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本文为自本人珍藏 版权所有 仅供参考Unit 11 The Hand一、教学内容:Unit 11 The Hand二、教学目标 知识目标熟练掌握本单元的单词、短语、句型和语法 能力目标能够熟练运用老师所教的阅读技巧,高效地完成阅读任务三、教学重难点重点:宾语从句难点:阅读技能的训练四、本单元重点知识:1. 单词: 本单元中单词的音、形、意2. 短语:1) feel nervous 感觉紧张2) seem disappointed 似乎很失望3) at first 首先4) play with 玩耍,和一起玩儿5) be worried about 为担心6) during the vacation 在假期里7) tell me a story 给我讲故事8) on the fourth Thursday of November 在十一月份的第四个星期四9) ask sb. to do sth. 要求某人做某事10) most of them 他们当中绝大部分人11) look forward to doing sth. 期望做某事12) hand in 上交13) thank sb. for doing sth. 感谢某人做某事 14) be made to do sth. 被要求做某事15) talk in front of the class 在全班面前说话16) go along with 赞同,符合17) night and night 一个晚上接一个晚上18) burst into tears 大哭起来19) keep back the tears 收住眼泪20) a friend of mine 我的一个朋友21) in a weak voice 用微弱的声音22) forget to do sth. 忘记做某事3. 句型:1) You seem to be very happy. 你似乎非常高兴。2) You look nervous. 你看上去很紧张。3) You are excited. 你很兴奋。4) What happened? 发生什么事了?5) I dont know whether I should tell my mother the truth. 我不知道是否该和妈妈说实话。6) I dont understand why my boss didnt let me go to America.我不理解为什么老板不让我去美国。7) I dont remember where I have put the books. 我不记得我把书放哪里了。8) The teacher asked whose hand it was. 老师问这是谁的手。9) It is their custom to give thanks to God for the harvest. 他们的风俗是感谢上帝给予他们的收获。10) A teacher of an elementary school asked her first graders what they were thankful for. 一位小学老师问她的一年级的学生们他们有什么需要感谢的。11) She asked them to draw a picture of it. 她让他们把所感谢的东西画出来。12) Their families could hardly provide them with a big dinner for the holiday.他们的家庭几乎不能为他们提供节日大餐。13) She wondered how little they had to be thankful for.她在想他们想感谢的东西太少了。14) She knew that most of them would draw pictures of turkeys on tables because they had looked forward to having turkey for a long time.她知道学生中的大部分人都会画桌上放着的火鸡,因为他们早就盼望着吃火鸡了。15) The teacher was surprised and puzzled by the picture that Jack handed in a hand, a simple childishly drawn hand!当老师看到杰克交上来的画时,却吃了一惊,他画的是一只手,一只简单的、出自孩子之手的手。16) When others were back at work, the teacher bent over Jacks desk and asked whose hand it was, “Its your hand, teacher,” he said in a weak voice.当其他孩子回去画画时,老师在杰克的桌子旁边弯下腰来问他画的是谁的手。杰克小声说:“这是您的手,老师。” 五、本讲重点知识讲解1. A friend of mine told me a story about Thanksgiving, a holiday Americans celebrate on the fourth Thursday of November. It is their custom to give thanks to God for the harvest. A big dinner is prepared, and turkey is usually the main dish.我的一个朋友给我讲了一个感恩节的故事。美国人在11月的第4个星期四庆祝感恩节。他们的风俗是感谢上帝给予他们的收获。在这一天,人们准备了丰盛的晚餐,其中主要的食物是火鸡。a friend of mine 我的一个朋友tell me a story 讲故事a big dinner is prepared 大餐已经准备好2. One Thanksgiving Day, a teacher of an elementary school asked her first graders what they were thankful for. She asked them to draw a picture of it. These children were from poor neighborhoods. Their families could hardly provide them with a big dinner for the holiday. She wondered how little they had to be thankful for. She knew that most of them would draw pictures of turkeys on tables because they had looked forward to having turkey for a long time. The teacher was surprised and puzzled by the picture that Jack handed in a hand, a simple childishly drawn hand!有一次在感恩节那天,一位小学老师问她一年级的学生们他们有什么需要感谢的。她让学生们把所感谢的东西画出来。这些学生都是从贫困街区来的,他们的家庭几乎不能为他们提供节日大餐。老师在想他们所能感谢的东西太少了。她知道学生中的大部分人都会画桌上放着的火鸡,因为他们早就盼望着吃火鸡了。