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上海新世纪版2019届九年级上学期英语期中考试试卷B卷一、 单项填空 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)What do you see on the playground?_ number of students are playing _ basketball.A . A; /B . The; theC . A; theD . The; /2. (2分)What time _ Lily and Lucy _ to school? A . do; getB . do; getsC . does; getD . does; gets3. (2分)_ Nice to meet you, too.A . How are you?B . Nice to meet you.C . Hello!D . Good morning!4. (2分)How long can I _ the Chinese workbook?For three weeks.A . borrowB . keepC . to borrowD . to keep5. (2分)I _ along the road when I saw Peter. So we stopped and had a chat.A . walkedB . was walkingC . would walkD . had walked6. (2分)Have you seen the TV play My Ugly Mother?Yes, its well worth_.Its _ moving that Ive seen it twice.A . seeing; tooB . to see; enoughC . seeing; soD . to see; so7. (2分)The room _ by me every day. A . cleansB . cleanC . is cleanedD . is cleaning8. (2分)The maths problems are difficult, only _ people can work them out. A . a fewB . fewC . littleD . a little9. (2分)Shall we go out for a picnic this Sunday?_A . Thats right.B . Best wishes.C . Good idea.D . Its nothing.10. (2分) What _ does Tina like? She likes dogs and tigers.A . subjectsB . colorsC . sportsD . animals11. (2分)The summer holiday is coming. Were going to have _ holiday. A . a two-monthB . a two-monthsC . two monthsD . two-months12. (2分)Could you please tell me _?Yes, go along the road and youll see it on your right.A . what I should buy for my motherB . where can I wait for the busC . how I can get to Shangdong UniverstyD . that I can go to the library13. (2分) Our restaurant serves noodles and dumplings. What do you want? A small bowl of noodlesA . takesB . providesC . produces14. (2分)They had fun _a picnic near the lake last Sunday. A . to haveB . havingC . haveD . had15. (2分)Its our first day of school and we have 1. A . LessonB . ClassC . the LessonD . the Class二、 完形填空 (共1题;共1分)16. (1分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。 Linda was staring at herself in the mirror. Shed decided she didnt like the mole (痣) to the left of her nose. Its so 1. She felt sad. Her mom, folding laundry (叠衣服) in the hallway, overheard her and poked her head into the room. Whats so ugly? This ugly mark on my face. Linda 2and pointed at it.Mom came in, setting the laundry aside. She lowered her head and looked close at the mole. 3she gave her daughter a kiss on the cheek and said, I like it, because it gives your face character. Linda pushed her mother away half-heartedly. You would think that. Besides, character is a nice way to say ugly. Linda smiled though and she liked her mothers 4to cheer her up.I have a couple of my own. You tend to get more as you get older. Mom sighed and looked into the 5You still have beautiful eyes. Though. Mine are boring brown, like most everyone else in the world, Linda said. Shed always loved her mothers green eyes.You have warm, chocolate brown eyes. They are like hot cocoa, and they are pretty, Mom smiled. Linda turned back to the mirror, touching her face. What about my nose? she said.It 6your face. Why are you running yourself down? You have a unique (独特), beautiful set of features. Stop feeling painful about little details and enjoy your youth and 7already.I just wish I was pettier. Some of my friends are so beautiful, and I feel ordinary next to them.We cant all be super models, dear. Even so, you are uniquely you- there is no one else in the world that looks like you. You have a nice mixture of dad and me in you, and I dont like hearing you knocking your looks. You are amazing, said Mom.Alright, mom. I wont complain anymore, said Linda.Mom left the room, Im done trying to8you up! Now its your turn to finish the laundry. Mom called over her shoulder.(1)A . lucky B . dirty C . ugly D . funny (2)A . agreed B . complained C . wondered D . appreciated (3)A . Suddenly B . Differently C . Exactly D . Easily (4)A . character B . chance C . standard D . effort (5)A . mirror B . door C . window D . television (6)A . meets B . gets C . gives D . fits (7)A . work B . right C . beauty D . dream (8)A . pull B . cheer C . catch D . make 三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共30分)17. (10分)阅读理解 Hello! Im Tom. Here is a photo of my friend. His first name is Mark. His last name is Hand. He is English. His school ID card number is 19922. My school ID card number is 12299. Thats interesting(有趣的). Look at the photo! He is in a black and red jacket. His backpack is blue, and his watch is yellow. A baseball is in his hand(手).His telephone number is 235-3577.(1)Tom is Marks_. A . brotherB . cousinC . friendD . sister(2)The boy in the photo is _. A . Tom HandB . Mark HandC . Tom BlackD . Hand Tom(3)Toms school ID card number is _. A . 12299B . 19922C . 19292D . 235-3577(4)Mark has a _. A . green watchB . black and red jacketC . yellow jacketD . black backpack(5)Marks backpack is _. A . yellowB . blackC . blueD . green18. (10分) When you are feeling unhappy or forget how great you are,these are six ways to make you feel good about yourself1)Look in the mirror and say to yourself,“I am a special person and theres no one in the world like meI can do anything!” It may not sound so good,but it really works !2)Do something nice for someoneHelping others always makes you feel good3)Smile! Be friendly to people you meetLook for the good things in your friends and family4)Learn something new! Have you always wanted to decorate your own room orlearn how to swim? Go for it! New challenges(挑战)are fun and give you a sense of accomplishment (成就感)when you have finished5)Read and start a diaryTurn off the TV and let your imagination(想象)fly! Write down your thoughts,dreams or anything you want! Writing always helps to express your feelings6)Stay with your familyWe all need