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2014年七年级英语上册第二单元测试题 姓名_ 成绩_一单元语法回顾 1.形容词性物主代词:我的_你的_男的_女的_动物_别忘了 (用her his my your its填空)2. be动词的用法口诀:我(I)用_, 你(you)用_ ,_连着他她它(he/she/it)。单数名词用 _,复数名词全用_,变否定,很简单,在_ _ _后面把_加。 变疑问,往前移句末问好莫丢弃。3.缩写thats_ whore_ whos_ theyre _二、指示代词this / these这/这些。一般用来指时间或空间上较近的事物。that / those那/那些。一般用来指时间或空间上较远的事物。Thisismyfriend.复数_.Thatismybrother.复数_2._: father or mother _: father and mother父母(双)亲3. thanks for your my family photo 谢谢你的家庭照 4. A photo of my family = _5 in the first /next photo _ 6. family tree _7. in my family_ 8. Have a good day! 愿你们(一天)玩得高兴!三句型:1.介绍他人1) This / That is这那位是_ _ mi friend Jane.这(位)是我的朋友简 _ _. my grandfather那(位)是我的祖父。2)These / Those are这那些是_ _ my brothers. 这些是我的兄弟。 _ _. my parents那些是我的父母。3. Whos she? - _. 她是我妹妹。Whos he? - _. 她是我哥哥。Whore they?- _ _.my grandparents他们是我的祖父母。Whos = Who is Whore = Who are Shes = She is Hes = He is Theyre =They are4.Here are two nice photos of my family.这有两张我家人的漂亮照片。Here are 表示“这是;这(儿)有”,用于介绍或引入话题.Here is 来表示单数的概念。_. 这是你的书。5.Is this/that .?作肯定与否定回答:Yes,_ _ No,_ _ Are these/those .?作肯定与否定回答:Yes,_ _ No,_ _单元测试题一、找出画线部分读音不同的单词。(10分)( ) 1. A. tea B. meat C. weather D. beach ( ) 2. A. back B. fast C. have D. map ( ) 3. A. book B. moody C. look D. cook ( ) 4. A. go B. no C. cold D. Hot( ) 5.A. like B. lion C. pizza D. Friday二、单项填空。(15分)( ) 1. -Whats this in English ? -_a pen.A. This is B. Thats C. Its D. Its( ) 2. Joy is English . She is _English girl.A. a; an B. /; an C. an ;/ D. /; a( ) 3. Is that your pen ? _A. Yes, its B. Yes, it is C. Yes, thats D. Yes, that is( ) 4. Where is my teacher ? -I think _is at home .A. she B. her C. his D. me( )5.-_-She is thirteen.A. How old are you B. How old is Amy C. how old is Tom D. How old is Mr Green( )6._is678-9435.A.MynamesB.HistelephoneisC.PhonenumberD.Herphonenumber( )7.Ihaveeraserandtwo .A.a;pencilsharpenersB.a;pencilsharpenerC.an;pencilsharpenersD.an;pencilsharpener( )8.Callme13094527658.A.with B.in C.on D.at( )9._,isthisyourdictionary?A.Sorry B.Excuseme C.Thankyou D.Hello( )10.Isthispictureyourfamily?A./to B.a;of C.theat D.anfor( )11.MrBrownsbooks?A.Isthis B.Isthat C.Arethat D.Arethose( )12. -What are those? -_. A. They are apple trees. B. They are apples trees C. Those are apple trees D. Those are apples trees( )13._ friend is a Japanese boy. A. He B. He is C. His D. Hes( )14. -_ your book? -Yes, thank you. A. Whats B. Is this C. Are these D. Wheres( )15. Thanks _ your family photo A. of B. from C. for D. to三、用所给的词的适当形式填空。(10分)1.Thisisabird,(it)nameisPolly.2.(she)sweaterisontheclothesline.3.Theyare(China)girls.4.Hi,Lucy.Nice(see)you!5. _ is a girl, _ name is Li Fang. (she)6. Whats _ ID number? (you) 7. My _ brother is my uncle. ( father) 8. -Who_(be) they? Li Ping and Yang Mei. 9. _ is my grandmother. (those) 10. _ answer is wrong .(Tom) 四、句型转换。(26分)1. This is his parent. (变成复数形式) _ _ his _.2. That is her photo.(变一般疑问句) _ _ her photo?3. They are my uncles. (变成否定形式) They_ _ my uncles.4. She is my cousin.