool usD . keep promises四、 任务型阅读 (共2题;共14分)27. (5分)七选五In Thailand, people do not eat with chopsticks, like in China, Japan, and Korea. They use spoons and forks._Because most food is already cut. If you need to cut things use the side of your spoon._If you are right-handed, keep the spoon in your right hand and the fork in your left hand._The rice is not on the same plate with the other food. It is not necessary to finish all you rice or all your food. It is good to leave a little on your plate. If you eat anything, it means you want more._The host(主人)will ask you two or three times if you want more food . It is the same with whatever you are drinking. During the meal, never empty your cup or glass. When it is less than half full, your host or neighbor will fill it again._Always refill(再加满) your neighbors glass. This means that you must keep an eye on your neighbors glass all through the meal.A. They never use knivesB. Never fill your own glassC. People always offer you more foodD. People usually have rice in a different bowlE. The spoon is more important than the fork.28. (9分)(2017丽水)阅读下面的内容,按要求完成任务。Mind maps are a great way of showing a picture of information.They work very well in all kinds of learning.Here is an example to show us how to draw a mind map.To make the mind map even better,use color to show important ideas or parts of the map(1)根据上文介绍的三个步骤,将下列A、B、C、D四个选项进行排序。A. science B. school subjects C. school D. school activitiesStep 1: _Step 2:_Step3:_(2)将上述A、B、C、D四个选项组成一幅思维导图(组图时可用字母编号或所给词汇)五、 短文填空 (共1题;共10分)29. (10分)根据首字母提示完成单词。I think it is i_for children to learn how to do c_and help their parents with housework. Its not enough to just get good grades at school. Children these days d_on their parents too much. Theyre always a_“Could you get this for me?” or “Could you help me with that?” Doing chores helps to d_childrens independence and teaches them how to look after themselves. It also helps them to understand the idea of f_. S_they live in one house with their parents, they should know that everyone should do their part in k_it clean and tidy. Our neighbors son got into a good college but during his first year, he had no idea how to take care of himself. As a result, he often fell ill and his grades d_. The earlier kids learn to be i_the better it is for their future.六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)30. (5分)每个人的择友标准都是不同的, 就比如说李浩就认为朋友不必要都是相同的, 两个好朋友也可以有很多的不同点。假如你是李浩, 请根据下面表格介绍你和你的朋友Jerry。Li Hao Jerry饮食习惯爱吃蔬菜, 水果爱吃鱼, 肉锻炼很少锻炼经常锻炼,身体棒性格内向, 不爱说话外向, 开朗, 朋友多业余爱好爱看喜剧电影唱歌班级最好其他要求:1. 内容必须包括以上提到的信息, 可适当发挥。2. 条理清楚, 语句连贯。3. 至少用上一句比较级, 一句最高级。4. 词数:80词左右(开头已给出, 不算入字数)Hello! My name is Li Hao. I dont really care if 第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共23题;共46分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共12分)24-1、三、 阅读理解 (共2题;共16分)25-1、25-2、25-3、25-4、25-5、26-1、26-2、26-3、四、 任务型阅读 (共2题;共14分)27-1、28-1、28-2、五、 短文填空 (共1题;共10分)29-1、六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)30-1、

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