our family timeTalk with your Mum or Dad or maybe even your cousin(1)You may see this passage in _A . a science bookB . a story bookC . a magazineD . school rules(2)According to the passage , new challenges _when you finish them.A . are funB . make you feel confidentC . are dreamsD . both A and B(3)Which of the following should you say “NO” to when you are unhappy?A . You should always look for the good things of othersB . Stay alone at home as much as possibleC . Learn something new and go for it!D . Keep a diary to express your feelings(4)The best title(标题)for the passage is_.A . Do Your BestB . Six Ways to Feel Good about YourselfC . Its Never too Late to LearnD . Always Smile to Your Life19. (10分)阅读理解 Harry is eighteen years old now. He studies in a middle school. His parents like him very much and hope he can become a famous man. So they tell him to study hard and they do all for him. They call him at six in the morning, after breakfast his father takes him to school in a car and in the afternoon, as soon as the young man comes back, the supper is ready. Of course, he never washes his clothes or goes to buy anything in the shops.Once Harrys father was sent to London on business. He would stay there for half a year. Leaving, he told his wife to take good care of their son. The woman had to get up earlier and did all that her husband did before. And two months later she was so tired that she was ill in bed. Now the young man got into trouble. He couldnt do any housework. He had to do as his mother told him. Even he didnt know where to get on the bus! Yesterday Harrys mother found his shoes were worn out and told him to buy a new pair in the shop. But he didnt know how to choose. The woman had a size and gave him a shoe pattern and told him to buy a pair of shoes himself. It was Saturday that day and Harry didnt go to school. With a policemans help, he found a shop. The shopkeeper was friendly to him. The man brought a lot of shoes and asked him to choose. When he was trying on a pair, suddenly he remembered something and took them off. The man was surprised and asked, Whats the matter, young man?Im sorry. Ive left the shoe pattern at home!(1)_ always does some housework in the morning. A . Harrys fatherB . Harrys motherC . HarryD . Nobody(2)Harrys parents do all instead of him because _. A . hes too youngB . he has poor healthC . hes busy with his studiesD . they hope he spends all time on studies(3)The woman had to look after her son by herself because _. A . her husband wasnt at homeB . she was stronger than her husbandC . she knew the young man wellD . she was freer than her husband(4)When the man was in London, _. A . Harry had to stay at homeB . Harry didnt find the bus stopC . Harry fell behind in his classD . Harry wouldnt go to school(5)The boy didnt buy the shoes because _. A . he didnt find the shoe storeB . he didnt have enough moneyC . he tried on the shoes by himselfD . he didnt believe himself at all四、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共1分)20. (1分)根据上面短文的内容回答问题(每题不超过5个单词)Dear Selina,I have some rules at my house. I have to stay at home on school nights. I have to do my homework and practice the violin. I cant watch TV. Well, I can go out with my friends on Saturday nights, but I have to be home before 9:30 p.m.What rules do you have at your house? Write and tell me about them.MollyDear Molly,I also have rules at my house. On school nights I usually cant go out. But sometimes I can do my homework at a friends house. Well, I can watch TV for half an hour before I go to bed. On Saturday afternoons, I can go shopping with my friends. I can buy my own clothes. Thats nice, right?Selina(1)Can Molly go out on school nights? (2)What does Molly have to practice at home? (3)What time does Molly have to be home on Saturday nights? (4)How long can Selina watch TV at night? (5)Who does Selina go shopping with on Saturday afternoons? 五、 根据句意, 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。 (共5题;共5分)21. (1分)I love this song My _(happy) is to meet you. 22. (1分)We often eat chicken and bread for lunch _ noon at school. (填介词) 23. (1分)Each of the _ (win) in Xuzhou Marathon can get a special gift. 24. (1分)The _ had destroyed the ozone layer and caused many changes in weather. (pollute) 25. (1分)It is_(believe)that he has told the truth. 六、 将下列句子中汉语部分译成英语,注意使用适当的形式;画线部分英 (共5题;共5分)26. (1分)根据汉语提示完成句子。(1) 这个是他的盒子吗? 是的。这是他的盒子。Is this _box?Yes. It is _.(2) 那支铅笔是你的吗? 不是。我的铅笔在这儿。 Is that pencil _? No. _is here.(3) 这些苹果是他们的吗? 不是。这些苹果是我们的。 Are these apples _? No. _are _.(4) 那是谁的小刀? 是莉莉的。一 对。是她的。 _knife is it? It;s _. Yes. Its _.(5)我们想要把他们的信给他们。_want to give _letters to _.27. (1分)这是一台高速电脑。你可以同时运行多达30个程序。 This is a high-speed computer. You can run _ _ 30 programs at the same time.28. (1分)如果你不参加选拔,你就不能加入这个队。You can7 t make the team if you dont_for it29. (1分)英译汉(1)cheer sb(2)during the holiday(3)May Day(4)take a walk(5)go sightseeing30. (1分)你正在为语文测验做准备吗?Are you_the Chinese test?七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)31. (5分)以“Lets do sports”为题写一篇作文,字数 80 字左右。第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、 单项填空 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、答案:略15-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共1分)16-1、三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共30分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、四、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共1分)20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、20-5、五、 根据句意, 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。 (共5题;共5分)21-1、22-1、答案:略23-1、24-1、25-1、六、 将下列句子中汉语部分译成英语,注意使用适当的形式;画线部分英 (共5题;共5分)26-1、26-2、26-3、26-4、26-5、27-1、28-1、29-1、29-2、29-3、29-4、29-5、30-1、七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)31-1、

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