( 变同义句) She is my aunts_. 5. Are those your sisters? (做肯定回答) _,_ _.6. Is he your grandfather? (作否定回答) _, _ _.7.This is not my sister.(缩写句子) _ _ my sister.8. Those are erasers. (改成单数形式) _ _ _ _ _.9. Whos that girl? (用Mary回答) _10. That is a pen. (改复数) _11.You, do, game, how, spell?(连词成句 _12.My friends are fine.(对划线部分提问) _ _ your friends?13.Is this your computer?(改为肯定陈述句) _ _ your computer.五、 完形填空。(10分) Look _1_ this picture. It _2_ a photo of my pencil case. _3_ eraser _4_pens, a knife, a ruler_5_ in it. The books are on the bed. What color is the computer? Oh, its _6_. Where _7_my backpack and jacket? Oh, they are _8_ the wall. Where _9_I? Im _10_ school.( )1. A. at B. inC. onD. of ( )2. A. am B. is C. areD. /( )3. A. A. B. AnC. TheD. /( )4. A. AB. AnC. TwoD./( )5. A. amB. isC. areD. /( )6. A. a redB. redsC. my redD. black( )7. A. amB. isC. areD. /( )8. A. in B. onC. atD. of( )9. A. are B. inC. isD. am( )10. A. at B. inC. onD. for六、阅读理解。(20分)(A)Hello, everyone, Im Xing Fei. Im from China. My family name is Xing. I live in Bei Jing. My family is very large. In my family, my grandfathers father is the oldest one. He is now ninety-nine years old. My grandfather is eighty years old. And my grandma is eighty-two yeas old. They have four children, my uncle, my father, and my two aunts. Im their grandson. My parents have two children, my sister and me. And I have four cousins. Now, Im a student in No. 10 Middle school. And my sister is only five years old. My parents are both teachers. They love my family very much. So they work hard. We go to the park every morning. My mother says that it can help us keep healthy.( )1. How many cousins does Xing Fei have? A. fiveB. four C. tenD. no( )2. How old is his grandmother? A. 80B. 82C. 99D. 5( )3. Xing Feis parents are _. A. teachersB. teacherC. studentsD student( )4. Is Xing Fei a boy or a girl? A. Yes, she doesB. No, he doesnt C. A boy D. A girl( )5. Xing Fei has _ uncle _ aunts A. one; twoB. two; oneC. three; oneD. one: three(B)My name is Tina. Im in Class 4, Grade 2. Im in Row 2. Kate is my friend. She is in my class, too. She is in Row 1. My father has a beautiful car. The number is B047968. Her father has a beautiful car, too. The number is E0double 4double 95. Her father often drives her to my home. We are good friends. We are both fifteen.根据短文内容选择正确答案。( )1Are Tina and Kate both students?ANo, they arent. BNo, they are.CYes, they arent.DYes, they are.( )2What row is Tina in?AShe is in Row Four. BShe is in Row Two.CShe is in Row One. DShe is in Row Three.( )3Whats the number of Kates fathers car?AIts B047968 BIts E032143.CIts B032146.DIts E044995.( )4How old is Tina?AShe is fifteen. BShe is thirteen.CShe is fourteen. DShe is twelve.( )5Whats the number of Tinas car? Its _.AB, zero, three, two, one, four, threeBE, zero, six, four, two, eight, fourCB, zero, four, seven, nine, six, eightDE, zero, seven, seven, nine, nine, five七、写作。(9分)介绍自己的家庭,不少于四十单词。_55


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