但是当老师看到杰克交来的画时,却吃了一惊,他画的是一只手,一只简单的,出自孩子之手的手。ask sb. to do sth. 要求某人做某事most of them 他们当中的绝大部分人look forward to doing sth. 期望做某事hand in 上交3. But whose hand? The class was excited by the strange painting. “I think it must be the hand of God that brings us food,” said one child. “it must be the farmers hand,” said another, “because he raises turkeys.”但这是谁的手呢?这幅奇怪的画令全班都很兴奋。一个孩子说:“我觉得这一定是给我们带来食物的上帝之手。”另一个孩子说:“这一定是农民的手,因为他饲养火鸡。”I think it must be the hand of God that brings us food,”must be.一定是raise turkeys 养火鸡4. Finally, When others were back at work, the teacher bent over Jacks desk and asked whose hand it was, “Its your hand, teacher,” he said in a weak voice.最后,当所有的孩子回去画画时,老师在杰克的桌子旁边弯下腰来问他画的是谁的手。杰克小声说:“这是您的手,老师。” 5. She remembered she had taken Jack, a poor shy child, by the hand several times. She often did that with the children, but is meant so much to Jack. Perhaps this was everyones Thanksgiving, not for the material things given to us, but for the chance, in whatever small way, to give to others.她想了起来,有好几次她都拉着这个既贫穷又腼腆的孩子杰克的手,对其他孩子,她也经常这么做。但这对杰克竟有如此重要的意义。或许,这是每个人的感恩节,感谢的不是给予我们物质上的东西,而感谢的是这样一个机会无论以怎样微不足道的方式去感谢其他人。【典型例题】从下列各句所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. Have you heard of the news about Jane and Li Lei?News? No, I havent. Tell me about _.A. them B. her C. it D. him2. Who is your favorite table tennis star?Zhang Yining. She _Wang Nan in womens singles(女单) at the 10th National Games.A. beat B. won C. beated D. lost3. The guide has _. She will show them to us.A. some old paper B. some beautiful pictures C. some special food D. a new jacket 4. Who is Ren Changxia?A great policewoman. She always thought _ of others than herself.A. more B. much C. less D. most5. As a good teacher, Mr. Cao often says, “I _ one million smiles in my heart _one million dollars in my pocket.”A. like, less than B. dont like, but C. prefer, to D. prefer, than6. Has the match started? Started? Finished! Wang Liqin _ it.A. wins B. is winning C. will win D. won7. How do you like the two pairs of shoes?They dont fit me well. They are _ too big _ too small.A. not only, but also B. both, and C. neither, nor D. either, or8. _ will foreign students be back from Kenya? In two days, I think.A. How often B. How far C. How soon D. How long 9. I hear well have a new biology teacher this term.Really? Do you know _?A. where he comes from B. which subject he teaches C. that he is a biology teacher D. what classes does he teach10. What is Mum cooking in the kitchen?Chicken, I guess. How nice it _!A. looks B. smells C. tastes D. sounds11. How about your parents?So far there _ no word from them. A. is B. has been C. will be D. was12. The math problem isnt easy for Jack to work out, is it?_.A. No, it is B. Im afraid notC. I dont think it is D. Yes, it is13. Have you heard the news about Typhoon Khanun(卡努)?Yes. It hit East China. In Shanghai, all the schools _ for a day on September 11, 2005. A. were closed B. are closed C. close D. closed14. Must I return the book tomorrow morning?No, you _. You _ keep it for three days.A. mustnt; may B. mustnt; must C. neednt; must D. neednt; can 15. Its nearly ten oclock. Its time for you to go to bed, Jenny.OK._, Mum.A. Goodbye B. Good evening C. See you D. Good night

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